That was fast
Other urls found in this thread:
Sunglasses and signs are decadence; off to the gulag
soon they are going to start killing us at rallies lord knows they have tried. This is literally the rallying cry. Things are about to get worse.
We is this hate speech allowed?
When do we consider these crackers as terrorist?
They look so strong hiding behind their sunglasses and masks.
Antifa is not just a bunch of edgy childr-
Fascism is, objectively, more liberal than communism
Who said the Left was deranged?
why do they think this is going to work out for them? This isn't edgy punk rock posturing anymore, it's real violence against people.
God damn they're so hard-up to live out their fantasies of being grand revolutionaries that they've lowered the bar to include bland ass run-of-the-mill Republicans.
Das right white boi. BASH THE FASH. You turds are next.
>imblying burgers of every political origin won't just go back to eating fast food and spreading HPV and that this lone wolf attaq means fucking anything of the sort to the genetic waste that is antifa
My favorite:
the left is the new right. Like Hitler in reverse. Instead of killing everyone who's different, they want to let everyone in who's different and create a caucasian holocaust.
If they cross the line into Domestic Terrorism, may God have mercy on their souls.
So its civil war then right?!
They've claimed responsibility like ISIS so they have ousted themselves as a terrorist organisation as we have all accused them of being (rightfully so).
So will the government do something or is it civil war?
>Scalise is a Fascist/Racist
People actually believe this
John Brown Gun Club here. We trained this guy to the highest of standards and you can see the training paid off. We have at least 3 more people who are almost as good of marksmen. You've been warned Nazis.
Basically this, faggot. They just crave to have a boot firmly planted upon their face so their adolescent rebellious rage against authority can finally be justified.
>shilling this hard
How Castro doing in Cuba Comrade
why arent you in Venezuela propping up maduro right now?
So are we going to label them as a terrorist group now?
Not trying to ruin the party but this twitter account is a troll account. These antifags are dumb but not THAT dumb.
Weak ass LARP, pussy nigga
My name is Lt. user Raine and I'm putting together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers. Eight Sup Forums-American soldiers. Now, y'all might've heard rumors about the happening happening soon. Well, we'll be leaving a little earlier. We're gonna be dropped into Antifa, dressed as Commies. And once we're in enemy territory, as a bushwhackin' guerrilla army, we're gonna be doin' one thing and one thing only... killin' Commies. Now, I don't know about y'all, but I sure as hell didn't come down from the goddamn Smoky basement, cross five thousand posts of shit, fight my way through half of T_D and jump out of a fuckin' thread to teach the Commies lessons in humanity. Commies ain't got no humanity. They're the foot soldiers of a Freedom-hatin', mass murderin' maniac and they need to be dee-stroyed. That's why any and every son of a bitch we find wearin' a Antifa uniform, they're gonna die. Now, I'm the direct descendant of the Veterans of Meme and Winter Wars. That means I got a little Spurdo in me. And our battle plan will be that of a troll resistance. We will be cruel to the Commies, and through our cruelty they will know who we are. And they will find the evidence of our cruelty in the disemboweled, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And the Commies won't not be able to help themselves but to imagine the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heels, and the edge of our knives. And the Commie will be sickened by us, and the Commie will talk about us, and the Commie will fear us. And when the Commie closes their eyes at night and they're tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done, it will be with thoughts of us they are tortured with. Sound good?
Can someone explain to me how Scalise is a Fascist?
>50 rounds fired
>0 kills
>highest of standards
wew me lads
He's a White CisHet Conservative Republican Male. What else is to it?
This is actually a very significant Tweet. I don't see this being ignored.
That's a breddy gud pasta, I bet it would make the trannies at r/anarchism lose their shit.
You trained him so well that he had an open field of unarmed people fired 50 rounds and didn't manage to kill anyone but himself. Great job.
You obviously don't know who John Brown was
might wanna look some place else. Sup Forums keks aint known for reading all that crap.
Is that another troll Antifa account?
Someone needs to do a cut of antifa looking all bad ass in their masks and on the march with some heavy ass music in the background, and then every 10 seconds or alternate to showing Eric Clanton speeches where it's clear he's an effeminate little bitch, or that fat, chipmunk faced fucker or any of their dozens of trannies.
Amazing, is it not? How many hundreds of incidents over the last few months has there been?
>mfw normies on twitter see this and become more right wing
That's Cronulla in Australia..
God you fucking Americans are dumb.
They are basically out campaigning for the people they hate. For free.
He was an abolitionist that killed people. I don't see the relation to the ratio of shots fired to people killed.
Because he fucking sucked at it
Antifa thinks fascists are:
-leftists who don't support anarchy/violence
-advocates of free speech
-white males
you could have stopped at white
Has anyone reported them to the police yet?
Ah, it was a joke that flew right over my head. I guess I need to brush up on my history.
That is literally a troll account run by Sup Forums posters
Sure is summer
Not in this timeline I'm afraid.
And now you realise that @OfficialAntifa is actually run by young republicans..
A cuckservative Republican who voted to remove Confederate flags no less.
This is just an example of Red Terror in action. You can't appease commies, because they'll just eventually decide you're "not communist enough" and execute you too.
Yeah not like you brave Sup Forumstards, fighting from the dangerous anonymous position
Don't you have a wall to jump across or some drugs to smuggle
skittles here has a point
Are these guys oblivious to the results? So far only the shooter is dead while the facists are alive.
At least when I was deployed the Taliban knew how to fight. Jesus.
These people believe that anyone to the right of Chairman Mao is a fascist.
A real paradigm shift desu.
I'm not saying they were ever the good guys. At best they've always been the good goys. But it's just legitimately degraded to this current state, and it's really, really fucking pathetic. Regression to the mean is real. Physiognomy is real. Everything Heartiste said was real.
Do you really think the leader of the national socialist party was right wing you ignorant little cumstain?
I'm just on here for laughs. Those guys have an actual agenda that they are trying to push
Insane Clown Posse's fans are deemed a gang but these assholes who actually attack people get to continue to pull their bullshit? Drop the hammer tomorrow AG Sessions!
Can we just get on with the civil war already? We could crush these faggots in an hour.
The first thing I thought was this today
People only pegged fascism as a far right ideology because of how far it exposed the political spectrum as a facade desu. I say this as a non-fascist.
I believe it was Noam Chomsky who warned against engaging the Right with violence, because we're "Better at it".
Fake anarchists are gonna wish they'd listened.
Found the Juggalo fag.
When are the anti-fa "commies" going to realize republicans are harmless and propablly even allys against facsism.
This is Donald Trump's fault, obviously.
We should do everything they want so we don't force them to resort to violence.
>"Do you really think the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is anti-democracy you ignorant little cumstain?"
>FDR stole the label of the philosophy of liberty and bestowed it on the progressives – the party of the state, the party of government, the self-proclaimed political enemies of classical Liberalism and of limited government. It was a knockout punch, and it left the proponents of the philosophy of liberty without a name.
Kekistan Will Rise, Anifa Will Melt
Soon we will have to kill these people to save the west, if we don't, our entire civilization will collapse on itself thanks to these braindead morons.
democrats are fascists
hitler was a democrat
fascism is left wing
Stan is a Persian-Arabic word. Stop appropriating cultures, shitlord.
>because they'll just eventually decide you're "not communist enough" and execute you too.
And people wonder why Communists and Muslims work together. They have so much totalitarian aspects in common. The only major difference is Allah/noAllah
Fascism: Government control of industry through industry leaders
Communism: Government control of industry through government bureaucrats
And everything else of course.
Communism and Fascism are just two points on the line far, far from freedom.
I hope both get gassed tbqh famlam. Them for being genetic waste, and kekistan out of cringe, faggotry and stupidity.
Communists are for gun rights.
Communists want to give all power to the working class not the state.
When they become a cohernet organization and not a ton of looseley connected groups of liberals.
Venezeula isn't a socialist planned econemy and never has been. It contains many private corparations.
>ITT: Fucking morons who believe this faggot ass OP'S bait and his amateur shop image with Scalise added to it.
>Communists want to give all power to the working class not the state.
lol yeah...eventually. At some point in the future which never comes because the commies who got control will never give it up willingly.
>implying only economics matters
Communism is a globalist internationalist system that seeks to smash all borders, heirarchies, traditions and beliefs. Fascism is a right wing traditionalist movement that seeks to preserve culture, identity, and nationhood.
What is useful about freedom?
She looks part black. Like genetically.
The state is supposed to be a state ruled by the proletariat with direct democracy and no leaders and so on and so on.
>political discussion
>Fascism is a right wing traditionalist movement that seeks to preserve culture, identity, and nationhood.
Hearty kek. Fascism is the nanny state run amok.
>globalism and internationalism are the same meme
Independent points of control at all possible variables.
Think like how one of us is never smarter than all of us.
>Communists are for gun rights.
objectively, provably wrong
>Communists want to give all power to the working class not the state.
objectively, provably wrong
Venezeula isn't a socialist planned econemy and never has been. It contains many private corparations.
objectively, provably wrong
Pls have cancer
>America fought the Nazis for 4 years
America fought the Communists for 41, more than ten times as long.
Fuck off Antifa shits.
they are allies with BLM, who already shot multiple police officers and beat and killed thousands over the last two years
BLM sympathizers kidnapped and tortured a retard and live streamed it
they killed that guy in berkeley by beating his brains out with a shovel
and so on
let's face it, the left already is fighting a low level insurgency and prepping for an american spring, they're one incident away from martial law the way i see it
>a state ruled by the proletariat with direct democracy and no leaders
>no leaders
holy fuck commies are literally incapable of coherent thought
To the contrary, fascism is empowering. It gives the people a nation to defend their interests, culture, and beliefs
Supposed to be, yes. The end result of the utopian communist society is literally anarchy, but a sort of...trained anarchy.
Like that shit would ever, ever happen short of complete global population collapse.
>Doesn't understand that communism in practice turns into either various forms of monarchism depending on who's in charge or crony capitalism x1000 where companies connected to government and gangs control food
I'm trying to break it down simply for you. It's even easier than that but if you don't get it maybe it's time to fire up the rotors.
Notice how Twitter is 100% fine with this.