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if islam was created by whites, you people wouold consider it the moost red pilled religioon there is



i'm thinking chemical , maybe biological , certainly not nuclear

Muslims kill gays.


alas it wasnt so its not


countries in the south report when they have been raped/have western support and western medicine so they can actually be tested.

In the north everyone has a stigma about sex outside of marriage and nobody reports rape (rarely) and if the husband has aids then the wife just has the deal with it and is never diagnosed.

your welcome


fuck off you stupid sandnigger, nazis are the true muslims you fucktard

hitler himself loved islam

Islam is a white mans religion

islam is semite filth

You blow yourselves up to get laid in "paradise". So we'll never know for sure.

It's not about Religion, but Race. All Reigions draw from the same spirit.

Congrats, Nathan the wise, you figured out how enculturation family and tribalism work.

>top half of africa is shit
>bottom half of africa is shit for a different reason
woah... really made me think.

Traitor, islam is a white mans religion

you are from israel arent you ?

Easy, Muslims fuck goats while blacks fuck monkeys. AIDS put up since blacks eat monkey meat, fuck monkeys, or a coalition of governments released a virus to reduce the African population. Take your pick.

semite religion

You're a fucking idiot. The grey represents areas where "data is not available", not where AIDS doesn't exist.

fuck of you desert dweller , allah isn't real go blow urself up

Christian Africans literally eat albinos. They aren't better and probably kills gays too

>western medicine
>they literslly believe raping toddlers will cure their aids

Kek at you racists defending Africans tho. I guess your Christian faith means more than race. Beautiful really

nigs rape, muslims bomb

isis the cure for aids niBBa

>being proud of africa
wew lad

We already do

Christianity is a white religion. Everything but it's aesthetic is European. The reason the church schism'd twice primarily along ethnic lines is because people project their ideas onto what they learn, pagan converts to Christianity just switched which God they prayed to, they didn't change a whole lot fundamentally about their thought.

I suppose STDs are less likely to spread when you restrict the people you have sex with to family members

i'll blood eagle u

It is obvious that Muslims kill anyone who contracts hiv, because the disease is affiliated with homosexuality.

christianity is also bullshit

there is only nature

One of the major parts of islam is teaching basic cleanliness, just like christianity.

All Africans are homophoebic af. Doesn't matter if they are Christian, Muslim or pray to stone idols. You pol shits forgot about "dey eaat the poopoo"?

Sucks either way, got it.

I'd rather have some Christians in my community that volunteer to make my town a better place, rather than some faggot named Moon-Song, who reeks of fuckin' patchouli and asks to borrow my dvds.

You're right, but it wasn't.

How do you know that there's only nature? Moreover, nature is God in Christianity, it doesn't actually say that much about a supernatural, and where it does it's much more useful to read it as an analogy to nature than a literal fact.


I never said that they had to be gay, but the disease is affiliated with homisexuality. Therefore, they have violated the law! Choose which rooftop to be thrown from, or to be beheaded!

i rather have neither

You are seriously fucking retarded jesus christ

hospitals are haram, if u dont get tested then u dont have aids

look how many last-hospitals in aleppo got bombed

>north stones your women for showing skin
>south rapes your women...for being there

Wow what a choice! I love Islam. What a tolerant religion I want in my country.

then why the fuck do we need christianity for anyways?

fuck churches , fuck praying , fuck all that nonesense

>purposefully separating muslims and aids by greying out each portion
>as if the islamic world isn't aids ridden

I'd rather have a "semite religion" white then a pagan black. You pagans are just like fundalmentalist Christians in the other direction

Circumcision reduces the transmission of HIV

We don't need Christianity specifically, but it really helps a lot if people have a code of morals to follow.

change the one on the right to show prevalence of niggers. got nothing to do with islam

>no evidence to support claim, just another nobody who was forced to go to church as a get and unironically thinks dawkins is a luminary

i'm not a pagan , i don't worship anything , i don't believe in fucking thor , i like technology

because otherwise it wod be chaos

and we don't want that now do we?

There's overlap between the two silly goose. Niggers correlate with Aids. Most nigger countries aren't moslem but some are.

islam is semitic in nature , i never went to church , dawkins is a faggot

Durka Durka

I'm glad you understand.

Somalia, Senegal, Eritrea, Gambia, Mali and more are Muslim black and aids-freeNo christianity promotes aids brother

>Mexicans are ppl!
>Musliims welcome in France!

Can't make this shit up

do you?

>Having food laws
>Being red pilled
pick one

I'm not a Christian and I never went to church

*tipping intensivies*

doo doo


muhammad jihad

i lied about not believing in anything tho , i just want to keep u in ignorance

let hat tip

>aids free
mali ranks 30th in the world for aids

u don't , otherwise y wod u even


We are allies of the Arabian people

Get ready for a big redpill

lmfao u ain't even being ironic are jew?

>won't openly declare what he believes because he knows he'll get btfo

Wow you sure showed me

Filthy ancap wants to make his loli fantasies come true. Fucking degenerate get back to your containment general /lrg/ and larp about you shit ideology.


Surely it must be refugees from aids infested countries fucking up the stats

Sounds like Mormonism and life in Rural Appalachia to me.

i don't want to convert u , convict

hahaha epic meme my fellow pede

nuthing wrong with lolis mane

Mohammed was white. The Hadiths make this clear.

But it's not a white religion now, and hasn't been for millennia.

>Aleppo bombings

Now we push norther Africa into southern Africa they rape the poeple thier they all die hiv

>tfw come from free german setteler stock

Show me your flag amerifat

lmao do u even care about the truth? racial religions are a jk

>Red pilled

Pedophilia is more Jewish than a menorah made of Gevelta fish

Neither was Christianity.

just because ragheads don't have high rates of AIDS doesn't mean they're a bunch of subhuman degenerates.

It's sloppy.

Islam doesn't enforce polygamy in any way shape or form.

pedophilia is a human thang , popular among whites since the dawn of time

It's segregation.

Yep and if Tom the american Christian was born in Afghanistan he'd be Ahmed the Muslim no matter how much he believes "muslims are stupid and jesus is the true saviour."

Muslims are more retarded but agnosticism is the real red pill.

are u an atheist?

Ahhhh now I see why your a fedora

Lots of angry parents in that world, boyo.

are you fucking retarded?

the black pill is the real red pill

No, the closest thing to my spiritual beliefs is an Omnist

u don't c much i can assure u