Marina Abramovich: Satan

I have a theory, and it's just a theory. Im starting to believe Marina Abramovich, the notorious "Spirit Cooking" artist is the Fallen One, the one they call Rain Man: Lucifer. The more I dig into her, the more I find her quietly connected to the famous and elite.
I think Marina Abramovich is Satan.

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>Be me
>Go to MoMA with ex-girlfriend many moons ago
>Walk in, get tickets, very first exhibit is some old lady in a red dress sitting in a chair
>People were sitting across from her and they would stare at her, she would stare back
>Watch people sit with her, very fascinating but also stupid, get as close as I can to her without being one of the sitters, she doesn't even blink, really fucking odd.
>Think to myself "Holy shit, this really sets the tone for what kind of 'art' I'll be seeing."
>Fast forward to current year, Podesta emails leak
>Spirit cooking chick enters the public consciousness, start researching her
>Realize she was the cunt at the MoMA all those years ago

Probably not. If she were the Devil her past would be shrouded in mystery and there'd be almost no documentation on her.

Literally Satan

shes human there's a gay touchey feely video of her crying cause her converse wearing G of an ex showed up probably to remind her that's she's mentally ill and missed out on him

Reminder Satanists are right and drinking childrens blood really does make you young, take the bogpill:


Now what do you think about this theory since you've seen her up close in person?

Ye shalt smite thee.

she is a witch and a magician but is not satan.

Close. Shes a Hapsburg and Rothschild spy/priestess. They are located around the world and run cults through art galleries and punk bars. They have been doing it for centuries.

They traffic children and the good ones often mingle with politicians, targeting lobbyists and gaining influence by extorting them.

Swedenborg, Rasputin, Blavatsky, Crowley, Jagger, Wayne Coyne, Jeff Koons, Louise Bourgeois were/are all members.

I will just say this: Jim Morrison was a time travelling user.

>Soul Kitchen
>Spirit Cooking

>Peace Frog

Show me the way to the next little girl, skippy.

She's definitely pretentious

isnt she like 70? bitch barely looks 45, infant blood sure is good for your complexion

let's see... Kenite... Khazar... Talmud(ic)... Kabbalah... maybe one of the helper dragon reptile demons... But Yeshua/Jesus trumps (((her))) and any of that silly LARPing...

Satan wouldn't act like "Satan"......That would mean he would have to vote Republican. So he doesn't vote at all.

She seems a bit sad.

Trying to be an edgy artistè while hanging out with the cheesiest of lowbrow celebrities. It's a bit of a giggle really.

The art world has become a major cheese factory. Anyone suckered into paying more than $100 for a piece of modern art is being hornswoggled by crafty jews.

Nah pic related was the last incarnation of Satan


the "Mark of Cain" perhaps? since Cain was the offspring of the serpent(nachash). Is the "nose knows" the actual "Mark of Cain"?

Lucifer is much more beautiful in appearance. This hag, despite not looking quite her age, is still a big nosed, euro-trash twat.

Shes closely related to him and is one of his immediate descendants if Im not mistaken.

You are an idiot then.

Lucifer sort of detests humans (mostly because he thinks we are entitled little fucks) but he isn't masquerading as some crazy bitch. Despite her queer political connections.

Definitely worth investigating but this line of thinking is retarded.

They dont look like humans, just like some mix of sand animals and humans body.

I think its a manifestation of the demi-urge. That thing that drove animals to just mindlessly fuck and kill eachother for eons. I think it despises our cleanliness and order and wants to destroy us so it can revert back to some of sort of proto-triassic world where its just mindless murder again.



gnosticism only distracts you from the truth


just an attention seeking idiot, trying to be edgy, but in desperate need of salvation and therapy


Tell me lad, what do you define as the truth?

nah shes just a kike witch. all kikes are like that. thats why they will be exterminated by god.

This, and crazy lefties considering her work "art".

I remember many years ago, a video of her started circulating from her "sitting and staring" performance where she saw an ex of hers and they both cried. This was posted all over normie sites as "beautiful and inspirational" so I'm guessing she gained a big following from it. No one knew about the crazy batshit stuff she does until recently.

tldr: her most famous video was of her and her ex crying happy tears so she gained a following without anyone knowing of the batshit cooking.

be a lot wiser and you'll find it, lad.

Dont be coy you fucking goof. Tell me your beliefs so I can laugh at them.

well fuck..It's like an Evil Dalai Lama. She could be the Anti-Christ.
Pic related, my runner up for AC.

how am i being coy, you fucknut leaf? you can be led to water, little horsey...

Really, Im interested in what you think. Whats your worldview in relation to what I said? Im deeply curious.

>That nose
>That off white semitic skin tone
>Those reddish muddy brown eyes

I have never seen someone so Jewish. Its literally like a caricature of a Jew whore.