Stop watching FOX News

Stop watching FOX News.

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What the fuck does your flag mean?

ok dude

but tucker is based

I don't, but now that I know it'll upset you, I'm gonna start

Nah, Hannity is still fun to watch

Once they assassinate him I'll probably stop watching though



Stop not killing yourself.

Nah, I've watched em all and fox news is more Neutral then any other news channel. I'll think for myself Mr Tapper.

Yea, Op is a fag All MSM is trash but fox is just half trash. dont buy cable and watch turcker and hannity online.

doesnt like regulation but endorses free market and growth.
basically wants more money and less government

Who watches TV anymore?


Sorry, but I still gotta watch my boy.

Tucker had two live hours last night.

He's an anarcuck

Tonight too. He's doing the second right now.

You're misinformed. Anyone on Sup Forums watching FOX News does so ironically -- either for teh lolz, or out of curiosity see what the Republicans are trying to propagandize citizens with today.

Same goes for any other major television news station -- only substitute Democrats.

I'd be surprised if that many here watched television at all.

If you're going to cut the cord, there are hell of a lot better alternatives than those two water carriers.

>he thinks Sup Forums hasn't been consumed by normalfags
You're in for a big surprise, then.


Gee... I guess who is behind this post, is almost like if the nose sticked out...

Such as?


Fox is falling. Hannity is all that remains of the old guard.

Carry on, my friend.

No Tucker and Hannity are based. Don't watch anybody else, probably cucks.

Watch Infowars

He wasn't always based... many, many years ago my brother and I used to call him Fucker Carlson because he was such a dweeb with his little bow tie and his pansy-like attitude. He has grown and he is much more mature and tough now. He makes sense now. Very impressive. 8.7/19

Editorial correction: 8.7/10

Stop watching common sense, go with MSNBC.

>not watching based Tucker

Sean "#1 Shabbos Goy" Hannity?
Fuck him. He shills for kikes way too much. He's a typical neocon.

>Nah, I've tried them all and bleach is less toxic than any other household poison I could be drinking.

Fox is about as Neutral as CTR.

...and if you think it is "slanted the 'other' way" you are delusional.
Fox News is the concern troll of the MSM, and mixing in some distorted versions of stories other networks refuse to touch, after they go viral is NOT the same as offering truth in place of silence, misdirection, and lies.

Yeah let's all watch Maddow instead. Back to r/politics faggot

You just conquered my hairy divide. How do I sign up to MMFA?

I only watch Tucker

I never even started.

don't watch TV news at all

To a variety of reliable outside sources for news and information, with a proper assessment of each as to their inherent biases, but as to opinion journalism, which oughtn't be your primary means of gaining insight into politics, to each according to their political philosophy (honest philosophy, by which I mean not some party shill); I'm drawn to Glenn Beck myself, free-thinking, insightful, owing to no one since his company is independently owned and operated.

Fox is okay compared to the rest of the MSM. Some cringy lulz once in a while.

Pete Hegseth's pretty good

tucker is milquetoast; a gelding. fox news has him on a leach - you can tell they stole his soul when they moved him to 8pm. sad to see, but you think he gaf? he's going to make $15mm per year

hannity's schtick is boring now, just being honest. how many times can you hear him and newt or him and laura harp on and on? Zzzzzz

this. he's literally neighbors with rupert murdoch. $20mm mansion on long island north shore

Smart nigget

thread paid for by CNN

Jeez, your such a cuck.

Well lolbertarian, for once we agree.

You'd love that, wouldn't you.

Why do people like to think one dumpster fire is prettier and more worthy than another?

FOX is GOP media, just as the others are DNC media, with both serving the interests of Washington, D.C., and New York City and their various parties therein while doing a core disservice to the American people, whose lots are not improved by the success or failure of parties, but whose voice remains unrepresented in media. Besides which, FOX is going to pivot hard in the near future when Murdoch's sons gain a controlling interest, though they may attempt to hold onto the appearance of 'opposition media' for their built-in audience.

ailes was smart because he shipped in good goys from the middle of the country which is really the only reason fox is any different. there are plenty of kikes at fox and you probably have to suck a lot of jew dick before you get ahead just like in any jew enterprise.

pic related own OAN, which is much better if you want quick rundowns from around the country

WTF do any of your newfags mean?
Stopped watching them when they put Hannity on vaycay. Fapp CuntNN

Faux CuntNN. Same diff. Giggle

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