So what's your opinion of Sweden?

So I'm a Swedish univeristy student in Uppsala, originaly I'm from Malmö (the Fucked up capital of Sweden) and I wonder; What is Sup Forums's opinion of Sweden? Are we cucks, have we failed, what should we do?
Gimmie your thoughts!

>failed empire
>haven't fought a war since 1814
>Biggest cucks in Europe

Checks out

You're awesome.


allmän rösträtt var ett misstag

Sweden was a mistake should have still been under Danish control

>Are we cucks, have we failed, what should we do

Yes you are cucks, and yes you have failed, but it is not entirely your fault. The entire West has collectively bought into this brain disease. Sweden has the unenviable position of simply having taken the biggest gulp of poison.

>socialism is already beginning to fail
>the welfare state was sustainable when you were majority swede
>way too many migrants too quickly
>very few joining the workforce, welfare state is going bankrupt
>Sweden is borrowing money like crazy

In my mind, Sweden is the canary in the coalmine, your nation is utterly doomed (it would be possible to save but the Swedish collectivist/conformist mindset prevents any meaningful change from being enacted to save the country)

You're nation will fall, but hopefully you will be a warning beacon to the west and a light that shows the rest of us the way towards salvation and the utter mindlessness and error of our previous ways.

Swedes are pretty alright, at least the ones I've met and are distantly related to.

Your government blows goats for soda money though. Vote those cunts out and start shipping back all those brown leeches to the shit holes they spawned from.

Good luck, Sven, your nation is about as cucked as a western nation can get.


Good food and beautiful culture (and women). Too bad they've been destroying themselves since the 19th century

Was memeing b4, but honestly yeah, utter failures.

Swedens feminism is especially cancerous. There's a reason you've moved to rape capital of Europe, and it's because you don't oppose your women.

Sweden needs more immigrants IMO. About 50 million sub-Saharan Africans would do. All up and down the countryside :^)

>Rampant Grenade attacks
>huge rape problem
>women afraid to go outside because of rapefugees

You fuckers done goofed. Fortunately, there's a way out (see flag)

Shouldn't intervene in foreign affairs 60s-80s.
Shouldn't be refugee for commies escaping Pinochet, Vietnam.
Now it unfortunately fucked up your society's minds and baby boomer and their children got indoctrinated.
You could have more Money while keeping non-aligned as you mostly did. But become more isolationist.

now you have politicians that push Western Sahara liberation and other shiet not related to Swedes in no way.

>reading about your rape statistics

Have a look at this texto retrieved from Global Index Peace. Take conclusions from your S&D party government policies about refugees and compare with your nordic neighbours.

The way Swedish men have reacted to the whole predicament of liberalism and multiculturalism has been abnormally hideous. European men in general. Western European males tend to be the tallest, strongest specimen on the planet, yet they're showing no resistance to immigration, and literally no physical resistance either. Muslim gangs bully white men in Europe.

You guys were great until the immigration of third world scum.
Physically remove them and bring back Saab and Volvo.


>entrusting (((national politicians)))


Concerns about terrorism
and refugees majority Moslem increasing the probability of terrorista acts

Shitshow. Please adopt me mericans.



Evolution of SD party - probably anti-immigration


OP here
In my home town of Malmö the police have been instructed to NOT mention any ethnicity of the perpetuators becoust that would be raicist...
I'm lost in my own country and my own city, I can't talk about the issues of my home, cus then I would be a racist, I can't talk about the reallity of the failed imigration and assimilation, cus then I would be a racist...
The coutry I love, MY country is denied to me cus my opinions don't agree with the european narative of multiculturalisms, cus I've seen it and I've only seen it fail...
It's all going downhill, please gimme something to hold onto, gimme something to push me forwards

Stop being afraid of the word "racist," and giving it power to you. You can find ways to resist and redpill people in your own way, within your own sphere.

Do you really want your grandchildren to say "The older generation subjected me to a third world country because they were afraid of being called racists."?

They're the one decent party, yes.

Aryan Heaven compared to the US of gay

didn't UKIP get like 0 votes this election?

Seconding this.
To give some theoretic basis for why racism is actually good; ethnocentric cooperation is the most succesful reproductive cooperation strategy. I.e. you are an idiot if you are actually not racist. Search on journals of "ethnocentric cooperation", which you probably have access to through Uni

>I can't talk about the issues of my home, cus then I would be a racist,

My man was centre-left since Carnation revolution and militant of the party , economist - he considered Olof palme one of his greatest figureheads, inspiration and Sweden na exemple of social-democracy.

Today, I just discuss straight facts with him - Russia is 15% Islam, majority of terrorists are salafi/wahabist inspired, SA exported wahabism since 70's with oil revenue, Gulf Arab states don't have refugees pouring out at them bc UN convention - while we watch from afar the media circus about terrorist attacks.

He thinks we should deport them all. Colonial Empires are way gone. They wanted Independence. They can keep it and go back to their country.

Sweden - tt was fine when it wasn't a multirracial/ethnical shithole that Swedish govt - won't force the immigrants to assimilation but rather prefer integration and not put in question their backward culture while being in Sweden territory.

This report is dated to 2016.

>Olof palme
That's ground zero.
Luckily someone shot him.