Can we get an unpopular opinion thread?

Can we get an unpopular opinion thread?

I have some shit I was thinking about today and I want to discuss but I don't want to write out a whole fucking thing if no one picks this thread up.

Other urls found in this thread:

Climate change is real and mankind is the cause of it.

You can smoke weed and not be degenerate.

Anal sex can be fun for her too.

Athiesm is ok as long as you arent a leftist.

Socialised medicare is a benefit to society overall.

The 19th amendment was a great idea :^)

Black men have the biggest cocks of any race.

I know it's not an opinion, and is instead a fact, but it's unpopular on this board so I thought I'd post it.

Single payer healthcare is good

Universal background checks and gun licensing reduce murder/assault/suicide

The rich don't pay their fair share in taxes

Women should have rights

The environment needs protection

Science and critical thinking should not be taught in schools

Everyone on this board is a true libertarian and wished the government would stop meddling in all of our lives but we have come to the realization that it is non possible hence the lolbertarian. So in actuality we further want chaos to reign over our world and take the entire fucking system down with it but in the only best way to do that is to fight fire with fire globalism - nationalism.

Also, nationalism is just another kike type mind manipulator. The ultimate redpill is going back to libertarianism in some way shape or form but just with only white people.

We are living code. When we die we return to the greater self.

The Occupy Wall Street leftists were 100% right about the monetary system.

It's a sign that lefties can be red-pilled, and potentially anti-semitic if enough light is shed on the problem. I think it's a good way to unite the right and the left and get rid of the eternal kike once and for all.

>The rich don't pay their fair share in taxes


Hitler did nothing wrong. Just look at all the degeneracy in this thread if you don't believe me.

>Science and critical thinking should not be taught in schools

This is very true.

>Science and critical thinking should not be taught in schools
Nigga whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

OP only said post unpopular opinions. You don't necessarily have to agree with any of them.

>a kike actually spent this long creating this infographic that only Sup Forums autists would ever read

I've never seen anyone put that much effort into b8

The holocaust didn't happen. Native Americans ancestors committed genocide on original Native Americans who also committed genocide

pol is for cucks

Now we know why your here
> be me

>Also, nationalism is just another kike type mind manipulator. The ultimate redpill is going back to libertarianism in some way shape or form but just with only white people.
jew detected

liberterianism doesnt work because it assumes that your neighbour is not a nigger, this is not the case however and thus we need facism to eradicate the shitskins.

once there are only whites/asians left, there will be no more use for ethnonationalism and fascism

at that point everyone will be redpilled and humanity will prosper beyond belief

Marijuana should be legal but taxed and regulated like tobacco and alcohol. Profits from it should be used to fight hard drugs.

I honestly don't blame the Jews for what they do, it's our own weakness that allows them to destroy ourselves. Our culture's inner spirit died long ago and the Jews are simply crushing a hollow empty shell of our former selves.

Encourages postmodernism and cultural deconstruction. Maybe if it was reformed within a Christian context.

Same with MDMA and cocaine.

>once there are only whites/asians left, there will be no more use for ethnonationalism and fascism
Ok, fair enough. But will you trust the government to fully rule our lives to the point of fascism? In this climate I can barely trust anyone in arms reach let alone a fascist government.

there is no such thing as free will, but western society is built upon the assumption that it exists.

ergo, western society is built on a lie and is doomed to collapse

>Science and critical thinking should not be taught in schools

Agreed. I'd go further and say that all "modern" education should be punishable by death.

I think critical thinking is important but it requires great responsibility. Not endless thinking that drudges on and on until ultimately everything about our universe is subjective. It's counter productive.

Identity politics if all varieties is a foreign and domestic conspiracy to divide the 99% who came dangerously close to directing their anger at the right place in 2008 for the first time ever.

The Confederacy was an institution perpetuated by kikes and slavery is 90% of the reason why niggers are an issue in America today and was not good for whites in the American south

The American south is stuck in a state of retardation as are most of the whites within it.

>no such thing as Free Will

Explain suicide

This too. This sort of falls into what I was thinking earlier today. The climate of things is so fucking pathetic. I hate commies, but I hate that we all are so divided by (((them))). White liberals SHOULDNT be our enemies. It is the kikes.

>I'd go further and say that all "modern" education should be punishable by death.
Well I wouldn't go that far but I certainly sympathize. It's quite disheartening to see older generations that have been unfettered by Jewish social engineering and psychological systems. They are just as perceptive and intelligent as younger folks, without any of the spiritual decay caused by the frameworks of modern thought.

i am almost 7.5 inches but no one could possibly know what race has the biggest on average. Its literally impossible

Jews invented the black dick meme back in the day. Now average dick black men cant be in porn but average dick white men can. Thats all thats happening there.

Pedophilia isn't that bad.

I agree...govn't needs to be slimed down, won't happen though,,,fuckers are addicted to spending other peoples monies...

I'm afraid if I have children with another race they'll resent their lack of idenity

Universal Healthcare or Single Payer isnt inherently a bad idea its just not feasible in the United States
Rich dont pay enough in taxes but there is not really a good solution to this because they have the power to evade them anyways
Capitalism requires a well ordered and regulated society to function properly
Politicians arent evil satanic pedophiles but are actually people with the necessary personality disorders (narcissism paranoia forms of autism and inflated ego) to function in a highly backstabbing self serving career that requires believing you are right and will win at all times to be successful
Bohemian Grove is similar to Sup Forums's interest in the pagan/ occult. Esoteric LARPing that most dont actually believe but is fun and offers a sense of power few understand. Most probably find it stupid and faggy like Nixon

The holocaust actually happened. Don't know why anyone seriously questions it

I think you mean planned obsolescence.

Zoophilia isn't that bad.

I just find the idea of mixed colored child with shitty hair and brown eyes so unappealing I honestly lose arousal if I hook up with black girls

as long as there are checks and balances that we can all agree upon on the outset then yes

the US constitution is still standing and its pretty much in tact

Tiny-dicked overweight virgin losers who live in their single mom's basement detected.


The United states is too divided and cannot stand together as a unified country anymore. Civil war and a renewal of the US is the only way to get things fixed.

Regardless of whether climate change is name made or natural, fixable or not, we should still pursue renewable and futuristic forms of energy like fusion and preserve out environment for the sake of keeping earths beauty intact

Atheism is absolutely unacceptable and ultimately forms degeneracy but agnosticism is much more sound

Communism, socialism and any other form of Marxism is the complete antithesis to anything the West stands and ever stood for. It calls for direct oppression of the right to private property and many other freedoms, both theoretically and practically. Therefore, as it is an ideology hell bent on destroying our social contracts we should likewise deem anyone who subscribes to it as having their rights to life, liberty anf the pursuit of happiness revoked. TL;DR tossing commies out of helicopters should be legalized and made into law across the world.

Universal gun ownership should be enforced, with all young adult males undergoing pseudo military training in high school so as to end the discussion of the militia forever by having everyone actually trained to fight.


Am I banned?

no i want people to wake the fuck up and see the fucking problem. and when they wake up i want those fucking faggets to do something instead of dividing entire societies with this left.right fucking trash

Nah fuck cocaine... Its a stupid drug

Phew guess not

>i don't know what determinism is
how does suicide in any way support free will? it's another choice, the same as any other. be it going to work in the morning, eating eggs or cereal for breakfast, drinking whiskey or staying sober, or hanging yourself versus continuing to live on, all 'decisions' are made as a result of the cumulative effects of all past life experiences experienced by an individual. and those experiences are based upon their environment, which includes other individuals that follow the same rule. it's and endless and infinitely complex domino effect that began at the start of time and continues to this day
i don't want to go any farther into this because i need to go to sleep and there are much better descriptions of hard determinism that are merely a duckduckgo away, but if you think suicide is really a counter to determinism then you may be too retarded to understand anything about it anyway

>Universal gun ownership should be enforced, with all young adult males undergoing pseudo military training in high school so as to end the discussion of the militia forever by having everyone actually trained to fight.
Would be good

Unpopular on Sup Forums or with the public generally?

The American south is the least racist region of the country.
Women aren't as competent or capable as men in most professional endeavors.
Trump is almost certainly going to be an awful President.
Obama missed some serious potential but wasn't awful.
The public sector has a meaningful role to play in our economy and our lives broadly.
Nothing wrong with homosexuality.
Most of the SJW and lefty nonsense we've seen over the last few years is attributable to being young. They will actually "sort themselves out."

Black women can be very very pretty.
Many black men are secretly gay or do very gay things
College isnt completely worthless

Trevor is a hipster no matter how much he denies it

Western society is fundamentally broken regarding men and women. There's been a raging internet culture for about 4, maybe 5 years now trying to shame young men back into servitude, but young men opt out of western society because they don't have much opportunity and are basically driven away.

The "bleached" meme is a circlejerk meme made by effeminate autistic little young dudebros who all had to justify why they couldn't get white women. You are just as much responsible for the decline of the white race if you don't have white kids with white women, you fucking retards.

Trump is a jewish puppet.

Gen Z is only heralded as being oh so conservative because you desperately want to believe there is still some hope. What's even worse is that no matter how degenerate they truly are, they get a free pass to do what they want because idiots on the internet think they are so conservative and prude, even though they are not.

The west is economically, financially living on borrowed time and so many NEET losers exist because there's just not enough fucking jobs to go around for everybody.

The government is required to provide services to it's citizens if it's going to take their money via taxes. You don't get to pocket my money. If you're going to tax me, you're going to give it back to me in services, you snake.

What's life like with Duterte as president? I heard he has a very high approval rate

Hitler was a crypto jew who spawned the EU

Almost had it, but tripped on the last one.

Suicide isn't a counter to Hard Determinism but it still helps reinforce Free Will by showing there's something decision-related that humans can do that A. evolutionarily makes no sense and B. no other animals can also do.

Hard Determinism is handily proven false by the fact that on the smallest (quantum) level, the universe runs on probabilities, not predetermined outcomes.

>Most of the SJW and lefty nonsense we've seen over the last few years is attributable to being young. They will actually "sort themselves out."
>Obama missed some serious potential but wasn't awful.

Yeah, nah

choice =/= free will

>Blackpill, the post

>quantum states disprove the consequence argument
Try again. Why hold on to the concept of free will? Do you really think that Indeterminism is better for free will than Determinism?

Diet and exercise is one of the best thing you can do for yourself, your race, and your country and of you already aren't fit, you should be working to get fit.

>liberterianism doesnt work because it assumes that your neighbour is not a nigger

Not true. If the government didn't give lazy niggers free shit then they would not be my neighbor because they wouldn't have enough money to move into my neighborhood.

The ACTUAL problem with liberal government policy is that it protects the weak when they should simply die like the sickly, retarded, genetically unfit, useless Panda that they are.

Im feeling this really heavy right now. Im dating a half Filipino half white girl whom I've been best friends with since high school. She's a virgin and wants six kids, like me. But I'm also 6'2, blonde hair and blue eyes almost entirely Germanic decent. Her dad has blue eyes so there's a 50/50 chance they'll have that at least, but I'm also extremely conflicted since shes not fully white. I don't want to waste my genetic material as retarded as that sounds.

Its been eating at me for months and I feel stupid since I do care for her and all.

Pic unrelated

Weed raises Estrogen levels:

Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):

Weed Smokers Have More Violent Convictions:

Weed Causes Cancer:

Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

Weed Is Addictive:

Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

>implying determinism necessarily means any outcome must be logical by some definition

Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:

Weed Causes Lung Damage:

Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:

Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:

If you cost society more than you contribute you need to be euthanised and have your organs harvested, excluding functional elderly people.

This system should be implemented after a three warning system.

White genocide isn't real. It's like going on a diet and saying the Jews caused a famine.

save your semen in a bank somewhere...

or donate it

ill bite...

So how would this be enforced?

They began as libertarians with Ron Paul as inspiration . Sjw cucks coopted and destroyed occupy by making it a democratic id politics thing

Trump winning was the worst thing possible for the right wing movement. If Hillary had won right wing viewpoints would keep picking up steam and gain in popularity among the youth. Instead because Trump, while having some good ideas, he is silly and a caricature and basically destroyed all the momentum of the right wing/nationalist wave. I fear that in 2-6 years we are going to experience a massive, unstoppable progressive pushback. Basically, Trump winning in November was the absolute peak and it's only going downhill, but if Hillary had won I think we would still be peaking and instead continue gaining cultural relevancy

I'm 100% anglo-saxon but have never lived in England, raised in Ireland which doesn't have the best relationship with the English.

My national identity is shot, it feels really shit.

Hillary could have been good for the country, I think we were in a win win situation. Hillary would have redpilled so hard because of how shitty it would have gotten. Trump is redpilling the masses on the media etc. It isn't the best but it's what we got.

the earth is flat. only because this is a simulation and that means the earth is on a computerchip which is flat.

>Trump is redpilling the masses on the media

I disagree, I think he's only preaching to the choir at this point. In fact I fear the opposite is happening, people are becoming more trusting of traditional media because they don't like Trump

Black/white racemixing has the potential to produce intelligent and productive citizens with great skin.

I'm living proof.

I've discussed this with her actually, but she says she doesn't feel right knowing there's someone else's child out there that shares half of her husband's DNA. She feels like the child could come into her life (this apparently has occurred before) and basically cause conflict. She's afraid of getting cucked from her perspective I guess.

I legitimately hate the smartphone age, everyone is constantly looking at their phones, productivity is going down the drain, selfies are the only time you see these modern people change their expressionless face
I legitamently hate the social media age, your always one kikebook post away from someone spurging out. Your one tweet from controversy. Plebbit fags shit up the Internet, everyone's fake and only wants the appearance of what's good. I only ever wanted to watch the world burn, and instead of gasoline being poured, it's diesel so it's a slow painful death. I'm not in le wrong generation, I'm in le fucked generation.

I'm a jew

So you're stupid and ugly then, halfbreed...



Objectively false.



this man gets it

Rationality and technological development are no longer helping society.

>70% of men are below the average

What kind of retards think this could possibly be correct?

Posting jailbait should be allowed.

Kike displeased his ironically projected Freudian bullshit doesnt work anymore detected

>The ultimate redpill is going back to libertarianism in some way shape or form but just with only white people.
Holy shit I thought I was alone. Yeah, Nazis sounds all cool and stuff but at the end of the day, a white Constitutional Republic is the best form of government.

Perhaps, but I've observed this stuff for years now and no real solution is in sight. I'm merely calling it as I see it. I have a lingering feeling that the overly optimistic "redpilled" types are just younger ones in the early stages of discussing politics and human paradigms. If seeing how problems morph but ultimately endure over many years with no end in sight makes one blackpilled, then so be it.

average is not the same as median

>not understanding the meaning of average
>not knowing the difference between median and average

Retard detected.

i hate the idea of nonwhites in my country but then all the ones i meet i like them and i don't feel any mixed feelings about this.

> no one wants to have sex with blacks
> can't make money out of them
> invent myth about baboon monster cocks
> fill above average dicks with fat injections, use dick pumps, viagra, & straight up strap ons & film them fucking the smallest white girls you can find
> ????
> Profit like the jew you are