Ok so hear me out.
Why did they kill Stanley Kubrick?
WHat did he know?
THere's a scene in the movie, where it has blue beam outside the window(Project Blue Beam, where they plan on showing a false messiah either through projection or aliens), and asks the guy to remove his mask, he's a fake and it's a puppet controlling him.
What if, Kusher is controlling a MK Ultra slave Trump. Kushner did buy a bulidng with 666 as the adress.
Ok so hear me out
Other urls found in this thread:
kubrick had a job to do and he had served his purpose. he directed multiple false flag events and was probably a reluctant but controlled asset who tried to warn people out of guilt or good will through the symbolism in his films (either that or he was using the occult 'revelation of the method' system).
his death may have been faked, he may have been a sacrifice considering the time before 9/11.
clearly he was revealing too much with Eyes Wide Shut and wasn't cooperating well on other projects. if that was intentional or an excuse is another matter.
As for Kushner, Zionism, and 666 it's all out there plainly enough, but they have control, so what can we do? Trump is in the pocket of the kosher nostra but people will keep making excuses for him. unless he has some unbelievable secret plan to play the zionists at their own game, we're screwed. What we've seen is a false narrative playing the Russians and Americans against each other with the zionists controlling both sides. typical masonic approach.
I see. The only thing we can do is not to accept the false God.
Do you think this ties in with CERN. Well everything ((they)) do is connected, what do they want us to think? The end times seem near.
>Captcha, 6th street
flat earth is correct.
moon landing is a lie.
I love these Illumanti Cards
ALso video about Cern
And Yea, we all know the Moon Landing was fake, JFK was assassinated, and the Beatles were an MK Ultra experiment and Paul MCartney actually died.
I am trying to see into the future, not worry about the past.
the earth isn't literally flat, it's an esoteric nod at a different meaning for "flat earth" think hard what could it mean? heres one take on it.
flat earth, being a flat surface like a CHESS BOARD. so the MASTERS OF THE GAME can control the PAWNS.
these people who control the board know what's up.
What was he trying to tell us ?
> THere's a scene in the movie, where it has blue beam outside the window
what movie?
>"I staged that shit yo"
you need to get some knowledge
black hole sun wont you come wont you come!!!!!!!!!!
black hole sun!!!!!
i don't get that.
i can see people being paranoid that nasa and all the space shit is fake, but when there are amateurs out there that fly little rockets with go pros and big ass weather balloons to the top of the world and you can clearly see it's a sphere is another.
Hollywood Child Sex trafficking.
Checked, not only that but focusing our energy and powers of projection on the future is the greatest tool at this point and time.
THat's obvious, look at where the ship is.
It's at Antartica, ((They)) don't want us to know what really goes on there. Hear it's either transhumanism expirements (from FBI user) or very large animals from Anonymous5(He said to look at google maps)
Sorry Eyes wide shut
Moon landing was obviously staged
They always use fish eye lenses. If you look when they're on the ground, you see the same curve.
He went to one of those Hollywood parties with sexy kids running around and made a negative comment, which got him normie-listed. Its like being blacklisted except you're being fucked with by commie pedos
His talent was so great they couldn't destroy his career, so they had to kill him once he started revealing their creepy elitist cults with Eyes Wide Shut.
>you can gaze at the sun to receive godly messages
>black sun is feminine
pretty sure the real occult meaning for the schwarze sonne is the moon. the moon has been called the feminine counter part to the masculine sun, also "serpent twins"
Disturbing child abuse from "The Shining."
Kushner is head of the Illuminati according to a post from years ago on David Icke's forum. Nobody even knew the fuck who he was years ago really, which adds to the legitimacy of the claim. Apparently Kushner is the "good illuminati" positioned against the "evil illuminati" like Kissinger. Kushner doesn't think mass death/disease/war/population reduction is necessary, the other factions of the illuminati want to kill off the peasants.
Your knowledge of illuminati symbolism is like a little babies.
you really have to see it all to make sense of this REALM OF MAN SET FORTH BY OUR CREATOR
All I know, after Pizza Gate and Pedogate and researching. (((They))) believe in Satan and Symbols, (((they))) literally sacrifice children. Either it's a big con or Satan exists. If Satan exists, then is God real?
If you want to see something really distrubing and real, this is from the Pizza place from Pizza Gate
If you want I can dump the photos I have saved on my phone when it recharges
Please enlighten me, I am a newb
Isn't black hole sun a song about the saturn death cult?
Gary Oldman had to apologize for saying there was a group of Hollywood Jews that would throw parties so exclusive, even he wasn't invited.
Everyone always apologizes.
Saturn Death Cult is the Illumanti, they worship the church of Satan, music and (((HollyWood)) are all connected . Read up
yes it ties in with cern.
NASA originated in ordo templi orientis and the revelations of 'the ennead' or 'the nine.' it is a satanic/alien system.
NASA as such was involved in 9/11. The real space programs operate through the Navy or through other hidden programs.
CERN is related to the Red Cross/Templars/Vatican.
CERN is time and dimensional portals, manipulation of historical information, while DARPA is mind control in the present and future. they converge in AI.
Jordan Peterson's likeness in that card is no accident. Canadian and American psychologists have a history with MKUltra and manufacturing cultural leaders at key points in hegelian dialectic shifts. Peterson is shifting consciousness toward 'feeling of responsibility for self and society' away from the indulgent push of former such figures like Ken Kesey and Timothy Leary. When a counterculture of potential revolutionaries begins to emerge, a thought leader appears to direct their energies (last time vietnam war protestors, this time alt right types).
And yes, we must reject the false god and trust the inner voice, have a connection to source, study occult to be able to read their out in the open symbolism in the revelation of the method.
Their masonic system is difficult for the mind to process and causes cognitive dissonance but in order to escape from it, you must begin to understand it.
Card thread?
sure man its not up to me. I didn't save them I just thought it was interesting and pertinent to the thread.
Hmmm yeah they probably tested him to see if he was a pedo while he was alone by sending a little girl over grind her crotch into his knee and test his reaction or something.
The greater your corruption, the greater your loyalty to the power network.
I don't quite understand, is Jordan Peterson on our side?
Also the King James Bible is the best version?
So that's why he is always casted as The Bad Goy
of course Jordan is on our side. Chaos is the goal, true chaos. Only time truth had
Sorry, only time truth has real value.
this is explaining all about saturn
Black Hole Sun, is not about cults. It's basically a filler song Chris Cornell wrote in about 15 minutes, via free word association, about the music industry/grunge scene and MTV post-Cobain's suicide.
Basically Cornell (like Eddie Veder) grew to fucking HATE MTV and his label; Black Hole Sun basically had Cornell calling out the music industry being full of snakes, how he couldn't trust anyone there (and how it was leading to tensions within Soundgarden, over how the label was pitting band members against each other) and MTV in general for pushing bands the labels were signing and promoting as grunge simply because they had a similar enough sound to be considered grunge.
The video meanwhile is Cornell taking a shit on suburbia while mocking doomsday cults.
>Kushner doesn't think mass death/disease/war/population reduction is necessary, the other factions of the illuminati want to kill off the peasants.
What makes you think Kushner is good and isn't just playing the role of good to oppose the role of evil in typical divide and conquer?
No, I know this thread is a joke. Hahaha
>Frederic Raphael, who co-authored the Eyes Wide Shut script with Kubrick, recalled that the director once remarked that "Hitler was right about almost everything", and insisted that any trace of Jewishness be expunged from the Eyes Wide Shut script. Kubrick's bizarre relationship to his own ethnicity deeply troubled Raphael, a fellow Jew. Raphael was further puzzled over Kubrick's cryptic praise for Hitler, unable to decide if Kubrick was jesting.
Was Kubrick /ourjew/?
The art is so fucking good. I remember this card game, came out at the height of the Magic The Gathering craze and redpilled so many people.
Thanks y'all
Take a rare card
Also after listening to Bill Cooper on the Mystery religion, only then did I start to get a bit religous. Went from (((Cathloic)) to atheist at 12 for 10 years. It's a great listen to all that have not heard it. If you question god, or the illumanti, listen to it.
Also Bill Cooper was killed for exposing 9/11 before it happened. If you are telling the truth, you are likely dead.
It is wise to avoid following anyone at all. Like most, Peterson is probably both an agent of good and bad. Much of what he teaches is merely Jungianism which is at least opposed to the cultural Freudianism that serves Zionism (reducing everything to neurosis and sex drives vs. Peterson and Jung's focus on the mythical and spiritual).
He obviously gives good practical life advice but his followers are getting cultish, and any cult mentality is easily swayed after he has earned their trust (just look at the insanity of Molyneux).
There are some jews that, though they may have benefited from tribal nepotism to get their foot in the door, they were legitimately so talented they could buck the Hollywood Jew machine. Cohen Brothers are another example of /ourjews/, their movies are very fond of white people/culture -- they grew up in the Midwest though.
Even Larry David could be considered /ourjew/ because he crypto exposes them with Curb Your Enthusiasm, their control in media, finance, and law, their tribal nepotism, their casual attitudes towards little girls' pussies, etc.
You're trying to hard to connect the movie's symbolism with present day events. And that's impossible.
Eye's Wide Shut is pretty much just Kubrick exposing the Isis Cult that the rich elite are a part of. The whole shebang is exposed through both esoteric and exoteric methods. The esoteric would be stuff like the symbol of Isis/Inanna/Ishtar(eight pointed star) on the wall at the Christmas party and the "Magic Circle" board games at the toystore. The exoteric would be the creepy mask sex parties and the prostitutes overdosing on drugs and shit.
Wow just wow. I can't actually believe this level of delusion...
It's pure insanity.
>"Trump didn't con me or you guys! It's not his fault he's profiting from the presidency and acting like a corrupt globalist! It's the Jewish mafia mind controlling him!"
That's a half truth user.
Bill Cooper and the head of Security for the Twin Towers John P. O'Neill knew at least a solid 6 months ahead.
But for the most part, Bill was deep six'd for felony tax evasion and murdering a cop.
Still though, both men were taken care of and Lucky Larry paid off all the fire fighters but not the Medical Respondents/Cops.
Never heard of this guy before??! And I have been listening to night-time conspiracy radio AM shows casually for decades.
Frog God wtf wtf wtf
So at least you admit there is a Jewish mafia.
Trump is part of all it, he's in it. I think lower than Kushner.
I listened to his broadcast, he advertised a company that showed a way not to pay income tax legally as he claimed.
Those cards are some freaky shit, (((they))) wanted you to know
So what's with all the striking look alikes between the card game and key players today? Are they masonic time travellers? Did the makers of the card game see into the future via remote viewing or just intuit prophecy? There are far too many near exact matches for it to be coincidental.
The Denver Airport with its NWO theme opened same year many of the key cards in the Illuminati game came out: 1995.
Kek, good point about Larry David. Makes me feel less bad about loving Curb Your Enthusiasm.
There's a scene where Tom cruises character is reading a newspaper. Pause it and read the newspaper. Pause it and read the newspaper.
trump is bad news, but at this point it's just idle hope that he still has something up his sleeve (doubtful).
It's all part of ((thier ))) plan for world domination. It's no coincidence.
>pic related
forgot to link the videoyoutube.com
It's easy to see How Larry exposes jewish culture
Ex Beauty Queen Dies of Drug Overdose?
Yeah I can 100 percent understand how structures could be accurately planned to to fall a certain way and events could be predicted, but the look/age/job of people who would have been much younger, even teens at the time the card game was released? Is it a matter of casting and making the figures look the way the archetype was conceived of or where do these people come from? Jones and Peterson were already established but looked different back then and Milo was a teenager.
Seinfeld and David are poison. They may expose the jew via acting it out, but watching their shows will internalize a nebbish nasty persona and normalizes their worldview. Jewish comedy is perversion. People still excuse Woody Allen all the damned time, and it sure as hell isn't because he's some brilliant director of drama but because his omega comedy persona humanized him and now he can say 'the heart wants what it wants' when he throws his son in the trash in favor of fucking his son's adopted sister. The film The Aristocrats is a bit too honest.
Cloning and inbreeding with MK Ultra. Not a joke, dig deep, you won't believe me. THe world is scary scary place, plans have been set in motion for a long time.
Here's a start
Like you probably won't believe me if I say Sandy hook is fake, but it is.
Read your Bible, end times are approaching, look for the signs.
i am willing to believe you, already know about sandy hook and the mother being still alive, the principal being principal of a nearby school. will look deeper into the cloning and inbreeding. thanks for your brave work.
Apparently they found some spooky stuff in Antarctica. As in, depictions of future events. I will try to look for a source.
Forgot to link vid on the cloning
I don't like Kushner at all. He walks strange, never talks, always looks at Trump like he wants to strangle him...plus he's a Jewish liberal democrat funded by George Soros so none of that can be good
>if sandy hook was fake, the principal they'd show would just be the principal of some other nearby school
>this wouldn't be the biggest red flag ever and cause real questions from real people, not schizos like you
makes perfect sense!!!!!!!!!!
Truth is strange user, I didn't believe until this week. Dig deep, look for the truth, it's scary.
These are my favorite threads. They appeal to my schizo autism.
it certainly doesn't make perfect sense. sandy hook anomaly isn't exactly out in the open and has in fact caused real questions from real people. 9/11 is an established conspiracy by now but most still don't even bother to question it. schizophrenic thinking is a valuable tool and i'm unfortunately as real a person as you are, but adam lanza never was.
Technically the Earth is flat when you take the whole universe into context. The Earth is flat from the perspective of someone looking from the outside of the universe.
The Universe is curved.
Earth is round from our perspective.
>inbreeding with mk ultra
What? This I haven't heard
>this time Alt right types
How does Trump fit into this? Was he an accident?
Essentially, Hollywood Child stars are related to each other because their parents are related, something about keeping the bloodline pure and it makes it easier to replace people. I lost the cap explaining everything. MK ultra just keeps the system going, child is abused and brainwashed and placed in position, they are set up with someone probably realted to them and carry out to thier children(many many are not known to public)
Sorry I'm not adqueately explaning this, I had a day off and took some riatalin and really dug deep. It's worn off and I'm tired.
His bloodline, look into that. Being born into wealth probably means that you are indoctornated into the system(he is a free mason after all and I believe his father as well). Ivanka trump is supposedly realted to the bloodline with Kushner, that's why they were set up to get married and assume the throne or something. Kushner runs the show. Dig deep I lost the thread explaining everything
>alt-right types
Think white Sharia and based legal immigration
Remember too, Trump's gun plan included restrictions on those who have mental illness. (((Who))) decides what mental illness is? Is anti-semitism a sign of someone who is mentally unstable? There are plenty of narratives they can push.
Trump is either a semi-decent guy who wants to do the right thing, or he's the white's pressure release valve.
Found the thread on my phone