What does it mean to be German?
What does it mean to be German?
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Well, having German citizenship technically.
Just say you're german, and you're german.
They're the only country to lose both world wars.
You mean what "did" it mean to be German.
Germany was a mistake
To be a postmodern German means allowing a sand nigger to rape your wife and feeling racist for wanting to object.
>Born/ Live in Germany
>Acestory majority Germanic.
Wow embarassing, but I guess all those men will need to fuck somthing, and girls like exotic men with tales of danger.
they're all ugly, nothing of value lost
To raise Achmed and Mohammad's baby with Emma, their mother, because although she's been slathered with Muslim cum...you just love her so much.
Whats funny is you never ever ever ever ever see a white man with a QT Muslim girl, why?
If they're refugees, then women and children first.
Europe got cucked, but the EU needs the new blood, just like a farmer needs to buy new bulls sometimes.
Rape doesnt matter, only GDP
What if I was born in Germany but don't have German ancestry? What is my nationality?
Why are Arab men so ugly? Seriously, they look inbred and are very short. What do they have that white men don't? At least black men have muh dik going for them.
Actually the women and children are in camps nearer the area. They send the men because the journey is very dangerous. The women and children will follow after the men have claimed asylum
German, but your ethnicity is, well I dont know Arab, chink?
basically you need Anglo or Aryan blood to be a master race European.
>The women and children will follow after the men have claimed asylum
Yes that would make sense.
this makes me fucking so sad.
>What does it mean to be German?
Scat porn
More scat porn
Traps in scat porn
Muslim apologists
and....... scat porn.
I don't understand. If this is true then why are 70% of refugees male? Why are 40% of all refugees males aged 18-34?
They aren't. The ones reaching Europe are.
You are now aware how stunningly ignorant the right wing is
So patriarchs are leaving their families behind for free welfare benefits in Europe?
Money and pucci.
Leaving them temporarily so they don't drown.
Coming to Europe because there are schools and no war.
Well, when do they plan on sending for their wives and children? It's been 4 years and men are still 70% of the refugee population.
Why not make new families with the native German women?
>native German women
RACIST! German is just a social construct. White people don't exist, therefore it's alright to flood their countries with shitskins.
Get mad
Not surprised.
Most of them only came in 2015-2016. It's still all being dealt with.
Racial suicide and death by beheading in the name of Mohammed (PBUH)
And on that note, I'm going to bed. This pisses me the fuck off. Wake the fuck up and see that your people truly have a programmed death, Germany.
>It's still being dealt with
What does that mean? Are we to expect another 2 million refugees once they send for their "wives"?
That's the plan. But they will come in a more organised and safer way
Reminder that all migrant men come to Europe for the free money and pucci. Betas who won't fight for their country and leave their women and children to die.
Gonna need a source on that.
+ It means nothing to be German nowadays :DDDDD
Good night
>now thousands of abandoned Syrian women
WEW! You're only a few million short there. I'm not sure why you won't admit that the vast majority of these men are military aged males who are coming for gibmedats.
Archive the shills archive.is
its just the ones travelling to europe
they have absolutely nothing going for them in their home countries. its neet desperation.
Read the thread
To be sexually desperate, willing to bang sand niggers on sight.
>Anyone can be a German
>Germans are a distinct culture and people
Pick one.
I've read the thread. You need to go back. You cowards have left your women and child to rot while you collect welfare and rape Europe.
What is that, a picture for ants?
I suppose so
I didn't have it saved; I got it just now. It was full-size
Make your point, Achmed.
It doesn't matter if they are collecting welfare/raping Europe or are braving the dangerous journey before sending for their women, they simply do not belong in Europe. Those are our lands, we have the right to do with them as we please, and we wish to maintain the land, people, and culture of our ancestors.
>if he only had include the Muslims to damn
Group hedonism is still hedonism. You can try to dignify it however you like. Your morality is that of a man who won't help his neighbour.
If your aim to is help, then send aid to the refugee camps around Syria, don't allow them to flood your own country. The idea of allowing millions of shitskins to flood into Europe as some form of aid is suicidal.
Europe has a billion people. Whatever it is, it's not 'suicidal'. Europe is not going to be destroyed by this.
Aid has been given to the camps but there needs to be long-term resettlement so people can have actual lives.
God you're a fucking retarded cuck faggot. Fuck these fucking shitskins
Europe has 400 million people. Muslims have already ruined Paris, Berlin, and London.
The only way to "help" these people is to develop their own countries. It's absurd to believe that allowing in the world's 2 billion poor people into the West is a solution to poverty.
>Europe has 400 million people
>It's absurd to believe that allowing in the world's 2 billion poor people into the West is a solution to poverty.
There are only about 13.5 million refugees in total, anywhere in the world
Allowing these refugees isn't going to solve anything. There are at least 60 million, as many as 200 million if you count African refugees. Relocating them into Europe costs 10x as much as funding camps in the region.
At the end of the day, Europe and the West isn't responsible for the shortcomings of other societies. Africa and the Middle East are overpopulated as it is.
The white male that was told by the muzzies to get up and take that picture: that's what it means to be a german now.
All of those women can claim to be German and nobody will ask any further questions. Same can't be said for the shitskins.
I meant Syrian refugees, anywhere in the world
>Immediately jumps to hedonism for no apparent reason
Bruh. Simply saying "we can do with our lands as we please" does not imply hedonism, sure it makes room for it, but clearly that is not what I'm advocating for here.
Only half of the refugees coming into Europe are from Syria. The rest are "economic migrants." Of the Syrian refugees, most are males of military age. IRS not as though these are legitimate families temporarily fleeing a war. This is nothing short of a permanent invasion.
Europe will have an Islamic separatist movement in next 50 years. Muslims will lay claim to large swathes of Germany, owing to Islamofacsit becoming majority religion in many parts of Europe. If you can't see this Cunningham you are blind.
You're clearly saying group hedonism is morally acceptable because it's your country.
You're ignoring the repeated explanations of why they are young males.
North Africans are fleeing slavery in many cases.
The invasion idea is the dumbest one I've ever heard. You are really naive. Or maybe you want to believe there's an invasion- why, I don't know.
It's our country so we can decide to keep these people out, therefore maintaining our lands, people, and culture. That's not hedonism. That's survival.
Certainly, there's the argument to be made that our lands are currently infested with all sorts of decadence, materialism, hedonism, however, in no way did I insinuate that we keep them that way. Did you even check my flag, mate? Are you even aware that I have 3800 hours advocating for my people online? I've redpilled so many people, bro. Don't you dare even try me. The name is Kurt Eichenwald, you son of a bitch. And trust me, you'll never forget it.
why did germans allow millions of refugees?
is nationalism dead? are they that ashamed of the war?
Your group's survival is not at stake. That's just LARPing
When anyone can become "one of us," there is no longer a such thing as us. This is most certainly survival.
how can someone have, say, Somali blood, then be a GERMAN citizen, while German is an ethnic group? You cannot be both, and linguistically, and foundationally, these issues create great disharmony. For the weebs, how can a white neet call himself Japanese? Will, or SHOULD, blood Japanese people accept this weeb, if say, he got Japanese citizenship, and went around saying, "I'm Japanese?" Legally, he is Japanese, but the country's foundation as an ethnostate conflicts with this. And so would the people who claim that blood.
Post-Enlightenment nations DO NOT have this problem. Nations such as America, Canada, and Australia. While they may have majority or plurality ethnic groups, nothing in the character of the nation demands that to be static, at all.
For Europe to survive, it MUST adapt, and leave behind the archaic models of civilization. Refugees are coming to Europe whether anyone likes it, especially with the wars. But it has only begun once Global Warming kicks full scale in, and when social scientists predict over 300,000,000 people will flee to Europe by 2100, to escape their destroyed countries.
That's why the EU must survive. A nation that exceeds simple racial and ethnic identification. A nation, that cherishes each individual one, but does not presuppose one, like modern European nations do today.
People who push for this may be resented for their leading role. But without that leading role, Europe will not survive. Europe will not survive.
Diversity is our strength
Almost anyone can become a tennis player. Hence tennis players must be dead. Wow really makes me think. Good to know millions suffering in camps don't matter- stupid word games more important
t. G*d's Chosen
>Conflating tennis players with race
Whoa, it's almost like one is an identity and the other's a hobby or something
Pictured is what it means to be German.
My example is completely valid. You will have to explain how come there are still tennis players, when anyone can become a tennis player.
>millions suffering in camps
As if it wasn't obvious you were a kike before. Give it a rest, Shlomo
Whatever we're talking about, it's obviously more 'LARPing' than actual survival
Being a tennis player and being a [insert race here] are two entirely different things. One is something that, as you so astutely pointed out, anyone can become. The other is something that you inherit from your parents, is not chosen, and cannot be changed. One can stop being a tennis player. One cannot stop being a [insert race here].
I remember when you couldnt even get the German citizenship even if one of your parent was German.
Ah the good old days.
Probably nothing. I have German heritage and I feel nothing towards / about Germany.
delete this
Go f yourself Juncker, rot in hell, burn in eternal fire you devil worshiping kike. You are not going to get us, keep your western caliphate and choke on it
Nobody even mentioned race.
Even if anybody could become your race, I don't see how that would affect your survival if it doesn't affect tennis players' survival that anyone can become a tennis player
It's more than just actual survival. It's a resurgence of our race - physically, mentally, spiritually. Our aim is not only to maintain our faith, folk, and fatherland, but to improve vastly on all three.
HAHA, pissed off Stormnigger!
Good night user :^0
>Nobody even mentioned race
>What does it mean to be German
Wew lad. German isn't a race. Pack it up, boys. There's obviously nothing for us to save.
1. Nobody has ever said people can change their race
2. Nobody has ever said German is a race
So really it's not your survival which is at stake, but LARPy far-right politics
Not him but conflating tennis and genes, family and culture are not related at all. Its semantics on your part because you replaced the nouns in his statement with an entirely different example that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, it cannot be simply switched out. What it means to be of a European culture and ethnicity is more complex than whacking a ball with a racket.
To be butt hurt all the time
I replaced 'one of us' with 'tennis player'. 'One of us' is a general term, not a specific term. He was making a general claim, otherwise he would have specified.
>no German flags
lol Germans are such cucked pussies.
I bet there is a Leaf behind that UN flag
Why do we have to accept retarded-tier violent savages, we dont we wont.