Why do white people think they're superior than blacks?

Why do white people think they're superior than blacks?

whites have literally been getting raped for all of human history. while they were being snow niggers in the north, arabs and asians got tired of fucking the same old pussy and imported millions of white sex slaves to fulfill their desires. most of the sex slaves were boys and women, but some were even femboys (thats why gays/traps/trannies are overwhelmingly white) This is the achievement of the white race, being breeding vessels for superior Mediterranean and Semitic races. If you are northern European, you are either A. descendant of a sex slave B. descendant of a nigger-tier barbarian that was too ugly to be picked for Roman sex work. This is why so little was accomplished in the dark ages, a thousand years of pumping their seed into white slaves finally yielded half-competent mud races that would start the Renaissance and enlightenment.

This is the final red pill.

Because unlike blacks we can actually think.

Superior is too subjective, more intelligent, yes.

we don't. we're inferior in every way and thus deserve protections, reparations, special status, and zion. help the weak.

Agree with the dubz nazi, fuck niggley bears.
Filthy savages need to be cleansed with a high powered rifle.

we don't

all life is equal

How's it going Schlomo?

The problem with your theory, is that almost nowhere in the Middle East, is there prosperity, standards of living, stability, like there is in northern "snownigger" Europe. You are overwhelmingly third world street shitting subhumans, barely a step above niggers.

And then if you're going to break it down, Mediterranean vs. northern Europe, the Med countries easily have the weakest, least efficient, most screwed up economies.

As for gays and traps, you Mudslimes are the biggest closet homos on planet earth. And seeing how ugly, smelling, and disgusting your Arab women are, I see why you resort to little boys.

Because black people on average are objectively inferior.

Kind of like jews on average are objective absolute dicks.

Blacks don't suck dick, whites do. Your faggotry knows no bounds. I was watching porn and I skipped couple minutes and the fucking white faggot was licking niggers cum off of girls ass. What the fuck is wrong with you. At least tag the video as "for cuckolds/whites" fucking hell

because we can form English sentences properly.

>niggley bears
Stop watchin tommy sotomayor white boi that's are shit

every time we start to think we are all equal the niggers prove to us we were right the first time around when we knew for sure they are subhuman.


Do you clean between your nails after you wash your ass in public? How do you eat your curry afterwards? Oh yeah, by hand.

Animal. Kys.

Here you go OP
The sad redpill of this is when you think about the end goal of the Socialists and Communists it is exactly this.

Because the Western-Atlantic civilization which Europeans founded and the values, ideas, and institutions therein are responsible for nearly every meaningful advancement politically, scientifically, socially, etc... over the last 500 years. East Asia, the "Middle East," and a few other locales have had good runs with civilization as well, but almost nothing has come out of black Africa.

What very small handfuls of promise there have been from black Africa flashed and burned out very quickly. Mali is a great example. As soon as Nigger Lannister's gold dried up, his kingdom collapsed completely and left nothing of merit behind except for a few mud huts that a few whites have to pretend are interesting for politically correct reasons.

Whites invented everything we use today, while blacks invented next to nothing.


No I use a bidet you fucking fat faggot. Do you lick the shit off your pants like you lick the nigger cum off of white womens vagina?

Animal, Kys.

>Having a bidet

Ok currynigger.

How does it feel to have nigger skin while your palm is white?

Smelly motherfucker. Your mother is a piece of shit too.

because they are retarded and there brains don't function like a normal human's


>le 56% amerinegro
I'm a Brahmin. Probably whiter than you amerinigger. Probably earn more than you too, and smell better too.

Kill yourself, fat smelly fuck.

>56% white = 197 million whites

Try again curry sandnigger.

Smelly FUCK.

at least we know how to use toilets where we live

Much more accurate question.

Why do so many people hate all white people?

The scientific method.

And you're not one of them, you fat smelly nigger fuck.

Also apparantly know to lick the nigger cum when he is done fucking your wife, fucking leaflet.

Now what son real talk . Cry more . Hotep niggas infiltrating all ya cracka towns . Demographic winter bitch

B-but they WUZ KANGZ

breed of cattles?

We've built prosperous civilizations that have changed the world and led the way in technological and social progress and they haven't?

ummm, you know they used to be kangz right sweetie??

Because white people are superior to blacks. Next stupid question?

>We've built prosperous civilizations
Only in the last 400 years or so. before that you were a shithole no one cared about. The Black had superior civilization in Egypt, so did East Asians and India.

>curryginder this assblasted
ok, pajeet.
you are and always will be a fucking INDIAN.
>mfw i am automatically a god in your country due to whiteness.
stay cucked, you smelly fucking slob.
btw, your ENTIRE CIVILIZATION was a colony of just ONE european country.

>you are and always will be a fucking INDIAN.
And always will be superior to you, nigger.

>stay cucked

Seriously nigger? Whites men literally lick the nigger cum of their womens vagina and asshole, fucking faggot.

And btw, Indian civilization > your nigger civilization. Kill yourself, smelly fat buttblasted fuck.

>Indian civilization
has literally not yet figured out the toilet

But has figured out how to wipe off your cuckold leaftlet country off the world map though. Get back to licking nigger cum, faggot.

Those are both subjective statements but I think you knew that.

You can never win pajeet

>pajeet the village retard is stirred up
Learn 2 poo in loo

Blacks are good at sports, that's about it. Ironically back in the day when they were oppressed they were good at music too, but these days the music you niggers make with collaboration from shlomo makes me want to gas you all.

Uh, yeah. But I think you knew the premise of the thread was to solicit our subjective opinions.

Are you black? You can be truthful; I don't hate black people or look down on them any more than I look down or hate white trash.

Why should I worry what an extinct subspecies thinks of itself? By 2100 white people will be a bedtime story I tell my great grandchildren when they ask me what the word "racism" means because they say it in a text book but have never actually experience it in real life.

White people, your reign of terror is coming to a close.

Won right here, faggot.

It takes like 5 of you to get back at me. Keep larping anonymously, fag. while IRL your white ""men"" lick fucking nigger cum.

This is a common misperception. A lot of white people believe blacks are inferior to all other races.

>We will wipe your country off the map like the poo off our hands after shitting in the street! beware! our poo will blot out the sun!


Are you retarded?

You objectively are just shit, all you do is multiply and poute other races, talking mostly about Africa. Fuck niggers, seriously. You aren't even human.

Same reason why Asians and Jews think they're superior to whites lol. People want to attach themselves to something, and feel good about it. Even if you've literally done nothing in your life, you can always ride the coattails of others. Anyone who thinks they can be superior as a group and not as an individual is retarded and shouldn't be taken seriously. Claiming to be superior to some sub-60 IQ nigger is irrelevant when you yourself are just a 90 IQ manlet. There will be people of difference races who are smarter than you, bigger than you, and just better than you overall. Racial superiority is for the weak to hide behind the strong. Nothing more nothing less. It's why you don't see true superior people worry about these things. Only the rejects desperately looking for something to cling to.

Nope, I just think passing an opinion off as objective is disingenuous.

user! how are you a citizen of the UN?


hahahahahaha cucked by muslims LUL ahhahahaha pathetic indian dirt hahahah

>Literally the vast majority of Muslims today are Arab rape apes

Nigger accept your inferior place

This is LITERALLY making me shake right now.


>why are black people so ignorant of the facts?

Watching cuck porn (((on accident)))

>will lick nigger cum take my white wife give me nigger cum pls

Kys leaflet

>cucked by muslims

Thats Pakistan and Bangladesh, two cuckold countries who worship Arabs and arabic religion, raped into following religion of their invader. India is not, faggot.

India stronk! India didn't even get raped into following the rules of toilets after being colonized!

Learn to shit in a toilet before talking, pajeet.

Only Jews believe that.

>be Indian
>literally obsess over White girls from day one as part of an inferiority complex developed over years of seeing wealthy White businessman young and old impregnate some of the millions of Pajeetas and loli Pajeetas in passing
>have tiny penor
>look up surgically altered/fat injected dick going into a nasty cunt who's had so many kids a literal bowling ball wouldn't even phase her and some faggot licking up the cum
>legitimately think this is what sex is IRL
>couldn't be proud of his own race
>couldn't appreciate homogeneity
>just lives his life trying to get back at Whites just for being who they are
>really couldn't be any more pathetic.

Because I have all the traits of an evolved human being: chosen by God, schizoid, autistic etc. Niggers have none of these traits, they have all the traits of unevolved people, because that's what they are.

>Chosen by God
Only Jews believe that

I believe I am a Jew/chosen by God.

Sorry bro.

Learn to stop licking nigger cums, faggot cucks.

Fits Pakistan and Bangladesh more than India, cuck. since they are the once cucked into following foreign religion. Indians are more proud than then and you degerate white cuckolds, that's for sure faggot. Kys


Let's see a stable black society that isn't a small jungle tribe or a large sporadic village on the cusp of starvation. White western civilization exists inherently because it was designed by whites. Western civilization depends on high average IQ. It's not a hard concept to grasp. Stable government, libertarian society, and technological advancement has been thoroughly due to traits of white regions having higher average IQs among other traits.

I'm all for black independence and power.

If US blacks were given $10 trillion (yes, trillion) dollars by whites and a whole state of their own, how successful do you think it would be in 50 years? 100 years? 200 years? Serious question. All we see worldwide are the same cycles repeating. Sizable portions of blacks deflect responsibility. Marxist education compounds the problem by pitting them against whites so they never focus on the truth and themselves. Lots of bad apples ruin the upper tiers of blacks who have high IQs and know it's no longer a fault of anyone else. They're the ones who strive to move into high white neighborhoods.

I like the common behavior traits of my race. The word superior is loaded because the technical definition is true if you value your own racial characteristics above others. But it's context dependent. The context I'm using is western, technologically-equipped libertarian civilization.

this is a false argument. we don't care who is superior we just know whites function in their own homogenous society better than blacks function in their own homogenous society and we want to be left alone in some places and not be forced to be "multicultural."

shut up u basterd
try saying that to me in person

See, the cuck thing you keep talking about is a porn fetish. It's obviously just a fantasy on the internet, not something that happens in your average persons life.

The poo in loo thing on the other hand, is an actual real life epidemic to the point where UNICEF has to tell you guys to use toilets.

Because skin heads and kkk have nothing else to do in their lives


Most don't. We just don't want to be around/live near poor, uneducated people, and most blacks are poor and uneducated

Why does 2 + 2 think it's 4?

A dark brown man covered in body hair. The first thing you notice is his smell. Curry and poo. He has a skinny frame, oily skin and hair. Slimy. Oozing curry and poo from his pores. A thin pathetic moustache. Pitiful.

He pulls down his pants to reveal a small penis surrounded by a mane of smelly greasy pubic hair. He turns around and I see his buttocks smiling at me. His butt is covered in more coarse hair, black. Small cheeks. He bends over and parts his cheeks. A waft of pure poo fills the air. The black hair is thickest here, with a brown hue. Dangle berries can be found. Yesterday's shit clinging on to life. The poo is a light brown, like pumpkin soup. He uses his hands to part the mattered poo hair to reveal a little brown butthole. Caked in poo. Disgusting. The epicentre of filth. An ugly crater. A dirty yet prolific anus.

An Indian.

>tfw one day unicef will have to tell swedish and german men to stop being cucks.

I can't wait.

You'll cry, nigger. Keep it to larping anonymously online, cumlord.

No, its more worse. Toilets/roads/houses can all be build, but you faggots watch your women get fucked by nigger by millions. enough to push it on top of porn websites. You faggots are degerate as fuck. Seriously, stop licking nigger cum faggot.

Nice copypasta. Can't talk on your own you nigger cum licking faggtron?

Sorry to offend you pajeet. Don't shit your sequin pink pants in rage.

That was a shitty post

You're literally the only Indian left on Sup Forums posting with the Indian flag. All the rest have gone into hiding. I mean that as a compliment.

The butthurt is only strong in you cum guzzlers. why else would you faggots get your panties twisted on my cuckold porn hate-post?

Get your flag right, nigger faggot.

I am more than enough for you faglords.

All non blacks are superior to blacks. Blacks are the dumbest humans on earth.

Idk man, I wouldn't trust the whites that I my work center with a piece of bread whereas two of the black dudes I work with are on their shit 24/7. Leadership sees this and mentions it as well. Sounds like a generalization to me famalam

that are in my*

Woah woah woah!!!! Then you can't be White

Actually surprised to see you haven't covered up your flag with one of the meme ones out of shame. You shit in the streets blah blah

>Indians are more proud....
>Watches interracial cuck porn not just Indian girls in stocking masturbating
>Doesn't poo in sanitary places using sanitary methods
Clearly you got a few screws loose m8...and does projecting on the internet really help you in your fucked up situation?

Mastery of language, for one.

Because we won. The last weapon the enemy has resorted to is our compassion. Soon we will overcome.

You're OK panjeet.

Well you have no shame letting your women get fucked by nigger men, hell you watch it in millions. kys

I didn't watch it, it was not tagged as "for cuckolds" or "for whites", I wouldn't have clicked knowing its a white men licking nigger cum off of his womens ass. And my situation is better than you probably, nigger faggot.

You too, nigger.

I didn't read any of the thread but why don't you go be equal somewhere else? I never hear about niggers bitching about equality in China. Chinks are dominate race as far as numbers.

>I didn't watch it!
>I wouldn't have even clicked on it!
>glosses over the fact that it had a nigger male in it
>somehow thinks he is not the cuck for watching surgically altered nigger snuff videos that the kikes love
>somehow doesn't understand his race are the kikes/mexicans of the Asian world
you okay there buddy? Maybe that's enough internet for today, huh?