Stop supporting Donald Trump
Stop supporting Donald Trump
People have been hounding me for over a year now about this, but you did it user. This is the post. This chick with her scuzzy face piercing, this is what will cause me to abandon ship. Bravo my friend. Bravo.
Whelp, that's settled
y-y-yes ma'am
Wtf is that shit on your face? Get away from me you freak.
Well I can't argue with that one
>Donald Trump
more like Donald Shit LOL
Anyone else despise good looking women that do this?
it drives me up the wall when people, especially women deliberately make themselves uglier for the sake of being """"edgy""""
not realizing that if they really wanted to be edgy they would wear dresses, heels, go to church, have no tattoos, not curse, not do drugs etc.
No, it helps identify the crazy.
>not realizing that if they really wanted to be edgy they would wear dresses, heels, go to church, have no tattoos, not curse, not do drugs
It's very sad that this is the truth in today's society. What went so wrong?
>Stop supporting Donald Trump
Stop chugging so much cock
>*puts strong magnet in front of face
I wish the nose accessory thing would phase out.
It's gross. Fucking boogers lodged in there...nasty.
Stop the insanity...take that shit out.
Will you suck my dick first?
How is she supposed to kiss?
I'm going to start supporting that ass.
Yeah no foam on my latte, thanks
>8 years
Yup. Along with large amounts of tattoos and unnatural hair colors. Like berries in the wild, there's warning signs. Better that these are self applied.
shes fucking perfect you are probably gay
No just not into trashy women
very compelling argument. really made me think.
wtf i hate Trump now