/nupol/ will literally defend this

>/nupol/ will literally defend this

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Good. The future is female.

im actually okay with this if it means fucking birth control so that shitskins dont reproduce

This means more abortions and birth control for third worlders. I don't agree with the sentiment but it will have a good effect in the long run.

If overpopulation were a real problem we wouldnt spend so much money on thrid world prenatal care. Thats why I never take vegans seriously. every vegan in America supports prenatal care. How can you save a cow if you have 100 million nigger babies born for every cow you save? Save the cow, kill the baby. Save the planet, kill the baby. Until the left starts letting babies die i can not take them seriously. until then i see men like the clown in canada and bill gates as men determined to destroy the world with nigger babies.

>more women to thirst after my dick


>Justin Trudeau will commit 95% of foreign aid to aborting Africans and giving them condoms

First he only lets in female migrants in need of a good Canadian BLEACHING and now this? Is Trudeau playing the long game and really ourguy in disguise?

Would you rather it go to the men?


>First he only lets in female migrants in need of a good Canadian BLEACHING and now this?

I identify as a woman. Give me my hand out.

Our dear leader has a point though. What is western feminism? It's a bunch of women bragging about being sluts, and bitching that young white boys opt out of western society while doing everything possible to push them away. Trudeau is basically giving women to women and girls that actually need it, although it's still my fucking money so he shouldn't do it, but we have no freedom in Canada anyways.

dude weed lmao

Why don't we just abolish all our social programs and open up private charities for everything like roads and nuclear weapons and stuff.

>received 39.5% of vote\

Ye that's reasonable as fk buddy

Your flag...its amazing.


No single men. Letting in families is still fucking retarded but at least he isn't opening the floodgates like Europe did.

Shit like this makes me wonder if Trudeau even knows what he's doing or if he's just pulling his policies out of a hat. He's a complete lefty yet will sometimes 180 at random intervals and his infamously retarded quotes make him sound like a Twin Peaks character.


>>>Daily Reminder

He's like a gas with a ton of nanobots surrounding it. The nanobots create the container that the gas is in and the gas fills it. On occasion, the pressure gets so great that some nanobots blow up, and it appears stupid, but the nanobot manages to land on the mouse that was about to chew into your food and the mouse gets killed.

Fuck, I completely forgot to to use archive

I'm ok with this. Immigrant women just want to make me breakfast, not rape my daughter.

actually this would be good. take away all the females in the middle east and they will no longer be able to reproduce as long as we keep the males out. plus dont tell me that you've never wanted to bang an arab cutie user.

as long as 2% goes to nato i dont care if you spend 98% on ass plugs fag.

It's all bullshit. He still lets in families and gay men.


You leafs have good thinking

jesus christ

Bear in mind it was only 39% of the vote.

I agree with this. I don't think doing it because of "Feminism" is right but I agree with the sentiment. If we give out any aid it should be to the women and children not those fucking healthy young male cockroaches abandoning their women and children to come leech of us.

What do y'all thing is gonna happen in the next election? I think conservative majority after being consistently disappointed with Trudeau and seeing all the success Trump is having. I could be overestimating.


All the media reports on is Trump's legal troubles.

In places where you can't project force what you earmark anything for is irrelevant.

Does this mean if a women has a son and a daughter the son gets the shit end of the stick compared to his sister?

trudeau: outwardly a cuck, secretly a race realist
trump: portrays himself as a nationalist, actually a globalist kike

Barring some kind of serious scandal (he's managed to dodge several so far) Trudeau will get crowned king shit yet again.

A broken clock is right twice a day

Over population gets zero exposure yet it's the biggest issue facing humanity. Africans and asians are the biggest problem. Africas birthrates are retardedly high and they are already spilling over into europe. Women in africa have average of 8 children and when surveyed, actually wanted more. Once these people are on gibs they will be having like 10+ children. Europe will be 50% african is 30 years. Rip

What the fuck how does he have any popularity at all after that. Bush got criticized for not doing enough during Katrina but Trudeau actually made things worse by refusing help.

Why can't we just kill women off already? we have already invented a way to create life without a female body, so they are not needed anymore.

>Immigration policy makes Canada 75% female
>Every Canadian male is drowning in pussy

It's mostly going to disappear up the asses of organizations like this one: nis-foundation.org/

You're right, Canadians are gay.

We should give our foreign aid to Israel instead.

> Foreign aid
> Getting foreign women to stop being nothing but a baby factory and AIDS incubator
> Implying old/pol/ would not support this

You know that is what this loud feminism drive in the west was partly about right? To signal out to poor countries that this is the values of the prosperous west.

Shame we were already at a decent level and the insane LGBT brigade were there to make everything less comfy.

Would make a difference if it wasn't a 100% gay country.

good one.

if we focus on keeping the baby factories alive and neglect the men, the endless stream of men with no prospects will continue to invade white countries! trudeau wants this!

You did it,Canada. You defeated African reproduction.

private charities will just traffic them to white countries. and play human shield any time military intervention is needed


free abortions and birth control for women in Africa

doing the lords work, Canada.

they raise little abduls. and every lefty will tell you, european terrorism is mostly home grown "natives"

Yup third world males are really going to tolerate not getting any food aid while women and girls get it.

Its just a incitement for men in poor countries to rape and murder women.

This is actually good:

>foreign aid concentrated in Islamic shitholes
>elevate females in Islamic shitholes over men
>muslims shitholes get cucked
>Islam becomes piss-weak in feminized society

but I thought africans believed they got aids from white man medicine and the only way to get rid of it was to rape a young girl?

if you give them more aid, wont that make them more suspicious, there in increasing the rapes, aids and birth rate?

>any shitskin willing to claim bisexual can get into canada and not have to pretend to fag once here. i mean all shitskins are bisexual atleast, but over there gay means the one who gets fucked. the fucker isn't gay

one of the two major parties will win with a minority. trudeau is betraying people on the centre, but andrew who? doesn't have the energy to win a strong majority. not letting max be leader anyway was a mistake.

also in the event of a liberal minority, they will make some sort of deal with the ndp, but this won't be like the last time and the cons won't be able to shut it down

>don't give money to men/boys
>only women/girls

So, using their usual logic, sexist much?

>food aid
That's not what they're getting.

Thats just another motive why statism is a disease and should be banned, politicians trought thivery take money from the productive population to waste it on welfare or any other thing that dosent return to the people while desrespecting its own population.


So let's say I can tolerate some feminine dick, does that mean I can apply for citizenship in Canada? How?

More like Jewstein Keikaku.

>implying this is a bad thing

Feminism kills birth rates. We should be pushing it in Africa.

>gender equality

>in islamic countries


Being Canadian is effectively the same as being Anthony Burch at this point.

I'd rather foreign aid go to women rather than the terrorist men

i've fucked several hindi, paki, sikh and arab muslim women over the last 5 years or so and most of them have been fun, tight pussies, actually had a scare where I thought I made one of them pregnant.

anyway point is if im gunna give my tax dollars to foreign shitskins it might as well be women instead of men.

Is it true they are not allowed to shave? How did it feel fucking hairy gorillas?

Woah buddy, depopulation is why we need to let the hoard in ;-)

i don't know if they're allowed or not but the sikh I fucked had a hairy pussy, but somewhat trimmed like she groomed her pubes at least, and her pits were shaved if i'm remembering correctly, i fucked her like 4 years ago and haven't slept with another sikh since.

Fuck my country

Would you rather they give money to Achmeds? Compare the number of male Islamic terrorists to female ones then get back to me.

>literally paying 3rd worlders to shit out more little achmeds and sambos
Thanks canada. When the brown horde finally comes to north america I will remember it was you who funded all those baby factories in the middle east and africa.