America was once projected to be debt-free by 2010

>America was once projected to be debt-free by 2010

I miss the year 2000.

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thanks obama

Iraq war, Bush causes 2008 crisis.

What did you learn pol?

>debt accumulated from reagan's cutting taxes and increased military spending is obama's fault

More like 9/11 happened and we used that as an excuse to knock some sand nigger skulls in

raising taxes would have just fucked the economy

Bush didn't cause 2008. That string of causes stretches through Clinton and back to Reagan.

that graph was a blatant lie, the debt was hitting 5T by 2000.

It's not, but the 10 trillion dollars he added (literally doubled it) is.

> the nation that harbors the largest military in order to protect the largest banking mafia the work has ever seen, using fractional reserve banking
> being debt free
> ever

Nice meme friendo

yeah ole bill was good with magic numbers.


Based off of projects made when the dot com market was literally doubling in less than 5 years. And Social Security/Medicaid wasn't going to double in cost in 5 years.

Both were highly fucking optimist and it's no surprise it didn't pan out.

I'm clueless about economics. What's the point of a debt ceiling if every time you bump against it, you just raise it some more?

>debt free

do you know how money works you fucking idiot?

It is mathematically impossible to ever pay off the debt. (((They))) planned the Federal Reserve that way.
Every dollar that the Fed creates is debt but they don't create the dollars to pay the interest

>he fell for deep state propaganda

Tbh Bill wasn't that bad of a president certainly better then Bush and King Nigger. He'll probably end up being better then Trump too.

This is the problem. Liberals act like it's no big deal for your reason stated, and they have a good point. But this is only the beginning. It is doomed to collapse, you cannot raise it indefinitely.

Who's gonna collect?

To force a debate every time. Think of every ceiling we blow past as a potential off ramp.

It actually can raise indefinitely as long as we control the currency.

There is nothing wrong with our national debt, don't listen to the conservatards in this thread.

you do know the fed deposits its profits into the treasury at the end of the year right?

>It is doomed to collapse, you cannot raise it indefinitely.

too big to fail

and if you fuck with the currency too much people lose confidence and your nation collapses

I think the graph shows debt as a % of GDP which is generally how it's measured.

Nominal debt is misleading because the total debt is always increasing due to dollar inflation.

not if your currency is heavily fortified by a natural resource aka oil

and if the oil runs out and you can't invade any more mudslime nations for more...

it says trillions on the side

then this happened.

>and if the oil runs out and you can't invade any more mudslime nations for more...

when oil runs out then they become dependent on the tech the US is currently at the helm with.

are you really this stupid user?

Oh you are right... it's blurry as fuck.
Well then it was a shit projection.

Clinton did lower the debt as a percentage of GDP though. Too bad he was also a shabbo's goy that bombed Yugoslavia and starved thousands of Iraqui kids at Israel's beck and call.

>blaming the 10 trillion debt on Reagan

kekkk holy fuck crisis and 9/11 pretty much blew any hopes of that ever happening. 2008's mortgage crisis put the nail in the coffin.

we'll switch to natural gas for cars and invade qatar

oh wait we're already doing that

It was a mix of housing and bank restrictions lifted started ny Reagan but kicked into overdrive by congress in the mid 2000's. Bush didnt cause it but he sure as fuck made it worse

Iraq was 40% Bush (or Cheney if you believe that conspiracy), but blaming 2008 on Bush is mostly retarded. That's exactly like blaming Californians for their drought.

Iraq was the end result of Reagen's dumbass foreign policy spiraling out of control for over three presidents. No one could stop that shit.

Are you implying that the US is leading the world in green tech? oh lawd.

Obtaining a mortgage was very difficult in the 1980s. Relaxation in lending standards came much later. Reagan had nothing to do with 2008.


Before that Clinton starved half a million Iraqi kids to death to please his Israeli masters.

"Two wings of the same bird, vote all you want, the flight plan doesn't change."

The 1990s were comfy because people were fucking asleep. But all the mess that we see today has its seeds there.

Smells like an Obama leaf thread in the making

You put a lot of effort into that.

>Debt almost Tripled under Obongo

"Bu-bubut RAEGAN!1!!!1!

You have no idea.. But the sense of satisfaction upon completion makes it all worthwhile.