Why doesn't Sup Forums support Black Lives Matter?

Why doesn't Sup Forums support Black Lives Matter?


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People ALL lives matter, dipshit.

Except for blacks

becuase im racist as fuck

>battiboi thinking his opinion matters

because niggers like blm dont matter

Black lives do not matter.

Don't like them; the majority need to be gassed alongside the other degenerates.

The whole world is going to be a better place once the -choke all coons- pandemic goes online.

Soon nigger, soon.

Because their entire premise is flawed, built around ignoring facts and statistics, and insists that all blacks are still second class citizens in this country and in constant physical danger like it's Mississippi 70 years ago.

I'm black and I hate them and everything they stand for.

>Why doesn't Sup Forums support Black Lives Matter?
Because they don't.

We do!

We pedes celebrate diversity and oppose police power.

Black Lives Matter to us!

I can kind of understand why we have BLM in the US. But for fuck's sake there is absolutely no reason for it to exist in any other nation.

Whut da fuq is wrong with these blacks? All the gibs and no thank you. Fuck them. Fuck them right in the ass. Sometimes hate is useful

Because if they really believed black lives matter, they would start confronting gangs, such as, the crips and bloods: but I don't see that in the near, or even distant, future.

Don't call them Black Lives Matter. They are glorified, government funded terrorists.

They are Black Terrorists Matter - BTM

Because they dont. They aren't just worthless, they are cancer. If every single nigger vanished overnight, billions of dollars would be saved, crime would plummet, national IQ would rise, the world will be overjoyed that such a disgusting hideous creature called the nigger doesn't crawl among their society.

Because it's fucking stupid.

>violence against black countries must stop
>while committing 200% more crimes vs whites in white countries
really got my noggin joggin

What happened to BLM anyways? Haven't heard anything about them in quite some time. Did they just drop off the face of the earth?

Because we don't want to live on the "Planet of the Apes"

why are they doing this? just fueling the fire for these niggers to go bananas...

I support black lives matter but not for the same reason niggers do
I support it because it fuels racial hatred and encourages niggers to keep behaving like niggers which gets them killed

They literally want all whites and cops dead. There's no sugarcoating their motive. That's what it is in its cleanest, purest form.


Soros stopped giving them money.

Because they're nationalists fighting a corrupt police state.

They're worth less than fecal matter.

Because it's exclusionary ethnocentrism to such a radical degree that all struggles, the marginalized and not, are subservient to the whims of the black race. It speaks so often about the injustice about the world and yet they chimp out about those who are within the system and their corresponding struggles. BLM thinks that their own views allow them to install a hierarchy above every other expression in the world and socially stigmatize and shame wrong think. They're radicals who demand everything submits unto their impulses and claim that disagreement is equatable to being a strictly genocidal supremacist.

what did you expect to happen? blacks to turn media spotlight, concerned sympathetic citizens, and apparent social calls for action into betterment of themselves and their communities?


Because it was made by George Soros aka America's biggest gangster.

>They aren't just worthless, they are cancer. If every single nigger vanished overnight, billions of dollars would be saved, crime would plummet, national IQ would rise, the world will be overjoyed that such a disgusting hideous creature called the nigger doesn't crawl among their society.
> I want a t-shirt.

aren't they paid by Soros?

>black nationalists in a White country
Every tiem

>historic oppression of blacks.
I feel oppressed seeing their faces and don't want to be anywhere near them, let alone lord over them in my (yes, my) countries.

Yes. Open Society Foundation and other (((orgs))) of that (((international plutocrat)))

because its part of the democrat party scam to submit black people into forever depending on the government and have them forever voting democrat.

because they are a bunch of jive shuckin, liquor store robbin, loud movie watchin, god damned niggers.

They are black antifa. That is why. They are no different than nazi thugs in behavior.

niggers fear the SaigaMarine

>Why doesn't Sup Forums support Black Lives Matter?

I am not a black, lesbian, communist agitator.

If its brown, gun it down.

Because niggers do more harm than they do good. Niggers are a tiny fraction of the population here in the US and commit a majority of violent crime. Absolutely nothing of value would be lost if every nigger in the world were to suddenly drop dead. Whites are the engineers, Asians are the factory workers, and Hispanics work the fields. What do blacks do? They soak up welfare like sponges, commit crime, and then bitch and moan when you stop giving them all them free gibs me dats. Niggers are the ugliest, dumbest, poorest, most useless race on this planet. I could make all kinds of arguments for the good sides of nearly every culture and race, but not niggers. They're baboons with shit genetics and all they've ever done is cause problems for everyone else. Niggers and Jews are bad news.

Overall 2/10 bait, made my reply.

It's not helping anyone .It is just making relations between blacks and whites worse. Unifying blacks just made them hate whites, they ironically became racists themselves.

surely we can think of a way to rid ourselves of the nigger scourge. In my day I've seen very, very few, but I feel for my brothers and their young ones who must bear witness to the nigger scourge.

In my experience, the only people who aren't racist are the ones who haven't lived in majority black areas. Niggers are simply a subspecies. They aren't like everyone else.