Whites underrepresented in mass shootings

This is your daily reminder that Whites are underrepresented in mass shootings. Arabs, Asians, and Blacks (in descending order) commit more mass shootings per-capita.

(source from Mother Jones, generally regarded as liberal).

USE THIS stat when Leftists try to blame/demonize European American Males everytime some sicko decides go motherfuckin' postal.

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The alt-right is so god damn stupid. Of course if you change the definition of terrorism to just attacks by Muslims all terrorists will be Muslim, and of course if you change the definition of mass shootings/white people you can make the data look like whatever you want.

Is this really your best argument?

This data is from Mother Jones (I'm surprised they even published this).

They broke down all the mass shootings by ethnicity since 1982. The facts speak for themselves.

I offered hard evidence. The burden of proof has shifted to you now. I'm waiting...

Self-bumping this thread. More Anons here need to see this.


here's your article, you cant even get the data right, it literally shows a bunch of whites with a few ethnics.

I mean seriously do your research, you are the pinnacle of the stupid alt-right.

Show us the representation of whites in molesting children.

You need to dissect the separate ethnicities lumped into the White category. Arabs are included in that group.

Even withstanding that fact, Whites are still underrepresented in mass shootings per-capita.

>does not understand the words "per-capita"

Can we get a graph of all manlets causing mass shootings? Because this might be less of a racial thing and more of a height problem based on the Asian presence in that graph.

I shill this on Twitter all the time, it makes people WOKE AF :D :D

>It's the "I don't know what Per Capita means" episode of Liberal Stupidity.
This show is getting pretty old.

OP claims %shooters/%pop of white is 1

ie they are actually over represented

And of course the others are all off too.

Still waiting for your rebuttal.

They'll never analyze the data this way because it destroys their narrative.

Hahaha they're not bro. The data is already broken down and explained.

Literally just do the math unless you really need me to walk you through it.

Percentage of shooters who are white = total white shootes divided by total shooters

= 44/(44+11+6+2+1+1) = 64.7%

divide this by the total percent of whites in america (62.3%) and there you go, you get a number greater than one. Over-represented.

Silence is golden OP. There's an expression for this. Something about glass houses and rocks.

In fact its probably higher now that there was another white terrorist who shot up the baseball game today.

Arabs are still included in the white category, it obviously inflates the total number. That's the point I've been making.

Why do nigger love killing each other?

It's from Mother Jones you dumb shit. Not an alt-right source, but a far left source.

That Virginia Tech shooter is probably the main reason Asians are that high from the average

>hispanics below all other ethnicities

Daily reminder that chicanos are white

The manipulated data and mental gymnastics is what I called alt-right, source of the data may be leftist that irrelevant.

Okay I don't know why your definition of white is more valid than the source but show me which ones are not white and if they really aren't white we can re-calculate but I don't think they would lie about racial group.


See: and pic related

>The manipulated data and mental gymnastics is what I called alt-right, source of the data may be leftist that irrelevant.
haha oh wow
Speaking of mental gymnastics while you pull off an 8/10. You're really fucking pathetic.

>using mathematical models as evidence

I'll make one more point before I stop responding because I'm a degenerative drunk.

Go to the Excel sheet Mother Jones made. It breaks down all of the mass shooters (w/ body count) and ethnicity since 1982. It breaks it down row by row.

When you separate other groups like Arabs, it boils down the true number of white mass shooters. Data indicates that Whites are still unrepresented in mass shootings, while other ethnic groups are overrepresented.

Holy fuck that's an enormous gulf between saracens and asians

>67 cases, not 68
>75.1% of population is white non-hispanic based on the source that is given in op pic, as in Table 4 on page 7
(44/67)/.751 = 0.8745
0.8745 < 1

And not whatever bullshit you pulled.

And now, it's 65 cases?

>divide this by the total percent of whites in america (62.3%)
Which you pulled out of your ass, and didn't use the percentage mother jones used.

>White Hispanic

Why are people shit talking this term

That incident of the nigger misusing the term "White Hispanic" was him just being anti white

Blame the nigger for misusing the term white hispanic on a stupid mestizo mexican

Don't actually blame the term "White Hispanic" because some Hispanics are unironically white like the the Sheen family because hispanic is not a race

Any race could be hispanic because it's a term of geographic lineage regardless of race

The government states this

Delete this image

If you're gonna let some muslim nigger ruin terms for you, then you are a pawn of the jews

Hispanic is not a race

Any race could be hispanic

>B-but hispanic is an ethnicity

Technically only in specific terms of the actual country (i.e, Spaniard, Cuban, Mexican, etc) and more so in a cultural and language terms rather than genetics

Any race could be hispanic


Where do non mestizo hispanics who are either white, black, or asian go in though?

Not all hispanics are mestizos

Mother Jones obviously doesn't track hood violence. This must be only the shootings that make it to the front pages of CNN. Nigglets are vastly over-represented in gun violence.

Do you really think america is 75% white?

Even from the 2010 census the percent of non-hispanic whites was 64%

Twitter shadowbanned me for posting that pic

It all comes down to the definition of mass shooting though, depends where the number cutoff is.

The data drastically changes when your definition of mass shooting changes from 3 to 6. Since most Dindu style drive-bys normally only hit 2-3 max since they can't shoot for shit.

This. Some like 14x more than everyone else combined if gang violence is included.

>white shooters per shooter
jesus christ there is literally no fixing leftists.

>Non hispanic white

Why not just white

what makes Martin Sheen "Not white"

>Do you really think america is 75% white?
What I think is unimportant. I was only demonstrating the math behind the mother jones study.
Why did they take 75%? Idk, maybe they just calculated the moving average. (1982-2016) Like you say, in 2010, it was 64%. It could only have been more and more up unto 1982

How is that a fair comparison? White males are more desirable to females therefore have a higher chance of being seduced by a young temptress.

1/10 bait made me reply