What makes someone unironically racist?

What turns a person racist?


pattern recognition

Interacting with other races.

interactions with a nigger


reading Sup Forums memes



American education

Came here to say this.

I'm trying to figure out where the hell all these pol racists come from. Is there a part of the country that is secluded from the real world or is it just the loneliness of the basement?

It's more primal than this. The answer is instinct.



Jew lies.

Being exposed to black people is what makes people racist.

The only answer and the best answer

Shut up leaf, I want a real answer

I mean he's not wrong.


>Lack of interaction with other races
>Too much knowledge and experience with other races.

The solution is to coexist peacefully but separately in moderation. Seperate but equal you might say.

>What turns a person racist?
reality, my nigger.

that is a real answer, realizing the Jews lied about the holocaust and 9/11 is what made me unapologetically racist. Now Im on my way into the military to get combat experience and Im ready to kill a mass's of them the first chance I get.

For me, it was 8 years of being called racist because I didn't like our former president. I went from egalitarian libertarian to hoppean, and pushing into fascism


I am ironically racist, you stupid nigger fag.

white skin.

living among blacks

O fuc

I grew up around black people. Seeing and knowing how many good black people there are Is why I'm not racist towards blacks.

life experience

I wasn't always a racist, but I became one once I realized that literally every other race on the planet looked out for their own above all others except for mine.

I just realized the pepe in the pic is of Trump over a wall, i always thought it was a pepe in a lumberjack shirt holding a bag

i was told i must accept.

why would they repeatedly bombard you with silly sayings like "we're all the same" and "black is beautiful" ?
because they're untrue and a tough sell



Not only this, but I was constantly told by those same other races that I wasn't allowed to feel any sort of pride or unity for my own race. It became apparent that they were just taking advantage of the situation in order to bury my race while promoting their own.

The term 'racist' is bad rhetoric. It implies there is something inherently bad about pointing out or even noticing difference of race. 'Prejudice' is a far better term as it implies a lack of reason and experience to back up a claim, for which there is much to deem 'racism' as not necessarily prejudiced.

Spotted the coon


That shit never held up when push came to shove.

>We're all the same!
>But we NEED affirmative action!

>We're all the same!
>But we need more diversity in media, I can't identify with white males!

northern latitudes.

Working in the service industry around not white people.

reading race and IQ literature

Racism is a fallacy. You see, race not exist!

History, facts, personal experience, statistics, genetics, culture, world events, seeing how groups interact, understanding the world.

Put it so well and so succinctly.

Pic very related. We in the American south recognize patterns all day every day in ways that most white liberals around the country simply never do. Racism doesn't necessarily involve the seething hatred which Hollywood and our media so often presents. It's simply a recognition that people are different.

Jew lies

A combination of life experience, pattern recognition, independent research of statistics and having the courage to disagree with childhood authority figures.

Only ignorance

Seeing shitskins for what they are.

Loving yourself turns people nationalist

Racism the instinct is good.
Racism the accusation is impossible to defend.
You call me racist. For that, I am guilty as charged.

fake news

Violence and treachery
Or stories of such
Besides any biological drive

Race makes you racist, and it exists.

Blacks love themselves being blavk so they dont unite with non blacks etc..

Low IQ and or hatred

Race realism is the true redpill. Don't judge an individual based on his group unless you have to


I don't think people are genuinely racist, just frustrated and express that in ways the people deem racist. I call people niggers, Mexicans, beaners all the time. Usually when they cut me off, loitering etc...

Did you say it before you typed it?

Have you ever interacted with non-city folk?

The bad ones HEAVILY out number the good ones

Are you suggesting I'm not a person?

getting cucked by a person of color. That is the only explanation.


Blow away, Leaf. Fall is coming.





being born white


How did the thread advance past this post?

well OP do you think its inherently superior to be a 6'4" man than a 5'4" man?

being born superior.

This post sums up so much of the atmosphere around (((gaming))) at the moment.

>pic related
>no pic

I loved black people until my mother got robbed at gun point by one.

Viewing people as statistics instead of individuals

When people start bragging about "their average intelligence", you know something is off

Education, mainstream media, low I.Q parents, black lives matter, Jews, liberals, democrats, etc etc.

Life. I argued with my dad as a kid when he'd say something racist. Then I grew up and said dad I understand now. More culturalist than racist though

I love black people too. I love em real bad.



my earliest memory in life, is when i was 3 years old. We were living in chicago, and my oldest brother is learning disabled, bipolar, all sorts of goofy. Three niggers would mock him, bully him everyday. When I saw them, I called them "big ears, big nose, big lips". Later, they played ding dong ditch on us, and my entire family, led my young father chased them down and beat them and handed them off to their "grandparents" who promised to whip them again.

I've always been racist. I have absolutely zero memories of not being racist.

It's sad after all the PC nonsense of the 90s and 00s, it took them coming after a childish hobby for some people to wake up to all the faggotry. Worse is some act like that was the beginning of PC culture or 'le SJWs xD'. When this shit has been going on for decades.

Do you live around blacks?

Natural instinct to have territory for your family.

Ethnocentrism is the best survival strategy.

I am impressed

Alright everyone go home now.

For me it was facts and having to deal with dirty Chinks all day.

you jelly because it was gamers that stood up to them before anyone else.

this is the correct answer

Experience in my case. I grew up in a nice, middle class North Jersey suburb with few and well behaved niggers. Then I enlisted and saw more of the US and world. I saw the results where niggers dominate. I have excellent social skills and no nigger has personally done me harm just as most of the planet has done me no harm. It's not personal or a grudge. Niggers should be repatriated to Africa or erased. Their social behavior does not advance civilization. Someone had to take global last place, and the niggers did. It's sad they are such shit, but shit they are.

When I was a baby, I wouldn't let the black doctor hold me. They had to bring in a nurse.

Hello CIA!

I'm using this as my standard explanation from now on.