Wife unable to stay faithful because she's too beautiful

"A woman has been labelled “deluded”, “shallow” and “embarrassing” after writing a tell-all article claiming she was unable to be faithful to her husband because she is “too beautiful”.
>Journalist, environmentalist and former It-girl Julia Stephenson penned a controversial article for the Mail Online titled: “The agony of being too beautiful to be faithful.
>Ms Stephenson went on to explain that, because of her self-proclaimed beauty, she was surrounded by adoring me who wanted to seduce her which resulted in her leaving her husband and entering into a string of flings, affairs and short-lived relationships.
The writer argues that she is not entirely to blame for her infidelities – explaining she is “too pretty for her own good”.


What have women become Sup Forums? Are we in a point of no return? Do we have to get married to women Sup Forums? When all that awaits are suffering?

Other urls found in this thread:


Well not for long, one of those Akbars you imported will fix that problem for her with a little acid to the face.

She's not wrong. My ex was a fucking bombshell. Even got some legit modelling gigs for some well known companies. Me being her highschool love bug that popped her cherry eventually didn't cut it when grown men offered her rides in their lambo's and expensive stays in the Bahamas. So she left.

Sure she came back after a while to tell me how she loved me and all that nonsense. But I'm not a cuck. Told her she fucked up and to never contact me again.

Life goes on I guess.

She looks like a drunk. This isn't political and it's clogging the board.


Marry a good, Christian woman. Problem solved.

>too beautiful
Bitch do you own a mirror

Yeah and a mayweather fight is? Idiot.


You made the right decision user. Most men would let a girl like that walk all over them.
Personality is more important than looks.

This is why I treat pretty women like shit. Too many guys kiss the ground they walk on, for some reason I feel like I need to be one of the few that don't. The weird part is that I'm nice to ugly girls.

Too much of a whore

Hope her husband is "too musculear not to beat her"

That's because ugly girls are usually kind hearted. Vanity is the most important thing to a woman. The more you suffer in life, the more you care about others.
Pain makes you a better person.

So?? Nothing wrong with having an open relationship, specially if she's beautiful and can enjoy herself with a lot of guys.. Maybe you can watch or something if that gets you off it's not like she's cheating or anything it's just sex.

Grow up gramps.

Wow. Just fucking wow.

I'm a moderator of numerous highly influential subreddits and every fucking minute I refresh my page to see a constant and persistent deluge of fucking Islamophobic spam all over our site from piece of shit Drumpf supporters. I asked where they're coming from and someone mentioned this place.

I cannot believe my fucking eyes, what the fuck is this place? Are you all being fucking ironic?

I seriously hope you assholes are being ironic because 95% of the posts I'm seeing here are blatant hate crimes. I've logged all of your IDs and am putting together a report for the police.

I'm shaking with fear and anger, I cannot believe this place is allowed to even exist. I hope you all burn in fucking hell.

Stay the fuck away from my reddit.

Underrated poast.

She deserves spinsterhood though desu.

barely raman noodles at this point

Good on you. More balls than most guys and there are those that marry into that bullshit.

My wife is a dirty whore

>man approves islamic ways

>What have women become Sup Forums?
Women have always been whores for male attention. We just stopped putting babies into them to keep them busy and occasionally slapping some sense into them.

Barron Trump, deep undercover

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

Sex is just physical goy

Fucking same. They are used to the best life has to offer, they don't need everyone sucking their ass, being mean to them will put them in their place.

Keep trying to justify your lack of control.

Goddamn it Canada. We can still fucking tell it's you.

>What have women become Sup Forums?

The point is that the media is normalizing the ideas they wouldn't before. They normalize behavior slowly, year by year, and then it makes most wonder how we all got here.


Same here


>replying to pasta

being this fucking new

>Reply with a Canadian meme to pasta.
>YOU'RE NEW111!!!111ONE!!111

What the fuck is this place? I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking racism and islmophobia. all of you are fucking degenerates. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all boards should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.

Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.

fuck you guys

All these women-hate threads need their own board, since they're not about politics, and R9K is too pathetic.
Not complaining, just saying. I'd probably make that board my home page.

The problem is as usual the father.

Pretty women that have been raised correctly will be just as nice and faithful as ugly ones. Even if they've spent their whole life being showered with compliments, a father that did his job can effectively brainwash her early on so that having life on easy mode doesn't make her do shit like this cunt did.

Of course though, few men do raise their daughters right.

Why do you take clickbait seriously? Though it was funny seeing her try to rationalize her shitty behavior.

>two sexes
>present among every group of people
>organization and interaction of which is literally the single most important facet of civilization
>not about politics

spotted the AnCap

Ugly girls appreciate any attention they get. Also, ideally, they will develop aspects of themselves to compensate for not being physically attractive.

Though remember they're human and can develop vain personalities just as well.

This....has to be one of the emotionally truest things in context to women I've ever read.

I started reflecting, and the more a girl suffered or actually disconnected herself from what is expected to be feminine today through misery, bad luck or simply by being a bit flawed in certain areas, the more she seemed like a good person inside, and the more I was attracted to her (besides the looks).

Thanks for forming a sentiment I had in my head for over a decade now into words user.

>reddit spacing
>confirmed redditor
Think it's just a meme now?

She just got engaged to a wimpier version of me. Not my words, everyone who knows her and I said this. Looked at a picture of him. It was pretty spot on. Not I'm just trying to get into Officer school for the military but that's not really panning out too well. They're giving me alot of shit for a heart murmur when I was 12.
Idk man. I love life, but God it blows.