I'd really like to know if anyone has insight into these pyramids in Antartica. "Mainstream scientists" have tried to claim they are natural structures, but if that were possible wouldn't we have instances of natural pyramid-mountains in other places on earth? Would uncovering these pyramids rips giant holes in mainstream climate change and evolution theory and history?
Redpill me on the pyramids in Antartica
Other urls found in this thread:
>Would uncovering these pyramids rips giant holes in mainstream climate change and evolution theory and history?
Nah, they're tens of millions of years old, from a time when the whole world was much warmer and Antarctica wasn't even in the same place.
They're only pyramid looking from like..one angle. It's a hill
they dont want you to know because its the last kangz evidence to unravel this we wuz kangz conspiracy
They're temples I'm pretty sure.
Guys, there is something in the snow...
Spaceship temples piloted by ancient African geniuses held in cryonic suspension.
>wouldn't we have instances of natural pyramid-mountains in other places on earth
Pyramidal peak.
Look more tracks!
we wuz antarticans n sheeit
But if they're that old, then who build them? Wouldn't that mean that humans as we think of them existed that far back? That changes everything we think we know, doesn't it? Civilization is taught to us that it started in the past 10k years.
It looks like some sort of red oval...
>one angle
Pic related gives you a second angle.
A shoggoth killed the inhabitants. Better not to know anything more.
We are the 3rd iteration of and advanced society. However we are no where near the advances in tech they had.
>Pyramidal peak.
I looked up some photos, pic related, but they certainly don't look like symmetrical smooth pyramids.
We wuz kangz
Arg! Ye niggurs can't live thee cold.
wow, that thing is pretty damn pointy
Can you give some examples? I already know that none of them will look like this.
The same people who built the pyramids of Cydonia on Mars. Probably the same people that left this derelict space ship on the Moon.
Thanks Mr. Hoagland. How are the new meds working?
Thanks I'd never heard of that. Does anyone know if mythology or pyramid building civilization have any references to other lands or planets where they were from or built on?
The OP picture is buried under tons of snow and ice, and the edges, especially on the right side, aren't completely straight like an actual pyramid would be. There's also other rocky tips poking out of the snow right next to it, odds the whole thing is just part of a mountain range.
Here's one. Picture it mostly buried under snow and ice, just leaving the upper part showing, and you'd get a similar result.
That's pretty interesting. I found this one too. Much closer. Still... is it possible that Atlantis myths came from Antarctica?
Yeah, I never believed humanity/civilization started 10k years ago. Even as a kid, it seemed very idiotic to me.
We've been around much longer.
It's the Leviathin.we can only pray to God it never wakes up.
Atlantis myths came from Which is where you should be.
I can say, Antarctica has probably been known for longer than "official" history says. The Piri Reis' map, made in 1513, shows a coastline where Antarctica's rough location would be. Notes on the map describe it as being a warm place, and the map itself was alleged to have been copied from much, much older maps from the Library of Alexandria. There's also Johannes Schöner's globes, made only a few years later, that show a landmass at the South Pole.
U know who builded dem
At least it's an actual place that has been buried under water. Just curious.
/x/ is the slowest goddamn board and full of
fucking faggots and shitty larpers. I would say more on it, but then it'd veer even further off the topic. There are no serious Antarctica threads anymore. And when there are they get killed off.
It'd have to be waaaay older than 1513. Glaciers that thickness take a long time to build up. Maybe in the Minoan warm period.
I know, I was just being an ass. I wish we had /xpol/ in addition to /bant/. It has a place.
/xpol/ would devolve into shit fast. the sporadic nature of these threads is what makes it great. its always great to see one floating in the catalog.
Sup Forums has some good ones occasionally too.
Were you around for forgotten languages? I think I lost three days over that one.
I don't know what the original subject of the thread was, but in the comments I read this insanely detailed leaf larp about pyramids with traps and ancient technology in Antarctica. I wish I had saved it.
Im sure i was around im an ancientfag. you can never leave etc etc. Although i missed that though. do you have a link handy? or can i at least get a quick rundown on what that is?
Why do you do this in every thread?
>tfw niggers think they are Copts
its archived
just search "knowledge bomb"
Do not approach them.
ok those are vaguely pyramidal shaped, but nothing like the almost 4 complete sides like the one in Antarctica.
The one in Antarctica has the exact same angle all the way to the top, aside from some small erosion.
It's fascinating because it has 4 clear edges.
Watch The Code by Carl Munck and the answer should be somewhat apparent. Maybe you can figure out what it is about from there.
I watched The Pyramid Code then convinced my husband to watch it with me. That's when he finally stopped rejecting my conspiracy theories and has even gotten on the "they are telling us stuff through these sci-fi movies" bandwagon.
Fuck off. Everyone rational knows they're just mountains, part of a range that was first explored over 100 years ago.
I'm phonefagging before I go to sleep and it's all on my desktop. Some guy had really creepy YouTube videos and a blog with a made up occult sounding series of languages. We investigated the hell out of him and half of us concluded he was a Spanish con artist while the other half decided he was with the ayyylmaos. It went on for a good, solid 3 weeks Last fall before the election, like in September or October and was a refreshing break from politics.
If the world was so much colder 100 years ago with less melted ice, how were these ones peaking through now literally have been explored? Amazing how all the leafs and jews are mysteriously gone, but we still get retarded posts like this.
Remnants of the early days of when the human race came from mars to earth after Mar's environment was compromised and we needed to find a new home.
Look up operation Stargate.
are there any other geologists in this thread quietly luaghing their balls off?
Kek I admire that level of dedication. Who the hell larps that hard?
damn no i missed all of that completely. sounds like a good time
its fun if you have autism
It was fun, let me see if I can find it for you.
Those of us in the 'con artist' camp found records of him embezzling Spanish government money, but it started out as a spooky story.
You guys can find more from here. It was very entertaining.
thanks user
My pleasure. I want to stress that we found out the guy was a con artist and was on trial in Spain for fraud. Still fun though.
Ummm wtf is that a real image??
Saved it thanks. I wonder if he made money off any gullible autists.
are you a trained geologist or are you a rural voter?
He had like a whole cult going. It was creepy as shit.
bog hq
I started a thread once on vortex peace prayer and it's conenction to wikileaks and the Mandela Effect, and instead of serious replies I got my thread spammed with underage kiddies mad that I was sliding their succubus and fortune cooking threads.
Why not get autistic with it? The pyrimids were placed in a strategic point in the planet, lining up with the great stars and being on the quarter point of the planet, what are the coordinates of this formation? Are their ant stars that line up with it?
I was there.
Forgotten Languages was creepy as fuck
Don't both the Egyptian pyramids and one of the latin american ones (peruvian?) align with Orion? Maybe these do to...
This is what we should be talking about, huge gravitational anomaly under the Antarctic ice. Likely caused by the orientation shift from passing into the hollow earth. The Black Sun is within the planet.
bump before i go to bed
So like where those white skinned blue haired blonde eyed mythical people came from then retreated back to?
blue eyed blonde hair lol
But I've seen this before and I want to verify something.
Yes there are mountains in Antarctica that look very pyramid like, more than more natural mountains, and "mainstream" scientists are extremely quick to dismiss it even though we still don't know what's under the ice/snow.
Kansas right?
oh look we got another rural voter here.
yes, also where Yggdrasil is. there are great beasts in the hollow earth as well, mythological beasts. Watch the latest King Kong movie, you know how (((they))) insert real conspiracies into films? They talk about the hollow earth and that monsters reside there, the company that hunts them is called Monarch which is Cohencidentlly a later stage of the MKULTRA project
Idk but it makes for a unbearably shitty alien vs predator plot.
My theory is that this is the original Atlantis only Atlantis was really destroyed by the Noah Flood in the Bible. The civilization left here is probably proof of the original civilization of the Bible before the Flood. Probably Biblical references are left here and references to the Nephilim of the Bible as well. Probably dead bodies of Nephilim. I believe the giant heads of Peru which were claimed to not be human are nephilim. Probably references to the original angels that disowned their original place in heaven and came to earth and committed bestiality with women and produced giant superhuman hybrids who are the source of our legends, myths, and comics of superhuman beings. Probably references to a dumb hippie named Noah who spread rumors of water falling from heaven by Jehovah God. It would confirm the Bible as true. This cannot be allowed.
You are smart.
Go look into the ancient civilizations that lived in New Zealand. Evidence they came from far away as Egypt. They found human skeletons and settlements in parts of NZ that date back over 2000 years (Long before the Maori turned up) and their myths even talk about light skinned people that were there before they were.
A lot of this is covered up in NZ because Maori want to be seen as the first people who came here.
Do you think humans migrated from Antarctica to NZ? What are those myths?
But where did the super humans go? Or did they down breed so much we have no traces of them?
FL couldn't be a LARP. its too deep. got to be some DARPA project. I spent 20 plus hours looking into it. my opinion is that the contact was AI
exactly what a paid shill would say to throw you off
So you were in the other camp. I also hit those threads hard and researched like crazy. Remember Irish guy? I picked up with him in thread two and worked with him for four or five threads until I was satisfied the guys was a con.
>But where did the super humans go?
The Nephilim(half-human half-angels in human form) were hybrids so they were all sterile. They were all violent so probably died a lot or killed each other like niggers do today. All humanity on earth right now is descended from normal base-line humans from Noah's family. The angels were forced back into heaven by the flood and God put a "restraint" on them so they could no longer materialize and try to commit bestiality again with human women.
The continent is probably full of giant dead bodies who's DNA is not human like the misshapen skulls from Peru. The continent probably has humans who are not related to ANY human on earth because all humans are descended now only from Noah's family. There are probably records in stone describing the original Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, getting kicked out by God, and probably all written in Hebrew which means the original language on earth was all Hebrew before the Tower of Babel.
There are strange structures at Puma Punku in South America, machine cut stone.
Look up the fabled Mu civilization, may be related.
The old In Search Of Series on YT
Laser cut stone in Egypt, too.
Don't you see the coincidence? If you discuss anything actually /x/ related the thread gets shit up immediately even though the board is slow as fuck. By some odd chance the exact same thing happens in any thread when someone mentions a Jewish connection. The only threads allowed are pure larps and assorted ludicrosities.
The fact these people have absolutely no interest in anything /x/ related, but are on the board 24/7 and never posting until a (((thread))) comes up is more than just chance.
>"Mainstream scientists"
dude ancient aliens lmao
I want to believe.
Its where their equipment is that they use to speak to their mother planet with since it gets so hot.
-60.6050373, -46.0680847
Ur welcum