Trump sells Qatar $12 billion of U.S. weapons days after accusing it of funding terrorism

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Inb4 Trumpshills declare this fake news because it doesn't fit their agenda

>fighter jets
Yeah all that fighter jet terrorism

But it is fake news

>"We believe that this agreement will propel Qatar's ability to provide for its own security while also reducing the burden placed upon the United States military in conducting operations against violent extremism."

You gettin' this yet, OP?

Obama initiated this deal and his Congress approved it over a year ago. President Trump wasn’t even in the picture.

Trump is a complete puppet. It's so fucking pathetic. It's obvious he doesn't know what he's doing, so he's just being controlled by the establishment deep state.

MSM always love to twist things. See
Remember, MSM isn't a news organization anymore, they are propagandists owned by Jews.

But Breitbart and Infowars are the word of God right?

Fuck off. They are not perfect but they are far better than MSM and Washington Post that you guys love to suck their dick. You can't even think on your own.

>Literally intentionally false propaganda is better than media that focuses on the wrong issues or protects corporations, but otherwise reports actual news
This is why the right needs destroyed with literal genocide.


real Sauce?

Hell of a salesman huh!!!! MAGA

>they're getting 3rd tier shit.

both ran and owned by Jews, where do you think you are?

>Trump sells Qatar $12 billion of U.S. weapons days after accusing it of funding terrorism
selling guns to arabs so they can kill other arabs is a bad thing?
>mfw every dollar Qatar spends with us is a dollar they can't spend on terrorism.

>$12 billion of U.S. weapons
>they're jets

But they support the terrorists!
How could the God Emperor do this?!?!?!

rt is better then both

Qatar people send a present to Trump

RT is a fucking mouthpiece for the Kremlin you shill

by your logic drumpf should also give Qatar nukes. The cognitive dissonance of Drumpftards is reaching schizophrenic levels unseen before in human history

Trump is Erdogan's bitch

erdogan loves qatar

b-but muh 4D chinese checkers

>Stay back and fund both sides
>infinite money

Reminder to not cut your dick off.

Well, he was elected to make deals. That's pretty much what he was voted for.

after we sold to the Saudis? are we playing both sides again... is Trump /ourkike/?

I am not defending Infowars or Breitbart, but if you think that CNN and MSNBC's problems only are centered around focusing on the wrong issues and protection of corporations than you don't understand the criticisms levied against them.

It's like how the Comey hearing confirmed the Russian bank account story was fake news and literally propaganda against Trump. Do you think such stories that are cited and interpreted as fact by some are not damaging or fraudulent?

Trump wants Middle Eastern countries to destroy themselves. 4D chess folks

Oh shit so why didn't Germany fighter jet attack London and Moscow and every allied army to win the war because nukes are equivalent to fighter jets now by your logic.

Fits with the republican narrative that everyone should have free access to weapons regardless of their intent

>all information you don't like is false
wew lad

>develop new weapons
>old weapons are now shit
>sell old weapons to Saudi goatfuckers


no yucking idiot, the giy i was responding to was implying that just because fighter jets have never been used by terrorists (which btw is objectively false, during Syrian Civil War ISIS tried to use fighter jets from a captured airbase ) that its ok to sell a supposed sponsor of terrorism like Qatar fighter jets

Neo con bullshit

>The full arms sale, of over $20 billion, was notified in November 2016.
>This means it had already been authorized by congress and the executive branch

OP is a faggot. Sage.

It reality the gun is the great equalizer and the world would have more order if the weak could defend themselves.

Literally the base of western society

kill yourself shill rat

Please don't be fake news I really want to see them duke it out I really want to believe that Trump planned this so Islam would intentionally kill themselves

Even if that were true there's a bunch of reasons some people do not and should not have power

>The full arms sale, of over $20 billion, was notified in November 2016.
>This means it had already been authorized by congress and the executive branch

Yeah, the fact that Qatar is supplying terrorists isnt grounds enough to repeal the ratification. Good Goy, never think a single thought on your own, blindly follow Drumpf he fights for the common xD

You people the Zionist Overlord cock rhats jammed down your throats 24/7 desu


deserve the Zionist*

>leader turns profit by satisfying market demand instead of stealing from ("""taxing""") the populace
Wonderful news.

why would anyone here be butthurt about this

Qatar isn't fucking dumb enough to attack Americans with F-16s, they'll use them against other Muslims and rival countries, and just be that more dependent on the United States

I'm mean sure it's hardly a punishment, but the giy was obliviously saying there not going to hand those over to terrorist like they could do if they were getting small arms.

Bruh, Qatar is giving those weapons to Hamas to kill kikes... Hail Zyklon-Don!

>why would anyone here be butthurt about this
Im not, im just pointing out the inherent hypocricy in everything trump does
>Qatar isn't fucking dumb enough to attack Americans with F-16s
It doesnt need "Qatar" to make the decision, a lone wolf pilot could do it, i dont think you recognize how maniacal these people are, Qatar state religion is Wahhabism, same as KSA and ISIS
>they'll use them against other Muslims and rival countries,
Would you support them usin it against KSA? Qatar and Turkey have been drifting towards Iran/Russia axis lately, dont be so trusting or blindly assume they would never do something irrational in case a total war is forced on them by KSA
>and just be that more dependent on the United States
We are the ones dependent on the gulf, they buy and sell us like whores and we sword dance for them in appreciation. Our sovereignty is held hostage by these people, we go to war for them at a drop of a hat but dont go to war for ourselves

>Qatar is giving those weapons to Hamas

no theyre not. I really wish people were a little more informed. only Iran and Syria have had the balls to give Hamas actual weapons. Qatar wouldnt in a million years give them a single bullet, they have good relations with Israel (Israel has public financial offices and a i believe a consul in Doha) Qatar merely acts as a hotel fro some top Hamas political bureacrats who are far away from their people and their war

>Everything is Obama's fault when it doesn't fit the picture.

So you're saying trumps a powerless pussy that does the bidding of the jews and Democrats? Got it.

>Playing both sides
How beautifully American

>Because that's a tactic that's never been used by jews to promote immigration and extemist terrorism.

4D Chess straight from the protocols of the Elders of Zion.

It is Obama's doing but seeing as Trump didn't flush it down the toilet like the gay ass Paris Agreement, he must think it's a good deal.

Yeah also, the original deal was only 4b, and Trump's deal is triple that

>implying this wont fuck us in the long run just like when we played both sides during the Iran-Iraq War

USA has approached the ME wrong for such a long time, its pathologic, we need to sit down with the palestinians and israelis and force them to an agreement (literally threaten Israel with cutting off aid and threaten the Palestinians with military action if they dont agree to our proposal, if they dont like it, tough luck, we are the superpower and thats how its supposed to be) Then we need to sit with Russia and Iran and carve up the region into spheres of influence and sign a non-agression pact between the three nation, Let Russia and Iran get Syria,Lebanon,Iraq and north Yemen. we get South Yemen,Gulf,Egypt, a part of south syria, Jordan and Israel. And all three nations agree to punish whoever chimps out from their side. Say, for example, KSA chimps out and attacks Qatar, we punish KSA, If Israel chimps out and attacks Gaza, we punish Israel. On the flip side, if Iraqis chimp out and attack Saudis, Russia and Iran can punish them, or if Hezbollah attacks Israel, Iran can rein them in. Both Russia and UsA need to make it clear to their allies that peace will be enforced or they will be replaced eith someone who will listen

What I presented is the only rational approach, but we all know saudis and zog would never allow it

So trump is FDR?

>CBS news

Scott pelly can fo suck a dick.

>selling weapons to sandniggers so they can kill each other while raking in the money

why should I care?

>Trump sets up travel ban containment ring around Saudia Arabia and Qatar
>Sells weapons to Saudis and Qatar
What's the end goal here?

because US did this in the 80s with Iran and Iraq and it ended up fucking us? because US armed Taliban in the 80's vs "Evil Empire" and it ended up fucking us? because literally every time we arm someone in that region it blows up in our face?

More like it blows up in THEIR face :D

It's interesting that happened, but not inexplicable. I have my reasons for supporting Trump. Whether or not he sells jets to a bunch of sand niggers isn't much of my concern. Let them blow each other up. Unless something happens with things I actually do care about? Well, who gives a shit? I assume there are good reasons. Meh.

He's jewing them

It's like giving your kid a toy sword so he can play with his friends. Then he comes and smacks you in the knee with it. So, you take it away and spank his ass with it, then send him to bed without dinner. You're not making very good points here.

>"Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study. The U.S. war in Iraq has cost $1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans, expenses that could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next four decades counting interest, a study released on Thursday said.Mar 14, 2013"
>over 4500 dead and over 30k wounded soldiers

You call all that "being hit on a knee with a toy sword?" Do you realize how much money the government spent to enrich a few companies?

>What I presented is the only rational approach, but we all know saudis and zog would never allow it

you mean niave?

Sounds suspiciously like fake news.

That's almost as much as Obama spent spreading SJW culture to the world, isn't it?

Meh, Trump isn't Bush in any case. Next argument?

Could be real news, things like arming allies happen automatically. The president is hardly involved in a small transaction like this. Meh. My guess is that you guys think this thread is working, so continue on...

youre literally fucking retarded you fucking idiot how old are you? Every time I orove you wrong you defkect with an off-topic answer. Iraq War was a disaster for the USA OUR COUNTRY, im not even talking about Trump or Bush in that paragraph get your head outnof your ass, you said arming Iraq in the 80s barely had an effect on us, when later on our nation drowned in it and literally have NOTHING to show for it, Iraq is an Iranian colony now. For once p, dont answer me with petty internal politics, jpcuz thats not what i was srguing in that laragraph, I was snswering your ridiculous assertion that all our ME problems have been "a hit with a toy sowrd on our knee" Iraq War could end up being remembered as te beginning of the USA's irreversible downfall, and youre over here answering me with gay faggoty responses that arent even related to what im saying.

When will Israel get her weapons???

Ahh, you're too stupid to read tags. You think I was the guy talking to you before, don't you? LOL. I love it when idiot shills are newfags, too. Tell me off some more about what other people dared to say to you, lol.


Youre the same exact guy you stupid piece of shit. f


Every President is a puppet you dumbass, at least Trump tries his best to inject his personality. That's all he can fuckin do. He knows just as well as you do what a fuckin joke it all is.

I think you're retarded
Please link
Protip: you can't


ROFL. Then you're inventing things that I said, which makes you stupid AND delusional.

It does seem a bit weird, but I kind of do get it

If they were going to buy the jets then they were going to buy them, either from the US or someone else. By maintaining the financial relationship with them it could make it easier to bring them more inline and if nothing else the US gets a tidy profit off of it from the sale.

So theoretically there's no real benefit to reject the deal, whereas there's at least a small potential benefit for accepting it.

It does sound stupid at first blush though, and it's questionable if Qatar cares at all either way.

You're one of those dangerous crazy Bernie supporters, aren't you? you gonna go shoot people up or something?

I bet that was taken out of context.


Link what? Proof that Trump isn't Bush? Seems pretty obvious to me...

That doesn't even make logical sense. It looks like a Liberal made it up...

>F-15QA fighter jets

You think terrorists are going to use F-15s?

Are you that dumb?

Just like Putin said
>presidents come and go but the policy never changes

It is fake news.

The F-15 is one weapon. That's all they're selling them.

Nah go take a shower you trigger nigger


Yes, they're that dumb. They're Liberals, what do you expect.

No, you idiot.

Neocon BS would be invading Qatar to stop terrorism.

inb4 shills declare that Qatar is supporting ISIS because it fits their agenda

That's about the right price for a single F-15. Apparently congress and Obama approved it before Trump got in office. So, this is something we should blame Obama for? I wonder if Democrats actually sold the weapons to Iraq other people in this thread are complaining about, too?

Why would Qatar nuke it's own country or use them anywhere near their border?

Trump is the antichrist isn't he? lol
He just will sell weapons to everyone and watch all their little turbanheads burn laughing all the way.

From a certain perspective you have to admire his total lack of empathy for lesser humanoids and just willingness to make the best deal regardless of the human toll. America First. Everyone else gets weapons to shoot each other with. Win Win.

They only sponsor terrorism so I guess it doesn't matter what weapons they have right?