I'm strongly considering unsubbing him. The content is great but I just can't deal with the constant stream of bullshit

I'm strongly considering unsubbing him. The content is great but I just can't deal with the constant stream of bullshit.

Sometimes in a debate, I'll accidentally reference an argument he made forgetting it was from him and then I can't back it up. Because NEVER ONCE when I went to examine his sources, never have I found anything close to substantiating the hyperbolic bullshit that comes out of his mouth.

Other urls found in this thread:


Not subbed, but give an example?

Stick to smaller youtubers who heven't yet caved into popularity and aren't riding the coat tails of current trends

I suggest Styxhexenhammer666

I don't know man. I found one of his videos on here about how women are destroying the west and i enjoyed that. Watched some of his more recent stuff and I think he is the least cucked version of the youtube (((political analyzers))).

Never listen to anyone without a critical mind. Try to find reasons to disagree with people even if they are on your side.

BPS is sometimes right on things and sometimes wrong. His critical take on Islam and the detrimental effect it has on Europe is generally correct. His views on women are largely a bit too aggrandizing to their importance while also verging a little bit on MGTOW which is indicative of a lack of confidence and masculinity - something that I think is further represented in his lack of loyalty to his roots.

He's also a fucking weeb.

Styx is one of the few who haven't tried to cowtow to their audience. I'm just not really a fan of his constant 'I told you so' shit

Honestly I knew he was shit since his women destroy civilizations video. His sources that he cites are really sketchy and glosses over all the bullshit that men do to also harm civilization.

But according to ye ol' Pidge, we're all Aristotles and Plato's, Caesars and Cicero's, Leonardo's and Leonidas's.

What a fucking cock womble.

Felix needs to make more travel videos

styx is pretty good, he usually pulls topics from here so there's a lot of overlap

hardly /ourguy/ tho, he's a civnat

Stop wasting your time listening to ideologues.

I like him.

He's pulling an EdgySphynx/Thorium

I can't listen to anyone that isn't full blown white nationalist at this point.

He's not an ideologue at all, more of a reactionary if anything when you listen to his live interviews. A lot of what he believes is born out of a sensible consideration of current trends.

Does he even source his videos? I assumed no and never bothered to check.

Could be...never listened the guy.

Sounds like your problem is being an idiot

White nationalism is impractical. I just prefer edgy liberals who aren't afraid to discuss the JQ no matter their stance on it.

no u fagt

Ignore mongoloid youtubers and start reading books

This guy is PJW tier. Stop wasting your time listening to his cringeworthy opinions. He sure does good quality videos, but the content is just (((alti-rightist ideology))).

>the content is great
>absolutely nothing he says can be substantiated

Is it great, or are you a gullible dumbass who has been brainwashed by growing up on imageboards and taking everything he sees as truth?

Read this

Debates are for faggots. Arguments are for little bitches. The only fact is force. Forget fucking talking and convincing people. Jusr develop the ability to make threats and back them up. Its amazing how peoples mind changes with a gun in their face.


Get your news from as many primary sources as possible and learn to formulate your own opinions.

I'd add a pinch of criticism to go alongside it, though.
Here's a good critical review of Libido Dominandi


But would the world not be better user if we removed Women and used artificial wombs and embryos to produce the future of our race?

Weird Japanese holo-women could fill the desire for companionship some people have, and sexbots for others.

Anyone that uses a logo of some kind as a surrogate for their face is a hack fraud that doesn't have the balls to stand behind his words.

>I'm strongly considering unsubbing him

BPS is a beta weeaboo whose japanophilia tints his perceptions.

Molymeme is a theater major whose penchant for melodrama occasionally makes his (non-interview) videos into overacted diatribes.

Sargon has a grating habit of inserting over-the-top forced laughter that never sounds organic.

Styx mispronounces words so often, it makes me question his intelligence.

tl;dr's content is always low-hanging anti-sjw fruit which is no longer controversial or engaging.

Gavin McKinnes has his head up his own ass in typical mainstream conservative fashion.

Son of Newo is fantastic at reading the meaning behind events that have already happened and dogshit at extrapolating future happenings.

Gad Saad is all right.

No. I just mean it's very well-produced and engaging.

Do you ever get light-headed being that far up on your high horse?

>Alone in this world was a little.jpg

Yes, he sources his videos. Most of them are archived; he says that he doesn't want to give the (((media))) any traffic to their sites.

You really want to look at some autist's ugly mug every time you listen to the news?

>debating things you havent researched

Also hes there as a starting point on these topics.

So, here's your daily thread. This time, you're showing that you've outsourced your personal values and self-worth based on data-mining (in previous threads), a bunch of weeeabo CTR/Share-blue infested retarded Beta-males, so you're at a breaking point when the true Sup Forums has taken a hiatus until the JIDF/Soros-funded shit-tards get bored and leave.

kys. You did great work, and you need to take a break.

I can get agree with that. Nice digits btw.

Because I grew up acing tests I hadn't studied for. If you come here, don't act like you don't have the same bad habits.

No. But since you are making a video you should use some footage to go along with. Either that or just go full podcast.

So why watch his stuff over Lacey Green bullshit? Both are "well produced" and equally mentally engaging (for the mentally challenged)

> I don't check his sources, so I can't back them up, and I blame him for it

Sounds like your fault.

Styx just reads an article and gives his opinion on it. No real sources except the article he read because he doesn't do videos meant to argue with anyone.

I am a big Styx fan, but that's my big complaint. He'll usually source the direct thing he's responding too, but nothing secondarily related to the topic or his statements.

Have you ever heard him take a firm, controversial stance on anything? He can argue against the ideas of radical, dense feminists but so can a three year old. Sargon is reddit trash, so are you, fuck off.

t. Styx

That isn't Sargon, genius.

Youre right now that i thought about it

honestly, my favorite part of Styx's videos are the comments. Coregame3 is probably the best.

I remember that thread. Am I supposed to be the guy that posted that or one the Drumpf btfo people?

Enjoy prison nigger

Styx is fucking retarded, he lives in a 95% white state and ridicules people that want to stop mass 3rd world immigration.

No. Laci's shit is not nearly a slick plus, I'm very obviously listening to him because he has similar worldviews to mine, autist. But I obviously only want to hear it if it confirms what I believe with evidence that I can use or challenges it in an educated enough way that I can take the opposing argument seriously.

No, he doesn't.

>talks shit about west taking immigrants
>praises japan for not taking immigrants
>is a white dude who immigrated into japan

Yes he does actually

He doesn't ridicule it; he supports limiting immigration.

Paid shill

>tough luck goy, shoulda read the fine print
Sounds like you're Jew.

But not stopping it all together.

Aren't you inclined to not take it seriously by dint of the fact they disagree with you?

How, exactly?

You obviously have a narrow specific view of what you believe a "firm, controversial stance" is.

your original post was about mass immigration, not immigration in general.

Well he doesn't make whole videos on it but he'll make a remark in a video about how there is no point in it and how civic nationalism is better.

>everyone who isn't a fat stormweenie like me sucks!
>the world is so scary


Wasnt he ex navy who just lived there after his service? And besides he is talking about Japan's strict rules for taking in immigrants and not flooding their already small island with hundreds of thousands of shit skins from Africa, and Syria. They are not the same thing.

Styx has been consistently critical of the Muslim influx into Europe, the policy of the EU (which he fucking despises), and a supporter of deportation and the border wall in the US.

Clearly, you don't understand his positions.

>tl;dr's content is always low-hanging anti-sjw fruit which is no longer controversial or engaging.
True, but his recent video on pregnant women drinking had him go in-depth on a study pertaining to the effects of alcohol consumption whilst pregnant, so even though the overall topic was about SJWs it was still an extremely interesting video backed up with scientific data.

A fucking leaf

>trying to educate someone with insults

Surely, this will win him to your cause, leaf.

>a fucking coward



And, with that recommendation, I shall watch it.

To clarify, I am subscribed to all those people I listed. Just pointing out that no YouTuber or person is perfect and that anyone striving to understand the world around them shouldn't hope for infallible wisemen to spoonfeed them their news.

Fuck off, we were here first. Libertarians are the newfags.

>Hates civies
>posts a civi
Stay alert man, snakes in the grass for sure

I'm not here to educate him, I'm here to ridicule him. All he's capable of responding with is
>luh luh leaf
you want to know what his response to
"have you ever even spoken to a brown skinned person before?" would be? because I can tell you. It would be something like
>fuck shit skins POO IN LOO, suck a dogs dichotomy Ahmed 1488

he's a right wing SJW and only deserves ridicule

Styx is a 50/50 kind of guy. 50% of the time he's brilliant, 50% of the time he's retarded.

But whoever you watch, try to look at the sources they provide before repeating what they say. Don't take their word for it. Most social media personalities have one or two issues that they're hyperpartisan and counterfactual on, and you don't want to be caught plagiarizing a bunch of bullshit.

You can usually tell if someone who's arguing against your beliefs has a good sense of what your counterargument is gonna be.

Shit like "Islam is a religion of peace" or "You're more likely to get killed by furniture than a terrorist" goes in the trash but when Imam Tawhidi says Aisha was 18 not 9 when Muhammad consummated with her, I'm interested to hear his basis for that.

>if this place becomes /stormfront/ again I'm axing it
>which implies that there was a state of the board before it became /stormfront/

Literally kill yourself

It was literally just news and shit before NatSoc. That was it.

You should also check out Caspian Report for indepth analysis of geopolitics. For example his recent video on the Qatar/Saudi tensions are very illuminating and informative giving some context into why the whole thing started

>American Nationalism
>White Nationalism in America
Pick two.

I get that Chapman's a racemixing kike, but there's no use in pretending that any race but whites gives a damn about the abstract ideal of "America".

>it's another concern trolling attack on a popular youtuber that bashes globalism

You have ten seconds to give me one tangible benefit of multiculturalism or be proven as paid shills.

Proof of this?
Just look at Libertarian rallies or meetups it's all White people (despite Libertarians being lost as well). I agree with you, i had more info on him but it's on my former computer... if i remember he sold dope to degenerates and he hung out with trannies consistently.

He's as bad as the Loser Atheist

>barely put any effort to examine and understand the belief system you've started to subscribe to

>lose an argument


>complain to Sup Forums for your own mistake


BPS has no belief system. He's just an alt-liter shilling for edgy clicks.

Yeah because we are in a position to enforce that.

Keep larping all you wish. My actions won't change, nor will the remainder of the people who choose to weather the storm.

Your 'komrades' won't be back, but we will.

>pointing out someone's flaws means disagreeing with every single thing they say

Hello, Pigeon.

You should've formed this opinion after only a few videos and already unsubscribed to him instead of trying to defend it with this shitty thread. I hope for your sake you're a shill because you sound like someone who's too fucking stupid to administer his own antipsychotic medication.

He's a fat weeboo dumb loser who obviously reads from a prepared script of recycled Sup Forums memes. Not an original bone in his body.
t. someone who has spoken to him on skype with millennial woes (who privately despises him)

I find his blatant japanophilia incredibly obnoxious.

>women are destorying the west
I'm a psychological trainwreck that can't get a gf so I keep blaming society instead of trying to fix myself
is that correct?

I get what you're saying but I hate how everyone needs to know your real-life identity on the internet now


> styx mispronouncing words
That's the sign of someone who reads more than they hear, in speech. Especially in young people, that just means they read a lot. It's not a sign of un-intelligence.

>millennial woes (who privately despises him)
what a fucking beta...

I used to Patreon War Nerd (Gary Brecher - I guess the other one is War Tard), until he went anti-Trump and also his interviews started getting fluffier.

Pigeon lives in nippon