You guys like the flags the way they used to be?

Or should it just be one geographical and ideology choice?

GO BACK TO GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION ONLY! We can learn your ideology by your words, we dont need a flag for it. But we do need a flag for your country

Funny thing, I've watched The Office a bit recently and it seems more and more like people are turning into Michael Scott. Remember the time he outs Oscar as gay and then gets super fucking awkward when he just doesn't get that he's making everyone feel insanely awkward. Steve plays the perfect socially-unaware insufferable liberal.

Everyone's turning in to Michael Scott.

>But we do need a flag for your country
Why, so you can shout "POO IN LOO" and "LEAF" so that you can pretend that your country is superior so actual discussion can't be had?

Fuck you, bitch. I'm a pirate.

How is leaf an ideology


>waves at his American buddy.

This is the way the flags used to be
Go fuck yourself newfag nigger

I like the new flag.

Those who want to be geographic can be.

Those who want (or need) to be something else can be.

there's like 4 boards you can go to if you want 'epic country banter' but Sup Forums is about politics, ideological flags make a shitton more sense and is a hell of a lot more reminiscent of how Sup Forums used to be before it degenerated in to edgier Sup Forums

>I'm a pirate.

This is why we need to get rid of the flags.

Geographic location only.

I liked geo flags better because I did enjoy the banter and seeing how various countries posters behaved
But being able to choose flags is fun too as long as they dont let you choose any country you want and just keep it as meme flags

both would better

We need to know if we are wasting our time talking to a leaf.

Country bants are fucking stupid and add nothing to discussion.

Chosing your own flag is stupid. Now Leafs and Turkroaches can get away with shit posting

New flag system is cancer. We have it because leafs and Indians couldn't handle banter

Fuck off fag. I like the flags and I say that as an American. Not to mention I can finally start building a good reputation for my ideology without being memed to death by dumb faggots.

If you don't use geographic location get the fuck off my board!

Fucking flagfags are worse than tripfags


>I say that as an American
You're a leaf until proven otherwise. If you were an American you wouldn't hide the flag

We need states. I get bored with trying to select something ironic each time.

And under no circumstances should LEAFS be allowed to hide and post dumb shit without their marker. It brings my IQ down when I can't be certain if a certified moron is asking for help or a Canadian was trying to make a point.


everyone should be leaf and we will all paradoxically be shitposters and quality posters at once


It's simple

Leaves, self-hating 2nd/3d-worlders and cucked 1st-worlders use meme flags.

Those willing to stand up for their country use geographic flags.

CAnaDiaN POstS ArE QUAliTy

Why would I stand up for my country above standing up for my ideology?

It's funny how the shitskins and 3rd worlders stopped using their flag

you don't see turkroaches or canadians anymore

Because you can do both at the same time, Ottoman-Leaf.

That's like giving yourself cancer and saying you're immune to its effects. Leaves are the niggers of pol, fake or not.


kick me in the crotch whilst I yodel the Greek alphabet backwards

I already proven I have a USA flag earlier in the thread, but you'll just do mental hoops and scream proxy anyways.

Numbers confirm leaf

Did leafs bail you faggots out in WWII?

How fucking weak do you have be to get rescued by cucknucks?

this flag might suit you better

you should make a selfie with it in the background while you vape

Geographical flags only, with maybe the gay flag as the only selectable one to soothe Canadian asspain. With the new flag system it feels like the board has been taken over by twelve year olds overnight.

>don't even know my flag and already dismissing my argument with country/state "bantz"
This is why country flags are stupid.

you sound like a redditor

Fuck off leaf.

poo in the loo spotted

As though Sup Forums want already overrun by shills and larpers, now the board is ruined by larpers and their "so random" flags. Get rid of them.

you sound like a poo immigrant in leafland. youre not a pirate.


Thank you nazi and pirate friends.
I stand by our new flags.

It should be both. Your political views and country.

>hurr hurr cuntry bantz. fuck discussion

Honestly I like it better. Half the reason leafs shit posted and got so many (You)s was because of the maple. Without it obvious shill posts are now being ignored or getting less replies.

Take that flag off and lets see.

tell me what state you're from then. Why are you ashamed?

You're either not going to believe me, or come up with yet another ad hom because you're incapable of discussion. Either way it's irrelevant.

This. Country-based flags exclusively led to great debate and learning about negatives and positives. It was the sweet spot of political discussion and keeping reddit at bay.

Let me guess. Delaware?

I'll toss in a free ad hominem: yer a fag rofl

I like this cuz my country usually gets shat on by our neighbors.

Not India, not that kind of shat.

just give up now, you can't rely on that anymore toothpaste friend
your id won't change, you can show your country just selecting geographic location now

I liked the flags moot made for us, these new ones are blurry as fuck. Still a big improvement over the fixed national flags.

>your id won't change, you can show your country just selecting geographic location now
He asked for my state though which I can't do without the gay extension. Also I've changed to Geo-location like 3 times itt

>This is why country flags are stupid.
The only reason is so you can shitpost without being identified by your nationality. You're probably a leaf or a turkroach

oh I see now

For quads I will reveal my country just for you. Go ahead, attack my nationality to discredit my post

One of the new moderators is a leaf.

You don't realize that we consider your opinion worse than a sub-human coward now that you use a reddit flag?

I know how to use a vpn too

Sit back and let the invisible hand of the market decide what the flags should be.

What's up Senegal


>reddit flag

I don't give a shit about the opinions of low IQ idiots who will dismiss an entire post based on whatever flag it has
So if I can just change my country at will with VPN then country flags are completely worthless?

you literrally have 0 dignity

Explain how


Just geo. This new flag shit is garbage.

You look at your flag recently infidel?

So people here are actually not ashamed of their real location and are not affraid of jokes about it

WE deserve respect

The new flags seem to encourage larping which lowers the discussion quality of the board.

However this is what the jews would want me to say so I won't. Shadilay and praise kek sweeties.

Its a gateway to larping

That's enough Sup Forums for you today

geographical flags already killed the anonymous vibe.

I'm not ashamed nor care about the jokes. Stop projecting.

that's just my perception of you after I read your post

Can't really explain it but in short :

>be affraid of jokes about your country
>calling yourself a pirate


just checking muh flag

fuck flagfags

>he outsmarted me I better throw an ad him at him
That's how your post is summed up

Its reddit tier banter

Nations have everything to do with politics...

Hello Justin

But calling someone
Have nothing to do with politics.

leafs are easier to identify than ever

Hi rebbit


Not new. Country-only was a superior change. It hit the sweet spot, like I said.

Can we please filter nigger and kike also?

Filters are bad. Not being able to form an argument to a post and resulting to "bants" is also bad

This baka desu senpai

Just an oldfag who likes the drop down better

Redditors sure know how to whine, though

I may be a gay cuck but at least i'm not a leaf.

>this insecure about his fragile, leaf like, state.
>scared to even include his state flag

that's completely politic...

every single one of these "insults' exist for a political reason, mostly stereotypes

blinding yourself will not change the stereotypes and you will not be able to fight them if nobody show his real flag

I could just reply to you with
And end the post at that.

Or I could go into an entirely pointless discussion with you which has no relation to the topic at hand.

Stereotypes don't exist goy! They are 100% arbitrary and exist for no reason!


Go to /bant/ if you want flag discussions.

Having both is better. Distinguishing ourselves through our ideologies or views is better than via flag.