Why are leftists insane ?

why are leftists insane ?

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flouride and xenoestrogen from tapwater and soy products

Their whole ideology is a tool of social control manufactured by the satanic elite.

Same reason right is are morons.

Too much ideology is bad for you


Because they have been brainwashed into believe they can do no wrong.

shut the fuck up, we leftist are the true rulers of america, fucking alt right and the frog memeis, you should be exterminated like fucking cockroaches

>Fuck leftists

This what Leftees are full off


marxist indoctrination in schools and unis

Your is rite

Yes, they have low-to-high level schizophrenia.

they're not insane, they're just effeminate
leftism is inherently female

says the faggots on a cesspool anime image board echochamber that just perpetuates delusion and stupidity


>leftist have a short life span because of "living at the moment" mentality.

>Right wing live longer because they disregard emotion and live according to what's logical (i/e: the importance of living a sustainable life with a mate and offspring to carry their genes).

says the faggots on a cesspool anime image board echochamber that just perpetuates delusion and stupidity


They are not insane, they are just adult shaped children.

When you put the context of all leftist actions in that context you will find they all act like an average 6 year old.

It's pretty much this. Dr Spock (not to be confused with Mr. Spock) up through participation trophies, they are literally spoiled (ruined) and can't handle anything that doesn't give in to their (irrational) demands NOW (because Mommy &/ or Daddy never cared about them enough to tell them No and mean it).

So now, we've got a whole shitload of 2 yr olds in grownup size (big enough to do some real physical damage) and they're congealed with others exactly as fucked up as they are (thanks to "college loans" and commie organizers.

Somebody better think of something pretty damned quick or things are going to get sporty pretty damned soon. And it's not going to be fun after about the first week. For anyone.

This has to be fucking bait

p.s. Where the hell ARE the grownups, btw?


Brainwashing. Just don't let the sjw infect Korea.

Umm is that his fucking bowels? Are they going to put that back inside of him after they empty it?
I didn't think you just took shit out of people like that it seems unsanitary.

inferiority complex

Microdosing LSD while being bombarded with propaganda. Brainwashing, Reduction, money. Most of them are out of touch with reality.

neurotic minded

tfw radical centrism

Don't know. 28 now, been active online since I was 13. Leftists have always been intrinsically dishonest but they used to be able to hide their insanity. By dishonest I don't mean in some con man way either, but something more fundamental. It's apparent in how they argue, shift definitions, intentionally act obtuse, etc. They've been this way since I was a kid and it's part of why I hate them so much.

But now after Trump won their mask is slipping. They're losing their fraudulent air of intellectual superiority. I think the rise of the alt right has a lot to do with it too. Leftism can't handle being challenged from people who don't share their basic presuppositions. If you deny tabula rasa and believe IQ is heritable, and you've got even a basic command of the issues, you are nearly invincible in the face of the vast VAST majority of leftists. Like, approaching 99%. I think that is part of why they are starting to snap.

S-soy products? What red-pill have I missed out on.

Because you're biased as shit?

Remember when they told you to drink 8 glasses of flouride water per day and people we constantly drinking bottled plasticated water, even ODing on water?

My theory is those people are now "leftists"

mind cancer, their brains are self wiring for destruction, we just have to out live them.

Radical centrists are some of the saddest fucks. It's funny how incoherent their position is. They generally claim to care about the 'truth' yet they claim to hold to centrism. It's a low IQ position since it is predicated on the assumption that the truth is somehow found in an undefined center. The truth could be wholly on the right, the left, partly in both, or in neither. And really any combination is possible. Centrism has no relation to what is true, and that they don't seem capable of realizing this is legitimately pathetic.

Most of them are disenchanted leftists who do actually reject the general madness and dishonesty of leftism which is now blatantly obvious, so I will give them that much credit. But that's not saying much.

I'm a radical centrist and I've never once concerned myself with "the TRUTH" any more than anyone else on the political spectrum. Nor have I met any others that do.

funny they've always seemed like reactionaries w/ a minimal sense of ethics too me.

Dave Rubin, Sargon, Tim Pool, some other self-professed journalist who proclaimed himself a radical centrist. These people are all well meaning people who tend to hold to some form of centrism and they also claim to be out for the truth. But they clearly prioritize their posture.

Centrists in general simply are intellectually unimpressive amateurs. It's the lazy man's way to attaining a false sense of superiority. A lack of discernment and thought is not a virtue.

Centrists are basically now just:

>Agree Islam is bad
>Agree that third wave feminism is mostly insane, except for maybe a few issues
>Sort of vaguely disagree with Trump but don't get too caught up on it
>Just kind of vaguely flounder around controversial issues and try to sound really virtuous
>never actually come up with anything too profound or interesting

People like Sam Harris, Joe Rogan, David Rubin, and all those others, are just annoying as fuck to listen to. They're always just slightly wrong about everything too.

Not sure.

I've seen various kinds of 'centrists' over the years. The most common kind I used to run into were leftists calling themselves centrists for rhetorical purposes. They thought it made them less threatening and therefore more persuasive.

Then there are the kind you're talking about who just want to posture and act 'above it all' without doing any hard work.

The new kind are mostly disaffected leftists who aren't dishonest enough to remain leftists as the left currently stands but refuse to become right wingers or take some other position. These people can have some of the traits of the second type of centrist and tend to be hard to differentiate for me these days.

Soy beans are high in estrogen. That's why traps eat tofu and soy milk all the time.

Yeah, aside from personal idiosyncrasies if you've seen one you've seen them all.

I wish they employed a serious methodology and were consistently principled and thoughtful. I highly respect Nassim Taleb who largely defies political categorization. I also like Stephen Hsu's (has a good blog) who I recently saw on Molymeme's show. Those people are role models for how you can not adhere to one of the common ideologies and still be distinct.

Braise geg

Why are you a faggot?

Alex Jones named the Beta today.

This is exactly why I don't watch Sargon, he seems like the Kinda guy who talks that way over the internet but in real life would probably just say what the group is saying. Also his holier than thou attitude really annoys me. It feels as if he wants to take a side but he's afraid of repercussions so he sits on the fence.

Holy shit, now I get why there's a huge push for people to switch to tofu and soy, part of the ongoing emasculation of the west.


*meant to type Hsu's blog but edited as I wrote and fucked up it

Anyway, my expectation is that the centrists will fade away since they have nothing to stand on. No such posture can withstand serious pressure. They can be safely ignored while society marches on right past them.

Depends on what I think about how I feel about sometimes and other times it depends on how I feel about what I think about.

You really shouldn't group all of us leftists into one group - after all I'm a communist, but I hate women and SJWs.

Yeah why don't these types just cherry pick which issues they agree with on each side, apply a new method of thinking or principles to them, and then come up with their own ideology?

Instead they just bitch and virtue signal about "not voting for anyone" or "I voted for Trump but now I regret it". Those types are annoying as fuck.

I do think they are a good gateway redpill for some liberals though. I know a few leftists who listened to Sam Harris and then moved away from progressive politics closer to centrism or libertarianism.

Sargon can be entertaining but he says at least one weird thing in every video that is like getting hit in the face with cold water. One time he quoted a thought experiment by Aristotle and claimed it refuted some shitty leftist argument for giving the state control of everyone's children. As much as I agreed with Sargon it was just a really fancy appeal to authority.

Exactly. Why they can't just drop labels altogether and be issue oriented is beyond me. It wouldn't even be that hard, they're already almost there.

On Sup Forums pretending to be retards

Dude fuck yes I was watching this and laughing my ass off

He has been naming the beta a lot lately, and I think he's totally right. 2012-2016 emboldened the beta and weaponized their little tiny beta penises to start getting violent and REEEing as a collective unit.

It really comes down to the fact that socialism is an economic system for betas, and these betas are willing to get violent to implement socialism


kys commie SCUM
communism will NEVER work

then there is the guy I was arguing with on reddit that claimed Trudeau was a centrist

Everyone normal seems insane after the Bogpill

actually what the fuck are you talking about? you know there are more than one ideology in the left portion of the spectrum? you know we don't all like each other and we don't all think the same?

we're all just shitty people with conflicting views, stop treating the opposite side of the spectrum as aliens if you want to be taken seriously


Yeah I mean, I remember watching some of his videos and thinking that he's got the right idea back when I was just getting into politics but now I realise that he is, and will only ever be playing the devils advocate role, I honestly can't think of a time that he's been raising his own ideas instead of shooting down other peoples. Plus I get the feeling that he would be totally useless in real life, and that I just cannot respect.

Pic unrelated; I just found it funny

>this is the best argument you could come up with

I'm not surprised that australians can't come up with a competent argument.

>radical centrism
literally does not exist

t. NPA

it's called the vocal minority, most average canadian citizens are really moderate leftists that just want everyone to leave each other alone and lend a hand every so often. the bullshit you see with the gays and shit is the vocal minority crying loud enough to get their way

I'm a radical neutral

>claim men are too agressive and that they should behave like gentleman
>one of their favorite books is about a man who does exactly the opposite (50 shades of grey)

when will modern feminism end

What are you talking about please explain.

Isn't this you just admitting that you don't have a crediable opinion of the left? If when ever someone who has a left opinion is talking to you, you talk/address them as children then how can I take your statements as credible?

How can you state this as fact? How did you come to know this other than personal opinion ?