Essential Sup Forums movies

Essential Sup Forums movies.

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The greatest story never told



Everyone watch this scene:


OP already posted a better redpilled mainstream film than anyone here will


wag the dog

Zeitgeist is a good initial redpill for normies. Shies away from Jews since most normies need to be seriously eased into it.

This seems real decent. Haven't seen it yet.

One of the best, most entertaining films ever made.

Another good one.

Obligatory watching for any Kubrick fan


They Live
Starship Troopers
Empire of Dust
Dr. Strangelove
The Eternal Jew
Die Rothschilds
All Wars Are Bankers Wars
How Big Oil Conquered The World
The Greatest Story Never Told
Marching To Zion

t. redbulled

How to get ahead in Advertising.

If you want a more rant filled movie.

Of all the Kubrick goodness to be had, you pick his worst film, OP. For shame.

Got it already.


The best movie.

green room (2015)

louis and the nazis (2013)

Truman Show is bretty good too

This is his work exposing secret societies he was almost certainly aware of. I heard he got warnings for it. He also died relatively soon after making it.

NBK is great if you really take the time to understand it. A blatant LSD-fueled parody of American "culture",

Come and See.
If you haven't seen this movie you're honestly just a poser.

Neat got something to watch tonight. Would you consider pic related some what of a redpill about degenerate drug users? Also thoughts of A Scanner Darkly?

>Kubrick hated jews and said Hitler was right
>Kubrick was disgusted and appalled by the Holocaust

Both of these apparently happened but only one of them can be true, which was it Sup Forums?

Best movie ever?

Hellraiser and Requiem for a Dream
two of the best normie movies on the cost of the excesses of degeneracy.

Best war movie I've ever seen.

Here's the second best.

Honestly never seen either of those, yet. How are they?



Russia makes the best war movies, hands down.


Close/interchangeable depending on mood 3rd.

>Soviet propaganda
One of my all-time favorite movies but it is definitely not Sup Forums at all, I see it as the ultimate testament to the dangerous power film has as a political medium

Children of Men

since we're pretty much 5-10 years from living it

Pure bluepill with a red candy coating.

Designed to make you into a good goy.

>Full Metal Jacket Eyes Wide Shut
You and OP.



About 30% of zeitgeist is false information.

is v for vendetta considered edgy thanks to annoymoose?

Underrated movie. I'm surprised this doesn't come up in every one of these threads.

Good contender

You misunderstood it. Tom Hagen regretted his actions.

The Man With No Name trilogy is essential viewing, period. But I think people on here would partoicularly enjoy it, especially the 3rd in the series, pic related.

Ex Machina.
AI + Mass Surveilance + Predictive Programming = JUST

HyperNormalisation (2016)

Gangs of New York
There Will Be Blood

Edgy and gay

yass great soundrack too.
>One setp closaa
>twoo step back
Checks out.

Add Once Upon a Time in the West

my favorite sergio leone movie

I know - I didn't say I didn't like it - I do, it's just not his strongest film. He made so many good ones.

I like Natural Born Killers. You can't beat Oliver Stone & Tarantino teaming up. But you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't see some of its violent predecessors - like Badlands and Bonnie & Clyde


FUCK OFF! The dirty bastard who made this piece of trash ought to be hung, drawn and quartered. His corpse fed to vultures and whatever's left burned and grinded into dust! Pure, utter garbage from the mind of an extremely disgusting, repulsive pile of puke!

Just read Alan Moore's work.

Male nature: The movie. Part 2 is also essential viewing.

Greatest Story Never Told

If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and watch it whenever you have time

Scanner I watched ages ago, but pre coming here, so views will most likely change about it. Can't fully recall, but something about using suits to alter self image to spy on other people. TS is great, but perhaps not as -redpilling- as these other titles. Perhaps similar to requiem for a dream, but just a UK version, from my remembering. I have a harder and harder time trusting any movies now, since it's so clear who owns them to wrap the minds that watch them.

There Will be Blood is one of the greatest films ever made.

Female nature: the movie.

Not really no. It's blue pill confirmation bias. Tells you nothing you haven't heard or seen from countless government sponsored PSAs. Along with some additional misinformation. Still a good enjoyable movie though.

"hitler was right about almosst everything"
who said this

Forgotten classic. Loved it when I was a kid.

Completely agree.

There making a game i hope it turns out like spec ops: the line

most relevant for Europeans these days

Everyone forgets that he kills a nazi in this film

Everyone on this board has seen this, it's part of the initiation


This is a real answer. Honestly everyone needs to watch this.

Seen Badlands, some of B&C. I've heard Dillinger is up there, as well.

This is amazing. One of PT Anderson's favourite films.

More of a funny one for you lonely, autistic fucks. Also Adam Sandler's only good movie apart from Billy Madison.

Guess Who's Back

This, the funny part is its unintentionally redpilled. It's supposed to be a parody about how Hitler convinced the people of the time but all it does is convince the viewer that Hitler Did Nothing Wrong™

He only killed him cause he hates thursgays on /f/ because it's faggot shit.

Kubrick did. Last 2 movies

Free Masonic JEWS.

Hehehe. Redpilled movie.

What is this?

We have newfags coming here every day. Somebody has got to keep it floating around.

A lot of '50s sci-fi is lowkey (or not so lowkey) redpilled. Also hilarious viewing, good for late nights. Trippy.

Yes. Now that is a good one.

* Look Who's Back

Dillinger's great. 70's was the golden age of cinema imo

this is such a fake bullshit movie

kys user

Trainspotting is a good movie for entertainment, not redpill material. A Scanner Darkly is not redpill, good for entertainment as well. I liked both.

>Trainspotting is a good movie
You dirty little bastards. I hope you die.

Oh God no. Make a Platoon game if you're GOING to go there. Jesus Christ.


Not exactly redpilled or Sup Forums, but if you like Zelda/Mario and classic gender roles in fairytale stories then watch 1979's Castle of Cagliostro. One of Miyazaki's first works and a highly underrated film.

V for Vendetta is pure left wing propaganda.

True that, keep up the work, kumrag

Agreed. In that vein see "Fortress of War."

Filmed in original Russian, German, and Belarussian with English subtitles. Possibly the best war film I've ever seen.

I recently re-watched THE BRAZIL TRILOGY (?)
12 Monkeys
Zero Theorem

TL;DR 12 Monkeys, the ending, she says "insurance"

Big One

Quote of the main character: "Mommy wouldn't let me play soccer... and Daddy, he hit me, so that's who I am, that's why I do what I do? Fucking bullshit. I will not apologize for who I am. I will not apologize for what I need. I will not apologize for what I want! "

Speaking of which:

Implying this hypocritical, conflicted fuck isn't the average Sup Forums user; at war with his own nature.

Still one of the greatest films I've ever seen. Back when De Niro gave a shit.

Even though it ignores the essential contribution made by sassy black women.

Moore isn't really left or right, though. He seems to hate everyone equally, as cliched as that sounds.

Akira is just a great movie, but it's also an exploration of power corrupting absolutely and soforth.

No country for Old men.

A mild red-pill on existentialism and determinism.

>Blue pilled Junkie waste of society.
>First speech of the book/movie is how consumerism steals the soul from society.
>Get so fucked on heroin that you lead your friend and your baby to death.
>Start over by quitting heroin and get a job to become a contributing member of society.
>Old heroin buddies come back to try to Fuck your life up again.
>Swindle 40k from them and dipp out.
>Make speech about how you are excited to be able to partake in the consumerism you first bitch about.

It's a movie about how the blue pill is so self destructive that finding the redpill is your only redemption. Fuck off faggot.

Still can't get over Brad Pitt asking what a "real" male looks like. Also not a fan of Chuck Palahniuk, but good movie, regardless.

The Classic.

Everyone needs to read the book. The level of descriptive violence made me feel faint at times, and I've been here for years.

This is meant for,

You replied to the wrong d00d m8, you meant

That movie is a modern day catcher in the rye.

It really is deep when. You are young

It is just entertaining when you are an adult

It's really not though. Alan Moore is a very strange rage filled person. Reading through his works from his early days his only consistent theme is that he seems to abhor authoritarianism.

On an american scale he'd be centre libertarian

Dude the chapter when he killed the kid and then pretended to be a doctor to watch the kid die in his hands made me feel such a mixed emotion of rage and disgust. Actually made me sick to my stomach. No ISIS video can capture that feeling reading that chapter felt.

Too true.

Is it fuck. It's the diary of a junkie whose never had a job. All it does is promote and glorify drugs. I will find you and kill you, you fucking disgusting little bastard. You fucking believe it like it's a documentary.

I don't remember that chapter at all?
I read the book like 5 times.
