
Are tattoos really degenerate?

What if a tattoo is in good taste, not trashy? etc

Other urls found in this thread:

>treat your body as trash
>not being trashy
choose one

>tattoo in good taste
does not exist

Tats means she's a slut

surely there is one that exists.

what if it looked like priceless art, and has special significance to you?

>good taste

pick one

Yes any tattoo is 100% degenerate.
And this.

blutgruppe tattoos only

then you hang it on your wall

Tattoos are for sailors and she doesn't look like a sailor to me

There is no such thing as a good tattoo on a woman ever.

Females with tattoos in pictures turn me on, but IRL they're all 5/10's and mostly degenerate.

she does pirn

the only possibly good tattoo is this and even then you need to have lived before 1950
anything else is fucking retarded and you're ruining your body

ok, well yeah.

but you can't take art everywhere with you.

>What if a tattoo is in good taste, not trashy?
They have Stage 1 Cancer rather than Stage 3.

You don't mod a Ferrari.

*Exceptions = military service tattoos

>what if it looked like priceless art
It's the medium, user

>all tattoos are degen-

>Displaying your art to literally everyone
Only very high tier friends get to see my art.

It's like being at a nude beach, except it's your soul that's naked. Are there any pretty people at a nude beach? No.


CELL PHONES! Tshirts exist too
but bumping for DARPA chief

Degenerates making a living marking live humans as their territory, branding live humans as their cattle.

they can look really great, but most of the time that's only because the woman is already amazing looking.
and on top of that they would look even better without the tatoos in the first place

doesn't even look good

you're not supposed to

that's hedonistic bullshit

>Are tattoos really degenerate?
>What if a tattoo is in good taste



i have tattoos and I don't like women with tattoos

this is incredibly triggering to women with tattoos, by the way

Fuck your tattoos
Fuck all you junkies

Chest pieces are totally degenerate

explain your reasoning.

Hedonism is excessive pleasure-chasing. Don't see the connection



almost, but not quite.

Lets do this instead,

Which is better Sup Forums?


or this?

>women with chest tattoos

I don't want tattoos for myself, but can understand why other people want/get them ... so why is it so impossibly difficult for tattooed people to understand/accept it in reverse? Not all people want them - it's that simple

>t. beta

over 9000% more attractive

well it looks like shes raised the colors a few times, am i right



having said that....

I used to think they're not but it took a long time for me to convince myself that they are...

Tats are fucking gay.
Im literally the only one of my friends to not have tattoos because I started a family at a young age and wanted more money to feed my family and buy shit thats actually relevant in the world.
>like guns
>tfw a faggot wastes 800$ on a tattoo when they could have bought themselves a nice tone


Tattoos look terrible.

I used to live in a small city in Wisconsin where seriously 80% of the citizens had visible tattoos. It was weird living in an area where you would hardly ever see somebody that didn't look like a trashy fucktard.

In my opinion, tattoos are a sign of low social intelligence. They do nothing but decrease your social capital with people who matter, and increase your social capital with fellow losers.

imagine how different your life would be if your mom had sleeve tattoos

>Are tattoos really degenerate?
In our culture it is. Especially if it's a woman. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their body; tattoos reflect negatively on you.

>nigger defending drawing all of your skin like a savage


>flyover state residents actually believe this

tats aren't degenerate at all

Look at the bedspread and plastic bag full of clothes in the background. She's living in a no-tell motel, likely whoring herself out, and keeping her stuff in trash bags, she's literally trashy.

The only tattoos that are acceptable are service-related tattoos on military personnel. All other tattoos are degenerate, especially on women. They say three things about her:

1. She's a slut.
2. She's an attention whore.
3. She follows trends and can't think for herself.

None of those traits are desirable in a woman who you're evaluating to be the mother of your child. If you date a woman with tattoos who feeds you the "I'm a good girl this is just art" line you'd better extreme vet her.

Second definitely.
That being said I wouldn't bar someone from tattoos but most women's tattoos are just awful. Simply awful.
It's always crap about being free or some junk they found on instagram/pinterest. That being said I find very attractive and have dated alt girls before

trashy one night stand whore

wife material

Pay to desecrate your temple? Emulate roasties or prisoners? No thanks.

Exception if you were a sailor or in the military up till 'Nam. After that you're either trashy or a trend-following moron.


sluts gonna slut

That's another thing, in the South if you have tattoos, people think you are poor b/c it's associated with the lower class

>state that 80% of the people in my city had tattoos
>clearly I am in the minority of people from a flyover state who believe that

Tattoo'd faggot confirmed

>he thinks a woman is wife material based solely on how she looks
beta as fuck pussywhipped faggot


But you'd rather fuck the trashy 1 night stand whore if you only had 1 night right? It takes a degenerate man to pump and dump a good girl leaving her ruined and sad

This one

>good girl
>having a 1 night stand

Pick one


There is no such thing as a tattoo in good taste.

I don't see a problem if they are part of your religion or spiritual practice. I'm planning on getting more runic/pagan tattoos.

No, but spergs seem to be really offended by them.
gauges are 4 sure tho

Trash. Next question.

Tattoos have been an integral cultural aspect of many civilizations, the many pagan tribes of Europe during the period of roman conquests were often described as being covered head to toe in tattoos. This being said, no they are generally not degenerate however that does not absolve the many degenerates who have covered themselves in literal bullshit.

Tattoos CAN have strong religious, cultural,and general symbolic meaning but oftentimes you won't find that on the lower back of some college slut in the bar or on the arm of some jarhead.

A tattoo on a man can be good if it is high quality, personally meaningful and in a place that can be covered up when a more professional impression needs to be given.

A tattoo on a woman can look good but it is almost always a red flag and they usually get trivial, trendy shit in a highly visible place like the wrist or neck.

Female tattoos are literally degenerate (more promiscuous etc). Male tattoos less so but it depends.

this one. i actually like tatoos. i hate the choker meme tho

I heard women with tats are damaged and you should never date them. Is this true?

lol. that's the one i want

>Is X trash?
>but what about
>okay but what if
>but sometimes X
>clearly in this situation

God damn it OP you cocksucking faggot. Take yes for an answer and shut the fuck up.

There are few absolute truths in the world. One of them is that women with tattoos are lost, spiritually and emotionally. Not necessarily bad people, but confused and slutty.

Whereas about 75% without tattoos are that way. At least with them, there's a small chance that they are wifeable.

>Show a women looking trashy with tattoos. Ask if they are ok in good taste.

Do whatever you like, you have to live with it now and when you're 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Youth flies fast. Tatts are forever. Expensive to have removed and painful and for what -- because you're following an old fashioned trend and signallling that you're unintelligent


I have nothing against tattoos as long as they are pretty and tasteful, and not excessive.

not really, as long as it isn't overkill

Tattoos are a good way to identify women with loose morals that will likely bang whoever.

They're certainly not wife material, however


>face to toe covered in tattoos
>have wife
>travel the world
>hate liberals

Even I know there are no tasteful tattoos on women

Tattoo's are degenerate as hell and the fact that half of a generation has them is fucking awful.

>tfw sailor who got sailor tattoos while in the Navy
thought about getting more, but I'm out now. Can't bring myself to do it again.
sensible kek

Literally yellow skin

There are only 3 acceptable tattoos:
1) Wedding bands for machinists, electricians or other people who can't wear rings (or small tasteful wedding memorials that match)
2) Memorials for dead blood relatives
3) Ancestry/religious related tatoos.

You can't/shouldn't change family so the only acceptable tattoos are these. No girl tattoos her dad's name over her asshole, so you can pretty much know she's trash if she has anything there.

Are you me?