Can't we all just get along?

Can't we all just get along?

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You should ask the ones killing you.

fuck no

no, only bomb between us

The real map of the earth. Antarctica is the reefs.


Yes. Crypto-currency will unify the world under a united tender.

Fuck you.

Once a non-human crypto based government is installed and crypto-currency is commonplace we all will be united under one front as a species. Ideology is the final and greatest contender to a unified culture. We are making headway with devoid ideals of non-absoults.

What if the UN was turned into a country?

It will be called TeraSol-3.

How it would be ruled? Direct democracy by 1,4 billion Indians and 1,4 billion Chinese?

Trump and extreme xenophobic nationalism is party of our plan to completely destroying traditional anglo culture.

We will stride onwards into a future shaped by our own image.

Fuck off globalist scum.

One Race: the Human Race.

>This medication is used to treat vaginal yeast infections

I can't even fathom that...

Should be some safe haven from all the cultural and religious wars going on.

We didn't do anything to the Muslims but then they attacked us on 9/11 for no reason. They brought this on themselves.

Democracy is inefficient. A sentient government AI will be the collective face of humanity directing us as a single unit all working for a greater human experience.

>Tfw the UN flag symbolizes world domination/submission

A global government has never been tried before.
The closest we've come are the large empires. And they suffered all the same fate; distant people got tired of far away rulers who didn't share their goals and values.
And the EU, which is falling apart...for the same reason.

No, fuck everybody

behold the flat earth

WHO logo

>attacked us on 9/11 for no reason



Fuck you

There shouldn't be one

what if the world was turned in a country

one word.


Do we have to?


>what if the world was turned in a country

Very unsettling

Why not? Just turn the nigger, beaner, dune coon, chink, abo, poo, commie, and jew into fossil fuels.

Is that rare?


Yeah, after pol crashed them only a few survivors remained.

>Forgetting that the anglo is the minority vs the world

>overthrows governments at a whim
>no reason