President Pence is imminent now


So you faggot have given up on Orrin hatch?


>being this wrong


burn in hell nigger

Fucking Jews.

Soon Dumpfkins

Drumpfie will be impeached for obstruction of justice.

She looks like a boy. I wonder if her bagina is a meatball.


Y'all are gonna regret the shit out of this if it really happens. Trouble is, so will the rest of us.

Why, President Trump? The very first thing you did was cuck out.

>Ryan vs Clinton
>Implying Cruz wouldn't get to finish his redemption arc and save the nation.

He's got my vote in 2024.

>thinking its not ron paul being the hero noone expects BTFOing the FED and leading humanity to a new golden age

>constitutional crisis

does she legitimately not understand how the succession of power fucking works?

If both Trump and Pence are gone, Ryan becomes President automatically.

There is no crisis.

What a fucking retard.
This has to be fake, right?

I'm okay with this development.

Calm and professionalism shall return to the conservative agenda driven WH.

Holy fuck, it's real

Pence dindu nuffin. Special election will not get called because Pence is not a mess like Trump. East shit.

Mental gymnastics are fun

>republican flag

go back to /r/politics u leftist in disguize

>Implying Pence is in on this, and will also be impeached despite no precedent for such a thing happening before.
>Also dat succession of power doh