Now that GookMoot has ruined flags I've noticed that almost all Canadian flags have disappeared, so which flags are the new leafproxies?
Now that GookMoot has ruined flags I've noticed that almost all Canadian flags have disappeared...
All of them.
kek flags should be treated as leafs
>GookMoot ruined flags
newfag spotted, this is how the board was before it was made to cater to reddit refugees such as yourself
back to /r/le_donald so you can suck off le based black man and made posts about based trannies pede!!!
I thought we were going to invade you
USA fab here
Bring back the geo codes brah
this, flags gave us some funny memes, but besides that they only ruin the board because we focus more on the nationality than in the argument
>Sup Forums doing anything ever
There's only american flags now, it's boring, you should just pick one of the new ones
and more options pls mods
i'm right here, but nice meme kid
a lot of flags have disappeared. i haven't seen a lot of swedish flags either. it's not about hiding your national pride, but discussing ideologies moreso than having to deal with a bunch of A FUCKING LEAF reddit tier bullshit.
Honestly, I preferred the nationality flags over the custom ones, and I was here for them back in the day as well.
I think good discussion was still had, but it made a lot of the banter and arguments way more entertaining when it seemed like different nations were proverbially throwing down.
Oh well, I imagine the cycle will continue and someday we'll be back to nation-only flags again.
Nice proxy, faggot.
But seriously, when does this shit end, deus vult?
>A FUCKING LEAF reddit tier bullshit
That meme started on Sup Forums you fucking newfag
I hide behind the LGBT flag I'm not sure about other leafs
You must have not been here for a long time, old pol let you pick flags
I post with my actual flag, idk, I think the "FUCKING LEAF" bullshit has died down since they added the feature so
Who gives a fuck what some teens to twenties paranoid faggots on a weed imageforum think?
I hate Canada more than any of you ever will anyways, I have to live here amongst the worst in Toronto.
Feel free to immigrate, leaf bro. The south is great.
They are missing you in the end, you're not supposed to disappear like that.
Toronto isn't Canada, faggot. It's practically America.
Try living in somewhere actually Canadian and you'll see it's pretty comfy.
How can I?
I'd have to marry someone or have a job, right now I'm unemployable.
I've wasted like 10 years of my life.
Learn how to do the most mundane of software development and there are plenty of companies that will hire you.
I was actually thinking about starting a Right-leaning News conglomeration website, similar to Drudge, for Canadians.
I know some wordpress.
But Rebel Media already exists, user.
why are you so obsessed with us dude
get a life
now that you mention it, i dont think ive seen a single swedish flag since the change
I just want a simple site that potentially will link to Rebel.
News Conglomeration, not News News. Dig?