Do pickup artists just have low-self-esteem?

Why not be Chad in the first place? Why not let go of self-defeating beliefs/thoughts/feelings and become Chad naturally?

PUAs strike me as being nerds with LSE (nothing inherently wrong with that, it happens to most of us).

No matter how buff they end up looking, no matter what game they spit, you can always sense the same ol' nerd behind all the facade.

It's just that maybe they are trying to avoid facing things about themselves by putting up this super-confident persona.

I hope they find true success in their lives but at the end of the day don't they feel like frauds by literally lying to get laid with super hot girls?

Chad would feel entitled to those hot girls naturally, and Chad is cool, humble and talks to everyone low-status and high-status people alike.

Isn't what they really want is to become Chad minus all the needless struggle?

Wish you all guys trying to improve themselves the very best.

Other urls found in this thread:

>become Chad naturally?


Yes, people who can't get a girl without resorting to trickery shouldn't be breeding anyway.

PUAs are such little faggots that they make women their conquest in life

Men should be making their hobbies/career/life goals their conquest in life.

They literally worship the vaginal Jew so much that they spend every second of every day trying to figure out how to get random potentially HIV+ sluts in public places to let them insert their penises into them.

It's a pretty bizarre phenomenon. If they invested all of that time and energy into something that mattered, they could actually get something done.


>"a woman's clothing is still not asking for it, shitlord!!!"

PUI culture is the male equivalent of girls who read

If you are a girl from a broken home who is mixed up and seeks answers from Jessica Valenti... your brother is more than likely seeking to fill a similar hole in his soul by reading Neil Strauss.

That isn't to say there aren't some truths that can be gleaned, but it's toxic and as damaging to society as anything from the left.

>They literally worship the vaginal Jew
Funny coming from the board that believes a white woman cuckolding her husband is acceptable if it produces a white child. You fucks claim to be red pilled but bow down to the pussy too.

Because they're roasties.

Girl in OP's pic is probably a stripper or a hooker.

PUA worked flawlessly in the past, but these techniques are now widely known. Since they're known, women are aware of them, and it's a woman's disposition to be on her guard and untrusting of male advances, especially those that they see as trickery or manipulative. Immediately that will get you tossed out, and that's why PUA is now laughed at.

I dont want to be a pua, just get a gf. I feel since I've never had a gf I'm missing out on so much, so I care a lot about how im percieved by people/women. I just feel lonley.

Just want a comfy qt gf. Need to work on self esteem.

PUAs are superficial idiots with problems
Their problems make them unable to maintain a relationship or raise a family
So they fill the void with "bro I pick up all these chicks lmao"

Fuck off jew.

Never once seen a woman dressed like that in public and I've lived in an 85% white state my entire life

Of all the manosphere groups (MRAs, redpillers, MGTOWs, PUAs) I identify with the PUA 'faction' the most, with some redpill tendencies.

MRAs are foolish to think that they could use the kind of activism that worked for women to work for men. There is an inherently feminine aspect to feminism, and trying to feminist tactics to benefit men just doesn't work.

MGTOWs are on the right track when it comes to not letting yourself fall victim to the mindset that "if I don't get laid, it lowers my worth as a person," and to recognize that marriage is fucking moronic in this day and age. However, there are way too many incels among their ranks who avoid dealing with women, and justify it with the idea that women are too risky. Look, false rape accusations happen, but they're not hard to avoid; yes, dealing with women often feels like dealing with overgrown children, but they're pretty fun once you realize that and don't expect maturity.

PUAs (by this, anyone willing to cold approach and/or maneuver social circles) who are redpilled on women, don't fall prey to bullshit scammers or overpriced coaches, recognize the importance of having an abundance of choices, and work hard to have a great sex life, are the kinds of men you should strive to be.

Realize that if you learn game, you will not only get laid a lot more (and I'm sure many pollacks will go "hurr it's pathetic to have to learn what a man should naturally know" - even so-called naturals had to "learn" by positive conditions growing up), but you will be more effective at redpilling women and people in general.

This blog should be right up Sup Forums's alley:

A vast wealth of free, golden advice.

Also look up: Real Social Dynamics on YouTube

>Why not let go of self-defeating beliefs/thoughts/feelings and become Chad naturally?

Those who are not a "Chad" should not give advice on being a "Chad"

You need to live in a state which isn't mostly white to see white girls dress like this. Come to a shithole like the California Bay Area and you definitely will see this shit.

Lmao what kind of strawman is that

Never heard a person say that either. I actually don't really give a shit about women in general. I just get laid every once in a while and I keep an eye out for somebody who might be wife material.

That's about it

Aqua is love, Aqua is life.

for attention dummy

>participating in aimless hedonistic socially degenerative/destructive "pickup culture"
You are the problem.

There are many levels to the PUA game. The penultimate red-pill in many pick-up arts is actually becoming 'natural' and being yourself. Yourself having naturally been improved by then.

Nothing is completely 'natural'. And depending on upbringing and past experiences, some guys only need a little help becoming what they 'naturally' would have become given closer to ideal circumstances.

Many guys start out simply too nice and too shy. Often too logical, obsessive or autistic so to speak. The PUA stuff gives them new information, motivation to get out, learn, meet people and grow naturally.

Unfortunately what may be the real ultimate red pill usually comes later. That is that all women are potential disasters and that all you can do is try and bet on one that's not too bad, play your cards right and hope she doesn't take half your worldly goods and/or have you killed or inprisoned while running of with your best friend. :)

You're missing out on some of the greatest joy ever. You're also missing out on pain that eclipses that joy by a million.

I always had excellent self esteem when with a girl, but it always slowly fades after the relationship ends. Don't look to women to "solve" your life. It's a dead end.

That site is so confusing to navigate. How do I find the good shit?

A ladies man (the guys who are pick up artists and bang tons of girls) are compensating for massive insecurities...which is why they end up alone once their looks wears off and their "game" goes out of style.

Chads who dont settle down and have a family end up as the old creepy sketchballs at the park taking obvious phone pics of cuties out and about.


PUA (or Game) is just persuasion techniques which can be used in all areas of life. Its learned charisma, as heartiste would say. It can be used to charm a pure trad virgin or whoever you find attractive.

Low self esteem is a virtue. I'd never have gotten to where I am in life if I hadn't doubted my chances at being good enough to become a musician. I simply settled for a trade and now I'm on my way to owning my own business, I attribute my success to my lack of self esteem.

If you don't doubt yourself constantly you never temper your own ego, you become arrogant, you stray from the path of wisdom, you ignore your own faults and failings because you don't have the introspection you need to address and solve them.

Embrace your insecurities, they're the only thing you can build on.

yea I just give waaay too many fucks about how im percieved and it throws off my self esteem. I actually have incredibly high self esteem when with a girl I like but that hasn't been in forever... I want to experience some of that joy, Just gotta get outta my shell and live a more positive life. Sometimes the inability to approach women murders me on the inside and makes me feel like shit, thus starting the lonley selfesteem cycle once again.

>believing an obvious shitpost
I'm lmaoing at your life right now

Just came here for dat ass.

a pua is just a man trying to fulfill his natural tendancy to slay as much pussy as he can like any other red blooded male

obviously pansy fagget numales like yourself lack an inner beast and seek out "girl cocks" so you have no idea what im on about, but thats ok, keep masturbating to danny phantom girls

What are you doing on Sup Forums? This is a /r9k/ thread.

You'll also see Asian and Blacks dressed like that. It's not about your backwater concept of "race," it's about the culture in the geographic region.

>Do pickup artists just have low-self-esteem?

Isn't this blindingly obvious?
I remember some guy told me about that PUA book years ago so I started reading a pdf version i torrented and after probably the first page I understood exactly what kind of guys try to become PUAs.
Protip: They are not cool bro-tier dudes.

that's a slav cunt, cunt not white

>Funny coming from the board that believes a white woman cuckolding her husband is acceptable if it produces a white child.
Race is like an extended family. What's the problem?

>tfw don't really want to be chad and do chad things
>just want a wife
>its not happening
>and the chad life seems to be the only path open.
it's a strange feel.

we can all make it user. don't force it, just b urself. the advice is not bullshit, you just have to make yourself the best self.

>tfw most of you would hate me as chad irl and I wouldn't tell you who I am on here.

why is the woman dressed like a stripper acting like a nurse?

also yes, PUA artists and manipulative men always have been and always will be sneaky betas.

all men on this board need to sort themselves out and make sure you're competing on the classic male hierarchy.