Every day is a new slew of negative media on Trump and GOP Team Force Asshole...

Every day is a new slew of negative media on Trump and GOP Team Force Asshole. Their lies and disaster capitalism nutfuckery are losing in the court of public opinion - Trump supporters comprise about 25% of the voting population and if we can actually get people to the polls this shit will be over eventually.
It's a last, protracted gasp of those being squeezed to death: racists, religionists and Big Oil.
The internet brought atheist thinking to the mainstream, and church attendance (plus tithes) started dropping. This is scary to conmen who've made a living for thousands of years off of the fear of death and the desire to live under the guiding hand of a master.
As the world became smaller due to global communication and widespread media, racism feels squeezed out... so they emerged from the shadows to assert hate as a lifestyle choice.
Sorry racist assholes, this isn't fashy week and no amount of hairdos and natty threads will ever make your shit cool.
And finally, sorry Big Oil, look in the mirror and see yourself through the eyes of Big Coal. Electric cars are nibbling at your lunch but soon their ass is going to be big enough to push you right off the lunch table and onto the floor, just like digital cameras did to Kodak and the iPhone did to Nokia. The market will always go for the cheaper, better product. ALWAYS, no exceptions, ever. Nothing personal, it's just business.
Let's keep our eye on the fact that the bluster of a shit-talking, swaggering bully is always a front to intimidate the entire school from kicking his ass all at once, but eventually that bully is shown to have such shitty grades and no good college prospects that they know they're doomed before anyone else does - and that makes them crow all the louder as the end approaches for them.
It's up to us to go vote in 2018, hiss at their every public appearance and leave them no quarter, no room to move, to operate.
The school bullies are vulnerable and the more exaggerated 1/2

their swagger, the sadder they look once you understand them from their internal point of view.
They're scared shitless inside and they have every reason to feel that way, but they'll be damned before they let on to everyone else. They feel it's their last chance at a Hail Mary but the score has already been written, they just don't want you to know that.

My way of dealing with Trump/Republican/Tea Party voters who unquestioningly support any and all of the GOP's regressive policies is to ask them how they feel about the Kansas GOP experiment.
At first they usually say Kansas is a success, then when I tell them facts they deny that these are facts at all.
Then when I show them the numbers they try to say that these are fake numbers put out by Democrats, but when I ask them why would Trump allow these fake numbers to be part of the US gov't stats (and that it's not a holdover from the Obama admin, but current Trump numbers), they bluster and say they don't want to discuss politics any more.
Occassionally though, they admit the numbers are probably right but will add that I'm looking at it "the wrong way" and I'm somehow just spining it to make Republicans look bad. That's when I ask them if they're familiar with similar GOP experiments in Floriday and Wisconsin that have borne out that these GOP policies always lead to similarly failed outcomes for the common people and more money and power for the very, very wealthy.
We have to continually ask these people to think about what exactly they're supporting and show how detrimental it is to the health of our nation. They live in a bubble of their own "alternative facts" and only when someone confronts them on the real stats and show how it affects their personal lives can we get them to think for themselves and demand real representation.


They are supporting small businesses. Therefore, they are hurting all the rich capitalist porkies

Niggers tongue my anus

>Selling stuff
>Fighting capitalism
Wouldn't the communist thing to do be to give away the ice cream for free?

They weaken our institutions, sow divisiveness and distrust among the American people and then wait for a crisis, any crisis, to take advantage of it to pass even more draconian bills and install more ruthless henchmen in our crumbling institutions to finish the job.
Republicans and Trump are doing their best to activate the dregs of the racist "poor white trash" in rural areas to arm themselves and prepare for their day in the sun, and it's now, today, this minute. They won't publicly condemn racially motivated hate crimes if the perps are white, they're telling them that it's ok to act out, to be aggressive, because it's open season on brown-skinned immigrants and liberal cucks.
It's vile, disgusting and un-American.
They want to use them to make us cower in fear, stay in our homes and not help people we see in trouble. They must have clinked glasses and celebrated when Jeremy Joseph Christian slashed the throats of the two men when they came to aid of the Muslim girls. It's exactly the type of incident they've been trying to create after years of AM hate radio and Fox News and Rush and Glenn Beck stoking and molding the firey rage, the smoldering hate that shapes the dim-bulb, blunt instruments of their econo-political agenda.
They won't be fucking happy until the middle class is gone and America is just .001%ers and everyone else is an even more low-paid, wage-slave serf.
They'll keep up this disaster capitalism plan, taking America apart one brick at a time like a Jenga game until they have exactly what they want - a shaky, theocratic kleptocracy run like a police state that exists only to serve their needs while keeping the rest of us so busy being hungry, scared, sick and fighting amongst ourselves that we never even look up to wonder how we got here.
We're 95% there already.
Our founding fathers warned us again and again, but we let it slip away from us until we're now futiley grasping at the edges of what we once had, what we once were.

I'm always down for punching Nazis and Republitards so yay antifa! Richard Spencer getting his clock cleaned was a happy Internet moment. If there were a YouTube channel of just the assholes on T_D lined up and getting punched, I'd put that on every tv in my house running 24/7.

>Fighting capitalism


this isn't your blog faggot so piss off. you don't even live here, who gives a fuck what you think? nobody, that's who. besides, your image is retarded, let's use capitalism to fight capitalism! totally not subversive

I scream
You scream
We all scream
For Marxism

The GOP agenda is outlined by Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine, it's disaster capitalism. Fucking Republicans are evil, retarded assholes bent on destroying America and anyone that votes for them or supports them in any way owns this shit lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, let's tear off the cutesy labels and call it what it is.
The term "virtue signaling" was practically unheard of in popular culture prior to the idiots over at T_D. It's useful to them as a propagandist tool because they think it labels and shames anyone who calls them out for their shitty behavior.
In the real world, "virtue signaling" is another word for a decent person's natural reaction to fascism. When a non-fascist, non-racist person encounters Conservative Trump bullshit and all these fashy fucknuts trying to stir up shit, it's perfectly normal to counter it with a reminder of the ideals this country was founded on.
Personally I hate these fashy assholes and I hate that we let a tool like Drumpf embarrass this nation. I'm pissed that I have to listen to the news about the rise in racial attacks and other stupid shit these white supremacist imbeciles are doing to destroy this nation.
They're all traitors to this country and what we've worked so hard to build. We used to punch Nazis and we're starting to get back to that virtue, and if they want to take issue with that signal, then that just makes them a Nazi defender, and fuck that shit.

The stupidity is so thoroughly embedded in you I don't think there's much hope for folding you back into society.
The Republicans inculcated you with complex, repetitive messaging across all GOP-approved media channels until they achieved the desired result; a horde of rabid supporters barricaded to reason and logic that can be directed to wheel on a dime on any issue they desire.
They won't argue in depth about anything like global warming because they can't. They weren't given any more information than was superficially needed on any of their hot button topics, so they always revert to screaming slogans, acting out, verbal taunts or violence.
It's all they have to work with.
No, these people will be difficult to deal with but deal with them we must, if we want to survive as a species. The Republican propaganda machine must be dismantled and never allowed to operate again.
Reasonable, thoughtful governance must be championed and this egregious display of human stupidity that is Trump, the Republicans and their hordes of brainwashed supporters must not be allowed to dominate America any longer.
They are killing us, and we've coddled them too long. It's way past the point now where it's obvious that they aren't fit or even able to govern, they've tipped their hand and are now bragging about it. All they desire is money and power and they care not for the American people, our future or the health of the nation or the environment. They want a return to the 1950's where women didn't speak out, people of color knew their place and kept their mouths shut too, and gays were so far in the back of the closet they lived in fucking Narnia.
It's time to step up and act like adults. It's time to progress, not regress.

You see, if you have a large enough pool of all customers healthy and sick, and they're all paying low premiums, there's plenty of money for the smaller pool of sick people with enough profits for the insurance companies as well.
Not the astronomical profits they made before the ACA when they could deny cancer coverage because they went over your application you've been paying on for ten years and found a one-letter typo in your home street address.
That's the fucking "death panels" the insurance companies used to use and they want that model back asap. That's why they spent billions to cross the palms of Republicans and massive ad campaigns to fight the ACA.
But your premiums went up so the whole ACA is terrible right? There's so many factors to consider in your personal case; if you live in Red state, who your insurer is, if the ACA plan covered more than your old shitty pre-ACA plan, etc., etc. Almost everone covered saw massive reductions in premiums and better plans.
I live in Arizona and insurance for a family of four was unattainable before the ACA. After I got on, my family premium went from $832 a month to $395. This year we heard that premiums were going to rise 113% in Arizona but because of the ACA my Healthnet Ambetter premium for my family of four is now $87 a month with very low OOP costs.

I'm very interested in hearing how Trump supporters are not cancerous. Say, have you been watching the news lately? Have you not seen how the Trump admin has been working overtime to destroy the foundations of our nation?
Have you not heard them call the MSM fake?
Have you not heard them say our courts are not to be trusted?
Have you not seen them try to take away the ACA?
Have you not seen them try to take away funding for public schools?
Have you not seen them call Liberals cucks and embrace White Nationalist violence?
Have you not seen them denigrate mexicans, muslims and gays?
Have you not seen them advocate for free speech to taken away?
Have you not seen them try to eliminate environmental regulations and increase pollution because they deny global warming?
Have you not seen them collude with Russia and attempt to establish back channels?
Have you not seen them shove oil pipelines in Native American reservations where they are not wanted?
Have you not seen them try to hurt the alternative energy market?
Does any of this ring a bell to you?
Do you deny the Trump admin is the worst admin to ever, ever be in power in the U.S.? Do you deny they are an international embarassment to the U.S.?
How is this not a cancer on our nation, eating away at our institutions and dividing the nation on every level?

Right wing confirmation bias is a cruelty that harms the victim and then spreads itself like a virus. Hannity and Fox and all the other conservative media pundits, bloggers and the like are nothing but diseased, infected carriers of this virulent shit.
What kills me is that this virus turns off human empathy in its hosts.
They have an amazing resistance to horrible abuse that would cause normal, unpoliticized people to cringe, but if they're told beforehand that this is ok because it helps the "small businessman" and not "take away and redistribute the money they earned", then they can accept it. Tell them a Mexican child died of thirst in the Sonoran desert trying to cross the border illegally and you might even see them trying to suppress a smile.
I was accused on Reddit a few months ago by a Trump supporter of "virtue signalling". I had no idea what this meant so I had to look it up. Apparently it means that if you say nice things about nice ideas and are "idealistic" in talking about how to treat other people that need help, it's some kind of psychological manipulation meant to suppress the Conservative agenda.

This is exactly how Republicans’ Disaster Capitalism works:
1) Weaken America’s institutions (attack media, courts, free speech) and its infrastructure and social safety nets (slash and burn social budgets, sell fuel reserves, don’t fix bridges, etc)
2) Wait for any disaster to strike (terror attack, bridge collapse, gas shortage), straining to the breaking point all the institutions, infrastructure and safety nets the Republicans have weakened
3) Blame the problem on the Democrats and then take advantage of the disaster by electing more GOP thugs to the House and Senate and introducing pre-packaged (‘So We Heard You Had a Disaster’ Kit) legislation to enact laws that favor the wealthy
Republican voters and especially Trump supporters can't gobble enough "Rich Man" dick. They love it and beg for more it every day.
Selling our reserves or cutting school lunches or giving another tax windfall to people that don't need it is perfectly fine with Republicans.
These are the kind of people that if they had a 7 year old daughter in a TV commercial and the company wanted to sexualize her as a sultry adult and have her do dangerous stunts, but told them they couldn't pay any more but the exposure would certainly lead to more sexualized work and dangerous stunts, they would rationalize it for a half second and then enthusiastically sign on the dotted line.
I'm so tired of this shit... how much more damage is Trump and the Republicans going to do to America before we say stahp?

Of course they are, it's what immediately comes to mind when you read about this bill. I've been disgusted by the Christian mindset for quite a while now and under Trump they're unmasking their own hypocrisy.
Jesus instructs them to care for the poor - they champion cutting social safety nets and promote "prosperity gospel".
Jesus says it's almost impossible for a rich man to get into Heaven, yet they fawn over the rich and bend over backward to give them whatever they want.
Jesus told them it's important to help the immigrants and be charitable to strangers. Not today's Christians, no way, no how.
No, today's Christians will tell you how they're the true victims in any situation. They're not allowed to bully LGBT kids in school, so that's like telling them they have to suppress their religious teachings to abhor and confront sin. Making them bake a wedding cake for a gay couple or issue a marriage license as a normal part of their job is an attack on their faith, as is I suppose being handed a solid red coffee cup at a Starbucks that doesn't have Jesus on it. Or teaching evolution to middle schoolers, or suggesting that global warming is a real thing, or any number of scientific facts that differ with bronze age teachings.

Fundamentalist Christianity freaked out when the internet punctured their kids' bubble of delusion and showed them a world outside of their family and church and community that sided with science or even (gasp) didn't believe that their God Is An Awesome God, or that God even exists.
This was the opening salvo for them. They were in a war for their children's souls and no dirty Atheist or Muslim or Humanist or Gay was going to touch their perfect Christian lifestyle.
The irony here is that they probably would have been fine if they hadn't insisted on making it a hot war, lobbying to "teach the controversy" in public schools and generally making a stink over everything that didn't like. If they had just continued to teach love and a little tolerance the secular world would have ignored them. We had no vested interest in hurting them, we just didn't want them to hurt us.
But now... fuck it, it's on. They want to crush everything that isn't Christian-friendly like facts and people individual sexuality? Well, I've got some news for them... they aren't as well-liked and powerful as they've told themselves in their echo chambers.
They're outnumbered and people are getting sick of their ridiculous cries of sanctimonious victimhood while they wildly slash and burn everything in their path.