Does red meat give u cancer?


Other urls found in this thread: meat cancer metarewiev&oq=red meat cancer metarewiev&aqs=chrome..69i57.16994j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#newwindow=1&q=red meat cancer meta review

So far so good.

Red meat was one of the first redpills I took.


What doesn't?

Everthing gives you cancer


anything that is cooked and produces al malliard reacrion is carcinogenic and can cause cancer even grilled veggies

I just learned that chicken messes with your estrogen but most other animals can't be fucked with like that, so it's probably much better than poultry.

The sun gives cancer. So what?

>not eating jackfruit

y'all niggas need vegan jesus

Red meat is super safe, but not deep-fried.

vintage memes

Use bloody sunscreen.

I apply sunscreen three times a day during Summer.

sunscreen gives you cancer

Turboluminescent decoupling between pair bonds at high temperatures tends to cause biodegradation at the cellular level. You figure it out.

Why the fuck for? Unless you're on vacation at a place with massive solar radiation compared to where you live, or you're a genetic defect, you just get sun in early on and slowly tan up for summer.

It give you tits.

I actually got radiation burns on my thighs from getting drunk and sitting in the sun for 4 hours without moving.
>they are so bad it looks like i took shrapnel in my quads
>but hey, im still alive and shitposting so yee

>going outside
good one

Only if you inject it intravenously

If you dont buy your meat in full pieces and make your own cuts it will give your wallet cancer.

nice websearch

Sure, but the concentrations are far higher in cooked meat than in cooked vegetables. It is disingenuous to imply that they are in any way similar.


you tried

Everything gives you cancer according to shitholes like commiefornia.

Not necessarily but Sup Forums definitely does.

There's also no reason to deep fry red meat.


You've never met a southerner.

>does red meat cause cells to endlessly replicate

I don't know, does being a little vegan faggot give you cancer?

No. Our body has a mechanism to kill cancer cells. But it can get tricked and can contribute to cancer cell growth.

For me a lot of times there is no difference, but I like buying large roasts or the whole carcass (chicken and fish) to break it down on my own, use the bones, the innards, etc.

No it isn't.

This. I never step outside and just take Vitamin D and K pills. I'm not falling for the solar jew. Fuck the sun.

My in-laws are southern, but so far I haven't encountered deep-fried ribs or chicken-fried steak with them. Lots of other interesting things though.

>implying manifold subvariant antagonism ISN'T gastroculturally bisected by carcinoanalgesis

Sun gives you freckles and baseball mit leather skin as you have.

>"If you're going to get it from the sun, about 20 to 25 minutes of exposure is helpful"
Just open your blinds every once in a while. Opening the blinds makes it very hot right now, so I do it in the evening.

You have to get to know the good ones. The real red blooded type will deep fry anything for the lulz.

I don't even remember what best thing we did was because I was in a fry grease coma. But it was fun flinging batter into the fryer to see who could get it to make the best sounds.

Being alive gives you 100% more chance of getting cancer than being dead. i suggest killing yourself


Life gives you cancer.

funny because the formation of acrylamide which is one of the most carcenogenic substances that forms via heating over 180c produces less from saturated animal fats and has a higher concentration in soy and palm oils

also the only area where cooked meats are worse in forms of carcinogens is the breakdown of sodium nitrates/nitrites which are only found in cured meats but that can be almost entirley avoided if you cook said items under the 180 degrees threshold for a longer period of time

They are incredibly deep south kin of snake handlers and moonshiners, but my mother-in-law managed to be a health nut when she was younger. Now she does biscuits and gravy and heavy southern stuff but doesn't go too far with it. Since I almost always at her home or with her, we don't do deep fried foods down there. Church and work potlucks are sooooo different from stuff I've ever eaten and sometimes have fried chicken.

Eh. I'm a yank but whether it's the south or somewhere else in the world, I get the best response being able to relate through humor and that opens people up to let you in on whatever dumb shit they do for fun, and if you can enjoy that version of suffering then you're in.

People had less cancers at the turn of the century up until the 60's and they basically drank bacon grease, ate burgers and steaks daily.

Its not the meat, its what was put inside the cow and meat that is causing the problems. same goes for other processed food, food with modified genes, chemical based ingredients...ect...

Also, since cancer is nothing more than your cells losing the ability to communicate properly with the rest of your body...perhaps cancer causes are more on an energy level....considering our airwaves are chalk full of cell phone, wifi, name it electrical waves due to communication and media transmissions.

Remember a long time ago reading a post about some guy who claimed to cure cancer using energy waves at a specific frequency and he was murdered and lab was burned to the ground and that was that...really makes me wish i had screen capped the good stuff from long ago.

Oh I love them, they're great. The ones that are super out there are either deep in the Appalachians, in jail, dead, or excommunicated for being such huge shits. So the in-laws that are around are awesome, southern, baptist, loving, happy folk.

Yeah thats what I do but I buy full cuts and break them down to portions. Costs me around $90 for a round and I can get about 15 steaks and 2 roasts out of it. Makes it much easier plus my butcher has fresh product so the quality is great.

And if it does, why does it matter? We are all gonna die

Yes it gives you cancer.

I just got a 5lb top round roast for $25, but I consider that more than I'd want to pay. No beef was on sale below $5/lb, so I just got that one for now while I wait for a sale. I try to wait until I can get sirloin or ny strip at $3/lb and buy as many as possible and have room for in the freezer.

The main benefit of understanding that something does X and why it does X is to be able to exploit that knowledge to maximize your welfare.
The benefit for political agents, though, is that they hope to scare people away from consuming red meat, since producing it involves a lot of energy inputs and produces GHGs.

everyone keeps blaming the wrong things. Meat, cigarettes etc.. Radon is the cancer cause. It lurks in everyones basement.


Good call, you hunt or fish at all?

It increases your chance of getting some particular types of cancer by some percent but when reported it's sensationalised (like everything), it turns out the risk increase is really small (obviously, otherwise people who eat red meat would die in droves).
vegan, chance of bowel cancer = 5%
5/100 vegans get bowel cancer
>OMG red meat increases cancer risk by 20%!!!
doesn't mean
carnivore, chance of bowel cancer = 25%
does mean
carnivore, chance of bowel cancer = 5% x 1.20 = 6%
6/100 carnivores get bowel cancer
5/6 would've got it anyway even if they were vegan
1/100 carnivores get cancer attributable to eating meat

no, but leaves do

You started or stopped eating red meat?

No I live in the city right now with no hunting in the near vicinity, but have started to look into moving somewhere very rural. As soon as I do I'll fish at the very least. I love the idea of hunting, but I don't know if I'll have the patience and skill.

does it matter?

at least half the world doesnt have a basement dumbass

>Because radon causes lung cancer, meat and cigarettes aren't bad for you

I seriously hope you aren't implying what I implied you are implying.

>but I don't know if I'll have the patience and skill

this. What does it take someone raised a suburbanite with no father or hunting influence to conquer wild game? I have a 12ga and a 308, but don't have experience tracking or anything

Poo-in-loo ass cancer rates are the lowest in the universe and they don't eat cows.

107% of Burgers die of ass cancer and they live on nothing but quarter pounders.

Do the math.

It takes practice but the patience part is all a matter of relaxing and enjoying your environment just like fishing. If you like fishing I think youll like hunting too. If you want to get a kick start on the practice start going to a range and maybe learning ballistics (if you want to really get into it). I love it, its a huge stress relief as well as being a skill.

It's a contributing factor for bowel cancer. Charcoal-fired barbecue is worse.

there is hardly anything that doesn't
though red meat has like a 0.2% higher chance at doing so

shut the hell up you fucking faggots

Probably just join up with someone else who hunts. I have shitty hand eye coordination, so I might be better of leaving traps. I have no issue with chilling on a little row boat, a dock, shore, ice, or large boat all day, but I'm not that interested in being out in the woods for long.

First learn your hunting laws, when seasons open and close. Then decide on what youre going to hunt. Lets say you want to hunt deer, and you know when your season opens. Do some research on deer. Get familiar with their tracks and habits. Then learn what kind of environment they like to roam around and what they eat. Look up where youre allowed to hunt in your area and go take a look before the season opens, scope out some areas that you learned they will most likely be. Buy yourself a good pair of binoculars and make sure your comfortable with your firearm. Then once the season opens find a nice cozy spot to camp and use those sights to scope out your are and wait for movement. If you see something you can start tracking, if you dont you can decide to move locations or stick to it and wait. Its all about the long game and youll need a basic knowledge the animal your hunting.

>do the math

One fries their food in animal fat and the other doesn't; it's pretty fucking straight forward...

well maybe it is burgers extravagant lifestyles and overdrinking problems? you forget that human and animal abnormal mutantoids are born quite often in poo in the loo zones.

How can we trust any data from poo land? They might rule a death natural without ever doing and autopsy.

scam to make you eat less protein

No just the opposite.
Look at groups like the inuit eskimos or the massai africans.
>almost totally carnivorous diet
>virtually zero rate of cancer and heart disease

Agriculture scam maybe like the grain craze?

Not if u take it all babe.

exactly watson - and how are we to know they are not characterising cancer as some sort of a curse from multitude of gods and demons present in their lore?

Alls i know is
you can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat.

Does anyone actually enjoy filet mignon? Aside from the relatively high price, it has remarkably little flavor compared to many other more economical cuts?

If you live in a big city, then congrats. The very air you breathe has carcinogens.

Yes, cancer like Vegan Gains telling me I need to die

>if you eat it everyday, without vegetables (fiber), with sugary shit as a side, and you eat poor quality (cheap) meat, then yes, it is probably going to give you cancer in 20+ years.

buy grass fed or quality meats, only eat red meat every few days or less, eat some fucking fiber, stop putting cheese on everything, and stop drinking/eating the (((sugary stuff))).

>Be Commiefornian
>Buy cup of coffee
>This product contains chemicals is known to the state of California to cause cancer
>Buy fast food
>This product contains chemicals is known to the state of California to cause cancer
>Buy organic groceries
>This product contains chemicals is known to the state of California to cause cancer
>Buy bottled water
>This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer.
>Buy can of compressed air
>This product contains chemicals is known to the state of California to cause cancer
>buy oxygen tank
>This product contains chemicals is known to the state of California to cause cancer

everything gives you cancer these days

Yes and no.
1) Red meat is harmfull, because contains so many hormons, drugs, antibiotics, coloratos e.t.c
2) meat cancer metarewiev&oq=red meat cancer metarewiev&aqs=chrome..69i57.16994j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#newwindow=1&q=red meat cancer meta review
3) If you eat red meat like murrican retards, fried to crackling, every day, 5 times per day, yes, you will get cancer 100%.
crackling is:

But you can eat redmeat twice a week, and biled with species.
