Should porn and video games be banned to encourage millennial men to get married?
Should porn and video games be banned to encourage millennial men to get married?
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The bitch in the picture has some ugly ass Dota 2 eyerings.
yes. Or heavily taxed.
Or whatever
You won't be able to nag, shame, or legislate young men into marriage.
Seriously though, I know that porn and vidya games keeps men in the house, you know it, and yet I can't find anything scientific making that correlation, no books or anything.
banning never works.
some men are just not meant to reproduce.
should have figured.
How about you just give me a wife instead
You have Saudi Arabia chairing the human rights commission, so I know you're okay with it
Its the new natural selection. Those who cant escape the bidya/born trap are the weak ones.
prostitution should be legalized
>get married
why buy the cow when the milk is free
No. This generation of women is used up and no good.
Men who have been part of hookup culture should be executed while the women should be left in poverty and scorn as an example. Decent, accomplished men of age 25 or so should be encouraged to marry innocent younger girls (16-18).
This is the way to rebuild society.
why should any man get married?
Have two kids by surrogate, no bitch can fuck you for child support, alimony
OP is retarded.
Nope. if a guy is inclined to waste away his life he probably shouldn't be reproducing anyway. Not to mention that once I'm dead I dont care if our population is declining and we arent reproducing.
I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than marry an used goods slut that was riding the cock carousel. can live without porn or games. I'll read more books, find some other hobby, get a dog.
Porn and vidya have absolutely nothing to do with my unwillingness to deal with women.
what's up with her eyebrows they look weird and the dude looks like he's missing a jaw
Other way around. The women should be executed, the men put to labor.
The problem isn't porn and video games. The problem is an epidemic of vapid, vacuous, untrustworthy, gold digging whores.
the problem is not video games or porn, asshole the problem is feminism
Are you a freedom hating commie?
Ban divorce and women right to work.
There is no place for men in a feminist society
Marriage is dead. Women killed it.
Maybe if there were any women worth being around men wouldn't make the choice to live without them.
Should women's rights be fixed to encourage millennial women to stop getting divorced and having abortions?
Probably because that kind of correlation doesn't exist dumbass
How about just ending Women's rights all together? This is the only thing Muslims got right.
Taking away there rights isn't always the solution Eurofag
>Should porn and video games be banned to encourage millennial men to get married?
Banning porn and video games isn't going to make millenial women any less worthless to millenial men.
this 2bh
the Chads are going to outbreed the incels and volcels, which maybe is how it should be
The problem is MRA faggots and PUAs spreading garbage information online. Misery loves company, these idiots just want other guys to be as lonely, bitter and pathetic as they are
would she do this to a guy who is 5'8 or below and have the same expression?
trips don't lie
Keeping a bunch of chads in prison would be hard.
>Should X be banned
No comrade pinkocommiefag it shouldn't.
yes, at the same time. drop a nuke on africa
Though, then we wouldn't be good goys now would we?
Go ahead and do it. I'll just spend all my time reading books at the library or shitposting. MGTOW for life. I'd rather slam my dick in a car door repeatedly than have sex with, or worse marry 21st century women.
>ban video games and porn
>the men addicted to that shit still lack the skills to find and lock down a mate
>probably turn to drugs or some other vice to compensate
>they all die out and remove themselves from the gene pool anyway
Fuck off marriage is dead
Name one benefit of marriage...for the MAN
to be fair at least the PUAs spread some social skills knowledge and have a self-improvement outlook. If suckers get conned into giving them money then who gives a shit. They are not drastically increasing the number of manwhores enabling hookup culture. The MRAs are mostly just bitching about the system, occasionally offering solutions but mostly just bitching
>watch anime and play video games
I have a steady job, girlfriend, and make more than all of you neets.
You're using what you like as a fucking excuse for your pathetic inability to learn how to socialize with others and don't know how to be useful in society so you blame the things you do instead of the things you don't do.
lmao fucking waste of airs
Oh you poor ignorant soul
woman seem to think they can shame, legislate there way into marriage.
Not until divorce laws are fixed.
No, you retard. Stop bitching and whining about symptoms of the disease and cure the disease itself. Fix society. Impose harsh prison sentences for females that falsely accuse men of rape. Reform divorce laws. Outlaw alimony and give fathers parental rights so that marriage isn't a life destroying threat for men.
>I'd rather slam my dick in a car door repeatedly than have sex with, or worse marry 21st century women
it would be extremely painful
>i'm not allowed to do something i used to do
>oh wow i have suddenly learned twenty five years of social skills overnight
>i am also no longer short fat and balding
the aoc is the real problem. get rid of that gay shit.
Where can I get Sarkeesian merch like the """"female""""?
No, women should be banned from the work force, and lose voting rights. That would fix it all.
>to get married?
for what purpose?
the economy is beginning to stagnate, no amount of banning media is going to change that
we are going the route of Japan
and this isn't necessarily a bad thing, infinite growth is not only unsustainable, it's impossible
nothing grows forever
it's only natural that population would eventually find equilibrium given a stable enough system
if the dude is big and alpha, absolutely
you will find that some of the hugest ballers are short/ugly dudes who had to develop strong character and/or get fit to compensate to compete in the dating market
dudes born with Adonis bodies have never had to develop alpha traits to compete because they could always just rely on their looks
Raising children without a quality mother figure and father figure is degenerate as fuck and an abuse to the children. Fuck's sake Sup Forums.
married to what? prostitutes?
marriage to a non virgin isnt marriage, its cuckdom.
>banning a thing magically makes it go away
OP is a toddler.
aoc is literally white genocide.
no, fuck off. I love video games and love jerking my dick, so fuck no, dude.
I like how every recent picture she takes of herself shows how progressively old she's getting.
She looks old and beat.
one day your dick will jerk completely off.
>that flag
>that post
What the fuck
Allah give me strength to deal with your retardation
No. That's the symptom not the disease.
Ban promiscuity and degeneracy to encourage millenial men to get married.
No, but an organization separate from the government should work on educating the public about the detrimental effects these can have so that the wonderful free thinking logicians can make an informed decision on whether or not to consume the material.
That's not how that works.
It's not like he's gonna live long enough to get erectile dysfunction anyway.
Also Quake's nice
>banning porn and shit because muh degeneracy
get the fuck out ya commie bitch
How about you fuck off, you dont take my vidya and porn away fagget
if the only way to get sex or see naked girls was through marriage, everyone would be married with 5 kids by 17-18. This is the effect of porn and normalizing masterbation. You would bang your wife until unattractive from too many kids, at which point you would be too distracted and burned out with said kids to care....thats how its suppose to work anyway. No need to sleep around, no need to cheat on spouse ect.
Fuck off Roast Poster
No. Dantes Inferno is legit.
Fair points are made unintelligibly.
while excessive gaming can and probably will keep a man from marrying, porn has a far worse influence on people in general, especially I'd we assume an ideally virgin marriage for both partners
playing a game on the side every once in a while is not a problem but watching porn is
I'd be happy with 7 children.
I got married.
Still look at hentai and play tons of video games.
What do those things have to do with getting married or not?
>It's not like he's gonna live long enough
who the fuck are you weirdo to pass judgment on how long somebody is gonna live?
since when can't you be religious and like sex and entertainment at the same time?
Porn, videogames/HollywoodMovies and cats are three of the biggest reasons of the decline of the west.
Many blame feminism, but feminism is the result and the effect of a society of beta-males.
Haven't met in my life a single feminist or SJW whose father wasn't a faggoylt nu-male.
We just need to make western men great again. Lift, strive, work hard, eat good meat l, stay away from SocialNetworks and READ good books as much as possible (If you don't know where to start, pol/ has some good recommendations. Start there and little by little you will find what suits you the best)
And never forget, as westerners, we have to carry with weight of the world.
theoretically, Christianity is against masturbating and especially porn
>an ideally virgin marriage for both partners
You have to pick up woman absurdly young to find them virgin user. AOC laws, would probably get in the way (not that anyone decent wants them removed).
Fix women first.
Seriously, who keeps making these shit threads about, "ban X thing that makes men happy, tax men, etc"?
These gooks are so disgusting. None of them are attractive at all.
I wan't a wife like Soe who dresses up as video game characters.
masturbating can be healthy and I'm not sure, I think it's a very antiquated view on that matter even in church today. I see religion more as a guideline but not as restricting dogma.
Modern feminism has given women the power to pick and choose and have complete say in the relationship, so they end up only picking tall CHADS like the guy in your pic. The rest of us get left out, and ultimately wiped from the gene pool. It's all part of (((their))) plan.
>TFW she did porn
Maybe when girls stop destroying their bodies with tattoos, cigarettes, pink hair, and McDonalds. Gays have it so good right now.
Why don't you try going a month without porn or video games and see how you feel? I quit both porn and video games about 4 months ago and I've been much more motivated and productive, although you're right on the fact that there's not a lot of scientific evidence to back it up. I think it's a largely ignored concept in the medical and scientific community as well as in the eyes of the general public, and not a lot of studies have been done on the subject. But based on my own personal experience id say that it's made a pretty significant difference in my life, but it's not like it automatically made my life magically better. You have to take that newfound energy and free time and do something with it like learn a new skill or work out or SOMETHING. If you stop jacking off and playing video games and sit in your room all day doing nothing you're gonna go fucking insane after a while and fall back into your old habits and not you'll have just wasted your time in the long run. If anyone is thinking about trying this but doesn't have any outlet to put their newfound energy into id suggest just getting a part time job somewhere where you would feel comfortable working and give it at least a month and see where it takes them. If you're shy and don't like talking to people try to get a busser or stocking job, they're great low effort entry level jobs that enable you to slowly warm up to the concept of talking to new people at your own pace. Youd be surprised how many new friends you make and how much more fulfilling every day feels when you're not wasting your life sitting in a dark room all day doing nothing of value. Sorry this was so long but I read a post like this a long time ago and it's what motivated me to change my life for the better in the first place, I'm 22 but I'm really happy I realised these things early enough to get my life together and truly live it in a way where I can be happy and have some kind of purpose. Just my 2 cents though.
>that flag
Yeah, how about no.
Feminism didn't ruin the West, you're right; women did. A society is only as good as it's weakest link, and our weakest link is women.
Women have made it intolerable to be with them. They have ruined the legal system, marriage, and partnership in general.
Giving them the right to vote was a mistake.
Letting them out of the house was a mistake.
The manginas and nu-males came from the degeneracy women wrought. They are the products of single mothers and women pussifying education and men.
As men, it is in our interest to fix things where possible, and to avoid problems when not possible.
I don't think women are fixable, you do, (even though you offer no practical solutions other than continue to act in your traditional role even though they've been compromised).
Men are not the problem. Women are the problem. Collapse is the solution. Patriarchy is the solution.
No you fucking statist
of course banning porn and games does not give us the results we want, but it should be considered that they're not exactly healthy either
and sure, women need to be fixed, but let's be honest, so need men
as long as either side sleeps around and thinks it's totally cool, so will the other, even if just for equality and all that
that's just what they stand for
I think masturbating every once in a while isn't that much of a problem, just keep it in control instead of letting it control you
Literally the only thing that can can save modern civilization is:
>repeal women's voting rights
>bring back traditional divorce laws
>institute arranged marriages on a large scale
The current state of society is simply too far gone, we need a radial shift back.
Based on what, Onan? Hotwives ban masturbation for their cucks to make them stupid and obedient.
Or even better remove the state completly
Agreed. At first glance they seem attractive due to the pale skin and delicate features, but then ya really look at 'em... Not pretty and nine times out of ten too skinny. Why are so many obsessed with them? It's sad and disgusting.
well with drugs becoming legal, might as well ban something else to create a new black market
No. But porn needs regulation.