Canada needs 100 million migrants by 2050 to maintain our current living conditions

Canada needs 100 million migrants by 2050 to maintain our current living conditions.

Please help my country half of our population is elderly. We need more migrants.

We're going to need a northern wall.

Maybe the problem is with the elderly boomers not the smaller population of workers.

Lol fuck off mudslim

Canada will be the last Anglo country to uncuck

If it ever even does, might be too late before you guys get a chance desu.

maybe instead of importing a bunch of niggers you could trick a girl into thinking you're worth something and have her shit out a few kids

our living conditions are shit-tier.

>minimum wage is 10.50
>1 bedroom apartment is 850 a month
>car insurance is 100 dollars minimum
>120 for gas
>hydro is 90
>heat is 60
>phone is 40
>internet is 80
>food is 400 for groceries
>if you are a smoker you just spent what little is left

Good luck saving for school or buying a car / house, ever. Whites are starting to live like pakis with 3 generations sharing one house.

no we don't

Robots and artificial intelligence are really throwing a wrench in this whole migrant economy scheme they brewed up. They're gonna need to come up with a new one.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No.

>Canada needs 100 million migrants by 2050 to maintain our current living conditions.

Oh noes how will we ever survive without importing hordes of street shitters!

>tfw I have to live off roughly 100 bucks a month for food

So this is first world living...

>100 million migrants
>maintain our current living conditions.


Turns out all those free Canadian freebies aren't really free, huh?

Same dude, thankfully I get 50% discount off food at work. I had to quit smoking because I couldn't afford anything. Government is so corrupt here.

Good time to get a tan and move to Canada

Free gibs and pussy for anyone that isn't a white cuckold

>our current living conditions

sounds awesome

nigers r bad lol

You just gotta have more of your own kids. They're done by fucking btw, hth

too damn cold.

Canada is a real life example of a "containment board" they once tried to fool Sup Forums into being.

Why is the discussion never about changing the current policies and culture to facilitate sustainability? Why is it always about letting in immigrants to make up for possible flaws in our current models of society?

> we need migrants
> rural and suburban retards dont understand that their low knowledge hick jobs will be automated soon

Wow really made me think


We need 600 grazzillion illiterate peasants ...STAT!

Or we are looking at impending collapse.

This is all bullshit. Our economy is largely about digging up shit and cutting down shit...and selling it ...our prosperity is all about the price people will pay for resources.

The money will be divvied up 35 million ways or 88 zillion ways...

The immigrants will pay for our retireees!... bullshit they have their own old people to look after, and if anything we'll be chipping in to deal with that problem.

It's all about pushing globalism...wheter it's good or bad for me is not even a consideration.

first time a leaf has posted something of true value. best club in the world, sluts are where it is.


>Canada needs 100 million migrants by 2050 to maintain our current living conditions.
I hope this argument is ironic. Nobody would be insane enough to screw their own children over for "current living conditions." Go through the hard times, come out sleeker and stronger.

Dont you wish you were native? True socialist style community since we're still tribal and look out for eachother, flat 350 a month for an actual house with a basement and multiple bedrooms, generally your yard is however big you want it to be (within reason) miles of lush pen land in every direction owned by us. free healthcare no taxs on anything if you're on reserve, no tax off your pay check,free education, god I love my culture

Or you could stop spreading your degeneracy. The hidden militias will help bring this country through.

motherfuckin SAUCE on the right!!!!!!

eh still a cheap genocide

>Please help my country half of our population is elderly. We need more migrants.
Why don't you go fuck yourselves instead? I mean, literally.

I am native actually but I don't get free money :\


your country is fucked

Japan is way too packed as is... they could use a population reduction, so they don't live in telephone booths or have to hire subway pushers to squeeze commuters in.

It's all so transparent...they just want globalism for ideological reasons. They will push any angle to sneak this bullshit through.


Is that what we call muslims these days?

Meh if canada is sunny I would come, but for now Australia waits me
and no you are not full yet

>Make it impossible to support family with one income through welfare state
>Women have to work
>Women exhausted and told that motherhood is degenerate by statists that want more tax income
>Women unhappy
>Blame husband
>Divorce husband
>If somehow managed a kid, now an emotional wreck
>Let's import 60 IQ incest Jihadis, they're interchangeable with our citizens because muh multicultralism
This Confederate is damn awful at geography.

You only get said thing if you choose to live on a shit reserve and even than I doubt what you're saying. Stop feeding the white man bullshit, we don't get it that good.

what the fuck is it with brown people coming to shit up white countries, like holy shit - fuck off!

> maintain your current living conditions
> or .... pic related

Life is pain, man up fucking pussy. You can support a family if you actually got an education.

Motherfuckin' degenerate bitch hos
Where can I get me some?

Meh Egypt is corrupted and full of muslims I hate living all my life with all this muslims.
I dont mind being brown but I am not a brown

What makes you think migrants of inferior culture and race would fix your stupid imaginary problem. Make more white children; that WILL solve your made up problem!

Unless you have no money, then you gotta take out a 40,000 dollar loan and work for 4 dollars more than minimum wage to pay it off.

Lol fucking retard.

Wtf happened to flags?

what the hell, when did we get confederate flags?

no we dont
fuck yourself

There are careers u can start it without degree and has high wages just need working hard for self study

So if I was smart and naught a house I can cash out before Trump crashes the markets and move there. Sounding pretty good. I've been to the south is Canada humid and trashy like all those red statea?

"Fact. Your country NEEDS immigrants or else it will economically collapse."

So many people buy this meme.

"But yeah, it's true. You DO need immigrants. Immigrants improve the GDP."

Yes, a bunch of immigrants that do nothing but take free shit from the government and commit crimes. Yes. The country faced total collapse without that happening somewhere.

These people cannot common sense.

Yea you pretty much outlined my exact expenses
>800 for rent in a 1 bedroom shithole apartment
>40 hydro
>75 medical premium
>110 car insurance
>100 for gas
>40 cellphone
>80 internet
>35 gym membership
>300+ groceries
total: 1580

Personally I consider myself in lower middle class at best, making about $2300/month after taxes, so I'm fortunate enough to be able to save some each month. However when people are making near minimum wage? Forget about it, they wouldn't even be able to live without roommates or giving up on owning a car.

Shit really sucks here. Plus the price of housing just keeps rising. Condos that were $110k 5 years ago are $180k now in many areas, or homes that were $300k a few years ago are $500k now.

Some of the reserves are shit, mine is one of the better ones. I would take some photos for you but its dark out already. Im sitting on 3 acres right now without a care in the world. the rat race in the city is fucking sickening.

And yet, me and my STEM degree can't seem to find work. Guess we just need to bring in more job creators

Doesn't your country only have like 35 million people?
Sage and hide.

or study german for 1-2 years and get degree from there, universities there are free

natives send the day huffing gas

theyre lazy fucks who dont deserve the perks our government gives them

shoud of exterminated them when we had the chance

What reserve? They range from excellent to shit-tier around here (Kamloops) but I've seen some horrendous living conditions on some Ontario reserves

>maintain our current living conditions.
What in the mighty fuckery does this even mean?

Without immigrants, who will work at Tim Hortons or pick berries in the Fraser valley?

Canadian female improving the birth rate

Cote First Nations. We were in the news a while back for getting one of the biggest land settlements to date. Probably why its actually tolerable to live out here. I got 20,000 out of it, so did everyone else from the reserve. Rumors of another larger one in the works but I doubt it. Before they stole about 2/3rds of our land from us it used to include a lake and whats now a national forest. Absolutely beautiful to hike through.

Ahhh yes, isn't that part of a greater nation known as "rider nation"?

just sell more trees

I'm moving in about 5 months or so

All that really sucks, I hope I can both eat and afford a car.

fucking cuck

I've never heard it called that but Keys and Keesekoose form one long stretch of Indian land with us so its possible.

Think he means Sask

I understood this joke and chuckled. Everyone else not so much

If Canada had a PM who knew his ass from the pool boys you could reduce government size to what normal countries have, reduce civil servants and get rid of the CBC there would be billions of dollars, don't even get me going on Quebec and transfer payments.
But Ontario will vote liberal again prov and federal, so will Quebec and we will have another 4 years of hell left while JT gets his 10,20, 30 and counting million for 24 Sussex it's ok right? Don't forget the Pakistan farmers need 35 million, the UN needed that 30 million and bombardier needs another billion for under table payoffs, wynne needs a raise, CBC has more podcasts to make for that extra 135 million a year, over the billion they already get plus private advertising payments, we need to pay more taxes these are needed, it's the CBC, UN, Pakistan and Bombadier who make Canada GDP sillies, how can we keep this lifestyle without more people to pay for it.

Canada is fine, but you can't just sit on your ass all day on Sup Forums and expect to make it big.

Thought he might, riders are terrible though and I despise them. My friend dragged me out to two of their games and they got their ass's savaged both times. I've hated them ever since.

>not getting a raise
>not getting a 2 bedroom apartment for 100$ more and renting the other room out to lower your cost
>not working in a restaurant to get free food
>no seriously, if you're gonna work minimum wage, might as well get free food
>not quitting smoking

>Good luck saving for school or buying a car / house, ever.
I did it, working in a restaurant, started at minimum wage too. Stop making excuses

Sounds like you have a chinese problem if your house prices are skyrocketing like that.

>Be native
>Get raped and killed

If reserves are so good why are all natives drug addicts and alcohlics murdering each other and huffing gas.

But what about the cost of living there?

Some of us are lost and dont see all the beauty and opportunity that surrounds us, savage.

Some of you?
Walk down any major city street in Canada and there will be fucked up natives.

Worse than niggers

around 800 Euros per month minimum, but minimum wage job can cover it , if ur savings isnt enough

Natives, need to unite with Anglos and French to preserve Canada and stop multiculturalism. It's not good for any of us.

You could literally offer up some gibs for a couple of hundred blacks just south of your border and they would have the population at least doubled (if not quadrupled) by 2050 without the need to import a million muzzies.

WTF canada is over expensive,1500 canadian dollar= 20000 egyptian pounds is money can be enough for all of a high middle class family here not just one person

Those are the residential school victims, ask anyone of them if they've been through them. 100% of the time you'll get a yes. Being beaten and raped repeatedly by some white pervs after you've been abducted from your family has that effect on people.

why not 100million poor europeans?

can i come

By then basically all jobs will be automated. Your generic leftist talking points assume that no technological disruption will take place.

that's because nobody wants to live in egypt

Residential schools were almost 60 years ago. No natives alive today got raped, maybe by their own family.

fuck off with the brraap posting, I think its legit giving me a fart fetish

We live in a world with finite resources, automation of labour and we are being told we need more population but only left voting 3rd worlders and only into white countries.
The goal of the likes of George Soros is a nationless planet with one government. Unfortunately the white male rejects this idea to his core so he must be destroyed.

Who knows what they will do with the chinks?
Chinks aren't going to buy into Jewish marxism and destroy themselves with low quality immigrants. They don't give a fuck.

I have two step brothers. One was born and raised with a single mother in canada. Is a pot-head loser trap with no job.

The other was raised by a single mother in Minnesota. Fucks a different girl every week, level headed, mechanic, good guy.

Both have ~80-90iq, about the same age.

how will jews make money if there is not an ever increasing number of people going into debt

well that partially true, we have not immigrants with exception for syrians and some sudaneses and few asians


The last one closed in the 90's. For being part of the "superior" white caste you're pretty fucking stupid. Google could've saved you face on that one.

and some old europeans couples who retire in coastal cities or ancient historical cities

tell me about those feels user...
My Brother just got out of the mental hospital today...
He has arthritis and couldn't get a gf so he did ecstacy in a desperate attempt to get laid and got schizoprhenia.
he was always an asshole to me cause I was chubby, it's like I never had a brother. Plus I got injuries from sports haunting me.