What is the appeal of being a nazi? I'm curious
Why do people choose to be nazis?
i just hate niggers, specially white niggers
It pisses off leftists, kek. Watching them sperg out fucking makes my day
Are Jews white niggers?
There are a group of Jews that are actually not Jews, but are Satanic. They are pulling on all the strings, and they are corrupting the entire world.
It's attractive for some to be Nazis now in light of this.
I think humanity is better off with whites running the show. Nazi economics are more stavle due to elimination of central banks. And valuing of the family and of healthy culture is frankly necessary for our survival at this point. But also nazism is fulfilling, to love your family country and race, to be loved, and to have a place in the grand scheme of things is pleasant and just feels right. Deep down inside i think everyone wants to be a nazi
Cuz it's a VIP club that only whites can join, why wouldn't we?
National socialism allows people to own their own businesses and do what they want as long as these things don't go against the state. The "state" in national socialism is not the same protected entity that it is in capitalism and communism. The national socialist state is better described as a collective effort by the people to represent and protect the people. It's about serving the people first. No one should ever hold public office for personal gain, but instead humble themselves in service to their people. Every person should have a job, and jobs should be kept within the country.
I want national socialism because I'm sick of the corrupt politicians, the lack of overall governmental transparency, and the Jewish influence in our economic and political systems. I'm sick of the media being allowed to lie to people. I'm sick of Hollywood pushing degeneracy. I'm tired of the state encouraging and incentivizing women to divorce their husbands and divide families. I'm sick of getting boil water advisories because the basic infrastructure of my country is fragmented, old, and failing. I'm sick of rapists, murders, and traitors being allowed to live and get three meals a day. I'm sick of uppity niggers who suck on the welfare tit and then complain that society is out to get them.
National socialism is needed to pull many Western countries out of this hole that they've fallen into.
Not having a father around and having a whore mother does that to you.
Knowing that he has dozens of sexually transmitted diseases in his blood cause his mother was whoring all day the poor whoreson gets obsessed with purity. These people are all trouble. They would kill themselves first if they had thr courage. Instead we have to tolerate these manchilds in our Internet. Truly a shame.
So what happened to G.H. after Cotton died? He ever show up again before the series ended?
Jews are the huwhitest of niggers.
Define nazi.
We love humanity, we love the earth we love our race we love other human beings, we believe our union should be amoung our bound by blood people, we oppose evil and the enemies of the world.
Nazi actually had the right idea to make an ideal utopia. No Jew bankers leeching off people's actually hard earned wealth (wealth not money) cash can into the country via hard work not some abitrary loan from some Jewish guy who then made money from doing nothing.
Demographic is destiny and getting rid of trash demographics would help to lower crime, rape, and poverty.
Anti-degeneracy basically getting rid of the trash of our society and making it a good place to live.
If the Jews weren't so damn good at brainwashing people everyone would understand the good of nazism. Well maybe not non-whites, but who cares about them they only hold us back.
White niggers are more like pic related
Because I'm a dog person
Nah Jews are smart and non-violent the complete opposite of niggers. Slavs are the white niggers.
No. Jews are overwhelmingly disgusting pieces of filth that are tantamount social acid. They deserve anything awful coming to them because they continually pull the same shit over and over in the nations they reside within. We don't give a single fuck if a few of them are good people because like niggers the overwhelmingly majority of them are top-tier social pariahs.
I am aNational Socialist because I care about the future of humanity and the earth.
Becoming a nazi is not a decision but the end result of a rather painful personal development and the search of truth.
Yar this be the only correct answer. Blow it out yer bilge pump, iff'n ye have a problem with it.
There's actually something to this.
When Jordan Peterson was talking about how political views were heavily correlated to personality and then described Hitlers personality, it was very familiar.
I don't consider myself a National Socialist, but the ideas are very attractive to me.
You think I'm like this for fun?
German friend got it, I am National Socialist because it is truth not a doctrine of man or personal interest.
Ironically aryans are the white niggers.
You cant exterminate a race lickity split like that my guy
yes, of course.
You don't get to choose the truth. You react to it.
Politics is memes bruh :-DDD Nothing matters :-DDDD Everything lasts forever :-DDD
We are creatures of flesh and bone that come from the union of flesh and bone.
I don't want to inherit modern America, it's too far gone. I hate what boomers did with the place and it looks like a pretty shitty investment. 0/10 would not fix up
It sounds pretty nice when you leave out the assertion of racial hierarchies
Yep, there were no degenerates in the USA before you were born.
Lmfao that picture is god damn disgusting please put me out of my misery
Carl Jung is your answer. He analyzed societies and concluded because humans are labeled( thanks tumblrsluts) as statistics and constantlt shat on and made insignificant(ciswhitemale), the conscious part of persona feels insignificant and unconscious part of mind tries to correct this.
It usually makes people power hungry and narcissistic,grasping to rise on top of statistics, but also easy to get into authoritorian ideologies, us vs them mentality.
I don't recall saying that.
Please, do tell what else do I believe user? Would you like to fill me in?
Ha! Nazis. If it wasn't skin color it would be fingernail shape these hate groups seek only to make themselves feel better by circlejerking about the imagined shortcomings and offences of convenient groups of people.
I guess when you aren't worth shit you have make another group lower than shit to elevate yourself...yunno when you are too stupid or lazy to actually better yourself
There are no chosen hierarchies, nor any inherent right for any race to rule another.
There is 0 scientific evidence that racial hierarchies don't exist in a number of areas of behavior.
Hitler never advocated gor a racial hierarchy, that would imply race mixing as national socialists were socialists.
It's the ultimate conclusion of a logical person of reasonable intelligence. Don't see how you can look at the social problems of today and not be natsoc. cultural marxism and by extension most modern socialist parties actively promote moral rot by devaluing any reasonable social structures based on core values. Pure capitalism and libertarian/neocon ideology does nothing about post modernism since they only address monetary concerns.
Oh god i hate fat fucking people
nat soc is a reactionary movement against radical devaluation of social hierarchies and value systems. It only seems radical b/c it opposes an equally radical ideology.
Plus there have never been any studies showing fingernail shape relates to culture or IQ you fucking retard.
If that was true we would already see that shit in modern society. People would already discriminate based on other artificial things like hair color or eye color or hair type. Yes that happens on a micro scale but on a macro scale like we do with race? Never happens. Here's your (you).
What is appealing about being self-loathing?
You're being willfully ignorant of how these hierarchies give rise to atrocities. Naturally hierarchies form, within and between races, but legal, financial, and political domains give humans the control to abuse these hierarchies.
People who don't have a lot going on their life (e.g. losers) will always gravitate towards such movements, they want to feel like they're part of something special while being substandard people
Notice how 'chads' and other rich, well educated people rarely become racists? It's because we've lived a good life and we are emotionally balanced.
Racists are bottom of the barrel scum from society, thus, they become bitter people full of hate
National socialism is truth not reactionary
There are no hierarchies in national socialism.
Those people just aren't openly racist. Those people don't want niggers in there homes or neighborhoods.
Wrong. It's has a lot to do with how people identify with each other. You can't just take out a critical piece of how people identify each other just because you don't like it, that would be extremely petty and just reeks of insecurity of yourself, like your ashamed of it and therefore no one else is allowed to recognize or study it. Instead of cowering, you should recognize EXACTLY what traits humans look at, you identify the methods humans go through to determine friend or foe. And then you try to discern WHY they do it in the first place.
Humans break down into groups for a lot of reasons. Politics, geographic location, social-economic status, religion, and yes even the big scary thing you are afraid of, race. It's better to study it and understand it, rather than bury ones head in the fucking sand.
This, most people in general may gravitate towards Nazi-ism if the left gets too far out of hand and starts advocating for killing all dissidents.
If there were no hierarchies it would be egalitarianism.
>Those people just aren't openly racist. Those people don't want niggers in there homes or neighborhoods.
What are delusions for $100, Alex?
If everyone is just a closet racist, then the liberals are right when they lump all the right wing as racists?
I'm not burying my head in the sand and pretending to be blind to race like some dipshit. I understand that black men in america are more prone to rob me than white men but unlike you I understand that this is not because black men are born wired this way but because of the economic and social factors pressing on a criminal black man since birth. Were I to be born and raised alongside a black man in the forest he would be no more violent than I.
Nazis think there is some magic fairy dust that makes whites born better and that is just bullshit and that is what I was talking about. The only discernible difference is nurture
So is IQ what's important to you? Or culture? Which one is it that your hatred for niggers, spics, chinks, and kikes comes from?? Because culture is nothing. That means a black baby can be raised white and be as good as you and I don't think you would accept that. And I can't imagine there is a reliable study that indicates whites are the champions of intellect born with magical brains.
>The only discernible difference is nurture
Does that explain why pit bulls account for 60% of dog attacks in the US, does that not reflect on the behavior of the breed?
If humans can vary physically, do you think they can possibly vary mentally?
Again, you arrogantly think you are above nature, but in reality there is very little difference to how a dog and a human breeds. If you can accept more than one type of dog breed, why can you not apply the same logic to us?
>then the liberals are right when they lump all the right wing as racists?
Only if they lump themselves in too. Then yes, you would be right.
All humans are racist, it's a subconscious response.
>we would already see that shit in modern society. People would already discriminate based on other artificial things
Maaaybe everyone isnt't a nazi who needs to put others down to feel up? Because it does feel good right? Knowing you're a big man. A smart man. Better than those dirty niggers right? I mean you could be a heroin addict and still be better than a nigger right?? Ha ha must feel nice for you guys
People make mistakes, heroin addicts made a bad one.
Niggers ARE mistakes. There's no coming back from that.
>And I can't imagine there is a reliable study that indicates whites are the champions of intellect born with magical brains.
kek. I only debate average intelligences and above
Pit bulls is a bad choice. The kind of people who get pit bulls are the kind of people who train pit bulls to be violent. So that is nurture. Also the difference in dog breeds is much greater than the difference in human races.
Secondly that image you posted is shitty. That bumpkin-ville in KY has a populatin of 1k in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. Park windsor hills has 11k and is in the middle of a fucking city. Both of these are distributed over 2 miles at the city's longest point. The sheer density of people is much thicker so of course there will be more crime.
The appeal is to people with the mental capacity of a 5 year old that was raised in a chirstian household, that dreams about slaughtering minorities and being a complete bitch to the state
National Socialism is the most A E S T H E T I C.
>Notice how 'chads' and other rich, well educated people rarely become racists
I can tell you've never met many rich chads. Many are quite closeted racists. Many also never become racist because they've never been exposed to any other cultures (university culture is homogenous upper middle/upper class regardless of race)
Yeah no evidence. How typical of a Nazi to discontinue discourse after being after for evidence of his great claims of superiority. You're right though I'm below average intelligence I need to go to sleep by tiny brain needs rest after being exposed to your truth...holy fuck am I a nigger?
They didn't choose it, it chose them.
Debating nat soc thoroughly requires both people know what essentialism and postmodernism are at the very least since the only legitimate negation of nat soc is non-essentialism.
> The kind of people who get pit bulls are the kind of people who train pit bulls to be violent.
There are a lot of cases of pit bulls raised in normal families and they go fight instinct at the sight of an open neck, because they were bred to be violent fighting dogs for generations upon generations. Do you seriously not think they presence of a locking jaw is evidence of this? Are you dense?
Regardless, that's not what this is about. It's about acknowledging human biodiversity. I just want to put this into perspective for you, you are getting upset that some of your fellow humans noticed a trend in human migration patterns correlating to their appearance and genetic makeup. You're upset that humans migrated to different parts of the world, lived in them for tens of thousands of years, and adapted to those environments. And you are upset that some humans acknowledge this and want to learn more about it. Can you dig it?
NATSOC vibes
Ah yes how could I forget about the negroes locking trigger finger?
Jokes aside I don't fail to see the differences I just know the differences are not what causes crime. Our social structure has made these people the way they are. I now go to bed don't think of this as my defeat but rather your reprieve
Keep sticking your head further and further into that sand. Reality will always be waiting for you when you muster the courage to face it.
The truth.
>I now go to bed don't think of this as my defeat but rather your reprieve
Typical, "I'm done arguing. I don't want to have my believes challenged so I will leave and declare myself the winner"
Once you start speaking the truth of the world you get painted into a corner of being a nazi..'
You speak the truth... people try to attack you and ruin your life and then you say well then fuck you kikes and niggers!
Then you are a nazi
And yet slavs are more nationalistic than other whites. In a fight, I'd rather have slavs helping me than some cucked germans.
If fingernail shape correlates to propensity to crime and low IQ, then I absolutely will discriminate based on that.
There is no society on earth with a significant black population where the blacks are not committing 90% of the crimes (per capita).
It is absolutely genetic, they have even identified some of the genes responsible.
>missing the best part
Minnesota Twins Study clearly shows IQ is almost entirely heritable and unaffected by environment.
You are exactly wrong.
>Also the difference in dog breeds is much greater than the difference in human races.
They're not though.
Go outside, turn the tv on, go see a movie, talk with people.
The real reason is why wouldn't you want to be a Nazi.
If you research the "insane" claims made about WW2, you'll petty quickly realize the Nazis were the good guys.
Even the fucking dog is fat.
Civic nationalist cuckold detected.
Plebbit is a shithole but it's where you belong. You have to go back.
Because of the aesthetics, senpai
Nigger at least Nazis can post a proper screenshot.
It isn't a choice. It's inevitable that an individual of reasonable IQ who asks enough questions, will eventually sufficiently reverse the brainwashing of his upbringing and culture.
People just need the motivation to seek out the truth and that motivation is becoming ever stronger in this increasingly sick and false society.
who could be behind this post i wonder
There's no one reason why people think it's cool, but it can stem from a number of reasons.
One example would be child abuse/bullying, it gives people an "intellectual sense" of being better, similar to religion, i.e. I'm part of this one true ideology, and they aren't, Therefore I'm better.
Sometimes it's a matter of sexual jealousy, and people go to great lengths for sex, and these fantasies can manifest into ideology. One example here would be the idea "blacks take white woman", get rid of black = more woman for me. Or a perceived inferiority of blacks leading to sexual angry, and Nazism would "justify" this anger.
Just a few examples