How did the Russians hack the election

What evidence is there? Anonymous sources to the NY Times and Washington Compost don't count.

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McCain actually tweeted this.


If you do not take as truth the finding of all 17 IC bodies and/or do not understand that all you'll ever get otherwise are anonymous sources because it's CLASSIFIED, then I don't know what to fucking tell you.

k..keep me posted.

Like this

>If you do not take as truth the finding of all 17 IC bodies

Nope I'm pretty jaded on the deep state.

funky fresh sanctions popping off

Whatever happened to that DNC insider who was murdered. "Panda", right?

Why are the globalists so keen on a war with the ruskies?

>DNC insider who was murdered. "Panda", right?
You must have heard that on some disgusting conspiracy theorists show.

>Doesn't know that sanctions can be secretly desirous.

There is literally no evidence of this.

The only evidence of abnormalities in the votes are in favor of Hillary.

What they mean is that Russia hacked the dnc. What has been uncovered is that they were idiots and fell for the classic fishing email scam about we need your password because reasons.. furthermore, we know the NSA has actual hacking tools that have been compromised with which someone could conduct an attack and make it look like anyone else they wanted actually committed said attack.


>tools that have been compromised with which someone could conduct an attack and make it look like anyone else they wanted actually committed said attack.
It's another fucking episode of trust noone. To the tinfoil hats! This is not a drill!!!


these people are hell bent on starting ww3, im suddenly not so upset over the gop shooting.

McCain needs to be strung up with his arms behind him again. What a piece of shit.

They just did

>What evidence is there?
Oh nothing just the full confidence of every intel agency.
But what do those fagots know, right?

> The NSA was alerted to the compromises by a Western intelligence agency. The ally had managed to hack not only the Russians' computers, but also the surveillance cameras inside their workspace, according to the former officials. They monitored the hackers as they maneuvered inside the U.S. systems and as they walked in and out of the workspace, and were able to see faces, the officials said.


>> The NSA was alerted to the compromises by a Western intelligence agency. The ally had managed to hack not only the Russians' computers, but also the surveillance cameras inside their workspace, according to the former officials. They monitored the hackers as they maneuvered inside the U.S. systems and as they walked in and out of the workspace, and were able to see faces, the officials said.
So where is the any proofs of russian hackers presence in US systems?

>Oh nothing just the full confidence of every intel agency.
This way they can't be criticized for not doing their job and still show no evidence.

Revenge of Tov. Sanders.
The shooter is from the same affiliation

Lick a pussy, moloch slave.

They know

this, it's literally WMD's in iraq/afghanistan all over again

This meme has to die. It was the head of those 17 bodies, the same guy who lied about WMDs in Iraq and chemical weapons in Syria.

>One candidate is praising Russia and Putin
>One candidate is condemning them
Guess which candidate has damaging emails hacked from her computer and leaked about her?

>One candidate on television openly says that Russia should hack his opponents emails.

>One candidate has to fire his campaign chair after it is discovered that he was on Russia's payroll.

>One President's son in law has to sneak the Russian ambassador into the back door of the white house and not register the meeting on his official journal of activities.


This is msm and the lefts fault, anyone voting against this would have be crucified as being soft on russia. Which right now is political suicide. And yeah some are faggot neocon wardaddies.

He won't stop until we're in full scale war with anyone, will he?

I heard one radio leftist in LA embarrassed by his comrades falling for the Russia meme so he started to corner them on it.
>Oh well I'm well read.
>It's in the media.
>I read it in the New York Times.
>I read it in the Washington Post.

So Twitter trolls and the RT YouTube channel? I know I can't believe russia did that, it's go time now!

the intel agencies say Russia ought to be punished. don't you trust the intel agencies, user? they were right about wmds in Iraq, so they must be right about Russian hackers.

>What evidence is there?
There isn't any

Yes comrades these are all liberal lies. Russia would never engage in such unscrupulous behavior to gain an advantage over a rival nation.


>time com/4783932/inside-russia-social-media-war-america
>theguardian com/media/2016/nov/06/troll-armies-social-media-trump-russian
>forbes com/sites/kalevleetaru/2017/03/21/did-russia-just-run-the-worlds-greatest-social-media-campaign/#2f6ef4123cb8
>businessinsider com/this-is-how-russia-thinks-about-fake-news-and-media-manipulation-2016-12
>washingtonpost com/business/economy/russian-propaganda-effort-helped-spread-fake-news-during-election-experts-say/2016/11/24/793903b6-8a40-4ca9-b712-716af66098fe_story.html
>nytimes com/2016/08/29/world/europe/russia-sweden-disinformation.html?_r=0

The guy is mentally damaged from the war. Congressional republicans treat it like some endearing trait.

The tech exists, how do you decide if its being used?

>the full confidence of every intel agency
You really, seriously trust the publicly announced conclusions of fucking Western intelligence agencies?

>They monitored the hackers as they maneuvered inside the U.S. systems
If that were true, they would have actual evidence to bring forward.

Think for two seconds. Russia does not have even half the money America has for this cyberwar shit. The Russians just don't have the goods to pull off a hack like this on the Americans. The leaks had to come from insiders.

Even if I'm wrong and it really was Russian intelligence doing hacking and leaking, I say bravo. We should send them a cake for revealing the DNC's corruption.

>finding of all 17 IC bodies
finding of a private IT firm with a history of being wrong that was managing a server to which the the 17 IC bodies were denied the opportunity to examine themselves

This is the Iraq war all over again.

What exactly did Russia hack?
Did they dress as fat Americans and come over to vote Trump or did they break into the electronic voting system and change the votes?

All I hear is "Russia hacked the election" I'm getting fucking sick of it every day, I just want to watch the news and see whats happening around the world without any cringy agendas

Wow, I had no idea that everyone on Sup Forums is actually a Russian bot. Thanks for enlightening me, shill.

But seriously, every single government does this. We are all familiar with the JDF. The highest concentration of Redditors is Langley AFB, VA. The internet is overrun with shills now, both government and private, and Russia simply doesn't have the funds to somehow influence the entire zeitgeist of a nation to turn against the establishment (any more than the CIA is capable of turning a color revolution against Putin).

Supposedly the DNC. It is so insanely overblown and so obviously orchestrated that I had to check out. Haven't touched a mainstream source or social media at all since January.


Sinking of the Maine, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, WMDs, sarin gas, etc. It is just the same script, over and over. And these people wonder why we want them dead.

he also thought the email investigation was the same as the collusion investigation and Comey was the president. the old coot has dementia.

hiding behind flags again leaf i thought we were not gonna do that be a big boy next time

THIS is the mother fucker who should of been shot yesterday.

>17 Intelligence agencies
Yep, Coast Guard Intelligence is on the case!

And then what?
Wouldn't breaking into DNC servers leave a forensic trace?
What info did the Russians get hold of that made Trump win and how?
This whole thing is silly and I've lost all faith in the media, all of them. It's a depressing state of affairs and we (the inhabitants of the earth) deserve better from our institutions

Fuck you and your evidence!

It's whatever we say it is.

Are you finally beginning to understand, babydicks? We own your media, your courts, and your stupid racist party by its puny white balls. Look how they cower as we drive another screw into the impeachment coffin every fucking day.

Soon they will actively help us knock him out and put him in it.

Soon they will shut up and believe whatever we say about Russia to help us remove him.

Soon we will smile and nod while we hand them a razor, and watch as they cut their own fucking throats.

Are you so fucking dense? So fucking clueless after months of us doing whatever we damned well please, despite your sick fuck of a President and his cronies supposedly running the show?

We are going to burn you motherfuckers to the goddamned ground, and conservatives will light the match.

You stole the fucking election from her. Now we will do WHATEVER it takes to have our revenge.


Go away Amanda


>wanting to impeach most Israel-loving president in US history
Literally Hitler, I can't even!

This is hilarious. Sick bait.

Hey Russian bro
How is the "hacking accusation" portrayed in Russia? Is it even a thing? Is it a joke?

You're a fucking disgusting degenerate foul and wretched cancerous worm that slurps up the muck spewed out from whichever end the media feels most comfortable. A slime ball most unworthy of life.

See? I can insult people and make them look bad too. Does this make me intellectually superior? Re-evaluate your life, champ, or you'll be thrown in the loony bin with the rest of the tolerant liberals faking hate crimes and assaulting innocent people.

You're mad because you can't get your free ride anymore? Because your family was so secure in the system, they decided not to save a retirement fund? Their medical bills are too expensive? Get a fucking patreon. My father died from cancer and in debt and we're dealing. You're no different than the rest of us. I'll be damned seven life times before I pay for your punk ass going to college to tell me I'm an asshole. Fuck you.

Am I triggered? Why wouldn't I be? You're the scum of the fucking earth, emboldening political violence and murder on American soil. Liberals, you are mistaken. Just because you insult someone does not make it true. I hope that you can find it in yourselves to grow up and become productive and respectable members of society one day because relying on someone else sucks the most ass. You will never respect yourself or look back on life fondly, for being a parasite.

It was mentioned few times in media, but not as something significant, more as a mocking of warmongering US politicians.

Well you are lucky.
It's all they go on about even here in NZ same as every other western nation.
Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump bad, getting sick of hearing it

>there are cucks here who side with a hostile foreign power over their own country

They're too stupid to use computers

There isn't anything solid. Their excuse is that revealing methods or anything concrete would reveal methods of investigation which is quite convenient.

All you really have to go on is that qualitative assessment pdf, the media, and the word of the intelligence agencies.

You must weigh their word against Wikileaks and Russia.

If you were rational at all you wouldn't make hasty conclusions about this.

Zero evidence. The first anyone heard of it was Hillary claiming it out of the blue during one of the debates (the third I think?) and the dems have just repeated it as if it's established fact ever since.

Soviet sorcery user.

>You stole the fucking election from her. Now we will do WHATEVER it takes to have our revenge.
She blamed everyone but Sup Forums. Bait. Nice Larp.

>if your not bluepilled I don't know what to tell you
Yes just like the holohoax, Saddams WMD'S and Assads chemical attacks
>nu/pol/ is full of establishment bootlickers
Good goy, Russia are the bad and dangerous goys so we must spend hundreds of billions of dollars on the military to defend ourselves

slavs should be exterminated and their lands taken to germanic master race. If you dont agree you are a mudslime cuck.

They didnt actually hack the election.
They created memes and influences the american public.
They probably contributed financially in some way to donald. Most likely through land deals.
But really its was some russians , read people living in russia and not nessicarily connected to putin or the russian government in general, who just decided to act like donalds PR for the election. An during his presidency.

Also interesting connection,
Look into russian skinhead neonazi groups in connection with alt right movement.

>mountain jew
>reddit space

With the country 20 trillion in debt .I dont think we should be sanctioning anyone right now.

I voted for Trump and still support Trump.

None of us know if there is or isn't evidence. The people who would know if there was or wasn't evidence say that there is evidence. Intelligence community, Senate, House.

It's not bipartisan. They all overwhelmingly agree that Russia used overt and covert means to target our election process. They all agree that this has happened for a long time. We do the same thing. They disagree on the extent and to what purpose.

Yep Russia is definitely a friend and ally, their actions over the past few years have certainly proven it. Your insinuation that I'm being a Jewish puppet sure has convinced me!

I meant to say, it is bipartisan.

I'm strangely turned on.

That would be Israel

seth rich, wikileaks and Sup Forums meme = muh russian

This narrative is basically the follow up to fake news sites, etc.

A few independent media sources didn't paint Trump as the next Hitler therefore Russian hacked the election and fake news have somehow more power than all the MSM.

How much has hurt the "Fake news" label the MSM?
Did it stick?

Fox has majority share of USA viewers now, CNN has lost around a third or something

Who the fuck are you quoting? CNN?


The unanimous agreement of every US intelligence agency

Even the ones that doesn't exist.
CNN told me so.

crowd strike, provided the "evidence" to the FBI that the DNC servers were hacked by russia