There is this super hot girl, and we are getting along pretty well, but she's bi, and had had girlfriends before. I'm no Chad, but I'm relatively alpha. Should I date her? Or would I be betraying my fuhuer?
Is it degenerate to date a bisexual girl?
why the fuck are u asking Sup Forums?
You would be an idiot to not date her and NOT have one of her friends come over for drinks....
kys please
>Or would I be betraying my fuhuer?
No you retarded larper. If you date her you might actually turn her straight if she decides she likes the dick. Not to mention your fuhrer would probably have had your killed.
Just jump out of a moving car nigger
Yes, absolutely.
No don't date that faggot you degenerate, i cant believe you would ask a stupid question like that.
impregnate her
She's most likely a libtard too.
No. You get her locked in and explain to her that she is now heterosexual. Your bitch now.
Also, if you all get drunk and go out, can take another bitch home on the rare. Good times.
Why the fuck is this on page 1? Fuck off reddit, just fuck off. Stop clogging up the board with your non-political bullshit. Fucking parasites. SAGE.
dating for purposes other than creating a family eventually (doesnt need to be successful) is degeneracy.
All girls are bisexual.
XDDDD dude totally EPIC Sup ForumsITICAL THRESD!! hahahah!! dude you are on FIRE LIL OLO OL
If she has long hair and it's normal in color, give it a shot, but be cautious and be aware of warning signs. If she has short hair, neon color dyed hair, or some stupid attention seeking style, run away. Run far away. Never stick your dick in crazy, user.
She looks like a Barbie doll, 100% Bavarian phenotype
> she's bi
No she's not
All girls are bisexual-- bisexuality was a mechanism to get another adult to help rear their children while the men were at war.
Really? Source?
not in itself, but it most likely won't last or she will ask for an open relationship pretty soon
Go for it then you lucky bastard. Next time make this thread in /r9k/
>asking thousands of virgins what to do with your romantic life
this guy is right. there is a super low amount of women who arent sexually aroused by a sole other woman.
there was legit a huge study about it. google that shit.
Don't listen to these neckbeard virgin weebs. do it. you will have some great times.
>this is what passes for politics on nu-Sup Forums
go fuck yourself OP
Here's what you do date girl. only agree to threesome if it is with another girl and one you like also. if she does want one eventually, if so impregnate both that night that way it's a woman you both like around get good paying job and eventually live life with two good wives and many children attend church and teach the ways of the conservative god fearing man
This is brilliant user.
t. mormon
Imma take her here one day if t works out
fuck that he should use her to pull threesomes this is the praxis of bigf