>Biblical Lecture Series
>Dr. Peterson on Nietzche
>Commies BTFO (short version)
>Commies BTFO (long version)
>Biblical Lecture Series
>Dr. Peterson on Nietzche
>Commies BTFO (short version)
>Commies BTFO (long version)
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Is Twitter the best way of keeping track of when/where he might be doing open lectures? I'd like to see him if he ever makes it to the NY area.
Which're his most "sort yourself out" lectures?
>Biblical Lecture Series
>using religion to get more $$$
All of them. It's not one pill you take, but the overall effects of the prescribed dosage/course.
Start here, and don't get bored with it. In #6, it all comes together and the greater learning begins, but don't miss out on the context of the pre-classes (1-5) or you won't 'get-it'. It's worth your time and should be a basic life-lesson.
Did south park actually put him in an episode?
Wrong, it's actually antithetical to the 'bible', in that Peterson recognizes 'Christ' as the 'ideal man', given what man has been able to conceive (evolutionarily speaking) based on 1000's of years of war.
It's actually quite the opposite if you have the attention span greater than a nigger and actually sit through it and learn.
shit, here's the link: youtube.com
Has there been any thoughtful critique of Peterson's scholarship? I've been binging him so much lately I'm afraid I'm getting drawn in too much by his earnestness and affable personality that I'm not considering alternate viewpoints.
>Charging tickets for seats to help offset the cost of personally renting the theater
>Paying the rest himself
>Only paid product is one he offered before getting big
>All other funding (the vast majority) is voluntarily donated
Sort yourself out.
I can't say, but there is limited lecture-time in regards to his 'speeches' in that most of what's posted online is just a re-occuring filmography of his collegiate classes. There's something like 3 series that I know of. Given the rest of the shit in the pool, this is a good cleanser if nothing else. It's advantageous in any sense of the meaning.
God the third Biblical lecture was really boring, nothing but old material.
Yes and no.
Very little has been specifically aimed at him. But that's because he isn't actually talking about some new philosophy or great idea he's come up with himself. He is revisiting and perhaps repackaging many famous thinkers and drawing connections between them. And all of those famous thinkers have been critiqued many times.
Looks up criticism of Jung, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, and Solzhenitsyn, as these are among his favorites. A lot of his mythological interpretations are similar to Bruno Bettelheim too, but I'm not sure if they cover much of the same material.
His current biblical lectures seem to have a fair amount of his own interpretation in them, but it's harder to critique that, because it is his own subjective interpretation. It's not really a matter of if it is true or not, more a matter of if it is useful/helpful or not.
Friendly reminder, JP... Solzhenitsyn had his previously-banned book translated into English.
- - Originally written in Russian, it has been translated into German and French by a group of Professors who have offered their translations for free. A full proper English translation hasn't become available until now.
'Two Hundred Years Together' was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature. Consisting of two volumes, the first being concerned with Russian-Jewish history between 1795-1916, and the second; Jews in the Soviet Union, this book exposes the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died. So it is clear enough why the Zionists were never going to allow an English translation of Solzhenitsyn's work.
FULL ENGLISH LINK: (can preview and read without downloading it, if you want.)
Did I mention that you don't have to D/L anything? Uploaded by myself.
How does a guy who claims to be a following Jung and Nietzche think there is anything but great folley and error in Christ? The guy is characterized by being a martyr which is in line with the thinking of all the victim-worshipping sjw Peterson claims to be against?
Sometimes I think the guy genuinely can't understand the books he reads. I remember he once said it took him 'years' to figure out that kindness and cruelty are both parts of the same spectrum. That's harmony of opposites 101, Nietzsche discusses that several times and Jung's system loads every single archtype and major psychological organ with duality.
I'm glad I'm not the only one
The end is fucking powerful. But you might have seen it on YT already. Still worth a watch.
Saying that Christ is characterized by being a martyr is a bit of a simplification. There's quite a bit more to the Christ story than how it ends. He has already talked many times about the idea of Christ as an idealization of civilized man. I assume he'll go into this in more detail later in the biblical lectures, but the idea seems solid.
The current pop culture ideas of Christ are pretty dumb and cucked, but that's not necessarily Christ's fault, and certainly doesn't agree with older ways of looking at him. Peterson may show us a better way to interpret it all.
And SJWs worship victims, not martyrs.
He often says it took him years to figure out basic concepts. I think what he means is that it took him years to fully understand and realize them and their implications.
chirst is characterized by bearing the cross with love and no grudge
Ive listened to a few of his lectures like 3 times.
What I am getting out of this is Americans need to take over Christianity, we need to build castles and cathedrals and no more idolizing that cuckborn Jesus of Nazareth. The true power of the bible lies in the literature and history and national characters.
All creation is good is deep stuff too. Still trying to digest it.
you didnt understand him
I think the idea that Jesus was cucked is pretty unfair. Jesus did some pretty great stuff, but is often taken out of context.
For example, all the talk of mercy, kindness, giving, etc. In modern times that's all been coopted by hippies into the current cuckstianity. But consider it in any state before the past 50 years and it looks very different. He was offering a guide for building strong communities and in groups. His teachings are very different when the readers take a strong ingroup preference for their family and people as a default. They are only cucky when you are in a society that has broken down all categories and is doing the multiculti, one world one people bullshit. This isn't what his teachings talk about at all.
The other problem is that we're overly individualistic. His teachings are good on the societal level, not necessarily the individual. In other words, you want as many of your neighbors to be Christlike as possible, but you don't necessarily want to be too much that way yourself, or to have too many people follow his example of martyrdom. Remember, Christ did NOT tell people to martyr themselves like he was.
The biggest problem Christianity has right now is has badly misunderstood it is. If you go back even 100 years, these problems don't really exist. It is unfair for us to judge something so old and that has proven itself so many times based on the modern hijacked version.
All this Peterson worship and nobody even posted about he continuously rips trannies apart for being fucking faggots.
>hates commies
>hates degenerates
>pro psychedelics
I love this guy
For anyone who wants a more indepth look into mistaken perspectives on Christ, as well as a ton of interesting info on Da Joos, I recommend:
Wow that's pretty cool friend. Got anymore JBP wallpapers?
Sorry, dumped pretty much my whole JBP folder here already. I need more too.
Damn that's a great shame. Was hoping my computer would sort itself out, clean up its load caches and such.
ill dump mine
My gott, this ist pure ideology.
what you believe to be good and bad is ideology
white pill
A psych that needs anti-depressants to function
kinda makes you think doesn't it?
Clean up your room Peterson
I hope you realise that when he says "Sort yourself out" he doesnt mean "Form a cult of personality around my enigma"
this guy doesn't like nazis
what has pol become?
Are psychs supposed to not?
With anti-depressants?
Thanks buckos, these are great. Might have to start a folder here.
what makes you think anyone is doing that?
would you take diet advice from an obese diabetic?
there is nothing wrong with anti-depressants if you need them.
If he was a doctor yes, he is a doctor.
>Sees people sorting themselves out
>Gets jealous and tries too shoot them down
You know, you're the kind of person wh-
>That flag
Oh ok, on your way
>tfw the only video I haven't watched of his is the last hardvard lecture
one of my favs
Has anyone in this thread also read The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler?
they are brain destroying poison that don't address the causes of the problem
wake up normie.
well since someone on Sup Forums said it then it must be true
ok that's the end of my folder, hope you enjoyed.
Note to fanboys:
Peterson is a scheduled speaker for the REBEL Live event on Saturday, at Canada Christian College in Toronto.
hey normie, did you read Huxley's Brave New World?
I feel like hes trying really really really hard to avoid the natural conclusions so that he can appeal to the public.
Partly - have the major gist of it.
That's a lot of leafs
So I've watched the Joe Rogan podcasts, what's next?
I really fucking doubt that.
Try his personal YouTube channel, user.
Hey guys, so I'm going to be making some Jordan B Peterson synth wave, because i'm bored out of my skull. depending on how fast I am at it, and how good I make it I might post it in chat
Why's that?
What are you talking about? The guy uses the "cultural marxism" dogwhistle, he's pandering to neo-nazis in most of his talks. Sometimes he does pre-emptive damage control by "virtue signaling" the nazis were evil.
Because it is a 1000 page work of Romantic philosophy. You don't get the gist from reading part of it. Particularly from skipping the last chapter.
The reason why I bring it up is that if you understand the metaphysics he lays out, it is evident that Peterson is projecting individualism, Darwinism, pragmatism, psychological energism (Jungian thought)- in short, the major themes of Northern European civilization- backwards onto not only the Mesopotamians, Hebrews, and Russians, but onto the human race in its entirety. Thus he is blind to the civilizational/racial component of his values and believes himself to be a Liberal universalist.
forgot image
Peterson is, quite simply, a classical liberal. His thought inevitably devolves into that against which he is fighting.
Regarding Spengler, you can get the gist of it by reading parts of Spengler, viewing the civilizational chart he provides, and from secondary sources - including Collingwood's 'The Idea of History.' There are also a few good blog sites explaining Spengler's thoughts. Admittedly, I didn't understand a thing regarding his chapter on numbers. There are simplified explanations. In all, you can get the gist of Spengler's work through direct examination in combination with secondary sources. I understand your point, though.
but its funny
The end
>Admittedly, I didn't understand a thing regarding his chapter on numbers
Well there you go. If you don't understand how math ties into his aesthetics, you didn't understand a thing. Don't resort to summaries, read the entire thing while also reading whatever he references whenever you can.
Regarding classical liberalism- that ideology is the essence and soul of that which Peterson claims to reject. What is frustrating is that strong-minded people like him get into a position of authority and end up leading people down false paths. I agree with 94% of what he says, it is mainly the aura that others cultivate around him (ie the guy making synthwave, all these fucking memes) is where most people go wrong.
He is a hero.
Pft. I don't have time to read Decline of the West in its entirety. I'd rather pick it apart and rely on secondary sources - at least for the time being. Moreover, I don't think understanding Spengler's view on numbers is essential to gaining an general understanding of his philosophy.
>there is nothing wrong with anti-depressants if you need them.
Sure user continue to take what is more or less a chemical lobotomy.
The problem with anti depressants is they never fix the root of the problem, They only give you a false sense of happiness but the problem at hand still remains.
So go on user don't fix your problem continue to believe you're happy, But don't cry when you find yourself still depressed after going off your meds.
Maybe it took him years while he was young?
There is legit place in medicine for anti-depressants.But like in 0.5% of the prescriptions used today.
Mathematics is world-building. A High Culture is born out of a fear of death– mathematics de-worlds the world, freezes it, makes it accessible to the inner eye and thus one to obtain knowledge and make events predictable. Every different High Culture has a qualitatively different conception of number, and thus develops a correspondingly different metaphysical world-picture out of its mathematics. Thus the first form of expression in a Culture is religious architecture, which is mathematics rendered in stone.
Clean your room faggot.
he said that solzhenitsyn thought the Nuremberg trials the most important trials as the most important event in the last century and he agrees.
I have a hard time to see a kangaroo court (with the USSR of all powers on it) laying down revenge on the defeated Germany to be anything moral or good. I wonder why he thinks that.
Because he believes that the Nuremberg trials somehow establish an objective bottom floor for morality. This is essentially a rhetorical point, one that exploits the sensibilities of the modern Western liberal/leftist, but nonetheless is logically indefensible and moreover doesn't even square with his pragmatism.
Because if the clinton-mafia falls,the Nürnberg-trials will be the reason every shill that worked for them will be jailed too.
So the winner takes all? Nothing groundbreaking here.
so if you lose you can be punished even more in the name of some morality?