Who is Elon Musk?

Like seriously who is he? I see people allude to this man on these forums... But is he real? What made him rich? I need answers to these critical questions.

Enjoy your evening.

He is a cuck that made money off the government.

but its daytime here

He founded PayPal, became a billionaire, founded Tesla, became an ultra billionaire, started SpaceX, bought solar city, will be first man on mars

How do they get enough fuel to go to Mars and back?

he is a science shill. he is there to make people go all like "wooohooo science!!!! hell yeah. we will settle on fucking mars soon" bringing up enthusiasm for science which in return has other scienceshills working on drawing people away from god, low key implementing the simulated reality theory which is the satanic version of the biblical creation which gets rid of the divine aspect and replaces it through a materialistic and mechanical universe.

Make the fuel on mars through the atmosphere

He sold paypal and started an electric car company which is probably being funded by government subsidies. Then started a space program which is probably being funded by research groups. The man is working the system, hes just an adult living out a childs fantasy of playing witrh big toys and big money. Not to say he should be trusted but thats about it in a nutshell Frank

obongo gave him a bunch of jewgold for his bullshit green energy scheme.

he is the best african american

>Crashes zuckerbergs jew satellite before it can mind control a billion Africans
The man who fought the Jew aka Elon "Fuck The Zuck" Musk is based

Who the fuck cares.

He's a hack, which rich fuckers buy his shit, to makes themselves feel good about themselves.

He is moving his company to India so expect hidden shit inside the frames of the vehicles.

A martian.

Next question?

He's a cuck that used to have a hot fucking wife. Bitch seriously is fine.

This should have been fpbp

If you ever got the chance to drive a Tesla, you would know the hype is real.

You're just salty that you don't have an automotive industry, and basically leeched off ours since the the 80's

he was created artefically in vitro from a flask that 100 nerds jizzed into.

He's one of the smartest men alive but somehow he got divorced twice FROM THE SAME WOMAN.

Have heard from an elite that most of the heads of tech business are chosen as public faces and figureheads to front operations that were funded and organized by the government with eventual intent of universalizing the program: Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are examples. Like them, Musk indeed had the background to assume the role but is sold as the face of the narrative they're trying to push to give it a human element and to give them a scapegoat should the tech fail.

Whatever he is he wont be around for much longer

Youre reading comprehension seems to be a bit low user, thats ok let me explain.OP asked a question, I answered it. Not salty, would enjoy owning a tesla though youre right.

Why does the government tax citizens to pay for my Tesla?? Doesnt seem 100% fair

nah, I just desperately wanted to talk shit leaf-bro

>If you ever got the chance to drive a Tesla, you would know the hype is real.


It's a good car, but the driving experience and the quality of the car certainly aren't the best.

Tesla will lose it's market share the moment the better (European and Asian) companies start to make electronic cars in the sedan class.

Fair enough, nice to see not everyones lost in the old flag addition, keep doing you burger


Hes literally a meme i dont think he has achieved anything on his own

Worthless know-it-all who was given an opportunity and decided that it equated to being right all the time. If you're reading this elon, fuck you nigger.

Sometimes he's redpilled and other times he's the most bluepilled beta ever.

He can be quoted as saying "I think the biggest upcoming problem is a demographic implosion"

He also has been divorce raped and want's to get together with the cunt who divorced johny depp.

some south african honkey who came to america and co founded paypal (together with peter thiel, a trump-supporting racist who destroyed gawker.com)

paypal made him rich and now he's some reddit god because he makes self driving cars and wants to go to mars

You send a separate fuel tank to Mars before the main mission.
