Post em'
>Or cry softly into the beverage you're currently sipping on
>What could I have done differently?
>Does she still think about me?
>I bet that whore is sucking his cock right now
Post em'
>Or cry softly into the beverage you're currently sipping on
>What could I have done differently?
>Does she still think about me?
>I bet that whore is sucking his cock right now
Not right wing enough
I don't consider myself a centrist, but at least this is an improvement. Long time ago I was in the dreaded green square of weed and degeneracy.
Do you just reject the NAP now?
My man.
11/10 senpai
One more on the arc and you're sitting pretty
My exact trajectory. You'll get there,
Am I a natsoc?
That was the first step. I have gone far beyond that.
To far left, not far enough authoritarian.
Glad to see you removed the mind virus of libertarianism from yourself.
you seem 3 years ahead of me what am i missing
read em and weep
Depends. Have you read any of the writings of the high right philosophers? Have you finished Sup Forums's reading list?
>fag flag
>that result
i havent read anything i just pass a shitload of time on politics (pol and other sites)
do you have the list ?
Yeah, here's the earliest one I still have. It's a good starting place. Try to work through them from left to right and top to bottom, as they often build on one another.
Can't I be an ancap but still hate niggers and faggots?
Tbh it's just the right amount of left. You get that for "loving the environment n sheeeiit"
How did I do? (4th month of being on Sup Forums)
come at me, there's nothing you can say I've not heard from burgers 3+ times a day
i just want everyone to leave everyone alone and i think everyone would be happier with that
kek i got a helicopter captcha for the first time with this post
You arent a party member but you don't have much to worry about
It took you seven fucking years to discover evola?
Nah man, I love the environment and believe strongly in protecting it. We're probably pretty much identical on that issue. But there are some policies and ideas of the economic left that are just ignorant of basic economics. I think getting a degree in economics has forever anchored my ideology on the right to at least some degree. Most of my current economic left trend was environmental, foreign trade and immigration policies. I don't see it going left any further.
It took me seven years to get to him on my reading list.
Answered honestly. Thought all this time lurking Sup Forums would have straightened me out.
These ideologies are all cancerous. The only position is one of the four corners, anything else and you're completely intellectually lazy. Get politically redpilled jfc
I can agree with you on that. Much better to have a natural economy than one you manipulate. Tbh economics take a backseat to everything else. We can deal with that once we've won (or come close).
Try out:
Those'll prolly set you straight.
Watch Stefan Molyneux. National Socialism is a cancerous ideology. Most people here only subscribe to it because of the aesthetics of the Nazis. If people here realized how Leftist and backwards they were (not the holohoax, but the degeneracy), how morally wrong their ideology is, and how completely unatainable said ideology is in the modern world, they wouldn't be National Socialists
>anything other than autistic puritanism is bad.
>calls other ideologies unattainable.
I just took a look at the daily stormer, and now I'm hooked. Thanks natsocanon
>Watch Stefan Molyneux
Jesus fucking Christ.
I can't break out of the center and in a time of radical opinions there is no place for centrism.
>Modern world
That's exactly what they were reacting against. They were looking to a resurgence of tradition and transcendence through faith.
this was me about a year ago
and this is me as of 2:20
alright thx
Long way to go, but you are on your way.
This is me 2 months ago
This is me now
surprised myself desu
Did you come to a sudden realization that jewish corporations don't actually care about environments and human rights or something?
( also meme)
so this is my eight values
Economic Axis: Centrist
Diplomatic Axis: Patriotic
Civil Axis: Moderate
Societal Axis: Progressive
Closest Match: Centrist
for society as of now
for an all-huwhite society
hmmm didn't change as much as I thought
if you are american libertarianism is the only answer desu
the fuck is with all these retards who can't comprehend economics
free market is super abusable by people that don't care about you, stop seeing only one side
mine used to be the opposite when I was in school, Marxist brainwashing and all that.
That fucking filename had me in stitches
How'd I do lads?
government is super abusable by people that don't care about you, stop seeing only one side
In one sentence - freedom for everyone, but true freedom cannot occur unless everyone's basic necessities are provided for when needed.
Thanks guys, never knew what I was until now.
My most recent
>a libertarian viewpoint is socialist
Stalin pls
>all these centrist authoritians on Sup Forums
rebbit really has done a number on this place
i wonder who is behind this post
pol is a natsoc board
Rational social humanists of Sup Forums
Reddit is all liberal you fag
If true, nice!
does this look right?
dem and rep are both auth right in the bottom left