Withought using the we wuz kangz mem please tell me how the ancient egyptians weren't black? they did testing >atlantablackstar.com
Egyptian ethnicity
What the fuck. I heard rumors that Sup Forums could prove me wrong on anything guess this is all these white supremacists have laughable
man, you fucked it all up, kangz!
Afrocentrist sites are not a reliable source Jamal
There's been recent sequencing which states there's no sub-Saharan DNA admixture.
They literally wasn't kangs. African mixing occurred during modern times.
So post some proof cracker
!zgnak zuw eW
Silliness of assigning contemporary racial categories to ancient people aside, far right is how Egyptians saw themselves (Nubians were what we'd call black).
seeya, taquan.
3rd century depiction of an Egyptian woman
We have been oppressed that's why. Those things are a product of poverty not race.
Only that's completely bullshit, because you can trace DNA back hundreds of thousands of years to specific genetic groups which directly realate to geographic regions.
whitewashing started earlier than i thought
>race = dna
>muh haplogroups = social identification
>DNA is a social construct
Ok buddy.
>Powerful black ruler
As if that ever existed.
The best dynasties were the ones that casually went to Ethiopia to capture slaves. They at least knew other cultures were inferior. Plus there is absolutely
chance that the blacks of rural Africa had even the slightest mental capacity to create a language as perfect and sublime as Egyptian hieroglyphic
no argument just memes
>ur not a Copt
>get over it
>your ancestors worshiped spears and shamanism
>why are you so ashamed of your ancestors?
>why do you insult your ancestors by denying your true heritage?
This is the mummy of ramesses.
Doesnt look like african hair.
>thousands of years of technical progress made overnight
fucking kek my nigga XD
ok so the hair could have flattened out after hundreds of years in a hot tomb?
Ahhh, no it sure doesnt bud.
What does it look like to you?
Looks an awful lot like Aryan hair to me...
the cracka egyptologists replaced his real hair
>ignores the evidence
typical nog
ku klux kangz
I believe it because I don't think it matters what their skin color was
Well my families oral history goes back to egypt, so I don't need to look at white supremacist "facts" or "studies"
Here's Queen Tiye's dad.
Ancient Egypt did not exist.
Piramidi and all the other historical artifacts are a fabrication. How you say?
We all know the story of how jews escaped from Egypt right?except there was no Egypt...Not like the story describes. So to fool the world into believing jewish tales they made a convincing fake civilization. All to fool believes that their God is real.
ayy lmao now your just baiting me try harder next time kiddo
ok but in the "story" the egyptians were undeniably black
But then they were slave owners and so the black people should pay reparations for all the slaves they took.
>Atlanta Black Star is a narrative company.
>We publish narratives intentionally and specifically to enlighten and transform the world.
>Therefore the creation of any level of consciousness requires a narrator with the necessary authority to create, authorize and propagate the requisite narrative.
>We believe that our own cultural values should serve as the dominant narrative in the minds of our people.
So you've linked us a self-admitted propaganda publication, could you try providing something more substantial to back your claim up?
Fuck LMAO you got me I knew I made to big of a jump there with the I don't need facts N sheit. Ya I hate nggers just wanted to troll and add to my egyptians were white collection.
wtf roach?
why are niggers so desperate to claim something? A severe case of self loathing.Whites can point out to so many achievements and Empires. Niggers cling to Egypt, one Empire and the link is completely tenuous.
Wtf read the thread nigger it was a bait wtf kek
Africans are literally unable to sustain a civilization as high as the Egyptian one was.
As we are finding more and more things out more and more, it becomes evident that whites start a civilization. Then after a period of 50-100 years they invite or let in other races. This is the time the decay starts, which ends in a barbaric and bloody finale. All civilizations collapse because people as races are inherently different.
Look at today, the former colonies are shitholes. Europe and the US are becoming shitholes, because the same people are moving there. Sure there are exceptions, but even those are vastly different from white racial standards. People take with them a racial spice to life, which they cannot throw away upon entering another country. This, in the short run causes divide, in the long run, a fall.
>mixed abomination
>puppet president
The Sphinx is very old. Possibly as old as when the Natufians lived in the Levant. Look up the Younger-Dryas event. DNA is only part of the story: no one carries all the DNA of all their ancestors. Was there backflow from Eurasia? Almost certainly. But the likelihood of zero genetic continuity with Africa is extremely low.
Holy Shit, ramesses was a fucking jew!
Fucking Jews are everywhere.
Time to gas them again.
the burden of proof is on you nigger
>I want proofs
>fuck ur proofs
>my families oral history goes back to egypt
Yeah I see talent but lurk moar, you can do better kiddo. But nice bait for starters.
I'm working on it, but ya I did get a lot of people for a first time bait. Just need to think like a nigg
Literally just look at the statues of them, it's pretty obvious
Some negro areas were part of the Egyptian Empire but the Egyptians themselves weren't negros.
There were 31 dynasties in Egypt before the Ptolemies started their rule. Out of those 31 dynasties, only one was black.
Pic is from Seti's tomb representing the races Egyptians were aware of. Top row from left to right are Canaanites, Nubians, and Libyans. Bottom row is how Egyptians viewed themselves.
Black dynasty was the 25th. And keep in mind a dynasty can last hundreds of years, depending how well the family can hold power. The 25th dynasty lasted about 100 years, while the 31 dynasties overall represent about 3000 years.
We wuz the 3.33% (nice digits though)
If you want to get into the groid mindset, I would suggest a hammer. A ball peen or standard claw will do
Or, for a less permanent option, try drinking heavily and telling yourself you're something you're not