Perfect men don't exi-
Perfect men don't exi-
only man I am gay for. no homo
>omg islam is so homophobic and sexist
>fuck islam
>(in a manly voice) deus vult! praise kek!
>omg islam is so homophobic and sexist
you understand that this just a card we play to turn leftists against Islam right?
>trying to explain basic tactics to an autist
Don't bother.
>4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
>copy pasting from the front page of t_d
So THAT'S where these hateful faggots come from
You just exposed yourself as a t_d browser.
You heard wrong.
Typical Jewiss' using Jewish tricks pitting the Christians -vs- the Arabs, similar to pitting the Whites against the blacks.
Divide & Conquer; a 2800+ year old strategy.
do you have a api alarm or something
you are like archive bot except your in every lauren thread
>Fight the evil Muslims for Israel, so that Jews don't have to lose lives.
>Goyim are nothing but cattle. Fight our enemies for us!
You're the one trying to divide and conquer. She is not Jewish. Why are you lying?
How would that even work? How could a script scan for random pictures that people just made of her.
When are you permavirgin kekistanis going to realise that she's exploiting you for attention and money like every other woman in history?
sorry but at this point it's more of a "we need to defend ourselves against muslims" kinda deal, we can't make peace with people who hate us just because the jews are behind it according to some guys on Sup Forums
by scanning for the the image hash
kys the_donald fag
But people make new images all the time, cap it themselves etc. Anyway the answer is no
That girl's a whore.
Stop worshipping whores and watch your problems dissipate.
>posting e-celebs
this smells of reddit
I'm an ethnonationalist not a t_d cuck
thas a girl
true but i wouldn't imagine "shills" would be making new images all the time and even if they do you could add it fairly easily.
changed her gender to man so she could show how fucked the system is
I was ITT before the shill posted tho. I just browse the catalogue often is the answer
>tfw you discover she wasn't even born yet when Lion King came out
>cutie makeup tutorial
>tricked into red pill propaganda
I want to protect that gap
How did you find out about this?
She wants to fuck Islamists
>"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
I like this where it's from?
This is what the left has been using for decades. Number 13 perfectly describes the shilling against particular figures:
>"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
the antifa bible
>you understand that this just a card we play to turn leftists against Islam right?
>to beat them we gotta become them guys
Fuck off with your dumb shit. You aren't winning converts. You are transitioning into the liberals of yesterday. The right is already embracing gays. Transgenders are next. Right-wingers will be saying that we must secure the sanctity of homosexual marriage when liberals start spewing their animal-human marriage nonsense.
Gays are at the bottom of my list of priorities desu. Immigration, economics and promoting an ethnocultural identity are about 100x times more pressing issues than homos.
All this aside, even if the current mainstream right-wing was replaced by people like Lauren (with whom I don't agree with on everything) the world would instantly be a better place. At least she recognizes that women are the dumber sex and are happier as housewifes. And she defends ethnonationalists.
You're a delusional moron, buddy. She overtly condemned white nationalism and promotes multiculturalism and basic alt-right bullshit with her lgbt rhetoric and feminist ideals. Quit being a pussy and just say that you are a left-winger. The right will longer move further to the left.
>She overtly condemned white nationalism
When though? She was just hanging out with a white nationalist.
What is the name of the white nationalist?
Martin Sellner
Sup Forumsoxxy? Is that you?
That's because your an idiot. You take these e celebs at face value when they are shills. Baked
Alaska, Lauren southern, Britney pettibone, kike's face tara McCarthy, all worthless civ nats
running out the clock.
Saul Alinsky himself
The stupid Jew published Jew tactics
>your an idiot
>Tara McCarthy
She is full blown ethnonationalist race realist. Now I know you're either talking out of ignorance or just lying.
Q: What's the difference between ET and Muslims?
A: ET got the point and went home..
id bodyguard her for free
pic related read it turn leftists tactics against them
A Muslim immigrant goes to the doctor and says "I feel terrible." The doctor examines him and then says: "You need to pee and shit in a bucket for a week, throw in a dead fish and a rotting cabbage. Put a towel over your head and inhale the vapors for three days."
The Muslim does this and goes back to the doctor and says "I feel wonderful! what was wrong with me?"
The doctor replied, You were homesick
She is there to make the goy go "oh look, a good jew". Just like Nathaniel brother what ever the fuck his name is. The orthodox christian jew's face guy.
Cool brag about being a simp
No kidding, i have always wanted to know how she did that eyebrow thing... dead god she's so gorgeous...
She's not even fucking Jewish. She has like 1.9% kike ancestry.
Dude so edgy fuckin red pills for everyone eoo xd xd
1 drop rule dumbass
>one of her eight great grandparents is half-jew so that means she's part of a secret global Jew cabal
Unironically kill yourself. Or become a leftist, it would be useful if they had some 70 IQ people like you on their side to fuck everything up. I'm going to convince myself you're shilling or trolling because it enrages me too much to think you're a real person.
She has a jew face that can be spotted a mile away. Who gives a fuck what she say's her ancestry is? Do you literally believe everything that you are told? Are you new to the jew game or what?
Yes they do...
>hurr she faked the DNA test
Shills get triggered hard by Lauren
No how about you quit being so gullible and encouraging others to do so. Baked alaska, Lauren
pretty cunt, Ezra levant, and Gavin butt plug aren't going to lead you into the white ethno-state.
i never said she a was part of some part of a secret global Jew cabal. stop twisting my words fingoloid all im stating is that she isnt pure and is part jew hence the one drop rule
oops my bad
I don't like any of those figures except Lauren. Except Gavin is funny sometimes.
You're still retarded and apparently can't form a single independent thought. You just repeat "one drop rule" because you read that on the Daily Stormer or something and thought it was riveting intellectual stuff.
Do you think she still works for The Rebel? She left due to disagreements with Ezra.
>sorry but at this point it's more of a "we need to defend ourselves against muslims
huh, who radicalized, trained and armed them, hmm, nvm must be islam, hue hue hue hue
so shes friends with the Armored Scepkic and ShoeOnHead
these classical liberals cannot be trusted
and ShoeOnHead is a ex feminist
and shes a berrine supporter and a weeaboo
AS is a cuck that went out of shoe because he's beta male.
no that's my personal opinion about her and the one drop rule has nothing to do with the daily stormer it was a fucking law in the united states at one point and time. as it stands 1.9% kike still equals kike
Yeah I know. It's irrelevant. These people are fakes. The civic nationalist pied piper figure heads are all controlled opposition. You go ahead and trust them and just wait for their signal for the revolution. I'll continue to think they're full of shit.
Because attacking Jews would magically get rid of the millions of Muslims in Europe already. What a brilliant plan. Saying "fuck Islam" is already a statement that you can't say in the mainstream due to controversy. Let's go even more obscure and say "fuck Jews" so that we ensure absolutely nothing about the current situation will change.
How about you IQlets leave the politics to the people with functioning brains and fuck off? Go be a plumber and get a 4/10 wife, live a simple life. This whole "thinking" stuff does not suit you.
Yeah I know. It's irrelevant. These people are fakes. The civic nationalist pied piper figure heads are all controlled opposition. You go ahead and trust them and just wait for their signal for the revolution. I'll continue to think they're full of shit.
I want to destroy it.
she's also friends with blonde in the belly of the beast, but blondes twitter is down. anyone know if she was banned?
What argument did she have wit Ezra?
>How about you IQlets leave the politics to the people with functioning brains
i assume you are incuded in that group as well because all you do is white knight about her, stroke your epeen, brag about your insanely high 120 iq and keep "btfoing" people with your godly arguments
What does that mean though? You haven't presented an argument. Does that mean Lauren is Polynesian and Asian too?
>controlled opposition
The much more reasonable explanation is that alt-lite figures are more abundant and popular because politics is a spectrum and the further to the radical side you go the lesser the population gets. So of course there are going to be alt-lite figures between the center and the alt-right who are more popular. It's literally impossible for there not to be. But you wouldn't know anything about reason. You look at a figure and because they don't agree with you on everything your little monkey brain goes "must becontrolled opposition". Please, never discuss politics again.
Not an argument.
Women are such disgusting and vain attention whores. How can any rational person ever decide to spend their entire lives with one of these things? Are they just not being rational? Is it the power of the vaginal Jew? Why must reality always be associated with bitter cynicism?
kek nice retort faggot
i wasn't arguing your point about attacking jews or muds all i am saying is if you think all these people are iqlets and thinking doesn't suit them you are apart of that category as well because your white knighting on here accomplishes nothing of actual importance
>millions of Muslims in Europe already
Why are there millions of muslims in Europe?
Did muslim occupied governments in western
countries cause chaos in the Middle East to flush them in to Europe? Or was it ZOG? Do muslims in our government craft immigration policy that allows in migrants? Or is that also ZOG? Muslims are here because JEWS WANT THEM HERE. They want us to hate their enemy.
They had to bring them in proximity to us or else nobody ever even gave a fuck about muslims 20 years ago. Now they ARE our problem, but only by design. That's kind of an important detail and these worthless e celebs are never going to tell you that.
if she has that blood in her than yes she is part Polynesian and Asian too. all im stating is that she isn't pure white just another western mongrel if you will
Finnbro please it's embarrassing
Hi finbot,
she is a jew,
i can use the same tactics as you. pic related
"evidence" posted by her was altered by her hence no evidence at all,
the only way you could prove she isn''t a jew is by getting a dna sample, so stop posting your bullshit,
not an argument
I never claimed this accomplishes much what I'm doing here. I'm just doing my part in the countering of the shills.
Literally nothing you said effects what I said in the post you replied to. And it's not just ZOG bringing them over here unless you think all of our politicians are directly controlled by the ZOG. We have plenty of traitorous politicians of our own accord.
Also, what do you think is more palatable for people: "Let's stop Soros and other globalists (Jews) causing this" or "Let's stop the kikes and heat the ovens, Hitler was right 1488!"
Fuck off, you add absolutely nothing to the conversation.
>the only way you could prove she isn''t a jew is by getting a dna sample
Do you actually believe any rational person will believe this line of bullshit? That she was just acting in that DNA video and faked it all? Do you think everyone on Sup Forums is a paranoid schizophrenic?
And who's pushing to let them in?
>Do you actually believe any rational person will believe this line of bullshit? That she was just acting in that DNA video and faked it all? Do you think everyone on Sup Forums is a paranoid schizophrenic?
not an argument
What can be said without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You have no evidence for your insane claims.
implying you could even call your autistic white knight ramblings a conversation. you are just assblasted that i called her a mongrel. so at what point will you start btfoing me with your "arguments" mr 120 iq super genius
>What can be said without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
so you admit you are wrong since you have no evidence, good
How can a man be a Jewess?
Hi dumbfuck
> liberal non-Jew in the news pushing greater liberal agenda pushing left wing ideology
> Sup Forums gets recognized for helping elect the first non-politician to the most powerful office in the world
- Constantly says joo joo jOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>one second seems on the right track against communism
not an argument
It's not about who you use it on, if you seriously talk about "one drop rule" and think it's useful you're actively sabotaging the white nationalist cause.
The DNA test unequivocally shows she is 0% Jewish. Why are we still talking about this? I would've gladly let this thread die a long time ago. That's what you want, right? Less exposure for her. In fact I'm going to start using sage now.