Daily reminder that (((depression))) is just another way for (((them))) to take your money... Someone has a small fixable problem? Gets diagnosed with depression by Dr.Goldberg and gets put on (((anti-depressants))) that ruins your kidneys... If someone has a problem in the head then that is mental illness not (((depression)))... Life is supposed to be a struggle and you should overcome your obstacles not be a pussy who cries about muh depression and takes (((anti-depressants))). I guess today you are not cool or accepted into the society if you dont have depression and seeing the people who kill themselves for smallest little problems makes me furios... When did we became such pussies Sup Forums?
Depression is a meme
Other urls found in this thread:
When you were born, you jackass.
Your thread is stupid, and so are you.
yes op
Depression is real. The way to cure it is fake. Psychiatry and psychology are scams.
Remember when sadness wasn't a mental illness?
Depression isn't real but pain and sadness are real things.
Go lookup the first ever case of depression.
A dude a literally no reason to feel sad but he lay in bed everyday doing jack shit.
If you have an actual cause for the depression (ie: an event or experience) it's just sadness. NOT AN ILLNESS
I used to be depressed
But it was because I was a fucking loser going no where working a shit job living with an abusive parent.
Then I moved away and became a Christian again. Depression gone after a few months
Men are pussies today because of
>bad diet
>destruction of the nuclear family
>planned parenthood
>women's suffrage
the list goes on and on.
I was depressed when I was poor and dint have anything. I changed my lifestyle and now I feel way better.
Happiness is an adjective not a noun. It isnt a person place or thing. Its a method of how you do things.
You can do things tragically in life or you can live life happily.
This post gave me extreme deja vu
I don't get depressed anymore. I figured out I was leading my life wrong. >Bored at work one day
>Want to hear Prince song
>((they)) blocked all songs on copyright grounds
>Some guy posted song I wanted to hear backwards in protest
>Watch Raspberry Beret backwards in entirety because why not
>Notice something off about it
>Go out for a smoke to clear my head, make sure I'm not imagining stuff
>Come back in and watch it again, confirmed suspicions
>Watch another Prince video (Purple Rain) backwards
>Start to look at it differently, re-watch Raspberry Beret with fresh perspective
>This time watching it backwards as if it were a normal video playing forwards
I can continue if someones interested..
Of fucking course continue
keep going
im the one whos willing to do whats necessary
Yep you're spot on. Most people today are just weak, extremely fucking weak, and for them it's easier to externalize all of their problems or feel like they're under so many layers that they can't possibly overcome them all to succeed, so they choose to give up and either live with their self-inflicted mental illness or become permanently medicated as a coping mechanism.
I'll admit I struggled with feeling "down" for many years, but it was all because I let my problems overwhelm me. I wasn't successful financially, professionally, romantically, I felt like everything I tried just kicked me in the gut and pushed me that much further down into a pit. I came to a crossroads where I realized I had two choices, I could either continue letting myself fall deeper into the pit of despair, or I could take control of my life and actually make changes to better myself one small step at a time.
I won't get into it all but basically I did the stereotypical shit: started exercising, working out, lost about 50lbs of bodyfat that I had accumulated through sedentary living, for the first time in my life I could actually see visible abs. That gave me a lot of confidence, I had an easier time talking to women, I started dating (and am still with) an amazing woman. That combined gave me enormous confidence, I was stronger in job interviews, more solid, less timid, I told my potential employers at the interviews what I expected from them, what I wanted to be paid because I was worth it, been with the same company for years now, still love working there. Now I wake up every single day feeling good, feeling happy. Compare it to my life some years ago where I'd wake up feeling like a slug, a fat, sorry, sad, pathetic, nothing-to-live-for loser who didn't even have a reason to get out of bed most days.
Life's funny, your perspective and direction can change in an instant but most often you have to be the one that takes the first step to make that change.
>Notice evil pattern
>Start to feel uncomfortable, not super religious but wtf
>Get off work
>Decide to look into it more
>Watch When Doves Cry backwards
>Instantly realize what Prince is saying, feel bad for him in a way
>Continue my research, showed my wife
>She's completely creeped out, says leave it alone
>Next day, off work, wife asleep, keep researching
>Now researching reverse speech
>Sudden eerie feeling comes over the room, goosebumps out of no where, feeling of being watch
>Continue researching
>Feeling of being watched now so intense I'm afraid to get up and take a piss
>Weird, somewhat cryptic comment in one youtube video
>"stop. bad results will come to you from this"
>Stop researching, turned on some TD Jakes talk or something
Absolutely this. Depression is nothing more than being too far away from God.
6-12 grams Vitamin C daily
Take a probiotic
Take fish oil
Eat healthy
Get exercise
Remove negative influences (people, places, things)
Find a passion; achieve, regardless of how 'small' those achievements may be percieved
There you go Anons. Don't take the psychiatric pharma Jew.
It's seems every attention seeking clown has either depression or anxiety or both nowadays.
It's getting ridiculous.
>reverse speech
What were some details user
Damn dude, fucking props.
>Next morning, start looking into it more like an idiot
>Taking dog out while coffee brewing
>Hear whistle that sounds JUST like me about 10 feet from me and dog
>I live near woods, no one around but me and dog
>Go inside, fixing morning coffee
>Hear same whistle from the other room in my house
>Pray like I've never prayed in my life
>Feeling of being watched instantly leaves
>Good feels come over the house (no I don't use drugs, straight edge except coffee and smokes)
>Decide to abandon all research permanently
There's a physical follow up to this, as a real world reminder to me of how real this is.
First let me say - dabble lightly. It's real:
Raspberry Beret - A memorial to Prince. A living wake if you will. Starts off with a picture of him and his band, much like you'd see at a living wake. Enjoying his life here as a star, everything is perfect (on a cloud - literally). Drum beat towards the end. He's been 'called'. Girl looks at him longingly, almost sad. She knows where he's going. Camera pans down to the floor (where he went) - Prince is heard saying "Help me, please, help" as the vortex sucks him down, screen spins to show this.
>be 16
>grew up in an abusive dad but with a mom who did her best
>want to live under no rules and be a degenerate
>move away from home
>smoke tons of weed and be a degenerate
>get dumped by girlfriend I am obsessed with
>this puts me into an existential depressed tail spin
>move to another state alone
>work at a kitchen with a bunch of niggers and white trash
>get even more depressed
>literally just think about ending it every single day (wouldn't actually do it, but thinking about it helped me to feel better)
>hang out at my friend's trailer every day smoking tons of weed and fucking around with psychedelics
>just pass out in his trailer or on a pile of brush in the forest all the time
>seriously just losing my fucking mind with depression but trying to stay not-sober to try and self-medicate
>randomly have a panic attack of guilt of how badly I have treated my mom despite the fact that she tried her hardest and sincerely wanted what was best for me
>call her up at 2:00 A.M. in the morning
>she's happy to hear from me
>I move back in with my mom
>she immediately sees that I am a complete trainwreck
>tells me I need to stop smoking weed
>tells me I need to go back to church
>tells me I need to get enrolled in college
>tells me I need to only talk to nice virtuous women
>tells me God is real and I am going to hell if I don't get me shit together
>get my shit together
Today I am a 100% sober Christian with a Bachelor's in economics and my baseline emotion is happiness/contentness
Thanks based mom
Depression is very real, it completely consumes and destroys peoples lives. The problem is it's over-diagnosed in people who probably aren't really depressed.
youre grasping at straws dude
id see a psych about skitzo
Honestly, depression boils down to self-sabotage.
Whether it's because you're partially masochistic, you're scared of what you don't know, etc.
It's always a cycle of self-sabotage, and finding ways to sabotage yourself everywhere.
Daily reminder that OP is a faggot and depression is real.
It's overdiagnosed and overmedicated and lots of people on pills shouldn't be.
But your brain isn't a magical flawless machine, things can go wrong with your neuroschemistry and cause depression, and medication can fix that sort of thing.
Not taking anti-depressants when you have depression is as stupid as not using chemotherapy when you have cancer.
Fuck you Sup Forums tell me what the last 20 years of my life has been? And those of you saying i need god are fucking laughable. I'd rather be depressed and a delusional faggot who needs a fucking fantasy to live his life.
I actually had a somewhat similar experience after looking into Jared Kushner's purchase of his 666 property and the black cube of Saturn.
may have just spooked yourself idk
There is a co-relation between resenting the fact that humans need God and depression. I only know because I have experienced it.
Also, every non-Christian friend I have is extremely depressed and resentful towards the idea of the Christian God.
There is certainly a co-relation there.
The holy spirit naturally guides you to remove the things from your life that make you depressed and to live a healthy life which makes you happy.
Only telling you this because I want you to be happy. And also not burn in hell
do tell
So despair and hope are illusions?
I believe in god when i was younger but once you lose faith you cant just get it back. Maybe thats the only way our shitty brains can be happy, but doesnt mean its real.
single motherhood
>a chemical imbalance in the substances of the brains receptors that affect emotion isnt real
Man im glad Sup Forums is so full of scholars that are able to correct the records of the clearly mistaken fields of science
Somebody mentioned in a thread that Trump's room is filled with greek mythology art, one of them was Saturn
>start looking into this
>start looking at Trump's possible connections to deep state or any occultism
>see that Jared Kushner spent the highest amount of money on any piece of real estate ever, and it was for an address that had "666" on it
>see he's Jewish
>start looking into numerology
>see that there is a huge correlation between occultism and numerology
>also see that occultism is completely obsessed with geometry
>specifically cubes
>specifically the cube of saturn
>start researching the cube of saturn
>see that there is a Cube of Saturn in basically every government office world wide
>start seeing that many tech companies and major industries use the cube of saturn in their advertisements
>start looking more deeply into the deep state and occultism
>generally freaked out and spooked all the time
>have a hard time sleeping
>have to pray for it to go away
>have researched it since but I don't dwell on it too much
the biblical God is real, that is why we were designed to be miserable without God in our life.
There's actually a lot of academic evidence around the fact that God is real.
Ever met someone that was way too happy and excited all the time?
There's something off about that fucker, you know for a fact that person has a chemical imbalance.
I swear depression (and many illnesses) has more to do with gut problems and poor digestion that anythng else. The food standards in the west are terrible and we are given shit to eat that contains no nutrition, cant be digested, is not edible and should not be consumed. THese things destroy your guy microbiome and leave it caked in bad bacteria that makes you ill and depressed. Look into ways of remdying dysbiosis with probiotics and make your own kefir, eats lot of garlic and other things.
Also, try GABA and 5-HTP.
The food industry is designed to make you ill and rely on pharmaceuticals to keep you going
Am I?
When Doves Cry - backwards.
This is the his story about how Prince sold his soul. Watch it completely open minded as if the video is playing forwards. He's alone with his guitar in the tub. Notice the white cloth around neck, he's 'of the cloth' - one of Gods children.
Starts dreaming, he's singing in his own band. Amazing skills, popular band etc. 2:58 - he sees the dove (God) has to leave for this to happen. Watch 3:13 to 3:17 over and over. Hear it? Look what's written on the pillars.
Now he's off thinking if he should do it. Weighing leaving behind what he knows, loves (his girl). 4:12 he's deciding to make the deal. 4:19 he tells his family and they disown him. 4:28 missing his family for what he's done.4:42 to 4:57 - he makes the "deal" for his soul. 4:58 to the end - moving away from the dove (God), no longer wearing the white cloth in the beginning, the devil is talking to him in the fog seen in the upper right.
It ties into numerology too I figured out through my research. Everything is a mockery. Exactly 3:15 and 3:16, if you heard it - guess the bible verse. Compare that with what's being said and what's on the screen, as in what he's leaving. It's also a complete peice of art. The forwards meaning relates to the backwards meaning. "How could you just leave me standing, alone in a world so cold" etc.
I'm telling you; it's real, it's a rabbit hole, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Nah man, I wish. There's even more that I won't share because I don't want anyone else looking into it. At least not on account of me.
*gut microbiome
>6-12 grams Vitamin C daily
My cousin is like this. Seriously just FUCKING STOKED at all times. you tell him anything and he is just like "WOW DUDE THAT'S FUCKING RAD HAHA ALRIGHT MAN YEAH BRO SICK"
He also had a somewhat fucked childhood and is the flakiest person you'll ever meet in your life.
I don't get the co-relation
I'm not gonna look into it. I watched that raspberry video backwards and I was like "uhh yeah okay user is probably not lying this shit is pretty fucking creepy"
Tell us the rest of it
I am a newfag to this board and thank you for showing me how completely fucking actual retard Sup Forumstards are.
I am leaving now.
>prince shills flooding the thread
How convenient
I used to be very depressed and it was all due to my life situation.
Bad feelings at home, parents fighting (they ended up separating soon after but it was the constant fighting and tension in the house that made me feel terrible), start getting bad grades, lose interest in everything I liked, struggling with accepting that I'm gay, etc.
When I finally moved out and got a job my depression went away pretty quickly.
I even quit sports and I feel better than before, even though I'm not out of shape.
You won't feel happy if your life is utter shit, and that's the whole point. When they give you antidepressants, those pills will not fix your issues or make them go away, but they might give you the resilience you need to be able to get up and fix the issues yourself.
People think that if antidepressants don't make their depression go away instantly that they don't work or they're a scam, but they're just something to help you be able to do stuff.
Antidepressants and antipsychotics helped me a lot. I cringe every time I read these armchair psychologists talk about how medication is a scam because the pills didn't solve all the issues in their life in a month.
should of dived deeper
i duno man, seems like youre taking a huge leap
Occultism and psychological persuasion are very much a part of pop music industry and hollywood. Just look at any music video or pop-singer live show. Its imbued with symbols and satanic themes.
interesting how many butthurt comments there are that anyone would post a prince video backwards
reminds me of the shills here
Depression is not a meme, however anti-depression medication is.
Depression is the direct result of feeling like you have no place in the world.
>mfw user is dropping one of the biggest redpills in years here and the anti-backwards Prince shills who have been lurking for years just in case have to jump into the thread
Pack your bags shills, the gig is up. We know what you're doing
Most importantly not enough exercise and weight lifting
Well, basically I wanted to know what the deal was. Like, what do you have to do to get it or how does it work? I guess if that makes sense.
Three days later I get a letter from some obscure church I've never heard of. Telling me to pray on this 'prayer mat' for whatever I wanted. It literally begged me to bring it in my home. The odd thing; it didn't ask for a donation. Only to pray for what I wanted, touching both knees to the mat and insisting I mail it back.
There's more to it and suffice to say sometimes if you look hard enough for proof of something, you find it. I realize that sounds batshit insane and could be coincidental but.. yeah. You asked. Kek better go pop my meds, I'm late.
Actually glad you feel that way, it's best left alone but some user wanted to know that's why I'm sharing.
What kind of leap?
Purple Rain - a ballad to Satan. It's "The devils wore purple, devil wore purple" over and over again in reverse, with all his fans under a trance as it plays.
I could go on for days and days. You want to doubt it? Go digging, you've got enough to go on. Just keep your bible handy kiddo.
user finish that shit bro.
I want the full redpill on backwards prince vids
This is Sup Forums, we need the whole enchilada
that shit will damage your heart valves over time. 10x worse for you than any SSRI and probably even less effective too
Yeah don't know what all this retarded Prince and religion conspiracy shit is about, automation is making more and more people unnecessary to run society and women are becoming increasingly selective with the ability to rely on big daddy government to provide for them so men can't even lose themselves in relationships.
why do you fear satan?
Really? Its just a pre-cursor to serotonin which occurs naturally in the body and comes from l-tyrptophan which you get from food. Just not enough sometimes.
Got a link to any info regarding heart damage?
Nah what you're saying about the subliminal messaging is a fact. I've already seen it myself, I'm not even going to watch the prince video because I know it's probably true because I've already seen a ton of this shit.
Have you anons seen all of the occult imagery in American and K-pop music videos and commercials? They don't even hide it. It's insane.
Look at all these fucking cubes of saturn in this vid
Fear isn't the right word.
Think of it like a chain-saw. With the right perspective and handling, it can't harm you. Loose that perspective and sure footing? Bye-bye leg
It is clear there is a depression epidemic. It is probably due to our lifestyles being widely different today than they were when our brain evolved.
A return to rural life, re-institution of gender roles, and purpose through national service may help blunt this epidemic.
>lived in rural town
>was depressing as fuck
The rural meme on Sup Forums is weird. Has anybody actually lived in a rural area on here?
Yes, I live rural. I find cities very depressing.
There is no such thing as mental illness, just wrong living.
What do you like about your rural life?
My rural town:
>population of like 1,000
>4 hours from the nearest city
>2 hours from the nearest mall/movie theater/music venue
>like basically no girls
>everybody is kind of annoyed with each other because they have just known each other for too long and everybody has been burned a little bit by each other but they have to pretend it didn't happen because it's a tiny town
>job opportunities extremely limited
I dunno. I agree that city life is depressing too, but at least there are women and jobs.
It's like they're both shit and there's no good alternative. Maybe a small city with like 50k that has some women and jobs or something
I think rural town life would be depressing, but I live on acreage, about half an hour from the nearest town (of 200 people), an hour to a town of about 10,000 people and around 8 hours from a big city.
I find it very tranquil to be here away from people. I can walk in the forest, cut up firewood, build things in my shed, go on the internet all in peace and privacy. Out here you must make your own fun rather than relying on Jewish entertainment "amenities" and consumerism.
In terms of girls I do agree that there are more in cities. There are no young girls on any of the farms near me. There are some young girls in the towns near me though, but I don't know how to approach them. I hope to find one eventually.
I'm on 150mg of sertaline/zoloft, it's helping with anxiety but not the depression, i just hate myself for some reason and can't figure out why, i feel like a faggot 2bh
Depression is the best neet welfare program yet, user. Get on the D-train and get /comfy/
only people who think theyre depressed get depressed. when dr. shekelstein tells you that you are to get you to not breed and pay him he wins. depression is not real.
Daily reminder that depression is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, just like sickle sell is caused by genetic deficiencies or a family line is susceptible to heart disease. Please do your duty and kill yourself to remove your terrible idiocy from the population.
Is that image real?
>horribly depressed autistic wreck with no social skills during childhood through teens
>now ive started lifting weights and exercising almost every day and eat much less junk
>happiest ive ever been
thats how you kill depression
I knew it