werent you all libertarians just a little while ago? what happened?
Werent you all libertarians just a little while ago? what happened?
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libertarianism is the megablock imitation of the lego ideologies.
Those who despise this place and the ideas that come from it underestimated it during the election. They won't anymore. They've come to take this place from us, thinking that it will stop us.
It won't
lego is just the baby version of Meccano.
Are you chubby? Your post makes you sound really, really chubby.
you got me all figured out faggot
libertarianism isn't possible with the current aggressive and oppressive state of the left.
libertarians dont push back
i found out piracy is libertarianism without being limited by the NAP
Anyone who doesn't grow out of libertarianism after a handful of years is moron tier. It's an abstract bundle of abstractions and utopianism, that experience with human nature, study of history, etc. quickly disposes of, much like Marxist theory.
The zionist "altright" bullshit took over and now this board is filled to the brim with insecure children blaming their obesity on ethnic minorities while they vote for establishment conservatives who want to kiss Israel's toes, manufacture consent, control the media etc.
To be fair lolberts are pretty fuckin dumb too though.
Libertarianism is a meme ideology which makes little sense. But going from libertarianism to Nazism shows you have zero consistency at all. You're just a teenage edgelord arent you.
dude no one knows what meccano is. also we're fascist because we're not pussies.
>admit you're wrong
>readjust principles
yeah boy consistency is really something i'm trying to stick with. thanks for the help bud.
Not quite, LOL. I started seeing the importance of culture, and went to Russell Kirk Anglo-Saxon traditionalism, then to traditional Catholicism, then to Evola. I view NS as a stepping stone to tradition. Not that I think that could happen until 100+ years down the line. The SS Order, the first three divisions of the Waffen-SS, a Warrior mannerbund stepping in and beginning the process of setting things on a proper, solid footing, is what draws me.
How overweight are you?
Something tells me you don't get laid a lot, or have talked to female in weeks.
The retardation of the last 8 years pulled me over
Hell I wouldnt even say pulled me over, the pendulum swung so far left it put me on the right
Libertarians are on the right track.
But honestly, anyone who is not an ancap is a brainwashed cuck.
pure kikery
I'm a Center-Libertarian and anti-racist. Naziposting and triggering SJWs is just too funny to stop.
no protection against common carrier type monopoly.
unlimited profits for gems. everyone else gets bent over a barrel.
/new/ was literally closed down because there were too many Nazis and not even Sup Forums was ready for that.
Come on user, ancap? Mises/Hazlitt rules-utilitarianism and minarchism is one thing, if you're under 23 or so, or a newly active- thinker who's only fell for libertarianism for 3 or 4 years. After that, it's time to continue one's search for active inquiry into things social, and move on.
the world is already ancap, the state protects you from oil cartels
you want to larp as an anarchist under the supervision of a nanny of some kind. that's your ultimate dream.
it's a loser kike fairy tale. you need to grow up
>divide and kiker
Literally is impossible to even occur
Anyone with enough wealth or power will always want to create a state.
anarchism literally means without hierarchy. capitalism is inherently hierarchical. you're libertarians without the maturity to see the necessity of some organized state nor the understanding that capitalism cannot function without the state and with all the edgy romanticism of the radical left to want to call yourself "anarchist" despite decidedly not being anarchistic.
you're political nothings to nobody. your ideology is a paradox and nonexistent in practice and its only purpose is to give nonpartisan middleclass nerds a sense of false superiority while they withdraw from their civic duties altogether.
>being a cuck who needs protection
>being a cuck who needs 'things social' handed to them
Almost everything you ever do irl is literally ancap philosophy
You just have no idea what ancap even means.
Read up about it before spouting nonsense. That is, if the Führer allows you to read up on it. Gotta make sure it's socially correct and not degenerate first, right?
Taxation is theft.
Literally not an argument
So a philosophy including the NAP and no political agency, focused on individual rights, is somehow about dividing?
I didn't see you presenting one.
Ancap assumes self-authorship is possible. It isn't. You're always a puppet of whoever has more power and money than you, unless you go full ascetic, at which point you shouldn't give a fuck about ancap or any political bullshit.
We could all learn from your ability to consistently be a moron.
How does it feel being twelve? Have your balls dropped yet?
No, we were never Libertarians. In 2012 some of us supported Ron Paul because he would end the pro-Israeli wars. No real nationalist would support the ideologies of (((Rothbard))) and (((Rand))) or the economic system that allowed Jews to take over. The government is good when it's actually controlled by the nation.
Russian shills and old men who watch Fox News from reddit took over last year.
Checked. Time for archive.
>time com/4783932/inside-russia-social-media-war-america
>theguardian com/media/2016/nov/06/troll-armies-social-media-trump-russian
>forbes com/sites/kalevleetaru/2017/03/21/did-russia-just-run-the-worlds-greatest-social-media-campaign/#2f6ef4123cb8
>businessinsider com/this-is-how-russia-thinks-about-fake-news-and-media-manipulation-2016-12
>nytimes com/2016/08/29/world/europe/russia-sweden-disinformation.html?_r=0
>You're always a puppet of whoever has more power and money than you
hold down the fort laddies, we're under postmodernist subversion
>You're always a puppet of whoever has more power and money than you,
Right, so obviously the solution is to have an all powerful state with millions of brainwashed goons and nuclear weapons to enforce their arbitrary rules. Clearly a much better way of life.
Congratulations, you were born in a region where some gangs got tired of fighting and established arbitrary borders and now enforce their arbitrary rules with violence.
What a beautiful and logic system to attach your allegiance to.
the commenter in that video is one of the leftists. They seem to think that just because there shouldn't be government means that government should be passive on everything; however, right-wing libertarians recognize that there is still a government and that it should act as a steward for the rightful owners (taxpayers), meaning it should exclude undesirable people.
We realized the logical conclusion of Libertarianism is Anarcho-Capitalism, and we dropped them like a fucking rock.
>Preserving your family, community, race, and ancestral homeland is stupid. Instead, we should abolish all rules because taxes are bad mann
"our" political ideology is actually just a meme; this website attracts those feeble enough to subscribe to whatever is said by the guys with the dankest memes
I fucking obliterated your scum off the planet with one post. you're finished.
I dunno, I've used to be a hardcore progressive, even screaming #notall and shit.
Now it all seems so silly, my prospective changed a lot once I've started reasoning with my head instead of my "virtues".
Might as well just go full impossible utopia and be an ansoc
>unironically thinking family, community, race, and ancestral homeland=government
>abolish all rules
So you know nothing about ancap?
Also, what kind of wuss are you that you need big daddy to protect your family and culture? And let me ask you, is big daddy doing a great job of that right now?
You can't be libertarian when you have any authoritarian entity attacking your rights. The only way libertarianism is possible is by removing the commies.
No ancap has the desire to build an utopia.
Ancap and to some extend libertarianism are probably the only political ideologies who do not want to engage in social engineering to create some kind of utopia, likely killing millions in the process.
We literally just want to be left alone and leave everyone else alone. The goal is freedom and self ownership.
Idk why this is so hard to grasp.
>t. people who know wtf they're talking about
You know that self defense is a thing right?
>focused on individual rights
Pick one. You have no rights under ancap other than the right to work yourself to death for pennies if you're lucky enough to even have that.
Right. I meant to say that self defense includes removing an impending threat to your liberty, such as the current communist wave.
Can you please explain how you came to that claim?
A nationalist government goal is to defend and preserve all four.
I'm sure there is some "voluntary principle" that everyone will just magically follow because people are inherently good right?
>Also, what kind of wuss are you that you need big daddy to protect your family and culture?
When people are allowed to engage in degenerate behavior (like race mixing, homosexuality, provocative sex, etc) it affects all of us on the Macro level. Yes, I want a giant government to protect white families because when they don't mine at risk.
> And let me ask you, is big daddy doing a great job of that right now?
It's not because race traitors like you sold the government out to Jews because you only care about money.
I agree. But it is also evident that communists destroy themselves over time, every time. Communists also are incapable of creating anything. So if we do not provide them with power structures to subvert, all they can do is autistic screeching.
t. Obese burger
the Antifa, Blm, Feminist, Abortionist happy, open borders with no verification left happened
You mean losers of WW2. Thats your ideal. Losers.
>anti abortion
>wants to be literally cucked by his own seed
this is sexual perversion.
>people are inherently good right
I never said that. I don't believe that. People are inherently a blank slate, learning whatever is taught to them. So when you create a power structure enforcing compulsory learning, the result is what you see today. But for some reason you blame the people who oppose such systems.
'Degeneracy' also affects you only when there is a central power forcing you to associate with it. Without a gunman extorting your money to fund special interests, no amount of buttfucking would affect you. You would even be free to discriminate - a natural behaviour.
How can you call me a race traitor? I have only ever slept with one girl, a white conservative christian girl from a small town. We have been dating for 3 years now, are going to buy a house and have many kids. I'm literally your ideal man. I'm even blonde, blue eyed and my family has been german for hundreds of years.
Don't you see that I care about freedom of association so that I, and everyone else, may freely choose whom we want to engage with in any way? Don't you see that I care about money only because I am working hard to build a happy future for my family and myself, but armed goons are extorting up to 70% of it to fund inefficient social engineering and violence against you and me?
Don't you see that I care about way more than just money, but that it is money which they extort and which keeps them alive?
I don't care about race, or race mixing or that kinda shit. I admit to that.
You should admit that it is government that is the root of both our problems, and I absolutely do believe that we should just get rid of it, instead of trying to control the beast flip flopping in our midst, taking chomps from left and right until nothing remains. Your strategy clearly isn't working.
Way to read into what I said faggot
How does Abortionist happy left= make me Anti Abortion in all cases??
yes , let me show you
How is ancap rebranded fascism?
This shit doesn't even make any sense.
>Your strategy clearly isn't working.
Only because you fucks decided to ruin the actual working version during WW2 and over the next few decades laid the foundation for all the globalists, the deep STATE, to control every aspect of your life, whether you realize and are aware of a specific method of control or not. Blind adherence to your "principles" only left the door unlocked and handed the throne to the evil and smart statists which has led to all these problems right now.
Guys please stop calling him fat, he has enough on his plate already.
NatSocs like to KEEP as libertarians to flip them
I hate phoneposting
You fucks?
I'm 25 years old, I didn't ruin anything.
And please tell me how exactly ancap philosophy has influenced the 20th century? I don't think the tenets of ancap include total war, nuclear anihilation or communism.
I am a libertarian. But the left decided that as a white male I have no right to exist or have opinions so now I want to gas them all. Without western civilization, there is no liberty.
>queer anarchy
Isn't that an oxymoron?
And by the way, that 'working version' destroyed itself by being the agressor in pointless wars all over the place.
And now it's working again, just in the other direction, because you literally can not control it. It is based on whims instead of logic. It can never be a stable system.
you think some day a perhaps benevolent anarchist woke up and said let's undergo fission and disperse into factions
I was worried at first but then this guy came along with his fedora and katana. How many times can you teleport behind people in a day? Does being a fatass make the teleportation process harder or easier?
ok that was enough
wax om / wax off the tex and images and will lightbulb !!
What ARE you?