Flat Earth

Will we purge flat earthers on the Day of the Rope, Sup Forums?

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no, they make great entertainment.

They are cancer. I knew a guy who basically just smokes weed every day and he ended up talking non-stop about how "the earth is flat and you just don't get it maaaan" and basically went full-on schizo and he literally has no friends now.

Friends are overrated.

I had a friend like that, but instead of flat-earthing, he was convinced he was part of a MK Ultra experiment. He got the schizo diagnosis as well

The flat earth idea was probably just a way for the CIA to get people to flag themselves as potential brain wash candidates because easily convinced of bull shit.

>makes fun of flat earthers
>still can't show evidence of the earth being otherwise
there's a limited space in Agartha for the enlightened anyways

We toss them off the edge.

They are your fellow travelers in anti-academic nonsense, so show some solidarity.

I find it hard to believe that there are people who start off with flat earth. I'd wager it is more of an overly strong repulsive motion from the other lies, and an association with Enlightenment and 'reason'.

Reason is great, but it is like fire. It's not a good master, it is a good servant.

Well... what if he was and went nuts Amanda Bynes style? Besides music and hollywood and drugs are enough to brainwash anyone, it's not like gubment needs to kidnap you and mess with you.

ps. is it wrong to see Boxxy in that flag?


Have you ever seen a quarter moon? That tells you the earth is round, and all I had to do was look out my window. No evidence my ball sack. Explain how gravity works on a flat earth please, and why we are not forced to the outside border due to centrifugal force.
>The earth is round.
>You are a moron.
>your mom should have swallowed.
>Go jerk someone off so you can't type.

What if it's flat and round and the moon is also a flat round disk?

put them in zoos and let ppl pay to watch them rant

>the figure of the moon in the firmament is a clear sign of a spherical earth
how about you come up with an actual argument instead nonsensical insults?
why would I need to worry about being thrown off of something that isn't moving?

Punitive psychiatry would be sufficient for them.

Take a pic of the edge of the Earth for me then.

The sun should then be seen from anywhere on a flat Earth, and the moon will always be full if not invisible from the constant sunlight
>American education

Flat earth is redpilled. Liberal """""""scientists"""""""" say the earth is round but where is the proof?????

>falling this hard for the map Jew
Stay cucked, goyim

show me the curvature of the earth. It should be easy for you. NASA is the most funded government program after all.
know how cones are used to direct light? once again, you're using what goes on in the firmament as evidence to your baseless argument of a spherical earth. you'd have a much easier time saying it's pear shaped.

Flat Earth folk are the bottom of the list behind Food Stamp Welfare Queens and those faggots that wear socks with sandals.

1. (((((Them)))))
2. Socialists
357. Flat Earthers

>believing in pictures

holy shit m8

It is quite interesting. I'm a swede studying in America. Have a friend in class that believes in flat earth.

When he mentioned the difference in size and distance from the moon and sun and asked me to explain how they can perfectly line up for a sun eclipse... i just couldn't... I am now sceptical.

There is no Gravity, only Density

If the earth is flat then are the moon and sun flat too?

Yes but we'll have to be careful about it. You wouldn't want to push this group over the edge.

No. We will purge you scum

No you fuck, learn the difference by taking a 1st level college physics class.

Implying we can fully trust any modern science to be pure from jewry.

If you can't tell the difference between a force and a measurement of mass in an object, you should kill yourself. There's no "grey line" here, there's a difference between the two units.

Yes the earth is flat and Math, Science, and Visual evidence prove it. Not bogus theories freemasons feed the masses. In fact it is the easiest conspiracy to prove. Go ahead take 5 minutes and attempt to prove to yourself that the Earth curves at 8 inches per mile squared, bet you won't :)
8 inches per mile squared of curvature is unmeasurable.
The spin of earth is also unmeasurable.
The Theory of gravity is also unmeasureable.

Countless laser tests have been done over 8+ miles with zero curve detected.
youtube.com/watch?v=bwCRej0BoA4 The speech he gives at the end really hit home.

Countless high altitude rockets/balloons have been shot into low earth orbit and every picture/video they take shows nothing but a FLAT PLANE with sun spots under the sun. (if you don't get why that's a big deal go back to school)

You can zoom 50+ miles away and see the shoreline and buildings of things you shouldn't otherwise see if we were on a curve. (anywhere in the world under any and all weather conditions, its not refractions you dopes)

You can see Polaris (the north star) from the (((southern hemisphere)))

There are endless proofs just google 200 proofs the Earth is not a spinning ball and enjoy that you have been lied to.

Can you imagine being this insecure about your theories about a spherical earth?

Then you have NASA and other space agencies clearly using CGI or fake studio sets under water.

China has my fav one, of course NASA congratulated them for this great space walk
When this was live streamed I laughed so god damn hard. If you believe this then you are forever blue pilled and lost


Then you got NASA with bubbles come out of their equipment and space suits.


Then there is video of Russians also faking it.


THEN the moon landing hoax a simple look at how there is more than one light source in the moon landing official pictures means they were not lite by the sun but by more than one source as the shadows go off at different angles


THEN the fact that the (((moon rocks))) brought by america after the landing turned out to be nothing more than petrified wood


Also the fact that thrust doesn't work in a vacuum nor does combustion
Endless endless endless proofs

Flat as fuck

hurts dont it

Then how come spherical trigonometry isnt used in contruction of railways or the Suez canal which has no water gates?

>eric dubay


It's 240 miles above the Earth. I don't know if you haven't figured it out yet, but the Earth is fucking huge, the horizon is going to look flat.

Be his friend.

Has nothing to do with the argument of density vs gravity, nor does it have to do with a round earth. Way to go WAY off fucking topic.

If the earth is flat how can Australia be upside down?

If x is lighter than the air it rises if not it falls; this why a balloon filled with helium rises and an empty balloon doesnt. Do you really think gravity has such force to hold the oceans to spinning ball but simultaneously allows insects and birds to fly? Water always finds its level and the oceans are no different.

Coriolis effect is predicated on an illusion apparently

>and now matter how hard Scientist Smith tried, his punches of persuasion and truth could never penetrate Neo's ever powerful shield of cognitive dissonance

>I think the Earth is small enough to observe this
kys ignorant fuck.

>implying you've even seen the real earth.
>"(((science))) says we're living in a holographic universe! "
Sounds like all other forced memes.

You are so stupid it is hilarious. On so many different levels you probably don't even comprehend.

I bet you believe everything the bible says to be literal fact, huh

Water also always naturally forms in globes/circles/tears

You sir are indeed a globalist and that is what Sup Forums h8s

What no argument?
>beleive NASA while distrusting the government even though NASA is the government.
>Good Goyim

Can't use that argument, he thinks the ISS is a movie.

No way, you need some people who don't believe the given paradigm.

If your theory cannot stand to be attacked from all angles, it should not stand.

>t. I found this pic, but I have no idea what I am looking at
Good one.

You guys debating whether it's a sphere or whether it's flat instantly dismisses any integrity you both have which could mean more observations that can lead us to a greater understanding of the truth. I am so sick of tards treating science like it's politics and that it has to be divided by who believes in what.

I really want to believe you're a troll and no one actually gets fooled by those pathetic disinfographs.

Do you realize that a sphere is a sphere? So the water will curve as it follows the curvature of the earth? And that diagram only makes sense because when you look at water, it's on a point on the surface of a sphere that is basically flat because it is so small? So the water level is flat?

Dude, he doesn't eve know the difference between gravity and density. You can't ask him questions like this because it makes his brain hurt too much.

I wish the Earth was flat. We could walk right into space.

Using this math i shouldnt be able to see light houses 8 miles away but i can. Globe earth is a lie. When ships go over the ((curvature)) of the earth you can use a telescope or high zoom camera to snap it back into full view which shouldnt happen if the earth was a ball. This can also be seen with sunsets and sunrises. 8 inches of curvature per mile squared. Thanks for taking the bait

the Earth is not a perfect sphere. And that picture does not say that.

show your work

Still waiting for the oblate speheroid picture

That picture is based on gravitational measurements, and is dramatically rendered to show it. Stop being an ignorant idiot.

Are these people trying to force some kind of flat earth meme or seriously believe this shit?

Eddie bravo cock sucking faggot

I honestly can't tell at this point, but my money goes to maximum trolling.

Not before your sacred nasa takes one of a sphere/oblate spheroid/chubby pear earth.


I'm not sure, yet. Some kind of psyop to make people distrust simple science? I really don't know. I had to take a break from trying to beat reason into these people's heads on Instagram (yeah, I know), but I was ignorant then. I know now that they're beyond that.

Ok, so you flat earthers say that this is a big conspiracy and that we are told lies since centuries right ?
But what would be the purpose making us believe we are living in a sphere instead of a flat as your brains earth ?

Also where are your explorers and adventurers proving us using a ship or a plane that the earth is not a sphere showing us the edge of the world ?

So what's stopping the light from the sun to reach the dark parts of your model?

Magical fairy dust?

The usual reason for globalist ideas, user.–ie. force individuals to adopt an overly complex model of the earth so that brain power is spent on that instead of doing the right thing for themselves and potentially overthrowing any unjust leaders.

Maybe it's too low?

directional lighting, like a spotlight?

Ha. Cannot unsee.

So this means all the Round Earthers who say they know the Earth is a sphere because they saw the curved horizon from a plane window are utter faggots.

>Also where are your explorers and adventurers proving us using a ship or a plane that the earth is not a sphere showing us the edge of the world ?
Obviously they were suppressed in order to advance the sphere earth idea.

Then the angles don't work out. You'll never or only extremely rarely see a perfect (part of a) circular "shadow" on the moon then.

So lets go with magical fairy dust then.

Why doesn't the size of the sun change as it is moving away from you?

Or is perspective also a conspiracy theory?

Yes it does in fact.

Real map of earth. See UN flag. Divided into 33 quadrants

it's still really far away

I like how upset you are as it implies this meme has power, even though you're only Croatia.

user., if something is bright enough, the size of an object may become indistinct, and the Sun is bright enough.

>hurr South Africa is bigger than America
Can you drive from NY to LA in 24 hours lad? I think not.

I am upset because this flat Earth garbage is another incarnation of post-modernist relativism, where every mouth-breathing retard watches a YT clip and thinks his opinion should hold the same weight as somebody who spent his life studying the same subject.

As for your question.

Brightness can't be an explanation because you would still be able to observe the change in shape through a polarizes material (sunglasses) that filters out the excess light.

We will purge Satanists who call themselves Anarchists first.
>Black and Red

Polaris (N star) never moves and stars circle around it (see star trails)
If earth was a ball spinning around the sun while the sun simultaneously moves ever farther from ((the big bang)) center of the universe then how come the same constellations have changed shape (elongated, changed shape or disappeared) in thousands of years?


ok... it would convince me if valids argument using scientific method though.

Then explain to me why :
Anyone in the Southern Hemisphere may observe how stars rotate clockwise around the South Celestial Pole, where Polaris, Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, and Cassiopeia are absent - while anyone in the Northern Hemispshere sees stars rotating counter-clockwise around the North Celestial Pole, where Crux, Centaurus, and Carina are absent

>center of the universe then how come the same constellations have changed shape

But they have

It will always happen unless you leave the firmament you idiot.

flat earth is about as belivable as this.