Will they still push for gun control when he used an SKS?

Will they still push for gun control when he used an SKS?

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>commie used commie gun


They would push for it if he used a shotgun from Walmart.

is it ok if i hate the way that gun looks?

Proofs on the weapon he used?

demorats are as useful with guns as stormtroopers are with blasters... They'll probably shoot more of their own if they ever decide to get really retarded.

Interesting. That piece of shit who killed the cops in Dallas used an SKS too.

Yes. I think SKS are ugly as shit with the modded magazine too. Stock or nothing pls

If it can be used against a leftist they'll vote against it desu.

>Yes. I think SKS are ugly as shit with the modded magazine too. Stock or nothing pls

It's not modified faggot, it's a Norinco SKS-M

Mmmmh. I'm sorry, no. Was a converted Saiga.
AK-type rifle.


might be the only gun I'm okay with being bubba'd.

If you're going to bubba it, at least don't use the fucking shitty duckbill mags...

he used an sks?

>In Belleville, Hodgkinson had purchased at least three guns, all from a local gun dealer, and had a permit to carry a concealed weapon, a source said. Among those three guns was an SKS assault rifle, the source said.

>In March, a neighbor called the police to complain that Hodgkinson was firing shots on his property.

ALTHOUGH (((source said))) is always a red flag

>Assault rifle
If it doesn't have a bayonet lug, I don't think it even qualifies as a fucking "assault weapon", let alone an assault rifle.

The SKS is unironically the only rifle that looks better with the stupid plastic conversion than the original wood.

curved magazine with standard rifle stock looks weird

>SKS assault rifle
>assault rifle

I don't think there ever were select fire SKS's issued

Too bad, sorry to lose a nice Saiga to the feds

I can't wait to kill commies with my AK...ironic justice, delicious

Gas yourself.

>shitty Chinese gun
I guess that's why he couldn't hit anything.

I mean, you can modify it to be full auto, but it's not going to have a semi-auto unless you remove the auto-sear, so that still wouldn't qualify as an actual assault rifle...


You'd be surprised, man. We get a fuckton of Chinesium guns up here in Canada. They finish can be rough, but they usually shoot minute-of-man.

Maple Snake used an M305 (Chinese M1A/M14 clone).

Chinese Type 63, sort of, IIRC it's got a rotating bolt but appearance and ergonomics wise it's very similar to an SKS

"Why do we have a Second Amendment? It's not to shoot deer. It's to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical!" -Senator Rand Paul

“I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family — whether it’s from an intruder, or whether it’s from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important,” -Senator Joni Ernst

“Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment, by the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.” -President Donald Trump

"Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary, you might want to ride one of these [rifles] into the sunset, you worthless bitch." -Theodore Nugent

lol I saw it reported as an M4 this morning

Does he have his sight on a top cover mounted rail? Explains why he couldn't hit shit.

So you're pro second amendment, suddenly? If the Republican party tries to ban guns, then you're actually going to get gun owners off their asses and the result won't please you.

>you can modify it to be full auto
Yeah if you don't like having two eyes.

It's a tough gun but it was never designed to go full auto. If it fails there's a really great chance the bolt carrier is going straight into your eye, due to where the carrier sits relative to your face and where the receiver is likely to fail (top rear, where the takedown pin for the dust cover is).

SKS's look great. They just don't look great when retarded bubbas put 30 round magazines in them.

I'm not talking about slamfire. Though an out of battery discharge is definitely possible.

Norinco made versions of the SKS that took AK magazines from the factory.

What do you mean "suddenly"?
Gun control is a hill the democrat party keeps choosing to die on in my opinion.
They could sweep the board if they dropped the identity politics and dropped gun control.

But that's beside the point. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

It needs a delay mechanism to be safe. You're better off modding an AK with a FA trigger group. FA Uzi kits are pretty cheap too.

Or don't do any of that and just enjoying a legal semi-auto

I'd certainly hold much less disdain if that were the case. I may not agree on economics, but I just cannot trust those who would disarm me while using my tax dollars to arm themselves more.

Well, those are better than the ones that have been bubba'd. I'd argue they're better than many AK's in terms of reliability and range/accuracy.

Well hey, at that point you might as well just make a Luty. Australian bikie approved!

I wouldn't mind having a luty even though I'm an amerifat desu.

no wonder he couldn't hit shit

He didn't have an excuse. SKS's are quite accurate.
t. SKS owner.

Depends on the conditions. Although neither does particularly well in mud tests. Too open a system.

I've heard that about the AK but not the SKS. Mainly because the AK has that stupid safety that opens the side of the gun to dirt.

The SKS is rather notorious for slam fires if you don't clean out the cosmoline from the firing pin channel though. An OoB discharge on an SKS would definitely necessitate remidial action and probably some basic first aid from brass shrapnel.

That looks pretty sweet but a lot of work. FA group for an AK is only $50 and legal to own as a novelty item, until you install it in the receiver. Open bolt Uzi kits are like $350.

That's true.

It's Norinco, of course it looks like shit. Russian/East German SKSes are where it's at

Democrats can't shoot

Muh constructive intent, doe.


Yeah, if you consider 4 MOA accurate.

I don't know the source, but according to /k/ this AK cycled after the hand was pried off

Just take it apart fully and let the parts soak in paint thinner, the cosmoline comes right off. Only lazy slobs who don't know how to clean have serious problems with slamfires

Watch inrangetv, they did a mud test of the SKS. It failed miserably. Commie built shit ain't got nothing on the AR-15


They generate so much salt with these tests, it's fantastic.

The garbage bag trick works well, too.

What happened? Did I miss another American mass shooting?

Not AS well though, if you want to be thorough

And the type of ammo you use also makes a difference. Surplus ammo will slamfire MUCH less than, say, Barnaul stuff

I'd use the bag trick on the stock, at least. No paint thinner on wood.

Maple snake?

Bernie bro with a history of domestic violence and assault went up to some Republicans practicing for a charity baseball game and then shot up the place. Shooter is dead, a number of wounded but it sounds like they'll pull through.

Guy in New Brunswick got pissed at how the RCMP act (Can't blame him there) and decided to go on a shooting rampage. Killed something like 4 cops.

Yeah, it's unfortunate that it's really the only way to clean the stock and that it takes so long to do properly

Trust me I'm well aware, btw, did you get ahold of one of those SVT-40s? I'm jealous y'all get those so cheap

I've heard of people using heat guns, but I'd be worried I'd fuck the finish on it. Though I guess that doesn't matter too much on a laminate stock...

Why haven't I heard of this guy? Honestly fuck the RCMP very few RCMP aren't corrupt they don't care about protecting people just giving bullshit speeding tickets and ensuring nobody gets away with self defence. I understand exactly why someone would want to go wrath on them

They're getting far less cheap. Imports are blocked due to the whole Ukraine thing. Shit sucks.

The RCMP ruined everything.
We were far better off without them.

Just the shooter dead?

If so this is a great day. One less leftard faggot. Should have picked an easier target like a store or something like that

I don't know, man. It happened relatively recently, too, but I guess talking about a school shooting that happened before most people on Sup Forums were born makes more sense?



M14's too... Tempted.

At least you had a chance at some cool milsurps, the only svts we get down here are ridiculously overpriced on gun-stroker

Same. Only thing I miss about Vancouver besides the SkyTrains and the ocean is having the VPD. They're actually somewhat nice unlike the fucks we have here

Supposedly BC had its own provincial police once not the RCMP made up of methead prairieniggers

That saga was from the blm dustup in the south last summer.

>heat guns

Nah, fuck that. I only used the heat of the sun in the summer to do it, probably the safest way

That's the rifle that nigger used to kill those Dallas cops, dumb niggers.

I personally didn't have the opportunity. No dosh for it. Though 7.62x54r costs more up here, so it's not as attractive to shoot anyway.

Definitely the easiest way but some folks have taken the barreled action out and poured boiling water over it before. Not a recommendation but that's how I got the cosmoline off my mosin.

that guy at least had good taste. Saiga 5.45 are boss

I'm pretty sure most of us were born before 2014

If you're talking about my reaction image I just use that to respond any time there's another mass shooting in burgerland

I'd be worried about getting the wood too wet though

He's a dumbass for mounting the optics on the fucking dust cover, though.

The school shooting I was alluding to was Polytechnique (1989).

I'm getting pretty tired of being shamed for something that happened before I could even talk.

I shelled out for an RC K98k just as the 8mm mauser surplus dried up. I've been wanting to do a serious comparison between it and the mosin for awhile now but 8mm mauser ammo is scarce I've been hoarding it.

Canada's first Islamic terrorist attack

Yeah one very suspicious thing happens and we get absolutely retarded gun laws

Ironically all that did was create a thriving black market

I meant the barreled action - boiling hot water will discolor an old stock in a heartbeat. Kinda like if you put a hot cup of coffee on your dining room table - no bueno

Good memories shooting my dad's SKS when I was younger. It wasn't very heavy and had little to no recoil. The damn bayonet was stupid, though.

Do you mean the barrel or the trigger group?


Barrel and receiver mostly but it doesn't hurt to take off all the metal bits and hit them too. The nice thing about boiling hot water is it turns to steam to quickly there's very little drying off to do once you're done.

oy vey dats a assault rifle!

The first three are about civil war, not assassination.
One is cowardly the other is what you're pretending to have done.
If you legitimately feel that way, please by all means, gather your degenerate crowd and call to arms. Nothing would please our side more than to have the green light to finally put a fucking hole in your T-box you fucking scum.

i need this

Oh, I literally took apart the entire thing (including the bayonet, the bolt and even part of the trigger group) and had every small individual part soak in paint thinner. Maybe I'm autistic, but I really didn't want any cosmoline to leak out while I was actually using it



If he did use the SKS, what is the odds he also had a bump stock?

here's the quick rundown

You're saying the shooting is justified. Are you really that dense?