because he didn't want to have to explain how his rhetoric is destroying his country?
Weak, just fucking spineless. What a piece of shit.
because he didn't want to have to explain how his rhetoric is destroying his country?
Weak, just fucking spineless. What a piece of shit.
Agreed. His recent interview with Oliver Stone was embarrassing. Colbert was incredibly rude. His bias was off the chart, even to the casual observer.
>not doing his show today
I thought step by step ended ages ago?
the writing team need a day to flesh out a narrative that manages to admonish the violence whilst simultaneously feeding off it. can't let the rage die down. You have to fan the flames whilst appearing righteous
So this fucking coward just decided not to do a show today,
because he didn't want to have to explain how his rhetoric is destroying his country?
Weak, just fucking spineless. What a piece of shit.
You know that he can't handle two scoops, right? Doesn't have the constitution for it.
what a fucking piece of shit
Colbert is a Talmudvision lackey. Fuck him and his "audience" for being so obtuse they can't even begin to accept another scenario compared to their spoon-fed doctrine of social enemies. What a bunch of fucking retards.
I miss when he was on the Colbert Report.
really this fucke didn't air yesterday? ahahahah
Nah, he has done some much money with his trump shtick he can just take days off as he wants. The commies will tune right back as soon as he is done eating some endangered species somewhere
Spicer has to face his critics for a living. Colbert gets paid to spread and encourage unjust hatred. Thank you for your attempted bait. It could do with some refinement.
Yea, people shouldn't be able to tell jokes about the president.
>colbert: guys have any jokes that aren't about republicans? they'll call me insensitive.
>writers: ....
>colbert: see you guys tomorrow then!
of course not he's a phony
Right here
I need a rundown.
>because he didn't want to have to explain how his rhetoric is destroying his country
Explain to who?
What exactly is the significance of him not doing a show today?
Can someone please give me a quick rundown on this guy?
Was it the two scoops that threw the Bernie Bro over the edge?
Retards. He did a show today.
When did Colbert go from looking normal to looking like a clown?
What did they do to him?
A US congressman, two cops and an aide were shot by a left wing terrorist in Virginia today.
Colbert has been spewing hate on President Trump and the Republicans since before the election. He would have had to say something about the shit that went down today. Instead, he obviously pulled the show tonight so he wouldn't have to.
He'll probably say he had a toothache or some bullshit.
He, like everyone else in his line of work, truly believed Hillary would win. He has been going off the deep end since. Re-watch the first episode he did after the election.
Reminds me of picture related cancelling her show for a few days when the Duke Lacrosse sham was fully exposed
That guy is over. I can't watch his show anymore. It's too full of liberal bias and hogwash. It's nauseating and there is little worth watching anymore. The guy's sold himself out. It's so sad though because I used to really love him and even looked up to him once.
Profit denial
can a pirate get a quick rundown?
lolz u fuckin snowflakes get so triggered over Colbert jokes. you fags are so politically correct its shameful.
two scoops! did you lick the bowl clean after making brownies too!
he's like some creepy jim jones guy that cuts people up in a basement. no way he doesn't cry himself to sleep
I don't know why, I
I stand corrected...
He actually did the right thing for once. Thank you user
How about a quick scoop?
Taste the rainbow of hate GUMBLOPRT GERMPTE
See ya at practice TONDARD BORKPTHF
Colbert stopped being funny several years ago. He's such a massive faggot it's completely out of context crap that continuously insults everyone that's not a leftist. I find his show the definition of unfunny and see it as hardcore propaganda and lies. To laugh at the jokes you have to assume it's true. Anyone that thinks his show is funny is brainwashed.
It just goes to show, some people in Stalin's Soviet Union actually believed that news too. Cobert needs to hang, his writers need to hang. Someday we'll take this country back.
I'll take two!
Im the ice cream master GERMBLOPK FOORPT
It's ok he was tired, had a nap, just ran out of Jewce.
Maybe he's starting to crack. In pics he emanates stress. After all, how long can you coast on a platform of derision, spite and bile? Uh .. present company exempted, of course.
Years ago, on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, he wasn't that bad. At least, he didn't seem that way.
Now, though, nothing but contempt for this man.
I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.
I still think he's a shitball in general though.
lol this is gold he is so mad and he's holding two scoops just like the meme lmfao
Jewced up!
scoopa loopa doopity doo
i only got one scoop, why'd you get two
>After all, how long can you coast on a platform of derision, spite and bile?
Oh sweetie, everything here comes from love.
You may not like it, but this is what peak love looks like.
When I'm a big boy like TURNBLAPTH DOORPTH I can have 2 skkkoops!
damn straight we're exempted, this shit is normal to us nigger
colbert is a weak faggot nigger
i like him. he makes triggers fags like you. enjoy your impotent rage, fags! :)
I'm out of the loop. What happened?
Before mousing over I thought that their heads were all in the sand.
A fucking leaf.
Spicer is the voice of the President. He doesn't get nights off. Colbert is a comedian/talking head reading off a teleprompter.
The first thing the Republican will say?
"Well, if everyone had bought their automatic ar-15's, this is a tragedy that could have been avoided"
"Guns don't kill people, liberals and Hillary kill people. Take my bible and guns from my cold dead hands etc etc etc"
I mean, they basically are, innit?
The face of impotent rage
This is so insane and blatant it's infuriating. Liberals are concern trolling hard today because one of their own did the thing they have been swearing Republicans will do for some time. If a Republican did this there would be no crocodile tears and much mockery and "Haha see we were right" but since this looks so bad for them they are feigning comradery . It's so fucking disgusting. All over the internet I saw liberals praise the shooter or site the Gabby Gifford shooting as justification. I didn't see any liberals today offer an olive branch. Fuck him, he's so disgusting it's insane.
Can I get a quick rundown on the two scoops thing? Thanks in advance.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
What the fuck are you all talking about he did a show today.
What's the matter, you only got one scoop?
Why are you so fucking grumpy about it?
Yeh them liberals and their bias.
Best to fully encase yourself in a right wing thought bubble, and hear your opinions echoed back at you from the other hucks and throwbacks.
>genius move
OP here... he actually didI was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show. I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show. I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.I was wrong, he did a show today and did the right thing during that show.
I'll check those double doubles
Fuck off you cum gargling psychopath.
>just like the meme
I'm bracing for the moment when he comes to terms and accepts the meme. I don't know whether I'm going to enjoy it. Ben Garrison managed to gracefully evolve. May not go so well for this guy. I see a smoking husk, an empty shell.
This makes sense considering how close he is to the Podestas and the fact that he's Jewish means its a guarantee that he's involved in the fucked up sexual torture they engage in. This is the behavior of someone who has a little more to lose then not having his chosen candidate win.
Thank you for clarifying
Anyways what thread are we sliding???
Isn't he supposed to be on every weekday?
Leno was on every weekday. Im sure three are times during the saeason when they aren't on for,a while because hiatus vacation and what not, bu not in the middle when you're supposed to be there.
Let's be real here.
>one scoop
>two scoops
>icecream memes
Not since the fucking Andy Sixx forced memes have I come across something so bland. Was this honestly the best that Sup Forums came up with for Colbert?
I liked the one for John Oliver & "the current year" meme; that was imaginative.
One scoop...two scoops...? What baboon finds this funny? This is below even leddit standards.
Lift your fucking game.
He's >irish
And they'd be correct.
>guns stopped the Bernout loser
>guns don't kill people, guns are a tool, as evidence by Bernout's failure to kill anyone but himself
Colbert is an absolute scurge on Western society. He is an absolute evil propagandist snake who history will not look kindly to.
He is an absolute scum of a man with absolutely no honour. Lower than dirt.
Fuck this man, his handlers and everything he stands for.
I have known children with more backbone and integrity and honour than colbert.
Spicer has to face his critics for a living. Colbert gets paid to spread and encourage unjust hatred [in my opinion] [for a living]. Thank you for your attempted bait. It could do with some refinement.
Refined your garbage opinion for you; that one's on the house, fucko.
You tried. You failed. At least you tried. Maybe some faggots on your side with give you a participation ribbon. We will just give you a big STFU FAGGOT.
We found out his connections to the podestas and the dnc.
>months and months of anti scoop rhetoric
>surprised when someone grabs the ice cream straight out of the fridge
Take this faggot off the air