GATE Program

Old thread here Btw, these threads don't pop up by accident. Remember, theatricality and deception are powerful agents you wish to take the Gate pill?

Dumping similarities:
- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
- Forehead scars
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
- Migraines
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
- Above average intuition
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
- Possible crazy ESP powers

Other urls found in this thread:

posted in last thread. to add a bit, and to verify

- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
>Green for me
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>Yes, not breathing, heavily jaundiced, had to be kept in hospital for weeks after birth
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>Have had multiple, excruciatingly vivid death dreams, mostly of being shot or crushed. I am fully lucid in these dreams, can control myself, but not events around me
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>Yes. I remember the people, but not much of the content.
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>was an interior room, so no windows.
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>I believe that I am being followed, as I mentioned, but not maliciously, and it could well be paranoia.
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
> yes. was arrested on a failure to appear on an assault charge, had a handgun in the car when arrested. bailed out that day, went to court a few weeks later for arraignment. last case of day. court room was empty save officer and judge - I was let off of everything assault charge included, no counsel present.
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
>As I posted in last thread I've never been allowed to take an IQ test. probably 140 given my occupation.

is examiner user still around?

does anybody remember the test you had to take to get put in the program?

I remember the one I took had an art question on the back where you had to draw something and I drew a lawn chair and when we got to the program the instructor made a point to tell me I did a bad job

ours was a straight up IQ test. though they did do writing and drawing tests later on.

i tested into gate but i was learning another language so my parents didn't have me switch schools

curiously i am a math fag and my iq is probably literally uncalculable i am like really fucking smart guys i promise

sorry i just wanted to pop in here and tell you fags you're not fucking special no one gives a fuck

you clearly do, Mr. two-post.

What. The. Fuck. Is. This. And why do 95% of these bullet points apply to me? What. The. Fuck

Dumping similarities:
- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
>> Nope, brown
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
>> Yes
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>> Not sure
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>> None I can remember
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>> I was only in during 4th grade, but it's still vague.
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>> There were no windows, yes.
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>> not sure.
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
>> Yes, 130+
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
>> Yes
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
>> Just pot/alcohol
- Forehead scars
>> I have a large dimple on my forehead from a door slamming me. At least that's my memory of it.
- Early speech therapy
>> Yes
- First born sons
>> Yes
- Migraines
>> Yes
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>> No
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
>> Unsure
- Above average intuition
>> I'd say so. Won good money off of brexit and trump via predictit.
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>> I had an ayylmao obsession, but I don't remember seeing them.
- Possible crazy ESP powers
>> Dunno.

In another thread I saw "Spirit Girls". When I was 3 years old my best friend was a girl who died in a car accident (she was 4 I believe). I've always felt a strong spiritual connection to her.

My GATE story is kind of weird...

I lived in England from ages ~4-8 IIRC. When I returned I entered 3rd grade in a normal class. Then in 4th grade I switched schools and entered the GATE program... but I don't really remember being tested (could just be a memory thing)

* I was homeschooled until HS though...everything else matches up...

Also, I've noticed that a LOT of these posts mention military family members. My father was in the air force (that's why I lived in england for a few years).

Maybe military family should be a bullet point?

>Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
Grey and blue
>Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
Flat back here
>Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
After birth complications
>Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
2 NDE's one was drowning
>lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
No idea what this is but Im lured to it for whatever reason.
>windows were covered in GATE classrooms
Was home schooled through elementary one classroom had no windows but dont remember why I was there.
>tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
Wouldnt know, had a stalker as a kid but probably unrelated.
>Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
Oddly yes
->IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
Last legit (not internet) test said I was 143

Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
>Interest in /x/ phenomena
Daily occurrence
>Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
Yup, was a no good addict for a while. Clean and recovered now
>Forehead scars
>Early speech therapy
Not really
>First born sons
At least 2 a week
>Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
Holy shit yes? This is a bit spooky
>Premonitions/prophetic dreams
Yes, getting spookier
>Above average intuition
So Ive been told
>Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
I thought Ive seen one, but mostly evil entities and so Ive always chalked it up to that.
>Possible crazy ESP powers
What the fuck is this? How do I meet these highly specific things???

Some fun stuff:

- I very specifically remember representatives from a local bank coming in and giving a lengthy lecture on why bank accounts are important - going so far as to give all of the students documents to set up bank accounts.
- I looked up my GATE teacher on facebook, and she friends with a group called "We are the jews"

Also my classroom mixed 3rd and 4th grade together

Law fag here. Currently studying for the bar. Let me tell you what I have.

>Birth complications, including trouble breathing and constant pneumonia in early childhood
>Several scars on forehead
>I wasn't in speech therapy, but I was in a program designed to help below-average readers

>Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
>Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
>Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
i dont think so? i absorbed my twin tho
>Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
i remember doing one project but it was very hazy. someone made fun of a girl in gate who wrote "roller coaster" as "roaler coaster" kek
>windows were covered in GATE classrooms
it was an interior room inside of our elementary school.
>tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
i have insane paranoia and think im always being watched
>law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
i was driving sleepy and without a license, got off without anything. had another situation arise, could have easily lost my license but somehow the police officer had the exact birthday i did so i just got off with whatever my car accident ended up being.
>IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
no idea, but i was offered to skip a grade at two different occasions.
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
>interest in /x/ phenomena
have loved ayys and tin foil since i knew what the internet was in the early 2000s (im almost 26 now)
>Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
my experimentation is still going
>Forehead scars
>Early speech therapy
>First born sons
first born
all the fucking time its borderline scary
>Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
no lmao
>Premonitions/prophetic dreams
yes but they've always been idiotically mundane
>Above average intuition
i dont know about this one
>Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
never saw one, too scary t b h
>Possible crazy ESP powers
lmao no

- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
>I have hazel eyes
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>Almost drowned while whitewater kayaking
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>Remember doing a lot of logic puzzles, but other than that my memory is hazy
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>GATE classroom was one of the only ones in the school with no windows
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>Not that I know of
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
>For the most part, yes
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
>I'd guess mine is probably in the high 130s or low 140s due to my area of study. Never been formally tested
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
>Too busy, but would if I had the chance
- Forehead scars
- Early speech therapy
>Used to stutter, but I speak normally now
- First born sons
- Migraines
>Highly uncommon (once every couple of years) but debilitating when present
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>Not yet
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
>Yes. Feelings of deja vu are also pretty common
- Above average intuition
>Possibly. Hard to say
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>Not that I can remember. It's been too long
- Possible crazy ESP powers
>No evidence, but

- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>Born with umbilical cord wrapped around neck, luckily arm was wedged between it and my neck saving me from being stillborn
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>Choking on a RiceKrispy treat during lunch in school in 1st grade.
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>Yes, I barely remember it except that we had much more freedom in regards to the internet. As in we were allowed to use dogpile search engine and pretty much look up and do anything.
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
>Never myself but friends always seem to get off when I'm around. They make comments about this all the time.
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
>IQ tested was ~138
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
>Sortof but not into really far out there type of stuff.
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
>No, I'm very chemically sensitive.
- Forehead scars
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
>Yes, first born.
- Migraines
>Used to but not anymore
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>Had a jewish GF in middle school.
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
>Yes, constantly. Sometimes the dreams will come true years later but I remember them.
- Above average intuition
>Used to be bad but recently been going through some mental issues and now I can read people like a book.
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>Seen some crazy shit with UFOs.
- Possible crazy ESP powers
>Cars turn off randomly when ruminating.

- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>Think so, can't remember what it was though.
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>I was in a program called HAL (High ability learners) Don't know if it is similar or connected in anyway, I think it is a Nebraska thing
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>Nope, had windows in HAL classes
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
>Yes gotten warning both times I was pulled over.
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
>Took a shit tier IQ test that said 140 and a more legit looking one that gave 120 so Idunno
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
>I guess
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
- Forehead scars
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
- Migraines
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
- Above average intuition
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
- Possible crazy ESP powers
>Don't think so

Also both parents were air force.

My mom was approached to put me in GATE, but they wanted my mom to put me on some sort of medication to join.

She wouldn't.

It never happened.

It's okay I believe you.

I've never read any of these threads before but i just looked at the traits and i fit many of these especially the weirder ones... why would there be a scar on the forehead? Also what would be the reason for above average intuition?

>yfw you realize you are an autistic mutant

What political views do other former GATE members have? I'm generally libertarian-ish, though I dislike private prisons.

I've lurked Sup Forums without posting since 2006. This is too eery.
>Brown Eyes, though mother and every girl I've dated has had Hazel
>Occipital bun -- I have an outrageously large head in total
>Birth complications --never asked
>Near Death Experiences
Oh. Yeah. Near Drowning incident when very young.
A car accident so severe I was flown in a helicopter to the hospital where I saw a plastic surgery/facial reconstruction specialist. I was 7 years old. The wound was 3 layers of stitches, 126 stitches in total in a crescent on my forehead through my right eyebrow.
>Memory of GATE >I remember my friends going to speech class, and me going to what I thought was Art Tutoring classes. Learned about Escher there, they let me use any and all materials in the middle school's art studio even though I was in elementary school.
>The Art room I would go to had butcher paper over the windows. I remember that because they were floor-to-ceiling height windows, and the teacher would have to re-tape it often.
>On maybe two occasions, I would see someone whom I thought was a childhood friend. They would leave without interacting with me after I recognized them.
>While working a night shift job in college, I would go eat breakfast with all the night shift UPD and State Excise cops weekly because they would arrest disorderly drunks I threw out of the bar I ran, and we became friends. Got my first ticket a couple months ago at age 27.
>IQ: I've never been tested because I don't put much stock in IQ tests. I've never studied or bothered to do homework before. Honor's diplomas my whole life. No interest in going back to school after my Bachelor's. Every friend I've ever had has said that I'm the smartest person they've ever met. Up until 2 or 3 years ago, I was very arrogant about that.
> /x/ Demons are real. I've been accosted by 3 fully demonized individuals. Evoking the name of Christ literally threw one of those people across the room.

>Lots of pot first year of college. Unable to do even the slightest amount of THC, as it put me into a fully catatonic state where my body was paralyzed and I experience what I’ve read is called “Drug Induced Psychosis” Any amount of THC will do this to me now.
>Forehead scar, like I said earlier fully width of my forehead, crescent, from my car accident. The car accident happened on a county road in corn fields. My dad was trapped in the car and saw my 8 year old brother on his knees crying and praying to God to not let me die, because he saw the wound on my forehead. Two men came out of the fields and pulled me out of the crashed vehicle. My brother was the only one to see them. They were celestial beings, and he is now a minister.
>My first girlfriend was at age 18. She was an ethnically jewish, roman catholic art student with hazel eyes.
>Spiritual gifts described in the New Testament are real. The Lord equips me with the gift of prophecy most often. Prophetic dreams and visions are usually sent to me to encourage and inspire others. Other times, Involunatarily, every choice I can make will instantly fan before my mind’s eye, I can select my action, and I will be in a period of 2-15 seconds of deja-vu. I know the exact words and inflections everyone in my immediate vicinity is going to say.
>Not aliens. Sleep Paralysis. They tried to pretend they were extraterrestrials once. Hilariously, they flee at the name of the Nazarene.
>Adding this: But nobody in my entire life has ever been able to lie to me. In instances where someone tries to even tell the smallest fib to me, all parties involved can for some reason tell the lie is a lie. I call it my girdle of Truth. Ephesians 6. I also, do not lie. Lying is physically repulsive to me.

- Possible crazy ESP powers
>Cars turn off randomly when ruminating.
>I thought Ive seen one, but mostly evil entities and so Ive always chalked it up to that.
Demons, angels and spiritual beings are also fair game.

Kek will it

Is this a thread about that program for public school kids that were just barely smarter than the retards in regular classes?

> /x/ Demons are real. I've been accosted by 3 fully demonized individuals. Evoking the name of Christ literally threw one of those people across the room.

Interesting. OP here. I've had a few interactions with the dark forces and few times with people who were slightly possessed and influenced by clearly demonic entities, with one case the "dark spirit" attaching itself to the front of the persons face, so in effect I was seeing the real face and also a face semi transparent face of something angry, evil and full of hatred.

What are your experiences like and besides invoking the name of Christ how else do you fight or battle these spiritual beings?

I fit a lot of these traits. Tested at a very high IQ and scored extremely well on all school testing. Even was told I was being watched because of how well I scored. They wanted me to go to a gifted school but said I could not go because it was not equipped for my "learning disability". Question I have for those that have similar experience is, I have really fucked up night experiences with night terrors, OBE, the old hag, shadow, have even woke up to find myself levitating. I had a shadow person come and what I though was enter my body. I guess I should be posting this on /x/ but since it's i here WTF.

>possible ESP powers

You should have stated this upfront instead of wasting my time reading the whole list. Go write a shit-tier 2 season ABC show with a worn out plot line.

Linking my posts from the thread i made before this one popped up.

Do you remember the puzzle questions read out of the book, or the psychic flashcards? Here's an earlier infinichan thread about it. Someone mentioned it was probably training to become a future bureaucrat. Gives a reason to target people who leave prematurely. There was a suspicious snack time as well. Many report delayed puberty and hormone issues.

Mine was in WA too. Can't really remember what i twas called, but i do remember doing standup routines and examining different commercials. Maybe it was just Hollywood kikes trying to recruit talent. Public education is used as taxpayer training for athletes and now IT workers. Jews might have wormed their way into the curriculum as well.

Do you guys feel it was worth it? I was kicked out after two years for shirking on a science project. More to do with my dad's rage issues surrounding homework than me not wanting to do the project. All in all i ended up just hating the whole school(Prussian education) model. The normie K-12 track most certainly dumbs people down into retarded serfs. I'm going to homeschool my kids. I remember putting down college level history books in elementary school to read assigned autism about avocado colored jackets and immigrant food. Assigned reading was always 1-6 years behind our current grade level. Math could have been taught much more concisely and quickly.

>I have really fucked up night experiences with night terrors, OBE, the old hag, shadow, have even woke up to find myself levitating. I had a shadow person come and what
Are you filled with dread and completely terrified?
Also are you Christian and do you believe in God?

Every single one of you who was in GATE is very likely to have a 130+ IQ because they test that (or a version of it), even as little kids and I can prove this with documentation from an actual elementary school

It also states that teacher input on the students behalf is the only other major input factor deciding acceptance, and that there was an actual board of people considering whether 4th graders were going to be in a GATE class...

I can't post it now but maybe I'll make a thread about this tomorrow and link it if you guys actually wanna see it

>- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
>- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
>- Above average intuition

I remember having to pick out a bunch of patterns for the written test leading to 5th grade entry.
Most of this shit just seems like reaching to feel special or chosen because you were a nerdy kid

Darwin's original evolution theories were created to justify the enslavement of the lower classes. He pegged 95% of humanity as genetic dead ends which needed to be enslaved, dumbed down, and sterilized. You're spot on. They dumb people down to make them easier to manage. These special kid classes could be a way to get up and coming young minds to spin their wheels in the sand until they go retarded.

Later ran into this guy. I swear this school was a CIA experiment. Very infantalized compared to the school i transferred form. Total brain rot and atavism. They held me back in a math class i had passed. Teachers focused on behavioral conditioning. Many of them were practically open pedos. Now they're being promoted as a model school for common core. This district was ranked in the bottom 10% of WA state until they added bullshit categories like sports participation.

This might sound crazy, but i swear someone is breaking into my place to crank my thermostat all the way down and steal shit out of my fridge. Maybe the feds are gaslighting me, or my landlady is an asshole.


LOL a private school fag wants to be remembered... you were trained to be a rich brat for mommy dinner parties... underground, people like you are targets.

I fit pretty much every stipulation here, sans the jew fuck box
And the ESP being talked here is so subtle to those here that have it, but now that I am focusing on the possible connections I can see it might have some merit to it.
I can cold read a fucker looking in the eyes alone. I have perfected this craft through my profession, I run security for higher end establishments and have done time in the field responding to instances within section 8 communities (shots fired, domestics etc...) Body armor, gun, duty belt, whole nine.
And the predictive thought I've had on the field has been eerie more than a handful of times.
Those with higher cognitive traits and abilities could perhaps have more unknown traits that feel normal but are not anywhere near normality.
I theorize I have mirror-touch synesthesia and this helps "tap" into others.

Yes, sometimes when I get into heavy thought the engine in the car I'm driving will just cut off. This has happened to 4 separate cars with 1 of them being factory new. The new car was not my car and I keep all my cars in perfect mechanical condition. Its always a 1 off thing and not repeatable on command but it happens with a decent amount of frequency.

funny you mention that. I do believe in god and am a Christian. The shadow people and old hag no longer bother me. I am not filled with dread anymore but it was terrifying when it was going on. My dreams through out my life have always been very vivid as if they are really happening.

>I can cold read a fucker looking in the eyes alone. I have perfected this craft through my profession, I run security for higher end establishments and have done time in the field responding to instances within section 8 communities (shots fired, domestics etc...) Body armor, gun, duty belt, whole nine.

Yup, I don't know what to call it. I can just sense or know things about people, anything, crazy things about their past that have been buried away and etc. It's far more than intuition or random guessing.

nigger read my second response. I was in GATE.
I went to an elementary school that had to enforce uniforms because of gang activity and once accepted into the program after testing they bussed the gate kids to a different school and segregated us from the regular retards.
We didn't even eat lunch with the regular kids but I'm not about to use that experience to jerk myself off over it well into adulthood.

I literally match every single one of these criteria even down to Israeli art student girlfriend except for drug experimentation and near death experience, unless you want to double near death up with birth complications where I almost died after being breach and strangling myself with the umbilical cord after weeks of having a ruptured placenta. I can count on my fingers how many times I smoked weed, nothing other than that.

What the fuck guys? I had no idea this was a thing at all. I'm genuinely fucking spooked.

I moved to the USA at 8 and lived there through college before returning home to the UK last year. I was enrolled in a GATE program immediately after enrolling in school at 8.

What the fuck is going on here?

Charbonnuea broadcast a weird video to the school during the morning announcements of him shaking his butt to that "On the Catwalk" song. One teacher was caught trying to fuck kids over the internet and several other left right after. The PE teacher was a fucking sadist that would play weird sexual club music and children's songs about licking lollypops during PE workouts. One middle school teacher gave a kid a Marilyn Monroe dance on his birthday.

After i started posting about that Charbonneau Teacher of the Year guy. This girl who was close to him deleted a suspicious post form her facebook. It talked about dancing with him shortly after her graduation. Sounded awkward and uncomfortable. She ended up receiving $200K+ in scholarships. Considering the pedo shit that occurred there, i can only imagine...

Yes, sometimes when I get into heavy thought the engine in the car I'm driving will just cut off. This has happened to 4 separate cars with 1 of them being factory new. The new car was not my car and I keep all my cars in perfect mechanical condition. Its always a 1 off thing and not repeatable on command but it happens with a decent amount of frequency.
That's a new one and certainly not a thing I noticed.
>May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out

Lights going out, computers malfunctioning/BLUE screening and other EM stuff is my forte.

From my experience it's AYY LMAOS if it's just scray and frightening.

However if you feel an absolute sense of dread, and have this "feeling" of a bad dark presense in the room, then it's the demonic forces. Calling on Jesus as your sole guardian and protector helps out a lot. Then you must search your house room by room and bind and evict the evil spirit with the help of God and Jesus.

- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>Yes, almost died from a blood infection when born
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>Only during birth
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>I only remember going into a room and having to read some book as fast ands possible, and describing what I believed was happening in the shown illustrations
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>Nope, only when I took that IQ test. The classroom had tons of windows.
- tendency to being followed(abductions and general tracking too)
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
- IQ
>Never have I been formally tested, except for the GATE program
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
- Forehead scars
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
- Migraines
>Not too frequently
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>No, but I don't even go out, so I don't meet people
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
>Not really, although I can recall dreams down to the last detail
- Above average intuition
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>I only saw a blue meteor dissolve before hitting the ground
- Possible crazy ESP powers
>I don't think so. Although I have had déjà vu, and have told my family about it whenever I recalled something. I told my grandmother to remember me telling her thar I remembered seeing an application/paper with black boxes, and days later, I applied to a job and recalled the application. I also remember my mother coming into my room whilst I was drawing, and I counted down and my mom opened the door at the exact moment.

My dreams are just weird. Some will make me wake up scared, but it's usually about zombies, lol.

In the Book of Acts, Chapter 2
"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them."
I do not take the Lord's name in vain. "Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
The winds came. From eternity. The room was completely filled, and the demon was trapped. The "tongue of flame" was a golden seal that interposed itself between me and the demonized individual. As the individual would speak, her face would snarl and bare her teeth at me which somehow did not affect her speech. It was an otherworldly voice. It insisted it had come to take me. It would attempt to lie. Evoking the name of Yeshua of Nazareth would make it scream in terror and throw itself away from me. After hearing the winds of heaven descend to earth all around me, I now understand something I never thought I didn't fully comprehend "The Fear of God"
No other method or means is appropriate when dealing with the enemy.

Back to /x
Dad of 2 here eldest - dumb as a post, youngest in GATE program.
Not surprisingly - eldest is absolute shit at doing any sort of testing and youngest flies thru test like their made of butter left on the counter on a mid summer's day. In Marble Bar...

Smart kids are smart. It's really no biggy. Trying to find some sort of correlation either physical or otherwise just makes you look, well.. not smart...

I hate vivid dreams. It sucks being trapped in a classroom of an old school building (with bricks), and having corpses wanting to push down the door, whilst you try to stab one I'm the neck with and kitchen knife, and it gets stuck halfway, and did you then proceed to ask the people in the room with you for help, but they just pile up in the corner being scared.

interesting you said something about their past,

It is clearly evident when I meet a "scarred" individual, even if in passing. The pain can be palpable

I dont remember testing into gate but i was in the program, although it just replaced some school days here. (California)

- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>not that my parents have mentioned
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>downing, bloodloss, blunt force trauma
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>the only thing I remember is that is was near a park and there were animals there, in particular a leopard gecko I was quite fond
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>dont recall
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>I dont get followed
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
>only time Ive been pulled over for speeding the officer let me off with a citation instead
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
> pretty sure its high, never done a test
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
>love the paranormal
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
> not really although I want to try shrooms and dmx
- Forehead scars
>not on my forehead but close to the front of my head
- Early speech therapy
>pretty much all through elementary
- First born sons
- Migraines
> only with barometric pressure changes
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>tfw no gf
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
>always had one before I got seriously injured, before breaking bones/getting hit by a car and even mundane shit
- Above average intuition
>my instincts are on point and im good at reading people
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>not that I remeber
- Possible crazy ESP powers
> I wish

I always tell people they have no idea what real fear is until they lay in a bed completely frozen, unable to move as a demonic old hag comes at you with ill intentions.

>Also my classroom mixed 3rd and 4th grade together

Is there something more to that?

Of course we want to see it. Tell me what the title will be so i can search it in the archives. I'll be busy tomorrow.


It's nice you've found a way to feel superior to everyone.

Do you have some kind of a feeling when you meet someone who is like us, you almost know instantly? I've met two others like myself. I can see it in their eyes and hear it in the way they speak. Both times we had a mutual understanding, almost like we were the only ones in the room who were conscious or something.

Just one example. I was talking with a [ ] and out of nowhere just knew a certain few [ ] he did and asked him about it. He holy SHTF for a half hour and then proceeded to tell me a story about it.

this is x tier trash

There a few different dreams I have. A lot of them involve scary homeless people chasing me. Two very different cities I end up in. One I refer to as future paradise Miami, It is beautiful futuristic city covered in water I can walk on. The other is Super Scary dark dystopian NYC. I hate that place.A lot of crazy animal attack dreams as well. The best is when I know that I am dreaming inside my dream and can kind of control some things. Those "lucid" dreams are really hard to hold on to.

Just telling you that you're a bit old to still be giddy about having been accepted into gate :)

Yes, one time for sure. We quickly realized while conversing that we are very much alike in our personalities, attitudes and approaches to life.

Late 1980s
- series of tests in 2nd grade. Room. No windows hours of pattern tests, verbal tests, math tests.
- later "GATE" night completions?
- several run ins with CHP that resulted in beinget go: no reg. No plates, trailer not matching truck.
- crossed border many times no secondary
-occipital bump
- only one Israeli happening - a gaga dancer who wanted to have a bisexual relationship with me and my gf, but the really odd thing was she kept pushing going to Israel. That the Israeli government would pay. That she would go to. It was really odd.
- 128-134 now 142 in 2nd grade
- one extremely disturbing run in with something supernatural at 14. Right after an earth quake.

What have you seen?

>Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
This is probably the most retarded thing I've read in years.

>- Possible crazy ESP powers
Keep /x/ content in /x/

Just to be objective about this, the cars you are "switching off" are all post 2000 cars in which the engines and ignition are electronically controlled?

All of this. It's infuriating because i watch my friends and family waste tie and energy fucking around with people i know are scum or psychopaths. You take a second to look into heir eyes and you know what the next couple years will be like. I get the feeling 99% of people are not fully conscious. Chalked it up to Prussian education making them into robots, but it's probably something else as well.

You're a narcissist plain and simple. We're here to discuss peculiar events. Fuck off back to plebbit with your finger wagging.

Our school didn't have a GATE program, but did any of you get taken out of class frequently in 1st or 2nd grade for hearing tests? They would always take a few of us for repeat tests, even though we were never told anything was wrong. The same group every time.

>inb4 autism

Since people are bitching I'm compiling a short list that's been posted in threads.

>watches not working or street lights going out in your vicinity
>cars turning off spontaneously
>computers malfunctioning & shutting off
>Frequently eclectically discharging against grounded components such as cars and etc.

I saw the end of the world once.

How many of you are also
>O NEG. blood type?

Hearing tests and psychic flashcards were a big part of everyone's GATE experience. I had them as well. They were weird because they happened multiple times. Some theorized they were a form of hypnosis.

Someone post the psychic flashcard pictures. They jolt a lot of memories back for many people.

fuck, the old hag, dude. my sister and i would constantly feel that presence, as well as the feeling of being watched, at our mom's house. we're both moved out, but god that feeling was so god awful. and its so weird, because i've maybe seen it once, but i've felt it for years and could describe the entity before i saw her.

i am not as sensitive to thc, but i literally can not smoke it at all. ive been uncomfortably way too high on pot that acid doesn't even compare.

my bones aged faster than they should have so i lost about 4" of growth, despite trending appropriately. it started happening around 10. i was in GATE 4th grade i think? 1999?

fuck vivid dreams so hard. i have had so many dreams that happen in real time, that feel like i'm there. i wake up through so many layers sometimes to just wake up, and half the time i KNOW im dreaming and i want nothing more than to be in whatever state of consciousness this is.


So many people just are not "online" so to say.
It's horribly depressing.

That sounds like sleep paralysis. People see the old hag when they fall asleep on their back. It's fucked up, but really common.

Nope, wasn't in the 1st world when I was in 1st or 2nd grade.

On subject of hearing tests:
I'm extremely sensitive with my hearing. Best example was me seeing a long time friend and going for a ride in his car. Now I haven't been in his car for a while but I did notice a new strange faint sound/frequency coming from the manual transmission area. I told him about it and said he should check it out. A few months later, say 2-3 his manual tranny blew on the highway.

After doing oil changes I can hear my car completely different and almost "see" or "feel" the smoothness of the engine. Also great for CS CS:GO because I could audio locate the opposition in scrims

I match around 75% of these but never been in the GATE program.

What's the point of all this speculation?

What about tinnitus? Especially in left ear.

You do realize that these traits are all very vague and common. This is the equivalent of being read by a "psychic", it's vague but specific sounding enough to convince you. Most of you don't even fit into all these points. I do on all of them besides being stalked.

I totally understand the "waking up through so many layers" I remember waking up once in a a place that was nothing but pure white. There was nothing in it but me in white. weirdest place I have ever been. That was immediately after an out of body experience. I had rolled out of my body and saw myself laying there. Fucked up thing about that whole time was there was a shadow person sitting in the corner watching me watch myself. that is when I went back in my body and "woke up" to find myself in the white.I felt trapped and confused until I woke up again in my bed. crazy shit.

I know that is what they say it is. but having it happen I know it was more. It literally fucked with me for days after every time I saw her or the shadow people.

94 northridge?

I remember a few of the multiple choice questions- one asked the healthiest way to cook a carrot and the other was what material of spoon would float in water.

Windows definitely weren't covered but we did mummify raw chickens in 6th grade, which was a little weird looking back.

Btw, these threads don't pop up by accident. Remember, theatricality and deception are powerful agents you wish to take the Gate pill?

Dumping similarities:
- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
> yep
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
> yep
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>yep, cord almost killed me
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
> yep uncle saved me
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
> no idea
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>no idea
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
> yep, arrested for rioting, let go.
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena > yep
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
- Forehead scars > yep
- Early speech therapy > no
- First born sons > have not had kids yet, first born g myself.
- Migraines > nah
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking) > all jewish men get to have this as part of a trade program
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams > yep
- Above average intuition > yep
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10) > demons, not aliens
- Possible crazy ESP powers > dunno. Used to think that. Not anymore.

Creppy list mates. Now to comb through thread.

Do you mean the occasional ringing / humming sound that comes out of nowhere and goes away after a minute or so?

Not sure if there is any main purpose, but its interesting nonetheless

is this a GATE thing or just being """redpilled""" and being able to look past shitty traits? because i have always been able to see how relationships, whether they are friendly or romantic, can end up, and i just chalk it up to being a self-aware person and learning to make snap judgements so i don't waste my time.

Fugg. I fit most of OP's criteria. Do you get really evil vibes from certain music too? Not just intentionally spooky music, which does freak me out, but even some non-intentionally spooky music.

Mine was perched on the bed once and with an evil grin kept repeating that she was taking me to hell. There's got to be more to that phenomenon because every time I can get out the word Jesus, which is hard because it takes away your voice and ability to move, the presence immediately goes away. I'm not a huge bible person either.

Nope. Everyone has a file. The smart ones get special attention. 5-10% of the population actively conspire against the rest. They are from occult families. Teachers and bullies working together, for example. We live on the stage. They exploit us from the occult backstage. Not just the elite. You find them in all races and classes. The West is deeply satanic.

man, i had an OBE just a couple months ago. right before i got married, i was still at home. i was having a nightmare and my mom tried to wake me up, but i saw her waking me up, but she was a complete shadow figure until i REALLY woke up and saw her. how do you handle it? it really ruins my mood for a couple of days.

do any of you guys ever suffer from depersonalization or derealization? ive had moments where i feel like watching things play out as if i am just watching a movie ive watched before. i just feel like how i experience life feels surreal sometimes, but i am also just on the internet/Sup Forums too much.

there was a good Doc a while back about the Shadow people I think it was called the nightmare or something like that.

What the fuck is the role-playing shit?

I found that learning about it and finding others that have experience similar tings helps. I found god and it all went away. I don't like pushing religion on people but it really did make the shadow people and the old hag go away for good.

I can't watch that shit if I want to sleep any time during the next few months. I had to sleep with a motion detector on my door until I was 22. Even the damn x-files theme spooks me out if I have to go outside at night.

Doesn't all that cover most channers?

Also, what causes your guys migraines? For me it's mold, fluorescent lights and weather changes.

You have a natural ability to pierce the veil. Veil being dimension user. It really isnt as scary as the mainstream makes it out to be. The emotion you have manifests itself while you are in the 4th, Be negative, see negative and vice versa.

Abstract thinking and intelligence gathering. Asians wouldn't understand.

>- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
>- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
>- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
Kinda but I don't remember much from elementary school in general
>- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
Mine was in a center room, no widows to be had
>- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
Never had a law encounter until my first ticket
>- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
Idk mines probably 100 give or take
>Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
>- Interest in /x/ phenomena
>- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
>- Forehead scars
>- Early speech therapy
>- First born sons
Only child
>- Migraines
>- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
>- Above average intuition
I guess?
>- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>- Possible crazy ESP powers
I wish

I agree, the OBE and Lucid dreaming I have experienced are amazing, but with them came the shadow people and the old hag and other evil.