GATE, Gifted And Talented Education

This thread is for those involved in an accelerated education program during your primary schooling.

>Any other academically gifted program.

We are collaborating stories to disect the intent of these institutions which appear to be international. Any memories of rooms with no windows. Strange posters on the walls. Lack of grading structure. Or any other memories should be discussed below.

If you believe that you are still being tested even after leaving the program it is especially important that we know your experience. We have much information on those who are inside, and those that were rejected, but we also believe there are cases of people who are somewhere in between phases.

*Repost of the OP from last thread. Hope to keep the discussion going.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't drink the mouthwash guys.

Dumping similarities:
- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
- Forehead scars
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
- Migraines
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
- Above average intuition
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
- Possible crazy ESP powers

Posting my story again

I was in my school's TAG (Talented and Gifted) program and while I don't remember much, this is what I do.

I was called down to the library in the third grade and I think the lady there gave me an IQ test, For the rest of the year they had me and this other kid in a small room doing what I think were brain teasers, but I might be mistaken. I do remember they were printed on cards.

Next year they bussed all the TAG kids from all the elementary schools in the district to the same school where we worked on projects. I remember we were each assigned a material, and we had to build a famous bridge out of it. I built the golden gate out of pasta, this other kid built a bridge out of pretzels. We also followed the years Iditarod race, where we picked a competitor and graphed his/her distance every day. We also all entered this town history project and we all got first place. Very strange. At the end of the year we took a field trip to the NY hall of science.

The teacher's name was Ms.Key if that helps.

I moved away after 4th grade and moved back in the 6th. I found out that the program wasn't brought back after I left.
I have:
>blue eyes
>occipital bun
>no birth complications
>almost drowned at a young age
>lack of TAG memories (I think I just have a bad memory in general.)
>don't remember if windows were covered
>don't think I've been followed
>I've had no run ins with the law
>high IQ, mother never told me because she thought it would "get to my head"
>always had an interest in UFOs and the paranormal
>no drugs
>no scars
>no speech
>I am a firstborn
>no Jewish gf
>no dreams
>above average intuition

I hope this helps, OP. I went to school on Long Island NY.

Do you remember the puzzle questions read out of the book, or the psychic flashcards? Here's an earlier infinichan thread about it. Someone mentioned it was probably training to become a future bureaucrat. Gives a reason to target people who leave prematurely. There was a suspicious snack time as well. Many report delayed puberty and hormone issues.


Blue eyes
Occipital bun
Drug use
First born son

Our program was called Quest, but there was also Oddyssey of the Mind. This was in Wa state. I wasn't quite smart enough for the full program but my brother was. He was taken to a different school one day a week and I definitely know they did the Iditarod project. He also works for Hollywood now.

Mine was in WA too. Can't really remember what i twas called, but i do remember doing standup routines and examining different commercials. Maybe it was just Hollywood kikes trying to recruit talent. Public education is used as taxpayer training for athletes and now IT workers. Jews might have wormed their way into the curriculum as well.

Do you guys feel it was worth it? I was kicked out after two years for shirking on a science project. More to do with my dad's rage issues surrounding homework than me not wanting to do the project. All in all i ended up just hating the whole school(Prussian education) model. The normie K-12 track most certainly dumbs people down into retarded serfs. I'm going to homeschool my kids. I remember putting down college level history books in elementary school to read assigned autism about avocado colored jackets and immigrant food. Assigned reading always always 1-6 years behind our current grad level. Math could have been taught much more concisely and quickly.

*was always 1-6

5-10% of the population is dirty, and actively working against the rest. They already own all the pieces on the board, and all the key (well paid) jobs. We live on the stage, and are exploited from the occult backstage. As a rule, they are not that smart, so anyone smarter than them is seen as a threat. Things like GATE are part of the control system's effort to deal with the more intelligent people.

Watch The Matrix, and They Live. The West is like that.

Darwin's original evolution theories were created to justify the enslavement of the lower classes. He pegged 95% of humanity as genetic dead ends which needed to be enslaved, dumbed down, and sterilized. You're spot on. They dumb people down to make them easier to manage. These special kid classes could be a way to get up and coming young minds to spin their wheels in the sand until they go retarded.

> Israeli art student girlfriend

How about Hungary art student girlfriend? I had one back in high school because she was Harry Potter freak and obsessed about me being a redhead.

WA here, I was in PRISM in middle school, something else in elementary that was just for a few hours. I knew kids who did gifted full time in elementary at Stevenson, not sure what they were called.

Where did op from the other thread?

Also some of my Prism teachers were Jewish as fuck. The precal teacher was a russian women who looked like pic related

2 threads going no one posting here we should move to the one being used

Later ran into this guy. I swear this school was a CIA experiment. Very infantalized compared to the school i transferred form. Total brain rot and atavism. They held me back in a math class i had passed. Teachers focused on behavioral conditioning. Many of them were practically open pedos. Now they're being promoted as a model school for common core. This district was ranked in the bottom 10% of WA state until they added bullshit categories like sports participation.

I was surrendered for adoption as a new born. I was given to catholic Charaities. Before being adopted I was with some foster situation.
During that time I have discovered via documents from the CC I was examined by a physician who administered an infant IQ test.

I scored 167. His handwritten notation incudes that I would certainly be in the giften and talented programs when I entered school.

When I entered the local public school there were no such programs.

It wasn't until HS when there were 'Advanced Placement" classes but by then 12 years of going along with the masses had turned me into a moron.

I remember being in a gifted and talented course, but it isn't anything like you described. Windows weren't covered, no one ever got taken away, etc.

The only thing I do remember was that they called us in into a room for IQ testing (?), they told us to read a story and informed us on how fast we did for our age, etc.

I was in GATE in SoCal, back in the mid-90's. 2nd-6th grades.
>2nd grade
Literally nothing. There was probably some test, but I don't remember it.
3rd-5th grades
Just put us GATE kids in a mixed class with the normals in the grade above us (3/4, 4/5, 5/6). There was some half-assed after-school thing, but the only significant thing was some readers theater play where I completely bungled my three lines.
>6th grade
Pretty much just stuck all the advanced/GATE kids from the previous elementary schools into one or two classes at the middle school. Only explicit GATE thing that happened was a field trip to tour various LA museums - Museum of Tolerance, CA Science Center, Wilson Observatory, the standard stuff. After that, nothing.
>very minor birth complications
Apparently I was put into ICU, but it was found to be unnecessary I guess.
>high IQ
Isn't that the point of GATE?
>popo leniency
Good little smart white and asian kids that actually didn't do anything because we're not dumb nigs? No, I can't believe the police would be nice to us without ulterior motives.
>forhead scar
Yah, but that was when my baby brother threw a large rock at my head, because toddlers do stupid stuff like that. No stitches or hospital visit, because my dad was an EMT way back when and knew how to take care of a bleeding head wound.
>first born son
I get headaches often, but they don't usually get to migraine status. Hereditary though - all my parents and grandparents have them (thanks!).
tfw no gf ever
>seeing ayys when little
I went out of my way to avoid any possibility of that happening.
Sorry I don't fit y'alls conspiracy theories.

Late 1980s
- series of tests in 2nd grade. Room. No windows hours of pattern tests, verbal tests, math tests.
- later "GATE" night completions?
- several run ins with CHP that resulted in beinget go: no reg. No plates, trailer not matching truck.
- crossed border many times no secondary
-occipital bump
- only one Israeli happening - a gaga dancer who wanted to have a bisexual relationship with me and my gf, but the really odd thing was she kept pushing going to Israel. That the Israeli government would pay. That she would go to. It was really odd.
- 128-134 now 142 in 2nd grade
- one extremely disturbing run in with something supernatural at 14. Right after an earth quake.

What have you seen?

I dont remember testing into gate but i was in the program, although it just replaced some school days here. (California)

- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>not that my parents have mentioned
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
>downing, bloodloss, blunt force trauma
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>the only thing I remember is that is was near a park and there were animals there, in particular a leopard gecko I was quite fond
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>dont recall
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>I dont get followed
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
>only time Ive been pulled over for speeding the officer let me off with a citation instead
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
> pretty sure its high, never done a test
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
>love the paranormal
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
> not really although I want to try shrooms and dmx
- Forehead scars
>not on my forehead but close to the front of my head
- Early speech therapy
>pretty much all through elementary
- First born sons
- Migraines
> only with barometric pressure changes
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>tfw no gf
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
>always had one before I got seriously injured, before breaking bones/getting hit by a car and even mundane shit
- Above average intuition
>my instincts are on point and im good at reading people
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>not that I remeber
- Possible crazy ESP powers
> I wish

Oh yeah keep telling that to yourself....

I was in 'Quest' in grade school (we'd leave the elementary school and go to another building to learn shit the other students learned in late middle school/early high school.) I don't remember anything out of the ordinary, though, sorry.

t. Prussian serf

Public school is designed to make you retarded. Everyone who is actually intelligent knows this, so they homeschool or go to private school.

This is the only Gate I want to be real

what the fuck, you described my early childhood (and interactions with this institution) to a tee.

take this kind of paranoid ideation to /x/

yes, i was in a gifted program, no there was nothing weird about it we did think tank games and independent research projects

i was in this program along with my sister and three of my cousins in the 90s. it was called ELP (extraordinary learners program). given that iq has a 80-90% genetic inheritance that makes sense. maybe 6 kids per grade of 150 kids got pulled out of class every week from grades 2-5. had some kind of an iq test in the first grade to determine who got in. everyone was white (im spaghetti nigger).

the teacher was jewish (levine). did a lot of field trips. discussed future of civilization (flying cars, computers, space exploration). i remember one year we had to invent something. did projects that weren't graded. i never reflected on the program until i was in university and i was clearly out thinking and an unequal to my friends. i had kind of forgot it ever happened until then.

today im redpilled and wonder what the purpose of such programs really are. my sister is also extremely smart although still a woman and therefore impressionable by strong men and some mass media propaganda.

My parents thought I was retarded as a kid, so did I, I was pretty antisocial and I had a lot of trouble learning to read and write, the school at to get one of the teachers to tutor me 1 on 1 so I would learn, eventually I was reading ahead of every other student, I'd gone from illiterate retard to someone with read, spelling and comprehension skills far beyond my age, the lady who helped me would take me to a darker room that almost always had the windows closed and covered, it was in a part of the school that was practically a storage area, the lady also didn't do anything else at the school, I think she was from outside the school actually. When I was in grade 1 my school brought in a psychiatrist for me because they thought I was retarded because I wouldn't do work, she gave me an I.Q test and I scored 130, she told the school that they should give me harder work and gave them information to bring in an outside company who would give me and about 4 other students specialised lessons with a specific subject.

The first thing we learnt was finance, we were taught how finance worked, how to use money etc. Not low level shit either, we were doing proper financial economics, we looked at how to tell if the economy was doing well or poorly and how to graph various information.

We also covered other subjects but the work we did later on gets fuzzy, almost non existent. The whole way through we did different types of testing to understand how far ahead we were for our age, what kinds of intelligence we had, what we were best at, ect.

The program was called wise ones, it's symbol was a giant owl hieroglyph.

Oh yeah, one of the things we studied was ancient mythology, ritualism, magic and by extension occultism once we started looking at renaissance and early modern stuff.

I was in the program from grade 1 until grade 6. During grades 7-12 I struggled and didn't attend school for almost 3 years, I eventually went back to school at the end of grade 10.

>.10 cents has been deposited into your account
>thank you for shilling with Shareblue

forgot to include
>brown eyes
>prominent occipital bun
>born week early
>fell off a boat when I was five and nearly drowned
>vague memories of testing and gatherings is all I can recall from our "gifted" program
>no one really followed me as far as I know, I do have memories of some Indian guy trying to pull me into his car though
>Law enforcement officers have always been nice to me, even in occasions where I had misused 911
>never been formally tested for my iq
>very interested in /x/-tier stuff
>interest in, but never use of drugs
>facial scars, not necessarily on the forehead
>speech therapy from kindergarten up until second grade
>first born
>no major migraines, I did have fairly frequent minor headaches
>nothing prophetic
>reoccurring nightmares about ayys

>Birth Complications
Mark on my benis
>Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
Cops never fux with me
>Interest in /x/ phenomena
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
>Premonitions/prophetic dreams
Yet to come true

How fucked am I?

This is oddly accurate even down to the drowning portion. Gifted in language and mathematics

>conveniently diagnosed with the adhd meme before I was 10 entitling me to benefits
>drop out of school at 12 because it's pointless
>had easy access to further benefits when I turned 18, zero trouble or ambiguity getting it
>literally have gone outside less than 10 times a year if that for the past 9 years
Apparently I was determined to be a cut above the rest and so they enabled a lifestyle they knew I would choose in order to mold me to some end.

Never had anything to do with GATE. Went to a private school. Was in "the accelerated class" all through elementary. Tested well. Was given an IQ test and scored 158. Have a moderate occipital bun, and a weird, hard pimple like thing on the very tip of the crown of my head. Moved to Central America when I was 12, took an Iowa test as an entrance exam to the school and scored the highest of any student in the school's history. Was offered scholarships to ridiculously lavish schools for boys based on standardized test scores. Have had many, scarily prophetic dreams. But otherwise, not much in the way of crazy, "you're a threat" shit. Brown eyes. Large penis.

I was in an accelerated placement course in grade school, but then I hit actual math stuff that was difficult for me and since I'd never gotten taught how to actually study and retain info that didn't settle naturally my grades tanked and they pulled me out.

So you receive neetbux and sit around on Sup Forums all day. OP is asking about gifts not laziness

Here are my similarities
- Blue eyes.
- Occipital Bun
- Birth Complications (The birth was fine, but my mum was not able to conceive for nearly 5 years, the doctors thought I'd never be born)
- Near Death Experiences (Never drowned, but had head trauma that could have killed me)
- I dont remember going to the program I went to very well.
- The windows were covered in the wise ones classroom, same as with GIFT
- Never been tracked or followed I dont think, beyond some crazy girls.
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters. (I've been caught doing various illegal shit before in my delinquent years, police have always been nice, also drove me home when I was drunk and high and lost and they were very friendly, didnt even ask to check my bag or anything even after I admitted to being high and drunk, that was when I was 15)
- My I.Q was 130, however its constantly shifted upwards by a few points every year I had it tested since. At last check it was 141
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena (I have a deep interest in this kind of stuff, have a collection of occult books)
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period (Not in my 20s yet, but did take a lot of psychedelics and other drugs between the ages of 15-19 which is my current age, I still do psychedelics occasionally)
- I dont have forehead scars
- Early speech therapy (Needed reading,writing and speech therapy)
- Im not first born, am second born
- I always get killer migraines.
- Israeli art student girlfriends (Not israeli born but I have an art student GF?)
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
- Above average intuition
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
- No ESP Powers that im aware of.

Tricking people into giving you money so you can be a lazy fuck seems like a gift to me

Also, very advanced drawing ability that was evident at a very early age.

Being above everybody else IS a gift user, go look at /r9k/, normal people would break in this life because they're pathetic jokes that fell for the brainwashing and feel like failures for not being social and slaving away.

wow. Elp. Great days filled with chess, the hubble telescope and leaving the plebs behind at school

I was in this in year 9 or 10

they made me do extra "projects"

I don't think you're above shit being a fat waste who's too stupid for elementary school. You're not a cut above dick all homie

Too stupid? I never struggled with school, I just didn't see the point, because it's pointless.

same, also seems like most people are in the other thread.

I wrote this on my phone while being dropped home and i didn't realize how many issues there were with spelling grammar ect.

Pls ignore.

same, when i got to the advanced math class, they realized i had being doing all the math problems in my head / figuring them out in other ways rather than doing long division or multiplying across. i quickly fell behind and they kicked me out.

Memories (GATE 3rd-5th grades)
>no grades
>lateral thinking puzzles
>overnight field trips
>combo grade level classes
>being read The Giver in 4th/5th grade
>writing poems and fiction
>being shit at math

ive read a few of these gate threads before and ive never seen anyone mention elp. it seems to only be in connecticut.

IDK about you guys but I loved the GATE program. I was in it for maybe 2 or 3 years before they ended it for my elementary school.

We would do a lot of cool stuff from making ice cream from scratch to building small model rockets (without any kits just raw materials) and had a day where we all launched them using a small electric board and watched them come back down with parachutes.

I just remember really loving the program and being sad when it went away.

u were probably too dumb.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this GATE meme btw.

In the 3rd or 4th grade I was tested in Maryland and placed in the TAG program with 2 other students. We would have weekly classes away from the other students. We mostly worked on projects like designing castles and other brainiac activities. I was then placed in the TAG level for middle school and high school along with AP courses.
- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
> nope, sadly.
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
> yes
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>I was born blue until they circumsized me a couple days later.
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
>yes, I don´t remember much of the stuff that we did in elementary school
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
>we were isolated with no one allowed in
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
>not that I noticed
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
> yes, never been arrested even though I tended to drive under the influence when in my early 20s
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
>measured 142 and 137
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
> God yes
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
- Forehead scars
>I have a strange vertical dent on my forehead above my left eye
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
> yes I was
- Migraines
> nope
- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
> nope
- Possible crazy ESP powers
> I can estimate weird shit (like almost the exact amount in a grocery cart without even doing the calculations in my head
> I also get this weird feeling when thinking about ayyy lmaos and I start yawning nonstop.

OP's life is really boring so he made up a whole conspiracy theory about his schools smart kid class being something other than a class for autism.

I don't think I can impute any malevolent intentions as part of the program. Honestly haven't really thought back on it and don't know why I was selected.

>average A-B student; however
>all school reports had teachers commenting on how i was "failing to live up to potential" as i missed deadlines, skipped classes, was disorganised, did fuck all work
>ironically these reports ended up becoming the basis my diagnosis of adhd later as an adult

I also remember doing a lot of one-on-one learning outside of class with a lady in primary school. I have no idea whether this was because I was too intelligent or too stupid. As I said I always got reasonable grades.

>being something other than a class for autism.
W-was this really a program for autists?? ;_;

Most of the high scoring kids have high functioning Asperger syndrome, so I would say like 50% chance you have autism if you are in a class like that.

>Firstborn son
>Blue eyes
>Occipital bun (i think)
>Probably above average iq, need to test it
>Very uncommon migraines
>Scar just above forehead
>Deja vu all the time recently, likely dream related
>Absolutely certain ive seen some ghost/ayylmaos as a child

As for the gifted programs i was a part of, they varied. In elementary school in virginia, i remember taking some test, im assuming to measure iq. Didnt have any classes though, the gifted kids would just go on field trips throughout the year, generally related to the arts.
In middle school, in pennsylvania, i definitely remember taking an iq test, and for this one the gifted group would be bussed to a building called the LEC (learning enrichment center). Windows could be covered or not, it just depended on the teachers preference. There we did what were essentially normal classes that were made to be more fun or engaging.
High school in both oregon and arizona didnt have anything, other than simply being labelled gifted.

When was all of this happening for the rest of you? Im 18 so maybe i just missed all the weird shit

>not really although I want to try shrooms and dmx
DMT or DXM or the rapper DMX?

Dxm is cough syrup, robotripping.
DMT is really really hard to get, unless you know people.

Dumping my similarities
Hazel eyes eyes
Occipital Bun
Birth Complications was weeks late
>- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
I have almost no memories before middle school
>- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
Very true
>- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
Never took an is test
>Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
>- Interest in /x/ phenomena
>- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
Extreme amounts of alcohol when 18 and 21 about 400-500 a month in bottles alone
>- Forehead scars
S are on my face and the back of my skull
>- Early speech therapy
>- First born sons
>- Migraines
>- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
>- Above average intuition
>- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>- Possible crazy ESP powers

Oh, i should probably include that
>No near death, although a lifeguard thought i mightve been drowning when i was young
>Good at reading people

Continued because I accidentally pressed post
Early speech therapy
>- First born sons
Only son
>- Migraines
Headaches and heavy bloody noses after which the headache goes away
>- Premonitions
Almost never usually stoppes me in my steps and feels like branches spreading from my mind lower back up to my shoulders
>- Above average intuition
>- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
Woke up late one night opened my window and watched a star move quickly to the side then then up then disappear
>- Possible crazy ESP powers
Don't know about that but had some ghost experiences, mostly annoying when older terrifying when younger.
Ie filled my tv remote with water, unplugged my phone and threw some plastic takeout containers about 4 feet away at My head which was above self level

I was in ART in 4th grade, don't know what it stands for anymore but it was like anger management and equality and stuff.

So I was always really angry whenever someone bullied me and then I'd kick their ass since I stood up for myself and didn't take anyone's Shit, so therefore I was put in that ART course.

Now what we did in ART were these kindergarten like activities and games and all this other bs. Now I don't know what the fuck they did there, but I never raged again until after I got red pilled about this.

So yes, we also have stuff like this here, and there's probably written down somewhere aswell

>Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
>Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
>Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
>Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
Drowning, Alcohol poisoning
>lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
Was never in it
>windows were covered in GATE classrooms
Most school rooms don't have windows, only outer rooms do, and those are usually for the teachers and not a group that only meets sometimes
>tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
We are all being watched by NSA, not directly just through datamining. Father said he was abducted by aliens once, woke up in back yard.
>Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
They usually are on white children, I have been arrested like 3 times as a minor and none of it is on my record
>IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
I don't know
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
>Interest in /x/ phenomena
>Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
>Forehead scars
Very common, yes.
>Early speech therapy
Also very common, yes
>First born sons
>Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
I don't date Jewish trust fund babies, lots of Jews are "artists" though
>Premonitions/prophetic dreams
Yes, dreamed of girl behind counter day later saw same girl behind counter, same dream I died due to an explosion
>Above average intuition
>Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
I used to tell my father that I was an alien
>Possible crazy ESP powers
Was looking into Child abduction and whatnot after pizzagate, and then I got a amber alert on my phone

Yea, elementary school is. It is meant to teach you how to learn, then you get into a college or trade school depending on what you want to do and you actually learn.

What's with the premonitions anyway lads? I keep dreaming the future but it's all irrelevant rubbish like conversing with my gf or sitting on a bus.

> tfw most of it applies
G-guys? What is this?

Probably some really well thought out bait

Reposting from the other thread, this might give insight into what sort of kids they wanted.

>So what does it mean if I went to a GATE summer school for a year but not any weird in school shit I can remember. Not gonna answer the OP questions because it's astrology-tier
>If there's any conspiracy it's that people never answer my question in these threads. I didn't do any strange tests except maybe a placement test. I did have a series of strange classes over two weeks in summer break. I can remember mixing corn starch with water and filling balloons with it to make stress balls, learning some random scientific facts, a drawing class with no specific subject that I can remember, and an improvisational music session where we all banged sticks against the playground. Definitely doesn't seem like "education", more like they were trying to find weirdos.

I was in a program called Highly Capable, which ran from 2nd to 5th grade and was full time. Students were selected with an IQ test in first grade, but the scores were given in percentile form and they accepted like the 95th or 97th percentile or something. This was in Washington State, and the program still exists, though I don't know if my old school district still has it. There was only one small class per grade in the district, so we formed a pretty tight bond, but were all split up to different middle and then high schools. Middle schools had something called challenge for certain classes which was substantially more accepting and we were all put into along with loads of normies who were smart but below the genius range. Other than that I don't recall anything unusual about it, but I never had regular elementary school to compare it to.

Holy fuck! As soon as I saw your question about rooms with no windows, it reminded me of a buddy, he's 34, completely mentally ill, has been saying for years after he dropped out of college that there was a room without doors or windows.

>tfw moved over 40 times in school

Can't be gifted if not rooted. Now pushing 40, still dumb as a box of rocks.

Moving 40 times in school is insane

I moved/ changed schools 8 times and never feel attached to anything outside my own head

At least I was never held back like my brother was as we were homeless for most of his childhood. It didn't matter as I didn't finish HS only a few months shy due to said homelessness. Had I known what was going to happen, I would have dropped out at 16 and let the chips fall where they may.

Did anyone have a pen pal from another school while you were in gate? I never wrote him a letter and my teacher got so mad that i couldnt go to the fair at the end of the year

Im convinced the penpals were probably feds

You're autistic not a fucking superhero lmao

Dumping similarities:
- hazel eyes

- Occipital Bun

- Birth Complications - I'm in my 30s and look like I'm 19 sooo....

- Near Death Experiences - Got backed over by a car. My baseball glove saved my hand.

- lack of memory of GATE - I have about 5-6 memories of GT. That's what we called it.
- windows - They weren't covered but they were at the vertex where the wall met the roof so you couldn't see through them.

- tendency to being followed - I've felt like my life was the Truman Show since I was about 15 and it never really stops.

- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters - Got caught spray painting a peace sign with some paint I found in the trash. Police were called. Report was filed. Policeman later married my aunt is one of my favorite relatives. He was nice. Continues to be nice. Non-aggressive. Etc. The next run in I had with the law was public intox. They were nice.

- IQ used to be 133. I don't know what it is anymore. I have a ba in journalism. Not the hardest thing in the world.

Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;

- Huge interest in paranormal.

- Heavy early 20s drug use - Yes.

- Forehead scars - Yes

- Early speech therapy - No but my little bro did.

- First born sons - Yes, for my parents. I have older half brothers.

- Migraines - No.

- I had a really creative GF that claims to be part Jewish.

- Premonitions/prophetic dreams - You don't even want to know. I had a reoccurring dream as a child where I had manifested in the body of a rabbit. The rabbit lived in the bottom of a well in a room with pink padded walls. One day I got out of the well, and the well was in a black white and gray ghost town.

- Above average intuition - Yes. It's scary.

- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10) - No.

- Possible crazy ESP powers - Yes

I was has Blue eyes, was tested for a 136 IQ when I was 10 (lol right), tendancy to feel like I was followed, extremely lenient encounters with LEO, am 21 and just getting over my heavy range of drug usage, first born son


>Jews might have wormed their way into the curriculum as well.
Jews have been running the public school system since its creation

I was a gate kid

Id say over 90% of those are true for me

What part of li?

I went to TAG in three villages

I believe that
I think it was a program to screw us up

Remember concentrating and believing the blood rushing in your ears could control the wind.

This is so fucking accurate to me, even the drowning bit. No occipital bun though, what the fuck?

Haha ya anons story is funny though

He should have had it that he was born with a prophetic birthnark that says hes nobility

>- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
It's real.

They always have large breasts too

Took IQ test, me and another white male were chosen for TAG
Went to a small room in the school, weekly/daily?, played puzzle and logic games, not mainstream ones
small scar below occipital bun, saw later all of my friends had the same scar
Later was bused to a "university" campus with children from other schools to do experiments with metals and other materials (mostly chemical or electrical reactions)
feel like I'm being watched and my actions are relayed to higher ups by teachers and associates
father had top secret clearance and worked on various projects
I felt like he was aware of what was going on but was ok with it because he thought it was good for me

adding to this

-hazel eyes
-several times with life threatening diseases I survived
-was always an interior windowless room
-was caught by several times (for trespass) and let go or cops pretended they didnt see me
-first born son
-many head scars, dont know how I got them
-hormonal development def lags behind, I look 10 years younger than I should
-also lost about 10 years in a mental fog where I was not my real self. Snapped out of it and feel like a normal person not being watched

larping threads are not politics.

the fact that your entire premise revolves around WE CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING, ALSO WE WERE ALL POTHEADS XD speaks volumes.

This is interesting

I also find i have different hormonal make up. I look really young for my age.

Maybe we are a new hunan race that is replacing the older models and we are beibg watched.

I have the bone notch in back of my head.

>untalented detected

blue eyes, occipital bun, near death, 132 iq, forehead scars ever since i was born, premonitions and above average intuition

>all those head scars and drug abuse
Have you dumb /x/ niggers maybe thought, that you are just braindamaged from head trauma and drug use?

Dude it was called GT (Gift Talented) in my school also, im from South Texas. I have had many of the things listed but i cant remember too well what gt was all about. Was a premature babu.

>Dumping similarities:
>- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
>- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
>- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
Had to be C sectioned bc I want breathing
>- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
Not rlly
>- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
Yeah I don't remember much
>- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
Now that I think about it it was always computer labs with no windows that they took us to
>- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
A couple different times it felt like I was. One time a Sherrifs deputy car followed me into work with no light on or anything then when I parked he left
>- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
3 encounters, 1 with weed and 1 while drunk, 1 with expired tags, they let me go each time
>- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
>Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
>- Interest in /x/ phenomena
>- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
>- Forehead scars
>- Early speech therapy
Don't think so
>- First born sons
>- Migraines
No but I have poop problems
>- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
>- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
Sometimes yes
>- Above average intuition
>- Seeing ayy lmaaoos when little ( ages 3-10)
>- Possible crazy ESP powers

Wtf there is a lot in this list that applies this is weird

You guys are delusional as fuck.

Any chance at all to try and make yourselves unique.

This is EXACTLY the same shit as tumblr and genders, except you're just using a different medium.


>untalented detected

except that we were selected; they on the other hand elect to be part of whatever made up group they want

I realise they wouldn't have programs like this in NZ, because let's face it, what would be the point? try to be less jealous next time