Getting a girlfriend

How does this shit work again? All we used to have to do is ask the king and he would send us 1000 girls, how do I find a girlfriend now a days ??

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By not being a pussy and actually talking to a female.

But I talk to females all the time, even if I interact with 20 of them a day I never get anywhere, they all reject me.

Youre trying too hard. Just relax and go about your day. If one starts to hang around more then others theres a chance to see if shes the right fit. If not then move on, if no girls hang around maybe youre looking in the wrong places or just trying too hard.

Go out and join some kind of club, and not one about retarded nerd shit. Gardening, cooking, acting, aquariums, whatever, just get out and meet people. It doesn't matter if 'chicks are into that'.

Stop posting on Sup Forums.

Just check out of society. Gfs are too much of a pain in the ass anyways

>Sister's friends come over one night while I'm home
>Not going out so I tell my sister I'm going to "chill" with her and her friends
>She agrees but tells me not to be embarrassing
>Tell her that's fine
>Dropping mad bantz everywhere and the chicks are clearly loving it
>Go into the kitchen
>Hear one of them say "Your dad is so funny!"
>tfw only 25

I have girls coming up to me every week in church but I am too autistic to do anything about it

>Go out and join some kind of club,
I think social interaction is the key. You won't meet a woman in your bedroom.

Where do I join a club? Gardening is awesome

I socially interact often, I get rejected all the time. I think it's because of my teeth.

sucks to suck bro

if your gf is a pain in the ass then youre doing it wrong bro

worse advice ever, thanks
hurr durr lets just sit here until girls come to me

Theres your problem right there. I didnt tell you to sit and wait, I said to keep living your life and stop focusing so much on getting a girlfriend. When you obsess over finding one your intentions are inherently skewed and selfish, and this can be seen from a mile away to those who are actually looking to settle down, no one wants to settle down with someone whos lifes goal is to get laid. Gee whiz get a grip on your life user.

i know what you mean but youre still a fucking retard

just talk to a trans girl most of us are really lonely

no thanks im 100% straight i cant deal with trans

that's a smart decision tbqh

its not a decision its how i am

You done fucked up you mentally ruined shit. There's a reason most of you are lonely.

Because God made us to laugh at our suffering.

Amazing how easy it is to tell women apart

The whole gf bf concept is "skewed and selfish" btw
What you were trying to say, or rather make up in your mind, is that try harding makes you look desperate, aka weak, aka beta, aka unwanted.

>All we used to have to do is ask the king

I see that you graduated from the school of "Shit you pull out of your ass for men who cant get laid".

you are a man parading around as a woman

fuck off


>tfw you finally get the courage (liquid courage) to ask out your dream girl
>tfw she has told her friends I'm attractive
>tfw every time you run into her you talk for a good 15 mins
>tfw she still turned you down

Well I consider myself a woman but you're entitled to your opinion.


fucking based

Are you me? For a long time I just gave up on longterm relationships because of fucking crazy ex's. Just when I meet a girl who seemed decent, it didn't work out. What a piss off.

Good I hope you fucking hang yourself

I lolled irl.

I'm never gonna kill myself I'm to spiteul and living is how I get back at the world

>I'm too spiteful and living is how I get back at the world

Well that's an interesting motivation to live.

Find a 14-16 year old Gen Z girl with a good head on her shoulders. Groom for marriage. Marry and consummate at 18.

This is legal, right?

Holy shit, i hope we got at least a few tranny phantoms in Sup Forums.

It most certainly is not

Suppose you left ANYTHING sexual out of the grooming though? Just an older man who is really good friends with a younger girl with the general unspoken agreement that they'll marry when she comes of age if they're still on highly positive terms.

I mean it'd be just as legal as an escort service, really. What can butthurt 30+ roasties do about it if there's no sexual misconduct going on?

you should stop caring about dating at all. find something you care about and pursue it. if you care about it enough, people will see and will consider you valuable. nobody cares about some faggot sitting in a corner soliciting attention and bitching when he doesn't get any.

when people say things like "be yourself," they're not telling you to keep doing what you're doing or to release your inner spurg, they're telling you that people notice you when you don't care about whether they notice you or not.

be willing to wait, and in that time develop yourself mentally and physically. figure out what you want in the long term, beyond petty things like relationships, and the rest will sort itself. or at least it will make itself easier.

maybe liken it to leveling up in a video game. if you try to take on a hard boss as lvl 1, you're going to get fucked. sure you want to beat that boss, but you're going to make better use of your time doing other shit to gain levels than you are trying to brute force it or cheese it. better off in the end too, because you will have the strength to use the items it drops by the end of it.

read books like The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of War, The Art of Seduction, Meditations, or things by Thoreau. exercise. eat healthy. sleep enough. drink water/tea/coffee and nothing else. surround yourself only with people that you want to be like, because people are the combination of all the people they have known.

First step: Get a job.
Unless your standards are super hella low.

Im 30, no job, no gf, no friends, and obseesed with revelations 12.

I dont think ill have any kids before revelations 13

Why dont you get a real girl?