AUSPOL dumbcunt edition

>Images of Andrew Bolt's left-wing attackers revealed

>Crime rate in Victoria increases, robberies up by 20 per cent

>Abbott money man hit by China donations scandal

>Julie Bishop denies knowledge of Chinese donor setting up company bearing her name

>Senate votes for rare inquiry into banks

>Sydney Uber driver who raped woman was a fake refugee

>Victorian court calls MPs up for criticising lenient terror sentences

>Melbourne Swanston driver was on bail before rampage

>Cladding in London high-rise fire also blamed for 2014 Melbourne blaze

>Non-compliant cladding used in up to 51% of Australian High rises (ABCB Report)

>46% of cable installed in 2010-13 in NSW was dodgy, other states also affected

>The unseen epidemic sweeping Australia and taking mostly men

Yesterdays thread: Dickcord: gg/RgSvKQZ

Other urls found in this thread:

Daily reminder OP is literally a chink.

Sup cunts.


OP how do you have the nerve to come back after being doxxed and BTFO yesterday?

there is literally nothing wrong with being chinese

>small dick
>short as fuck

can make good food tho

>Crime rate in Victoria increases

cant argue with them figures. you changed my mind

Bogans get lost

>stir fried dog cooked in oil refined from human shit
>good food

>>Images of Andrew Bolt's left-wing attackers revealed

Who could be behind this attack?





i think he's a gook, i don't mind the daily OPs though so he can stay i guess, he should adopt a trip saying "dirty gook"

the resemblance is uncanny, do you think they have connections to soros?

>he should adopt a trip saying "dirty gook"
He is fat too.

H...Holy shit...

He is a gook.

Who else showed up?

Pray tell user

>He gave a tongue-in-cheek speech at Parliament House's annual Mid Winter Ball, which Nine's Political Editor Laurie Oakes has decided to reveal.

>Usually the prime minister's address is off the record, but Oakes - who did not attend the dinner and does not believe reporting should be banned at events hosted by journalists - is making it public.

Laurie Oakes what a shifty fat cunt.

>implying half of auspol isn't chinese

What drives these shitskins to get on the internet and LARP as Aussies?

White Australia is over. Embrace the future.

it's nice to know that traitor has a sense of humor

well isn't that a think with gooks?

that video is full of people you should avoid

>women with coloured hair and piercings
>blatant faggots
>people having anything to do with LGBT protests
>fat people
>people with dead fish-eyes
>people grinning like madmen

Is this true? It's not like we can hold it against him but he sure isn't white

Anything to sow division between whites. He's a full on leftie

>without the bullshit

Yes, he doxxed himself yesterday with a picture of his bookmarks with included his name. So much for calling himself white over and over.



Yep. First thing I saw in the media last week
Were they those Dancing Izrailis again? Were they flown in, flown out
Media's gone all quiet about it
Who owns 96% of the media again

And you whingers are what -- dual citizen 'aussies' trying to shut information down

Include normal links. Fuck that Norje cunt, Anglos don't answer to Norsemen.
I want to know what site I am clicking through to, how am I supposed to decide if it's worth my time if they'll all archive links?

Crumbed steak and chips for dinner tonight lads
What are your plans?

He has revealed that they know exactly what they are doing, they're controlled opposition


Hook noses

>Twenty five years ago this month one of my best friends took his own life.
>In fact, three of my friends have died this way. It is symptomatic of a great, unseen epidemic sweeping our nation today.

>not being symptomatic of being his friend

BIG hook noses

Lamb or beef on the BBQ. 3 veg. 1/2 bottle of wine.

I'm a 6th generation Australian, OP chose to call himself white when he clearly isn't and got butthurt when called a chink or gook.

>Crumbed steak
Poor way to eat steak m8. Pleb as fuck.

>using the BBQ in winter
unnatural and degenerate as fuck.

Leave bruce alone

The gook OP is not just a gook he is a liar and a troll and also mentally unstable.

He is not fit to be the Aus/pol/ OP.

Tendies and salad.

Just glorified weeds. I haven't eaten anything green since 2006.

crumbed steak from the butchers is great m8.


I would have some chippies but I'm trying to lose weight, gotta keep dinner down to 600~ calories.


>Ms Neville said youth offending declined by about 18 per cent, but a small yet significant group of offenders remained

I wonder who the small yet significant group of offenders are?


Nothing, i'm currently detoxing from weed

I'm on day 8 and shit sucks, the cold sweats haven't worn off yet, still can't get a proper nights rest i fall asleep but wake up 3 hours later full of energy and can't fall back asleep until sunrise
Appetite just came back yesterday, I'll probably cook up a steak myself tonight

wtf cunt

You must have been using a lot m8.

BBQ is fine all year round in Australia, gook.

What up lads, saw the last article in the OP

I'm contemplating suicide, I've got a few opiods in my wallet so it won't hurt when I cut my writs open


this site attracts the mentally ill


No one else is gonna do the daily.

Winter is for hearty soups, stews and casseroles.

Only vagrants are outside on a dark winter night.

Don't kill yourself m8, thats the ultimate sin, Jesus will send you straight to hell and have the devil ream out your arse for eternity with his 20 inch thorned demon dong.

If Jesus cared about me he would forgive it.


You don't understand Jesus m8, sort yourself out.

Drumpf BTFO by Based Turnbull

Want to know how I know you're Chinese?

It's from a local butcher and made from proper cuts of meat, not your shitty McCain's frozen meals

Have the lamb m8

>telling real Aussies how to live

This isn't communist china cunt

>big dick
>also makes good food

What's your point?

That has not been established.

The OP is subverting the cause by attracting people to his threads and his cancerous discord.

He needs to be excised.

While all these meals are great in the winter, so is a BBQ'd T-Bone.

Symptomatic of a society that outright refuses to include betas and has lost it's morals, unknowing that betas have provided essential manpower since tribal times and the morals are what binds them to society
Idiots think this is a great eugenic effect but industrialised society collapses without the manpower of the working class
To compensate we are importing people from the third world to provide the manpower required

>To compensate we are importing people from the third world to provide the manpower required

What's even worse, these imported workers generally don't want to work and only leach of the system, they also cause crime and corruption.

>Hahaha we are controlled opposition losing on purpose lmfao at those stupid filthy goyim trying to escape

Gook usually means Koreans, sometimes also being used on Vietnamese, IMHO are even more disgusting than Chinks.

>tfw when
>I actually met Frank Walker from National Tiles the other day
>I greeted him and asked 'are you Frank Walker?'
>the mad man actually said

My life is complete lads

I use the word gook for all asians, it's just such a great sounding insult.

i don't have the time to reverse engineer the genetics of that poofter to find out if he's a fat chink or an average gook. he's a gook, that's that.

What a champion

yea i was going through 2-3g a day but then it went to about 1g before I quit but the weed was 10x more potent than the shit I was smoking previously

I regret this, some people can handle their weed and some can't
I can't.

Why tho? He's the one who made our lives shit
God's plan seems pretty horrible sometimes

Like what if you were born a quadriplegic?

And it exacerbates alienation as they watch the ungrateful and hostile third worlders be given priority over our own peoples

dumb frogposter

Just Chink It!

You should live simply to spite the jew, it infuriates them
Every breath is a victory

Have you become psychotic from it?

That's idolatry and denies free will

Geographic Flags need to be mandatory

I can't tell if OP is a fucking leaf or a fucking australian

oh wrong thread my bad

Unlucky mate
I force myself to take a break at least every month to make sure I don't build up too high a tolerance or end up like you right now
Mite b something to consider for the future

I don't think god is the reason there is suffering, I believe he set in motion the events that led up to the big bang and that he rarely, if ever intervenes in human affairs.

Hit the nail right on the head m8, this utterly saddens me when I see refugees and other assorted shitskins being given priority over Australians, absolutely sickening.

He's all powerful, why didn't the guy just make a nice world AND give us free will, sure some bad stuff would be caused by us

But what about all the Natural Evil? All the Tornadoes, forest fires, tsunamis, storms, diseases and famines?

Not to mention things like Zika and Malaria.
He seems to really hate kids.

"Leading up to the big bang" implies the existence of time prior to the big bang event. Time is not exterior to the big bang, it is interior.

Wouldn't he know the future though? Wouldn't he foresee what would happen?

Just face it. The chinese is the only one doing the work
This truly is aus/pol/

God doesn't exist in our universe though? he clearly existed before the universe began.