Ask a Mexican anything


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There was no towels in my hotel room, can you send some up

Do you actually think you're a human being?

you can go to the reception

I am white, so yes.

My male Mexican friend refuses to date Mexican women. He says is because they look totally hot when they're young, but always end up like ugly trolls by the time they hit their 40s. Your thoughts?

K thanks, this place is pretty good. Im gonna leave a review on yelp.

its true because mexican woman love to each too much like pigs.


not trip advisor.

Can you get in the kitchen and make me a damned taco already?

Will women there marry me for citizenship?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

I dont cook

If I do Trip Advisor Ill have to do Trivago as well, and then the review cycle will continue again. Im a recovering review addict, I need some grace in my short comings user.

Mexico is white.

Why when you guys are here illegally in America with access to American toilets do you continue to throw your shitty toilet paper in the trash can? Why can't you get it through your burrito shaped heads that our dumpers can handle your steamy brown loads and shitter paper at the same time?

have you travaled to mexico like all canadians?

>Why can't you get it through your burrito shaped heads that our dumpers can handle your steamy brown loads and shitter paper at the same time?

Because we do the same in Mexico, we throw the papers in bins.

have you fucked a cousin or uncle?

What do you think about El Chapo?

I didn't know that. I've been there several times and stayed in regular homes and hotels, been to restaurants and done tourism. Is this just in super poor places?

I think he is a bad hombre.

Do you have a sweet boi pucci?

in what cities?

All mexicans do that despite poor or rich

Veracuz, Orizaba, Mexico City, Merida, and Cancun. I don't recall seeing or smelling toilet paper in the trash can. Maybe they were on their best behavior around Americans.

Its a thing in south mexico only because the lack of proper sewage system.
So yes, only in the super poor places.

why do does mexican culture have so many kids, at young ages, when they cant afford them?

seems like perpetual cycle that keeps entire culture poor

Christian and Catholic culture.

Is your whole population just nothing but normies?
>jaja futbol y cheve y el antro gueeey
>abercombie gueeey

Also the "My kids will help me" mentality, which most actually do.
By the age of 12 most kids are already helping their parents with the house spending and by 20 they are fully paying for their expenses and helping the rest of the family.

But.. if that plan fails and your kids turn lazy then you get Oaxaca.

That graphic is bullshit. Mexico is a Mestizo majority country.

Are you Muslim or somehow related to Arabs? (maybe they were the first to colonise you?)
I ask because I see many Mexicans beheading people.

spain are arabs, so we are.

If you're white (which you're most likely not) would you consider yourself a white supremacist?

They are mainly castizos, and those spanish ancestors were moorish mixes.

Would you help us eliminate niggers from this planet?

no, only a spanish conquistador.

Yeah Ive been there once, you got a nice country Pablo

its the fault of yanks, slavery was good.
thanks you too. what city did you visit?

Damn, forgot about that. You should have stayed within the Habsburg Empire back then.
There'd be no drugs, no stealing, no slavery and you'd have a better economy.
Spanish culture is too lazy and laziness invites all kinds of evil into society.

How can your people be so stupid? How can they have pride for a country they flee! fucking shitskins you all smell like dusty car parts and lard, i hope we get blessed with a chance to turn your failed """""country""""" into a new disney park. maybe even hunt you for sport
pinches maricas

Well I agree with that.

Spain was at your level a few years ago. it could be worse, we could be portuguese rape babies.

Puerto Vallarta, was in the village itself. Some parts were a little shady but thats the usual in most cities with high tourism. Ever been here?

oh yes twice. puerto vallarta and nuevo vallarta master race.

Now change that image from $1 to $4.

Do you support the wall.

Is that the best pic you can find OP

I'm guessing it's a guy with boobs?


You may be right

Can you send me photo of your sister?

Why did the Mexican government stopped the narco cleansing by the civilians in 2014?

And here's the archive

Are you a Mexican?

Out of all the photoshopped pixels in that op and you couldn't round off the fucking man chin? Reconquista yourself, taco nigger.

are you a bot?

Do you miss Obama? 2.1 million deported; 100,000 children deported with no court and warehouse holding.

Because civilians used a law hole to be able to legally own military tier weapons(Anything over 9mm and 12g).
Also by law a civilian cant enforce law.

Also people there were violating the Article 17 of our Constitution.

Everyone has the right of a juice

What's the advantage of dating a Mexican over any other race?

¿Aún quieres que te devuelva el oro?

Funny how that doesnt stopped Cartels from arming themselves.
You broke my heart in 2014 Mexico

When are you going to mow my lawn?

How do I make horchata

Blame corruption and liberals.

>Gun law change proposed by senators to be able to carry weapons outside your house and in your work.
>Lol nope followed by 5 days nonstop of crying about muh human rights and the worth of someone life even if they are human trash

A state did change their laws so you could defend yourself tho, if someone threats you you can legally defend yourself even if it means to kill him.

6 north states are going to adopt the law soon, only 1 southeast state will.


NOW thats are some good fucking news right there.

Literally blend up rice and water, then let the mixture sit for a while, strain out the rice, add cinnamon and vanilla and sugar. It's how you make any "milk" like nut and seed milks.

You cant Burger, thats cultural appropriation

Our minister of defense is going crazy trying to go around humans rights to do stuff to defend our nation.

Just look at the poor guy, you know someone has seen some shit when you go from this:

To this.

HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOllly fuck thats some serious ageing right there

How many years? Staged portraits involve makeup, good cameras and lighting, and post-editing.

how come you guys all worship death and machosim, dont you realize thats the root cause of your countries suffering?

The first photo is from 2012, the second Nov-Dec 2016.

Stress does a lot of things to people.

Be as it might Im glad you at least have one person trying to fix the country.

4 years, aging is rapid when people are older and that rapid aging streak hits people at unique times, and the first photo was staged. I don't think those two photos are enough to conclude that anything unordinary occurred here.