How do Indians feel that they will never date a white goddess?

Just give up, it's over for you. I see thirsty Indians and Arabs all over white girls social media posts. They will never like you shitskins.

Yeah, but Indians have Aryan Goddesses like pic related, so who is the real winner?

You were saying, toiletshitter?


>mfw my bf is 6'3 with an 8 inch thicc dick and 6 figure stock portfolio

Sabine Singh's dad got cucked

That's precisely the reason American JEWED bluepilled bitches won't ever mate with an Indian over a bbc kang she's been conditioned to prefer.

I am Indian with a white wife and 2 kids. I know many other such couples. More and more white girls are getting Browned every day. Your desperation proves it.

This is an example of a low caste, semitic Indian. The ugliest of it's species.


You were saying?






Aryans came from India. You are all our rape babies.

I'm dating an Indian girl, and it's no secret that Indian girls can't stand Indian """"men."""" They're creepy, emotionally immature, and abusive. She gets plenty of the BWC and hasn't looked back since.

Tamils are black user

They're probably okay with it. They seem to prefer a 8 armed goddess.

Sorry sweetie but white women prefer Indians and Middle Easterners over white nationalists

Fuck off fatass

Aryans conquered India sweetie

poo in the loo spotted

severe cognitive dissonance.

did amazons come from south america too?

how about you actually understand the meaning of "aryan" before sperging out, you fucking currynigger

They're also Indian. Pretty convenient.

>Aryans settled the Iranian plateau and conquered India
>Iranians and High caste Indians are therefore the offspring of these Aryans

The fuck are you tho?

>Dumping white girls for Indian girls


Where all the Pajeets gone???

>implying he could get either

Indian white kids actually look decent

As long as they are Hindu not Muslim they turn out okay

Why in the hell would ((you)) even ask this? Indian men like indian women like they should. There's over 1 billion people in India. The few beta cucks you see on Facebook in no way represent the majority. I used to live in frisco Texas and northern plano(right below it) had a fuck load of indians. I literally never saw one date outside their race. I wish the white race had the same loyalty but ((you)) have brainwashed our women

I am brown, and I have a white gf. But I wont wife her. Whites are just ashamed albino descendents. Albinism. A disease.

Looks like a nig with straight hair

custom flags. all pajeets are ashamed of their homeland

White women do not belong to niggers or Arabs desu.

youre intensely retarded


-Smell like shit
-Smallest dicks in the world
-No idea how to talk to women
-Shitty accent that nobody finds attractive

Is it any wonder that South Asian women are so desperate to fuck outside their race?

Race traitor reporting in. White women are trash, Indian women are the real goddesses.

>South Asian women are so desperate to fuck outside their race

cross Asian, put White.

Only if you're ugly.